Lancaster County Society of Farm Women of Pennsylvania, 1917 – 2004
Please see the Collections Database for more information
Call Number: MG0711
3 boxes 23 folders/binders, 80 items, 3168 pages 1.5 cubic feet
Repository: LancasterHistory (Organization)
Shelving Location: Archives South, Side15
Scope and Content Note: This collection contains the Board Minutes for the Lancaster County Society of Farm Women from 1922 to 2004. These minutes include roll calls, treasurer reports, entertainment schedules and activity reports. Minutes from 1922 through 1971 are contained in leather bound books. The following years are in three-prong pocket folders or three-ring binders. This allowed for additional items to be put in with the minutes such as Thank-you cards, newspaper articles of events they sponsored and hand-written notes. By the 1990’s the minutes are more sporadic, only a few or one from each year. There are programs from the annual convention of the County Society starting with the 13th convention in 1929 through the 60th convention in 1977. The following years are missing: 1934; 1943-1944; 1949-1954; 1957-1958; 1961-1962; 1965-1971. Some of the minutes also contain a copy of these programs. Later years and some of these missing programs may be found in the minutes themselves. There are four typed up documents that comprise the history of the Society that were drafted between 1929 through 1982. This includes a summary of the past years written in what they call a “skit.” The final years also contain documentation regarding the duties of the officers of the society-elected board members.
Creator: Lancaster County Society of Farm Women.