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Below is a list of history-oriented organizations in Lancaster County. LancasterHistory will do its best to make sure all information below is correct and up-to-date. Despite our efforts, some information may be incorrect or may be out of date. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you are a staff member or authorized representative of an organization that is not included in the list below and you would like to be, please do not hesitate to contact us at to be added to this list. If your listing needs to be updated or have an error corrected, please also reach out to us at Thank you!
Listings below may contain URLs to other organizations’ or institutions’ websites or other third-party URLs. These URLs are provided for informational purposes only. LancasterHistory is not responsible for those URLs, the content found on those webpages being linked to, or those website’s privacy policies and policies on collecting data.
The oldest still-standing European dwelling place in what is now Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and the oldest still-standing Mennonite meeting house in the Western Hemisphere.
(717) 464-4438
Collects, analyzes, interprets, and preserves essential facts and materials related to the life of African Americans in historic and contemporary communities in South Central Pennsylvania.
Phone: (717) 842-0350
A program of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Learn more about local African history and the Underground Railroad through artifacts and an interactive spiritual experience.
(717) 393-8379
The Oldest existing structure built for Methodist use in Pennsylvania.
(717) 872-4133
The Christiana Historical Society, formed and chartered in 2000, exists to promote and preserve the historic context of our community.
(610) 593-5199
Society dedicated to discovering, gathering, and preserving materials and data relative to the heritage of the community known as the Cocalico Valley. The Cocalico Valley is defined as the Townships of East & West Cocalico, Clay, Ephrata, West Earl and a portion of Earl. This includes the Boroughs of Akron, Adamstown, Denver & Ephrata, Pennsylvania.
(717) 733-1616
Serving the Penn Manor Area: Conestoga, Manor, Martic, Pequea Townships and Millersville Burough.
(717) 872-1699
The Conestoga Area Historical Society
Displays the work of Charles Demuth, maintins his home as a museum and art gallery, and preserves the adjacent 18th century buildilngs that belonged to the Demuth family for five generations.
(717) 299-9940
Promotes the collection and preservation of the history of the Scots-Irish who founded the Donegal Presbyterian Church.
(717) 653-1352
The Donegal Society
The purpose of the society is to preserve memorabilia from East Petersburg's past and to make it available for the education of residents of the community.
(717) 664-3808
The Lancaster Medical Heritage Museum, previously the Edward Hand Medical Heritage Foundation, was founded in 1982 with a mission to preserve and make accessible the rich heritage of the healing arts, with special attention given to Lancaster County.
With this mission in mind, the Lancaster Medical Heritage Museum opened in Burle Industrial Park in 2010 to display and share the collection of over 11,000 artifacts. The museum has become a place to share Lancaster county’s rich medical history, as well as, providing a home base for medical and historical research through its internship program.
410 N. Lime Street
Lancaster, PA 17602
(717) 544-8938
To promote and share an understanding of the history of the Elizabethtown area through our collection of documents, photos and artifacts.
One of America's earliest religious communities, the Ephrata Cloister was founded in 1732. The National Historic Landmark is open for tours, special programs, and ongoing research opportunities.
(717) 733-6600
Founded in 1863 as the Historical Society of the German Reformed Church, the Evangelical and Reformed Historical Society was formed in 1934 when the Reformed Church in the United States merged with the Evangelical Synod of North America.
(717) 290-8734
One of the few banks still preserved in its original setting in the United States, and one of the most signifigant historic sites in Columbia.
(717) 684-8864
Organizes, preserves, and promotes the visual and written record of the college and the digital and special collections of the library.
(717) 358-4225
Birthplace of Prof. Samuel Steman Haldeman. The architecture is vernacular German combined with Federal elements.
(717) 426-3794
A state and federally registered non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and prtoecting Lancaster County's historic and architectural character through education, advocacy, and direct action.
(717) 291-5861
The preserved 18th-century home of General Edward Hand who served as Adjutant General to George Washington during the American Revolution.
(717) 392-7223
Website: Historic Rock Ford
An outgrowth of a committee which gathered information for the writing and publication of The History of Salisbury Township.
The Lancaster County Archives preserves historical government records since the County's formation in 1729.
Phone: (717) 299-8319
Address: 150 North Queen Street, Basement Level, Lancaster, PA 17603
The LCDP is a county-wide consortium of cultural institutions interested in digitizing Lancaster county newspaper and manuscript collections.
Preserves and interprets the culture and context of Mennonite-related faith communities connected to Lancaster County.
(717) 393-9745
More Contact Information:
A living history village and farm that collects, preserves, and interprets the history and material culture of the Pennsylvania German rural community from 1740 to 1940.
(717) 569-0401
A federated system with 14 member libraries, three branches, and a bookmobile, which serves over 500,000 residents.
(717) 207-0500
A non-profit organiation which includes the Lititz Museum and the Johannes Mueller house.
(717) 627-4636
The mission of the Manheim Historical Society is to collect, examine, interpret, and catalog the documents and artifacts of the town of Manheim and Penn and Rapho Townships. In doing so, the Society will engage and educate the public on the people, places, and events that helped to shape and create the heritage and history of Manheim and its surrounding areas.
(717) 665-7989
Website: Manheim Historical Society
Located inside the Old Town Hall and displays artifacts and memorabilia from early Marietta, such as the first Marietta fire engine from 1840.
Features a remarkably preserved water-powered grain mill and adjacent 1855 miller's house, home to three generations of Resslers.
(717) 656-7616
Dedicated to collecting artifacts, and amassing, sharing, and recording data pertaining to the history of Maiytown and East Donegal Township.
(717) 426-1526
The Millersville Area Historical Society (MAHS) was formed in 2004 and meets on the second Saturday of every month in the borough administration building at 100 Municipal Drive. Meetings commence at 9am. Meetings consist of a speaker on a topic of local interest followed by an often lively Q & A. All meetings are open free to the public. MAHS is supported by dues and donations.
Phone: (717) 872-8837
Contact Phil Gerber, President, at for more information.
A regional repository for historic documents and records in four areas: the University Archives, the Manuscript Collection, the Local History and Culture Collection and the Rare Book Collection.
(717) 871-7134
MU Archives & Special Collections
Chartered to assure the future of historical records and artifacts in the Mount Joy area.
Specializes in reference serves and covers all aspects of horology. This collection features more than 30,000 books ranging from over 450 years old to contempoary materials.
(717) 684-8261
Library & Research Center
Collection features models from the 1800s to the present. Research library includes 1,500 research books, instruction books, repair guides, and parts lists.
(717) 687-8976
Houses hundreds of musical instruments form 1620 to present day, as well as photographs from the 1800s, original unifroms, music, and equipment. Visits made by appointment.
(717) 355-5096
New Holland Band Museum
Gathers, organizes, and preserves information and artifacts that give insight to understanding the life and times of the New Holland area.
Inspires curiosity, discovery, and a lifelong appreciation of nature, science, and cultures through educational exhibits, collections, and programs.
(717) 358-3941
Houses one of the most significant collections of historic railroad artifacts in the world. Devoted to preserving and interpreting the broad impact of railroad development on society.
(717) 687-8628
Celebrates local history in Southern Lancaster County, from pre-Colonial to 20th Century. Located at the Robert Fulton birthplace.
(717) 548-2679
Preserves, collects, and interprets the history of Strasburg. Invenotry includes postcards, pictures, furniture, artifacts, documents, and three historic buildings.
Susquehanna National Heritage Area is a non-profit organization and Congressionally-designated coordinating entity for America’s 55th National Heritage Area. They collaborate with local, state and national partners to advance our vision for the Susquehanna National Heritage Area as a national destination for outdoor fun and cultural discovery. Their work focuses on placemaking that enhances the quality and appeal of our area’s special places and landscapes and tourism development that increases the visibility and readiness of our area as a visitor destination. They are part of the Alliance of National Heritage Areas and HeritagePA, Pennsylvania’s statewide Heritage Area network.
Zimmerman Center for Heritage
1706 Long Level Road
Wrightsville, PA 17368
(717) 252-0229
Columbia Crossing River Trails Center
41 Walnut Street
Columbia, PA 17512
(717) 449-5607
Seeks to preserve local history by engaging community support, developing educational experiences, and acquiring artifacts, texts, and documents of historical value.
(717) 367-4672
An integral part of the academic life at Elizabethtown College. Its mission is to foster and promote the scholarly study of Anabaptist and Pietist groups.
(717) 361-1470
Young Center