Blueprints and Architectural Drawings: Lancaster Newspapers, 122 East King Street, Cross-Town Apartments, County Courthouse, Raub Supply Company, WDDL

Repository: (Lancaster, Pa.)

Shelving Location:  Archives West 2, Flat Files

Description:  This collection contains blueprints and architectural drawings for buildings in Lancaster City and throughout the county. Many different structures are represented, such as schools, churches, offices, a restaurant, apartments and condominiums. Most plans are for new buildings, while others are for renovations or additions.

Creators:  The blueprints and drawings were created by the architects listed at the item level. There were collected by: Lancaster Historic Preservation Trust (Pa.); Lancaster County Historical Society (Pa.) and (Lancaster, Pa.).

Conditions for Access:  Patrons must make an appointment with the Director of Archival Services at least two weeks prior to visit.

Conditions Governing Reproductions:  Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language:  English

Source of Acquisition:   Many of the blueprints and architectural drawings in this collection were transferred from the Historic Preservation Trust. Source of some plans is noted at the item level.

Note:  Some folders contain more than one set of plans, so the folder number may appear more than once in the finding aid.

Folder 8  Restoration and Renovation to Superficial Facades for Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. Lancaster, PA. The Office of David H. Lynch. AIA. Architects. Lancaster, PA. No. 7280.

Harold’s. 4-6 W. King St. Detail “1”, Detail “2”, Detail “3.” Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Legend. A-1.

Lancaster New Era, Intelligencer Journal, Sunday News. 8 W. King St. Detail “1”, Detail “2.” Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Legend. A-2.

Get Ready To Ski.12-14 W. King St. Detail “1”, Detail “2”, Detail “3”, Detail “4.” Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Legend. A-3.

Kirk Johnson & Co. 16 W. King St. Detail “1”, Detail “2”, Detail “3”, Detail “4,” Detail “5”, Detail “6.” Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Legend. A-4.

Forrest Bake Shop. 20-22 W. King St. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Legend. A-5.

24 W. King St. Detail “1”, Detail “2”, Typical Window. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Legend. A-6

Goodwill Industries. 26-28 W. King St. Detail “1”, Detail “2”, Detail “3”, Detail “4”, Lobby. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Legend. A-7.

Shenk Bros. 30-32. W. King St. Detail “1”, Detail “2”, Detail “3”, Detail “4.” Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Legend. A-8.

WGAL 1490 KC. 24 S. Queen St. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Legend. A-9.

West King Street Composite. Queen St. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Legend. C-1.

New Limestone Coping Cap for 26-28 West King St. Sect Thru Limestone Cap. Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot. Plan of Limestone Cap. No Scale. SK-1. 26 June 1978.


Folder 8   Additions & Alterations at 122 E. King St. for Harold A. Horn. Lancaster, PA. Harold P. Warfel. Registered Architect. 235 N. Duke St. Buckwalter Construction Co. Inc. Drawn by CMH.

Basement, First Floor, Second Floor. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Drawing 1. 5 June 1978. Revised 4 August 1978.

Elevations and Details. North (Front) Elevation, Partial West Elevation. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Roof Plan. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Section A/2. Scale: 1’’=One Foot. Elevation “A”, Elevation “B”, Elevation “C.” Drawing 2. 12 June 1978.

Schedules. Room Finish Schedule, Door Schedule. Floor Conditions. Section B3. Drawing 3. 28 June 1978.

Front Elevation. Scale: 3/8’’=One Foot. William F. Landis. Registered Architect. Bird-In-Hand, PA. R.D. 1 Box Number 498. 17505.


Folder 9  Cross-Town Apartments for Developer/Sponsor Housing Development Corporation of Lancaster County. 8 North Queen Street Lancaster, PA. Treby, Howard, Phillips. Architects-Planners. 4347 Hamilton Boulevard. Allentown, PA. 18103. Issued 17 February 1984.

Cover Sheet. List of Drawings. 222 West Vine Street, Property No.1, 226 West Vine Street, Property No. 2. 224 Lime Street, Property No. 3. 728 Columbia Avenue, Property No. 4. Location Plan. No Scale. CS-1. Drawn By RT. 3 February 1984.

Property Survey for Housing Development Corporation of Lancaster County of 222 West Vine Street and 226 West Vine Street. Phillip Trimble. Trimble Surveyors. P.O. Box 214 West Woods Drive Lititz, PA. 17543. Properties 1 and 2. Scale: 1’’=10 Feet. 30 June 1982. Revised 5 July 1982. Revised 23 January 1984.

Existing Site Plan. Property No. 1 & 2. Scale: 1’’=10 Feet. SP-1. Drawn by AR. 3 February 1984.

Site Demolition Plan. Property No. 1 & 2.Detail 1/SP-2, Detail 2/SP-2, Detail 3/SP-3. Scale: 1’’=10 Feet. SP-2. Drawn by AR. 3 February 1984.

Site Development Plan & Grading Plan. Property No. 1 & 2. Scale: 1’’=10 Feet. Typical Fence Detail, Typical Bench Base Detail, Sidewalk/Curb/Wheel Stop Detail, Sidewalk Detail. SP-3. Drawn by AR. 3 February 1984.

Property No.1. First Floor Plan, Basement Floor Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. A-1. Drawn by RT, AR.  3 February 1984.

Property No.1. Second Floor Plan, Third Floor Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Door Types. A-2. Drawn by RT, AR.  3 February 1984.

Property No.1. Elevations. North Elevation, South Elevation. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. General Repair Notes. A-3. Drawn by RT, AR.  3 February 1984.

Property No.1. Elevation. West Elevation, Typ. Kitchen Elevations. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Typical Window Stool Detail. Scale: 1 1/2’’=One Foot. Detail. Scale: 1’’=One Foot. A-4. Drawn by RT, AR.  3 February 1984.

Property No.1. Elevations. East Elevation, Typ. Elev. of Clos. W/ Linen Stor., Typ. Elev. of Clos., Typ. of Linen Clos., Typ. Bath Elev. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Section. Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot. Floor/CLG. Assembly (2 Hour). No Scale. Typical Wall Legend. A-5. Drawn by RT, AR.  3 February 1984.

Property No.1. Addition Elevations. Addition North Elevation, Addition South Elevation, Building Section. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Concrete Staid Detail, Typical Detail of Joint at Existing Foundation Wall. Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot. Detail. A-6. Drawn by RT, AR.  3 February 1984.

Property No.1. Basement and First Floor Plan Demolition. Basement Floor Plan. First Floor Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. A-7. Drawn by RT, AR. 3 February 1984.

Property No.1. Second & Third Floor Plan Demolition. Second Floor Plan. Third Floor Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Demolition Notes. A-8. Drawn by RT, AR. 3 February 1984.

Property No. 2. Basement & First Floor Plans. Basement Floor Plan, First Floor Plan, Typ. Bath Elevs, Typ. Kitchen Elevation, Stair #1 Section “A”, Stair #1 Section “B”, Stair #2 Section. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Typical Window Stool Detail. Scale: 1 1/2’’=One Foot. A-1. Drawn by RT. 3 February 1984.

Property No. 2. Second & Third Floor Plans. Second Floor Plan, Second Floor Plan, Typ. Elev. of Clos., Typ Elev. Linen Clos. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Section. Scale: 3/4’’ =One Foot. General Repair Notes. Typical Wall Legend. Door Legend. A-2. Drawn by RT. 3 February 1984.

Property No. 2. Elevations. North Elevation, South Elevation, West Elevation, East Elevation. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. A-3. Drawn by RT. 3 February 1984.

Property No. 2. Basement and First Floor Plan Demolition. Basement Floor Plan. First Floor Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Demolition Notes. A-4. Drawn by RT. 3 February 1984.

Property No. 2. Second & Third Floor Plan Demolition. Second Floor Plan. Third Floor Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. A-5. Drawn by RT. 3 February 1984.

Property Survey for Housing Development Corporation of Lancaster County of 234 North Lime Street. Phillip Trimble. Trimble Surveyors. P.O. Box 214 West Woods Drive Lititz, PA. 17543. Properties 3. Scale: 1’’=10 Feet. 11 November 1983.

Property No. 3. Basement Floor Plan. Basement Floor Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Mech. Room Floor/CLG. Assembly (2 Hour). Scale: 1 1/2’’=One Foot. Location Plan. No Scale. General Repair Notes. Repair Notes. Finish Schedule. Finish Schedule General Notes. A-1. Drawn by RT. 3 February 1984.

Property No. 3. First Floor Plan. First Floor Plan, Typ. Elev. of Clos. W/ Linen Stor., Typ. Elev. of Clos., Typ. Elev. Linen Clos., Bath Elevations: Elevation “A”, Elevation “B”, Elevation “C”, Elevation “D”, Elevation “E”, Kitchen Elevations: Type 1 & 2 & 2’, Type 3, Type 4. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Typical Wall Legend. List of Utilities. A-2. Drawn by RT. 3 February 1984.

Property No. 3. Second and Third Floor Plan. Second Floor Plan, Third Floor Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. West Elevation, Curb/ Fence Detail, Site Location. No Scale. A-3. Drawn by RT. 3 February 1984.

Property No. 3. Elevations. North Elevation, South Elevation, West Elevation, East Elevation. A-4. Drawn by RT. 3 February 1984.

Property No. 3. First Floor Plan Demolition. First Floor Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Demolition Notes. A-5. Drawn by RT. 3 February 1984.

Property No. 3. Second & Third Floor Plan Demolition. Second Floor Plan, Third Floor Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. A-6. Drawn by RT. 3 February 1984.

Property No. 4. Site Plan. 1’’=10 Feet. Location Plan. No Scale. Demolition Notes, General Repair Notes, Repair Notes, Finish Schedule, Finish Schedule General Notes. Door Legend. A-1. Drawn by RT. 3 February 1984.

Property No. 4. Basement & First Floor Plan. Basement Floor Plan, First Floor Plan, Typ. Kitchen Elevation—First Floor Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Mech. Room Floor/CLG Assembly (2 Hour). Scale: 1 1/2’’=One Foot. Typical Wall Legend. A-2. Drawn by RT. 3 February 1984.

Property No. 4. Second & Third Floor Plan. Second Floor Plan, Third Floor Plan, Typ. Elev. of Closet W/ Linen Stor., Typ. Elev. of Clos., Bath Elevs: Elevation “A”, Elevation “B”, Elevation “C”, Elevation “D”. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. A-3. Drawn by RT. 3 February 1984.

Property No. 4. Elevations. North Elevation, East Elevation (Partial) (West Elevation Similar), South Elevation—1st and 2nd Foor Level, South Elevation—3rd Floor Level. No Scale. List of Utilities. A-4. Drawn by RT. 3 February 1984.


Folder 10   Restricted

County of Lancaster Courthouse Facilities. King St. Lancaster, PA. Renovations to Existing Courthouse Facilities for the County of Lancaster. BASCO Associates Architects and Engineers. Baltimore, MD, Johnstown, PA, Lancaster, PA, York, PA, Williamsburg, VA, Cherry Hill, NJ. Project Number 60320.


Folder 10  Warehouse and Offices for the Raub Supply Company. Corner of Concord & W. James Streets. Lancaster, PA. J.B. Harmon Reg. Architect. 54 North Queen St. Lancaster, PA. Job Number 475.

Foundation, Cellar, and First Floor Plan. First Floor Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Entrance Door. Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot. F.S. Section on Ceiling at A-A. Sheet Number 1.

Floor Plans, Roof Plans. Second Floor Plan, Third Floor Plan, Roof Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Sheet Number 2.

Front and Side Elevations. Front Elevation, Side Elevation—Concord Street. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Sheet Number 3.

East Side Elevation. East Side Elevation, North Elevation. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Sheet Number 4.

Longitudinal Section. Longitudinal Section Looking West. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Section of Brick Cornice Showing Flashing. Scale: 1/2’’=One Foot. Sheet Number 5.

Details for Raub Supply Co. Warehouse and Office Supply Bldg. D.S. Warfel—General Contractor. F.S. Section ‘A-A’, F.S. Section ‘B-B’, F.S. Section ‘C-C’, Elevation, Elevation, Plan.

F.S. Details of Millwork for Raub Supply Co. Warehouse and Office Supply Bldg. D.S. Warfel—General Contractor. Section ‘A-A’, Section ‘B-B’, Section ‘C-C’, Section ‘D-D’.

F.S. Details of Millwork for Raub Supply Co. Warehouse and Office Supply Bldg. D.S. Warfel—General Contractor. Section ‘A-A’, Section ‘B-B’, Section ‘C-C’, Section ‘D-D’. (Copy).


Folder 10  Restoration to WDDL Building for Lancaster Newspapers Inc. 24 South Queen St. Lancaster, PA. David Lynch and Assoc. A.I.A. 500 Golf Course Road, Lancaster, PA. Job Number 7821.

Details. Plan of Side Entrance, Section. Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot. Plan of Wrought Iron Railing. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Cornice Details, Entrance Stoop Details. Scale: 1 1/2’’=One Foot. Elevation: Interior, Exterior. Sheet Number A-4.

Details. Elevation W-1, Elevation W-2, Elevation W-3, W-4, W-5, W-6. Scale: 1/2’’=One Foot. Window Details: Head 1, Jamb 2, Sill 3, Head 4, Meeting Rail, Muntin. Scale: 1 1/2’’=One Foot. Plan of Main Entrance, Elevation: Interior, Exterior, Section, Shutter Detail. Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot. A-3.

Front Wall Plan and Elevation. Existing East Elevation. East Elevation, Front Wall Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot.  A-1.

North Wall Plan and Elevation. North Elevation, Wall Plan. Scale: ¼’’=One Foot.  A-2.