Strasburg Pharmacy Records, 1848-1949
Call Number: MG-282
1 box 5 folders, 1 volume .5 cubic ft.
Repository: (Lancaster, Pa.)
Shelving Location: Archives South, Side 8
Description: In this collection, dating from 1848-1949, are receipt, prescription, price and account books for a pharmacy in Strasburg, Pennsylvania along with a folder of related papers.
Creators: Keneagy, Samuel, Dr.; Weaver, W. J.; Weaver, J. G.
Conditions for Access: No restrictions.
Conditions Governing Reproductions: Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.
Language: English
Source of Acquisition: Gift of Dr. Kaye Pollock, May 2001.
Administrative/Biographical History: It appears the pharmacy was first operated by Dr. Samuel Keneagy. The name Keneagy & Brothers was also used. W. J. Weaver and J. G. Weaver followed and the pharmacy is also referred to as Weaver’s Drug Store.
Related Materials: MG-211 Bucher-Ortmann Pharmacy Collection
Folder 1 Pharmacy Receipt Book, Poison Register and Recipes. This is an embossed leatherbound volume. 6″ x 7″
Samuel Keneagy’s Receipt Book, 1848-1882, with tied-in records through 1943. Contains three parts:
1. Receipts for purchases of Dr. Samuel Keneagy, 1848-1849.
2. Register naming persons who bought morphia strychnia, arsenic, prussic acid or corrosive sublimate annotated for killing vermin and varmints, apparently from Samuel Keneagy from 1860 to 1882. W. D. Chandler’s signature appears in 1882, J. G. Weaver’s in 1883, C. E. Martin’s in 1895 and W. J. Weaver’s in 1896 through 1943.
3. Recipes for curing animal diseases.
Between the first and second sections were two ads for cod liver oil and other extracts and emulsions; one is incomplete.
Folder 2 Prescription Book of W. J. Weaver. This is a 7″ x 12″ volume labeled ” Prescription Book May 13, 1851 W. J. Weaver,” with a variety of entries from front and back:
1. Receipts for pharmacy products left by agents to be paid by Keneagy Bros. when sold or returned. 1851-1855.
2. Invoice to J. D. Weaver for cattle and horse powders. Pasted into volume. 23 November 1908.
3. Handscribed and pasted-in recipes for liniments, oils and potions for people, animals and insects, some with name of the formulator.
4. Two handscribed prescriptions were between unused pages in the volume.
Folder 3 Pharmacy Price Book. This undated 7″ x 12″ book contains:
1. Miscellaneous annotations on the flyleaves and first few pages.
2. Prices of glassware followed by an alphabetical listing of pharmacy items with their prices.
Folder 4 Five papers from the front of the Pharmacy Account Book. one is a note to Mr. Chandler. The others are lists of pharmacy items, some with names. No dates.
Folder 5 In this folder are invoices, receipts, prescriptions, customer orders, recipes, and advertisements related to operation of the pharmacy through the years.
Insert 1 Invoices, receipts, notices of shipment
From Aryndel Corp. to Keneagy & Bro. for shipment on PRR car 335227. No date.
From Smith & Alkinson to Keneagy & Bro. for Horseman’s Hope and American Worm Killer. 29 November 1851, 31 May 1852, 11 February 1853, 11 March 1854.
From Adams Express Co. to Keneagy & Bro. for freight charges for one box. 18 November 1854.
From M. M. Rohrer to Keneagy & Bro. for Cooper’s Medicine. 2 August 1852.
From Adams & Co. to Keneagy & Bro. for freight and express. 7 June 1852.
From James C. Ayer to Keneagy & Bro. for Cherry Pectoral. 9 August 1852.
From C. P. [Henes] for Cooper’s Medicines. 27 July 1852.
From J. C. Ayer for Cherry Pectoral. 27 May 1853.
From Smith Kline & French Co. to J. G. Weaver for Egg Producer with handscribed notes on reverse. 14 November 1889.
From Darmstaetter’s to W. J. Weaver for developing photographs. 24 July 1920.
From United Drug Co. to Weaver’s Drug Store for medicines, soap, and glassware. 27 August 1935.
From Fred Homsher to W. J. Weaver for water rent. No date.
Insert 2 Prescriptions and customer orders
Two From A. H. Braecklein, M.D. No date.
From Clyde H. Cooper, pharmacist. Prescriptions for Marion Cramer and Chester Shissler. No date.
From Wilbur B. Goodyear, pharmacist. Prescription for W. J. Weaver. 18 March 1949.
Customer order from Harry J. Lefever for list of vegetable seeds. No date.
Customer order from Amos Ranck for list of medicines and spices. No date.
Customer order from R. W. Hewett, veterinarian in Camden, New Jersey, for unnamed product. Handscribed notes on reverse. 30 June 1911. (document is torn)
Insert 3 Advertising blotters
Wampole’s Creo-Terpin
Dr. Naylor Products
Mitchell Optical Co.
Star Printing House
Insert 4 Recipes
Nine handscribed recipes for medications/cures-two are untitled, all are undated.
Two for tobacco.
Cabbage and cauliflower.
Chickens-range paralysis.
Calf scars.
Poison ivy.
Insert 5 Published recipes and measures
Six printed recipes and a table of measures, all undated.
Formaldehyde ointment for warts.
Chloromycetin for animals.
Vanilla extract from beans.
Liquor ferri et ammoni, nitratis & subsulphatis (no use given)
Keeping poultry free from lice.
Disinfecting seed potatoes and ridding lawns of earthworms.
Insert 6 Rexall Magazine, Vol. 9, no. 1, July 1920-Do Not Use Original
Sixteen page edition containing drug and other items with an stamp of Weaver’s Drug Store. (poor condition, please use photocopy)
Pharmacy Account Book
This is a 12″ x 16″ leatherbound volume containing accounts of the Strasburg Pharmacy. 1 January 1883-27 January 1890.