The Journal of Lancaster County’s Historical Society
The Journal of Lancaster County’s Historical Society (JLCHS) is published tri-annually by the publications committee of LancasterHistory. Articles, both academic and non-academic, pertaining to any aspect of Lancaster County history are actively solicited. For a submission guide, or to discuss a project, please contact Michael Abel, Editor-in-Chief, at Manuscripts may also be sent directly to Mr. Abel to review. Any mail to Mr. Abel may be addressed to: The Journal, Attn: Michael Abel, 230 North President Avenue, Lancaster, PA, 17603. A subscription to the Journal is a benefit of membership to LancasterHistory.
How To Search The Journal
At this time, a full-text version of the Journal is not available online. However, each article has been cataloged in our collections database. Bound copies are also available in-house in our Research Library. It is also possible to order copies of individual articles.
Selected Articles from The Journal
A brief selection of articles from The Journal are currently available to view on our website.
Purchase The Journal
We have a limited amount of copies of The Journal available for purchase online through our online Museum Store. Issues are generally newer, within the last few years.