Blueprints and Architectural Drawings: Hubley Manufacturing Co., Rock Ford, Buch-Hoffman Co., Fulton Hall, Riverview Terrace Improvement Co.

Repository: (Lancaster, Pa.)

Shelving Location:  Archives West 2, Flat Files

Description:  This collection contains blueprints and architectural drawings for buildings in Lancaster City and throughout the county. Many different structures are represented, such as schools, churches, offices, a restaurant, apartments and condominiums. Most plans are for new buildings, while others are for renovations or additions.

Creators:  The blueprints and drawings were created by the architects listed at the item level. There were collected by: Lancaster Historic Preservation Trust (Pa.); Lancaster County Historical Society (Pa.) and (Lancaster, Pa.).

Conditions for Access:  Patrons must make an appointment with the Director of Archival Services at least two weeks prior to visit.

Conditions Governing Reproductions:  Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language:  English

Source of Acquisition:   Many of the blueprints and architectural drawings in this collection were transferred from the Historic Preservation Trust. Source of some plans is noted at the item level.

Note:  Some folders contain more than one set of plans, so the folder number may appear more than once in the finding aid.


 Folder 26  The Hubley MFG., CO. Iron Toys. Lancaster, PA.

3D Elevation, First Floor Plan. Scale: 1’’=50’. Surveyed by A.R. Ramsdell. Drawn by T.A. Copenhafer & J.C. Fletcher. Revised 13 September 1909. Serial # 2485. Index # 1727.

3D Elevation, First Floor Plan. Scale: 1’’=50’. Drawn by J.C. Fletcher & J.C. Rieg. Revised 8 July 1915 by J.C. Rieg. Serial # 3895. Index # 1727.

First Floor Plan. Scale: 1’’=40’. Designation. Key. Done by the American Appraisal Co. Milwaukee, WI. 20,893-A-1. TR by J.W.C. LET by J.W.C. Sheet 1. December 1924.


Folder 26  Rock Ford Lancaster County Pennsylvania. Lancaster Branch Central Pennsylvania Chapter American Institute of Architects.

North Elevation, Front Entrance Detail, Profile.

Exterior Details, Interior Details, Profiles. Profiles: Baseboard, Main House Cornice, “6”, “7”, “8”, Chair Rail, Shutter Stay. Interior Details: Interior Doors, Interior Shutters North East Room, Interior – Second Floor Windows, ½ Interior ½ Exterior First Floor Windows. “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”.

West Elevation, Rear Entrance Detail, Bird Box Detail.

South & East Elevations, Floor Plans. South Elevation, East Elevation, First Floor, Basement, Second Floor, Third Floor.

N.W. & S.W. Rooms First Floor, Details and Profiles. Elevation Southwest Room, Elevation Northwest Room. Details “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”.

Stair Details, Profiles. 1-1, 2-2, 3-3.

South Wall Northwest Room Second Floor. Elevation. Details 1,2,3,4,5.

North Wall Southwest Room Second Floor. Elevation. Details “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”.

North East Room, South East Room Second Floor. Elevation. Details “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”.

South Wall North East Room First Floor. Elevation. Details “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”.

North Wall South East Room First Floor. Elevation. Details “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”.

Spring House, Root Cellar, Key Plan. Spring House: Plan, Window Detail, Section 1-1, West Elevation, North Elevation. Root Cellar: East Elevation, Plan, West Elevation, Profile One Half of Arch, North Elevation.


Folder 27  Rock Ford for the Rock Ford Foundation. Lancaster, PA. Gerald R. Watland Consulting Architect. 329 East 56th St. New York, NY. Henry Y. Shaub Supervising Architect. Lancaster, PA. Harold D. Warfel. Associate. File No. 5810.

Foundation Draining & Waterproofing. Foundation Drainage. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Waterproofing. Scale: 3/8’’=One Foot. Drawing No. 3. 8 October 1958.

Detail, Basement Floor Construction. Drawing No. 5.

Detail, First Floor Window. Sect. “1”, Sect. “2”, Sect. “3”, Sect. “4”, Sect. “5”. Drawing No. 6. January 1959.

Miscellaneous Details. Cabinets Food Stor. Rm, Elevation, Sect. “1”, Sect. “2”, Sect. “3”, Sect. “4”, Sect. “5”,Toilet Rm. Doors, Wood Base. Boiler Rm. Kal. Dr. Scale: 3’’=One Foot. Drawing No. 7. 3 August 1959.

Bath Room Floor 3rd Floor. Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot. Set. 1. Drawing by Fiester.

Generals Bedroom (NW Bedroom). Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot. Dining Room, NE Parlor & First Floor. Mantel. Section A-A.

Sewage Disposal. Scale: 1’’=20’.

Porch Framing Plan. Porch Framing Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Drawn by G.R.W.W.

Cellar Plan. Cellar Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Drawn by G.R.W.W. Sheet Number 1.

First Floor Plan. First Floor Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Drawn by G.R.W.W. Sheet Number 2.

Third Floor Plan. Third Floor Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Drawn by G.R.W.W. Sheet Number 3.

North Elevation. North Elevation. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Drawn by G.R.W.W. Sheet Number 4.

South Elevation. South Elevation. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Drawn by G.R.W.W. Sheet Number 5.

West Elevation. West Elevation. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Drawn by G.R.W.W. Sheet Number 6.

East Elevation. East Elevation. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Drawn by G.R.W.W. Sheet Number 7.

Entrance Step Details. Elevation. Plan. Section. Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot. Drawn by G.R.W.W. Sheet Number 8. 30 July 1959.

Areaway Details. Plan, Section. Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot. Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot. Drawn by G.R.W.W. Sheet Number 9. 31 July 1959.

Cellar Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot.

Fence Details. Fence Layout. Scale: 1’’=40’. F.S. Picket, Roadside Elevation Type ”C” Picket Fence, Type “B” Rail fence, Type “A” Guardrail, Section, Section, Interior Sect. Scale: 1’’=One Foot. Gerald R. Watland. 28 July 1959.

Location and Layout Plan. Scale: 1’’=20’. George L. Fiester. 23 April 1960.


Folder 28  Empty folder


Folder 29  Buch-Hoffman Company. Elizabethtown, PA. Lancaster Co.

Plan of the Buch-Hoffman Company Tract of Land. Scale: 1’’=100’. Surveyed by H.K. Ober. August 1909.

Plan of the Buch-Hoffman Company Tract of Land Situated in Boro. Of Elizabethtown, Lancaster County, PA. Revised February 1926 Over Plan made by H.K. Ober August 1909. Henry H. Koser. Reg. Surveyor. Landisville, PA.

Draft of a Block of Lots Situated in the Boro. Of Elizabethtown, Lancaster County, PA. As Laid Out by J. Harvey. Buch. May 1926. Revised April 1937. Scale: 1’’=50’. Henry H. Koser. Reg. Surveyor. Landisville, PA.


Folder 30  Fulton Hall. Samuel Sloan. Architect. 154 Walnut St. Philadelphia. 1852.

Notes on the Fulton Hall Floor Plans


Third Story, Forth Story. Scale: 8 feet to the inch.

 First Story, Second Story, Transversal Section. 8 feet to the inch.

Third Story, Forth Story. Scale: 8 feet to the inch. (copy)

Column Details. Handwritten Notes.

Window Details. Handwritten Notes.

Outside Elevation of Third Story Windows, Inside Elevation of Third Story Windows, Transom of Third Story Window. Sash, Sill.

Detail Drawings of an Old Doorway. Part of Interior, Rough Sill, Brick, Second Story Window Sill and Bottom Sash.


Folder 31  Marietta Township, Lancaster County, PA. Henry H. Koser.

Draft of Riverview Terrace Improvement Co. Scale: 100 Feet to an Inch. Miller & Koser Surveyors Conveyancers. Landisville, PA.

Property Plan of Riverview Farms. Scale: 1’’=100’. 22 March 1920.

Draft of Hiestand’s Addition. Scale: 1’’=50’. 1929. Henry H. Koser. R.S. Landisville, PA.