Blueprints and Architectural Drawings: Raub Supply Co., Lancaster Auto Springs Co., East Lampeter Township Offices, Warehouse of Harry A. Brown, Vanity Box Beauty Shop

Repository: (Lancaster, Pa.)

Shelving Location:  Archives West 2, Flat Files

Description:  This collection contains blueprints and architectural drawings for buildings in Lancaster City and throughout the county. Many different structures are represented, such as schools, churches, offices, a restaurant, apartments and condominiums. Most plans are for new buildings, while others are for renovations or additions.

Creators:  The blueprints and drawings were created by the architects listed at the item level. There were collected by: Lancaster Historic Preservation Trust (Pa.); Lancaster County Historical Society (Pa.) and (Lancaster, Pa.).

Conditions for Access:  Patrons must make an appointment with the Director of Archival Services at least two weeks prior to visit.

Conditions Governing Reproductions:  Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language:  English

Source of Acquisition:   Many of the blueprints and architectural drawings in this collection were transferred from the Historic Preservation Trust. Source of some plans is noted at the item level.

Note:  Some folders contain more than one set of plans, so the folder number may appear more than once in the finding aid.


Folder 32  New Office Building For Raub Supply Co. W. James & Mulberry Sts. Lancaster, PA.  Henry Y. Shaub. Architect. Landisville, PA. No. 5524. 15 October 1956. Architect’s Copy.

James Street Elevation. Architectural. Section “G-G” Black Granite Base. Scale: 3’’=One Foot. Index to Drawings. 1A.

Basement Plan. Architectural. Basement Plan. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Detail Opng. No. 3, Detail Opng. No. 1 &2, Detail Opng. No. 101. Scale: 3’’=One Foot. 2A.

First Floor Plan & Details. Architectural. First Floor Plan. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Detail Opng. No. 107, 111, 205, & 215, Detail Opng. No. 112, 113, & 211, Detail Opng. No. 108 & 212. Scale: 3’’=One Foot. 3A.

Second Floor Plan. Architectural. Second Floor Plan. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. 4A.

Section & Details. Architectural. Section A-A, Section B-B, ST-9, ST-11 & ST-12, ST-13. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. 5A.

Section & Details. Architectural. Section C-C, Section D-D, ST-3, ST-4, ST-5, ST-6, ST-7, ST-8, ST-10. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Typical Tread & Riser Detail, Typ. Det’l of Conc. Riser & Tread, Profile Section “A”, Profile Section “B”. Scale: 1 1/2’’=One Foot. 6A.

Wall Section & Window Det’ls. Architectural. Typical Cornice Detail, Windows Detail. Scale: 3’’=One Foot. Typical Thru Wall Section (Front Wall). 7A.

Main Stair Tower Details. Architectural. Longitudinal Section, Plan at First Floor. Scale: 1/2’’=One Foot.  Detail of Treads. Scale: 3’’=One Foot. 8A.

Main Stair Tower Details. Architectural. Front Elevation, Cross Section. Scale: 1/2’’=One Foot. Detail “A”, Detail “B”. Scale: 1 1/2’’=One Foot. 9A.

Reflected Ceil. Plans & Details. Reflected Ceiling Plans (First Floor), Reflected Ceiling Plans (Second Floor). Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Roof Plan. Scale: 1/16’’=One Foot. Typ. Col. Det’l & Connection at Wall, Detail. Col B-7. Scale: 1 1/2’’=One Foot. Typ. Elev. of Metal Partitions. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Detail of Typ. Metal Base. No Scale. Elevation “A”, Elevation “B”. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Detail of New Partition in Space No. 105. Scale: 3’’=One Foot. 10A.

Foundation & First Fl. Framing Plans. S1 Structural. First Floor Framing Plan, Foundation Framing Plan. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Detail “B.” Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot.  A.W. Lookup Co. Structural Engineers. Philadelphia, PA.

Foundation & First Fl. Framing Plans. S1 Structural. First Floor Framing Plan, Foundation Framing Plan. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Detail “B.” Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot.  A.W. Lookup Co. Structural Engineers. Philadelphia, PA.  VOID.

Second & Roof Framing Plans. S2 Structural. Second Floor Framing Plan, Roof Framing Plan (Future Third Floor). Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Part Elevation A-A South Spandrels, Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D, Section G, Section E-E, Section F-F, Section X-X, Curb for Cooling Tower. Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot. A.W. Lookup Co. Structural Engineers. Philadelphia, PA.

Cross Section & Details. S3 Structural. Typical Cross Section. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Section H, Section, K, Section J, Section L, Section M, Section Y-Y, Slab Detail at Conduit, Slab Detail at Underfoot Duct. Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot. Stair String Details. Scale:  1/2=One Foot & 1 1/2=One Foot. A.W. Lookup Co. Structural Engineers. Philadelphia, PA.

Schedules & Details. S4 Structural. Concrete Bean Schedules, Schedule of Grid Slab Reinforcing, Column & Footing Schedule, Lintel Schedule. Typical Column & Footing, Detail Col. A3, A4, Footing Strap Details, Typical Grid Slab Construction, Detail at Depressed Slab, Underpinning Details. No Scale. Section 5. Scale: 1/2’’=One Foot. Section R-R. Scale: 1’’=One Foot. A.W. Lookup Co. Structural Engineers. Philadelphia, PA.

Basement Plan. E-1 Electrical. Basement Plan. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Distribution Diagram. No Scale.

First Floor Plan. E-2 Electrical. First Floor Plan. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Speaker Mounting Details, Section Thru Speaker Enclosure. No Scale.

Second Floor Plan. E-3 Electrical. Second Floor Plan. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot.

Underfloor Duct Plans. E-4 Electrical. First Floor Plan—Underfloor Duct—Etc., Second Floor Plan—Underfloor Duct. Etc. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Underfloor Duct Symbols. Panel Schedule. Symbols.

Underfloor Duct Plans. E-4 Electrical. First Floor Plan—Underfloor Duct—Etc., Second Floor Plan—Underfloor Duct. Etc. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Underfloor Duct Symbols. Panel Schedule. Symbols. VOID.

Basement Plan. H-1 Heating. Basement Plan. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot.

First Floor Plan. H-2 Heating. First Floor Plan. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot.

Second Floor Plan. H-3 Heating. Second Floor Plan. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot.

Basement Plan. P-1 Plumbing. Basement Plan. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Typical Riser Detail. No Scale.

First & Second Floor Plan. P-2 Plumbing. First Floor Plan, Second Floor Plan. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot.


Folder 33  Lancaster Auto Springs Co. Manheim Township, Lancaster Co. also listed under Manheim Pike, Lancaster, PA. Henry Y. Shaub. Registered Architect. 20 1/2 North Queen Street Lancaster, PA. Project Number 4632.

Survey for Lancaster Auto Springs Co. Scale: 1/16’’=One Foot. H.F. Huth. August 1946. AA-102.

Plot Plan. Scale: 1/16’’=One Foot. Drawn by H.P.W. Drawing Number 1. 10 September 1946.

First Floor Plan, Basement Plan, Left Side Elevation, Right Side Elevation, Rear Elevation, Front Elevation. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Details—Crane Rails, Section A-A, Detail—Overh’d Door Sill, Detail—Pipe Col. Scale: 3/8’’=One Foot. Drawn by H.P.W. Drawing Number 2. 20 August 1946.

First Floor Plan, Basement Plan. Scale: 1/8’’=One Foot. Section A-A. Scale: 3/8’’=One Foot. Drawn by L.R.E. Drawing Number H-1. 9 September 1946.



Folder 34  Township Offices for East Lampeter Twp. Old Philadelphia Pike Lancaster Co., PA. Henry Y. Shaub. Registered Architect. 20 1/2 North Queen Street Lancaster, PA. Project Number 6101.

Plot Plan. Scale: 1’’=40’. Tax Window & Cab Details. Scale: 3’’=One Foot. Door Schedule. Finish Schedule. Drawn by R.J.F. Checked by H.P.W. Drawing A-1. 21 July 1961.


First Floor Plan, Foundation Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Sect. at Corr. Wall. Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot. Lintel Schedule. Drawn by R.J.F. Checked by H.P.W. Drawing A-2. 21 July 1961.

North Elevation, South Elevation, East Elevation, West Elevation, Section “A-A” Thru Lobby, Section “B-B”. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Drawn by R.J.F. Checked by H.P.W. Drawing A-3. 21 July 1961.

Window Details, Corner Post, Wind Mullion, Sidelight Sill & Floor, Door Sill, Transom Bar, Wind. Det. East Wall, Roof Det.—Lobby, Roof Det.—East Wall, Corr. Wall at Meeting Rm., Exterior Beam. Scale: 3’’=One Foot. Drawn by R.J.F. Checked by H.P.W. Drawing A-4. 21 July 1961.

Foundation Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Plot Plan. Scale: 1’’=40’. Electric Service Notes. Gatter and Diehl. Consulting Engineers. Harrisburg, PA. Drawing Number E-1. 21 July 1961.

Foundation Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Plot Plan. Scale: 1’’=40’.Symbols & Abbrevations for Heating and Plumbing. Gatter and Diehl. Consulting Engineers. Harrisburg, PA. Drawing Number HP-1. 21 July 1961.

First Floor Plan, Section “A-A”. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Detail of Unit Heater, Detail of Finned Pipe Coil, Detail of A.C. Units. Scale: 3/4’’=One Foot. Equipment Schedule. Plumbing Schedule. Gatter and Diehl. Consulting Engineers. Harrisburg, PA. Drawing Number HP-2. 21 July 1961.

First Floor Plan, Section “A-A”. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Electrical Distribution Riser Diagram. Typical Group of Fixtures in Lobby. Do Not Scale. Panel Schedule. Symbols. Gatter and Diehl. Consulting Engineers. Harrisburg, PA. Drawing Number E-2. 21 July 1961.


Folder 35  Alterations to Warehouse for Mr. Harry A. Brown. JNO. E. Graybill Co. Inc. 221 N. Prince St. Lancaster, PA. Henry Y. Shaub. Registered Architect. 20 1/2 North Queen Street Lancaster, PA. Project Number 4001.

Basement Plan, First Floor Plan. Sheet No. H-1. Project Number 4001. 16 September 1940.

Front Elevation, Longitudinal Section, Longitudinal Section, Cross Section, Ground Floor Plan—Front Section, Ceiling Outlets, Heating Ducts. Scale: 1/8’=One Foot. 3/4’’ Scale Detail of Show Window, 3/4’’ Scale Detail Entrance, 3’’ Scale Detail of Plywood Partitions. First Floor Plan Above Show Window. Sheet No. 1. Project Number 4001. 20 January 1940.

Foundation Plan, First Floor Plan, East Elevation, North Elevation, South Elevation. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Reflected Plan Clg. Over Steps, Section Coal Chute, Section—Steps and Entry. Scale: 3/8’’=One Foot. Detail—D.H. Windows East Elevation. Scale: 3’’=One Foot. Section “A-A”, Section “B-B”. Full Scale. Lintel Schedule. Door Schedule. Electric Symbols. Drawing Number 1. Project Number 5009.

Front Elevation, Longitudinal Section, Longitudinal Section, Cross Section, Ground Floor Plan—Front Section, Ceiling Outlets, Heating Ducts. Scale: 1/8’=One Foot. 3/4’’ Scale Detail of Show Window, 3/4’’ Scale Detail Entrance, 3’’ Scale Detail of Plywood Partitions. First Floor Plan Above Show Window. Sheet No. 1. Project Number 4001. 20 January 1940. COPY. Note in Red “Heating Dout Destroy.”

A.B. Rote & Co. Structural Steel Works. Lancaster, PA for Alterations to Warehouse for Mr. Harry A. Brown. JNO. E. Graybill Co. Inc. Feralun Treads 4 Wide (Styled), 1 Req’d Beam, Req’d 2 Cols., 12 Field Bolts, 1 C1 Corner Guard, Req’d 1 Lintel L2, Req’d 1 Lintel. Drawing No. F1. Contract No. 26628. 16 April 1940.


Folder 36  Alterations to Vanity Box Beauty Shop. 26 South Duke St. Lancaster, PA. Henry Y. Shaub. Registered Architect. 20 1/2 North Queen Street Lancaster, PA. File Number 397. 20 February 1926.

Basement Floor Plan, First Floor Plan, Second Floor Plan, Third Floor & Roof Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Door Schedule. Sheet No. 1.

Front Elevation, Rear Elevation, Left Side Elevation. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. 3/4’’Scale Detail of Entrance and Show Window. Sheet No. 2.

First Floor Plan, Second Floor Plan, Third Floor & Roof Plan. Scale: 1/4’’=One Foot. Radiator Schedule. Sheet No. 3.