Campus of History Cheer

Campus of History Cheer


On Saturday, December 3 from 5-7pm, visit LancasterHistory for Campus of History Cheer! Stroll through LancasterHistory’s grounds—the Campus of History—and enjoy luminaries* and holiday lights. Plus, grab a cup of hot cocoa and listen to the festive sounds of carolers, including local groups the Red Rose Chorus, Music for Everyone’s Community Choir, and trio Abigail’s Garden. Family-friendly, first-floor tours of Wheatland will also be available. Campus of History Cheer is suitable for all ages, and created with our youngest friends in mind!

A map of the Campus of History with various spots indicated for the event. Map will be in a program that will be given to attendees.
A map of the Campus of History with various spots indicated for the event. Map will be in a program that will be given to attendees.

Campus of History Cheer will take place on Saturday, December 3 from 5-7pm at LancasterHistory. This is a ticketed event, and ticket holders are entitled to access to the event, a complimentary cup of hot cocoa, and a first-floor tour of Wheatland. Tickets are $8/LancasterHistory Members, $17/Adults (14+), $8/Children (6-13), and FREE**/Small Children (5 & Under). A Family Pass (2 Adult and 2 Child tickets for $40, a savings of $10) is also available. To purchase the Family Pass, please call (717) 392-4633 to purchase over the phone or use promo code 22CHEER at checkout to receive the discount online. (Valid 10/1/22 – 12/3/22) Tickets may be purchased online or by calling (717) 392-4633. Tickets will also be available at the door.

*Luminary lighting weather permitting.
** Small Children are free with the purchase of an Adult ticket.

Thank You to Our Holiday Sponsors

Sponsors include: PennStone, Charles F. Synder Funeral Home & Crematory, Trout CPA, Brite & Co, and Wegmans.

Family-Friendly Holiday In-Person Event Outdoor Tour

December 3, 2022 LancasterHistory, 230 N. President Ave., Lancaster 5 - 7pm $8/LH Member | $17/Adult (14+) | $8 Child (6-13) | FREE/Small Child (5 & Under)