Featuring a diverse cast, Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical masterpiece, Evita, charts the young and ambitious Eva Peron’s meteoric rise to sainthood. This musical follows Eva Duarte on her journey from poor illegitimate child to ambitious actress to, as wife of military leader-turned-president Juan Peron, the most powerful woman in Latin America, before her untimely death from cancer at age 33. Well-known numbers include “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina,” “Oh What a Circus,” “Buenos Aires” and “Another Suitcase in Another Hall.”
What does Evita have to do with Lancaster’s history? Find out by joining LancasterHistory for Thirsty for History Thursday at the Fulton Theatre on Thursday, September 26! Before curtain on the second Thursday of each major Fulton production, LancasterHistory will make the connection between each play and local history.
To enjoy a fantastic performance and an entertaining historical social hour, purchase your tickets by calling the Fulton Theatre at 717-397-7425. If you are member of LancasterHistory, mention your membership to receive a 10% discount. (Members must call to receive the discount.) A wine and cheese reception begins at 6:30pm on Thursday, September 26, followed by a presentation by Dr. Tom Ryan at 6:45pm. The main performance will begin at 7:30pm.
Photo Credits: The Fulton Theatre