Museums for All

Museums for All logoLancasterHistory accepts valid SNAP EBT (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Electronic Benefit Transfer) cards or WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) cards and a valid form of ID for free or reduced admission to our facilities as part of our participation in the Museums for All program.

To receive this benefit, visitors must present their EBT or WIC card and a valid form of ID upon check-in at LancasterHistory. LancasterHistory’s reduced rate for Museums for All is available during normal operating hours for up to four (4) individuals per EBT or WIC card, one of whom must be an adult 18 years or older. For more details, please consult the additional Terms and Conditions below.

LancasterHistory’s Museums for All Rates

  • $3 per Adult 18 years or older
  • FREE for Children 17 and under

Terms and Conditions

  • Valid during regular hours of operation for General Admission, Special Subject Tours of Wheatland, Living History Tours of Wheatland, and/or Museum Exhibition Admission.
  • Not valid for Yuletide at Wheatland or other special, ticketed events.
  • Does not apply to group rates.
  • Can not be used in conjunction with other rates or discounts.
  • SNAP EBT cards and WIC cards from other states are accepted.

For additional visitor information or to search a list of other participating museums in Museums for All, please visit the Museums for All website.

What Is Museums for All?

Museums for All is a national, branded access program that encourages individuals of all backgrounds to visit museums regularly and build lifelong museum habits. It is open to participation by any type of museum and today has over 1,300 participating museums as part of the program. Museums for All is an initiative of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), a federal agency based in Washington, D.C.

LancasterHistory believes that everyone should be able to access, enjoy, and learn at museums. We want everyone, regardless of economic status, to feel welcome at our facilities. LancasterHistory cares deeply about the health and well-being of its visitors and will not tolerate discriminatory behavior that perpetuates stigma. Those found engaging in discriminatory behavior demeaning to others will be asked to leave the property and will not receive a refund for any purchases.