Civil War Living History Encampment [Sunday, Oct. 13]

Civil War Living History Encampment [Sunday, Oct. 13]

On Saturday and Sunday, October 12 and 13, the Civil War Living History Encampment will return to LancasterHistory’s Campus of History. Civil War reenactors from across the region will set up a Federal (Union) camp, educational displays, and more to recreate Civil War-era Lancaster and the pressures of protecting the former U.S. President James Buchanan and his home. Soldier and civilian tents will dot the Campus of History grounds where visitors will be able to view military drills, chat with the soldiers, and attend various educational programs for free throughout the weekend.

The Civil War Living History Encampment takes place on Saturday, October 12 from 9am – 5pm (except the Lantern Tours from 6-8pm) and Sunday, October 13 from 10am – 4pm at LancasterHistory, 230 North President Avenue, Lancaster, PA. The Encampment is free and open to the public. Parking available on-site, but carpooling is encouraged if applicable.

Additional questions about the Encampment can be directed to

Family-Friendly Outdoor

October 13, 2019 230 North President Avenue, Lancaster, PA 10am - 4pm FREE