Associations and Institutions Collection

Object ID: MG0075

2 framed documents     1 cubic ft.

Repository: LancasterHistory (Organization)

Shelving Location: Archives North, Side 11

Description: This collection contains documents from associations and institutions in Lancaster County. Two framed documents represent the Lancaster County Law Enforcement Officers Association and The Friendly Survivors of 25.

Creator: LancasterHistory (Organization)

Conditions for Access: No restrictions.

Conditions Governing Reproductions: Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language: English

Source of Acquisition: Source specified at the item level.


Framed Documents

Location: Archives North, Side 11, Section 2, top shelf

Articles of Incorporation for Lancaster County Law Enforcement Officers Association. 28 August 1959. Gift of Thomas F. Weiss, 2 May 2007.


Location: Archives North, Side 11, Section 2, top shelf

Resolutions of The Friendly Survivors of 25 regarding Charles Waitz, member, deceased. Written by C. R. Frailey. Committee: E. E. Humphreyville, William F. Fisher, Jacob Stumpf. Gift of Evelyn Dunn, 11 November 2008.