Bowman Technical School Records

Object ID: MG0392, Series 1 School Records

16 boxes     104 folders     8 cubic ft.

Repository: LancasterHistory (Organization)

Shelving Location: Archives South, Side 9

Description:  Series 1 of the Bowman Technical School Records contains documents directly related to the school and its students, faculty, staff, classes, and administration. The majority of materials range from the early 1900s through 1992, but several items have somewhat earlier dates. Student roll books, student account books, lists of students, and a card file record dates of entry, attendance, grades, transfers, expenses, and dates of graduation. Many newspaper, magazine, and trade journal articles provide coverage of the school, while others focus on the careers of individual students, graduates, or faculty. Placement books and letters detailing job offers showcase some of the opportunities available to graduates. Particularly detailed records on a handful of students survive, giving an in-depth look at several points of Bowman Technical School’s relationship with the many veterans who attended through government assistance.

This series contains many examples of Bowman Technical School’s correspondence. Of this, a significant portion is related to the school’s state licensing and authority to train veterans. Other correspondence includes recruiting letters, letters of recommendation, internal memoranda, and exchanges with graduates.

Instructional materials are similarly diverse. These documents include, among others, syllabi-like course sheets, engraving guides, diagrams of watch movements, and instructions for setting stones in rings. These items are of varying origins; some were drawn or written by Bowman instructors, while others were taken from books, trade journals, and even catalogs. A few complete books are also included. Several sets of these items are contained in their original binders as issued to students, rather than folders. The wide range of dates encompassed by these materials provides insight into the education offered at Bowman and enable tracking of changes over time. Tool kit lists are similarly useful, giving a window upon materials used by students and prices paid.

School catalogs are of particular value. Since they were frequently updated, they enable tracing of faculty, tuition rates, and courses offered. Moreover, the various formats and contents of catalogs demonstrate the varying manner in which the school presented itself to both potential students and the wider public. Several postcards and letters from schools and libraries across the country demonstrate wide-ranging recruiting efforts, while other documents attest to participation in various Pennsylvania career fairs and expositions. Other recruiting tools include entries in trade school directories and articles on prospective careers in watchmaking authored by Bowman instructors.

Much of the aforementioned correspondence with state officials, as well as surviving forms, give examples of licensing procedures and regulations for a school of Bowman’s nature. Many years of school licenses survive, including some of the earliest private trade school licenses issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Instruction (now the Department of Education). Cards and certificates of membership in academic and horological bodies, such as the Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators and the American Watchmakers Institute Research and Education Council, are also in this series. Other items of note include blank student identification cards, report cards, parking permits, and a binder detailing the circumstances of the school’s 1978-1979 move from the corner of Duke and Chestnut Streets to another building at 220 West King Street.Creator: (Lancaster, Pa.)

Creator: Bowman Technical School (Lancaster, Pa.)

Conditions for Access: Restrictions are noted at the item level.

Conditions Governing Reproductions: Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language: English

Source of Acquisition: Gift of Mrs. Melanie L. Parkhurst, 1998-2012.

Historical Information


Box 1

Folder 1 Student Roll Book – Watchmaking Dept.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Watchmaking Department. Ledger of charges in last several pages of book. Miscellaneous notes in front and rear cover. Instructor(s) unknown. Binding in poor condition. April 1915 to August 1920.

Insert 1 Names of Army Students

Attendance log of Army students taught by Bowman Technical School instructor(s). Single sheet. January to July 1920.

Notes interleaved with charges. 24 August 1920.

Folder 2 Student Roll Book – Watchmaking Dept.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Watchmaking Department. Ledger of charges in last several pages of book. Miscellaneous notes in front and rear cover. Key to attendance notations—such as sick leave, tardy, and excused—in rear cover. Instructor(s) unknown. Poor condition. September 1920 to August 1924.

Folder 3 Student Roll Book – Watchmaking Dept.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Watchmaking Department. Note in rear cover referring to Dulilier Animal Elimination. Instructor(s) unknown. September 1924 to December 1927.

Folder 4 Student Roll Book – Watchmaking Dept.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Watchmaking Department. Miscellaneous notes in rear cover. Instructor(s) unknown. January 1928 to June 1931.

Insert 1 Price List and Information Relating to United States Medals. Interleaved with attendance log. Published by Government Printing Office for the Bureau of the Mint, United States Treasury Department. 29 April 1926.

Folder 5 Student Roll Book – Watchmaking Dept.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Watchmaking Department. Instructors unknown. July 1931 to September 1937.

Folder 6 Student Roll Book – Watchmaking Dept.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Watchmaking Department. Miscellaneous notes in front and rear covers. Instructors unknown. October 1937 to February 1942.


Folder 7 Student Roll Book – Watchmaking Dept.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Watchmaking Department. Miscellaneous notes in front and rear covers. Key to attendance notations—such as sick leave, tardy, and excused—in rear cover. Instructors unknown. March 1942 to December 1946.


Box 2

Folder 8 Student Roll Book – Watchmaking Dept.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Watchmaking Department. Key to attendance and grade notations in front cover and throughout book. Instructor unknown. January 1965 to April 1968.

Folder 9 Student Roll Book – Watchmaking Dept.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Watchmaking Department. Key to attendance and grade notations in rear cover. Instructor unknown. January 1968 to August 1973.

Folder 10 Student Roll Book – Engraving and Jewelry Depts.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Engraving and Jewelry Departments. Short list of individual and business addresses on last page. Key to attendance notations—such as sick leave, tardy, and excused—in rear cover. Instructors unknown. May 1946 to June 1952.

Folder 11 Student Roll Book – Engraving and Jewelry Depts.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Engraving and Jewelry Departments. Note on purchase in front flyleaf. Key to attendance notations—such as sick leave, tardy, and excused—in rear cover. Instructors unknown. July 1952 to October 1958.

Folder 12 Student Roll Book – Engraving and Jewelry Depts.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Engraving and Jewelry Departments. List of charges for diamonds from 4 September 1966 to 28 March 1967 in rear of book. Short list of individual and business addresses on last page. Instructors unknown. November 1958 to December 1968.

Folder 13 Student Roll Book – Engraving and Jewelry Depts.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Engraving and Jewelry Departments. Instructor unknown. January 1969 to August 1973

Folder 14 Employment Placement Book

Record of employment offers and letters of inquiry seeking Bowman Technical School graduates. Includes individuals’ and business’s names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Business cards and notes attached throughout. March 1957 to April 1968.

Insert 1 Tiffany & Co. Business card. Taped, page 10. 2 February 1959.

Names of trade engravers in Cleveland. Copied from letter, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce to Tony Hrestak, 9 October 1956. Opposite side, apparently unfinished form letter for inquiry on employment. Single typewritten sheet. Interleaved, pages 22-23. Undated.

Note concerning Dennis Warner. Interleaved, pages 66-67. Undated.

Note concerning Dennis Dale. Interleaved, pages 98-99. 3 July 1969 to 21 October 1969.

Note. Interleaved, pages 98-99. 13 January 1970.

Box 3

Folder 15 Student Roll Books – Finishing Room

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Finishing Room. Miscellaneous notes on last page. W. H. Haeseler, instructor. September 1947 to November 1949.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Finishing Room. Miscellaneous notes and business cards in rear cover. W. H. Haeseler, instructor. Binding in poor condition. December 1949 to December 1951.

Insert 1 List of names. Small orange slip. Interleaved in rear of book. Undated.

List of names. Opposite side, table of constants for laying out a number of holes. Single sheet. Interleaved in rear of book. Undated.

Short essay. “Let’s Keep it Clean,” by W. H. Haeseler. Remarks on cleanliness among Bowman Technical School students. Single sheet. Interleaved with October 1950 attendance log. Undated.

Folder 16 Student Roll Book – Finishing Room

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Finishing Room. Instructor unknown. January 1952 to December 1953.

Folder 17 Student Roll Book – Finishing Room

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Finishing Room. Miscellaneous notes on rear flyleaf. Instructor unknown. January 1952 to February 1955.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Finishing Room. Miscellaneous notes in rear cover. Instructor unknown. Binding in poor condition. March 1955 to August 1959.

Insert 1 Examination on lever escapement. Small slip. Interleaved in front of book. 8 March 1955.

Final examination on level escapement. Small slip. Interleaved in front of book. 24 March 1955.

Folder 18 Student Roll Book – Watchmaking/Finishing Room

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Finishing Room. Miscellaneous notes in rear cover. Key to attendance and grade notations on first page. Walter Haeseler, instructor. September 1959 to May 1966.

Folder 19 Student Roll Book – Watchmaking/Finishing Room

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Finishing Room. Miscellaneous notes in front and rear covers. Key to attendance and grade notations on first page. Walter Haeseler, instructor. June 1966 to February 1973.

Folder 20 Student Roll Book

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Instructor unknown. January 1962 to December 1964.

Folder 21 Student Roll Book

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Miscellaneous notes on rear flyleaf and cover. Key to attendance and grade notations in rear cover. Instructor unknown. January 1947 to March 1952.

Box 4

Folder 22 Student Roll Book

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Key to attendance and grade notations on first page. Instructor unknown. May 1968 to June 1973.

Folder 23 Student Roll Book

Master attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. John Allen, Ed Puchaty, Ralph Harry, Robert Sener, and James Williams, instructors. June 1973 to April 1976.

Folder 24 Student Roll Book

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Key to attendance and grade notations on first page. Robert Sener, instructor. March 1973 to April 1979.

Folder 25 Student Roll Book

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Key to attendance notation on first page. James Williams, Elizabeth A. Nichols, Floyd A. Vodvarka, instructors. September 1973 to May 1978.

Folder 26 Student Roll Book

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Note regarding pronunciation of “Benoit” on rear flyleaf. Ralph Harry, instructor. September 1973 to July 1980.

Folder 27 Student Roll Book

Master attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. James D. Williams, Ed Puchaty, Ralph Harry, Robert J. Sener, Elizabeth A. Nichols, and Stanley Wall, instructors. September 1973 to July 1980.

Box 5

Folder 28 Student Roll Book

Master attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Notes attached to front flyleaf and first page. Floyd A. Vodvarka, Ed Puchaty, Ralph Harry, Robert Sener, and Mr. Parkhurst, instructors. June 1979 to December 1980.

Folder 29 Student Roll Book

Master attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Robert Sener, Ralph Harry, Ed Puchaty, Elizabeth A. Nichols, and Floyd A. Vodvarka, instructors. December 1977 to May 1979.

Insert 1

List of students present on snow day. Instructor unknown. Interleaved in front of book. 19 February 1979.

List of students present on snow day. Ed Puchaty, instructor. Interleaved in front of book.19 February 1979.

List of students giving advanced notification of absence. Interleaved in front of book. 20 February 1979.

Folder 30 Student Roll Books

Master attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Robert Sener, Ed Puchaty, Ralph Harry, John Allen, and Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr., instructors. January to August 1981.

Master attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Ralph Harry, Ed Puchaty, Robert Sener, and John Allen, instructors. August 1981 to September 1982.

Folder 31 Student Roll Books

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Robert Sener and Mr. Parkhurst, instructors. August 1980 to February 1984.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Ralph Harry, instructor. March 1979 to April 1984.

Folder 32 Student Roll Books

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Miscellaneous notes in front cover. Robert Sener, instructor. May 1982 to January 1985.

Master attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Robert Sener, John Allen, and Ralph Harry, instructors. October 1982 to February 1984.

Folder 33 Student Roll Books

Master attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Robert Sener, John Allen, and Mr. Parkhurst, instructors. February 1984 to July 1985.

Master attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Mr. Parkhurst, Robert Sener, John Allen, and Linda Werking, instructors. July 1985 to December 1986.

Folder 34 Student Roll Book

Master attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Robert Sener and Linda Werking, instructors. January to May 1987.

Folder 35 Student Roll Book

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Robert Sener, instructor. January 1990 to April 1992.

Box 6

Folder 36 Student Roll Book – Watchmaking Dept.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Watchmaking Department. Instructor(s) unknown. Binding in poor condition. April 1907 to September 1910.

Folder 37 Student Roll Book – Watchmaking Dept.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Watchmaking Department. Miscellaneous notes in front and rear cover. Ledger in last several pages of book. Instructor(s) unknown. Binding in poor condition. October 1910 to March 1915.

Folder 38 Student Roll Book – Engraving Dept.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Engraving Department. Calculations in rear cover. Instructor(s) unknown. May 1904 to April 1907.

Folder 39 Student Roll Books – Engraving Dept.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Engraving Department. Notes and calculations in front and rear covers. Instructor(s) unknown. August 1916 to March 1920.

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Engraving Department. Key to attendance notation in rear cover. Instructor(s) unknown. April 1920 to February 1922.

Folder 40 Employment Placement Book

Record of persons seeking employment and employers seeking workers. Even-numbered pages list job-seekers. Odd-numbered pages list available positions. Includes individuals’ and business’s names and addresses. December 1904 to January 1910.

Insert 1 List of names. Single sheet. 30 December 1905 to 26 July 1907.

List of names. Single sheet. 27 July 1907 to 17 November 1908.

List of names. Single sheet. 18 November 1908 to 16 November 1909.

Folder 41 Employment Placement Book

Record of persons seeking employment and employers seeking workers. Pages alternate between lists of job-seekers and lists of available positions. Includes individuals’ and business’s names and addresses. January 1910 to December 1915.

Record of students and graduates seeking employment and employers seeking workers. Pages alternate between lists of job-seekers and lists of available positions. Includes individuals’ and business’s names and addresses. December 1915 to November 1917.

Folder 42 Register of Visitors

Record of visitors to the Bowman Technical School. Information requested varies throughout but most frequent columns include date of visit, name, address, year left school, occupation, and special mention. “In the Army” Roll of Honor on page 96 lists several names and units. Numerous. sketches, calculations, notes, and signatures in front and rear covers. January 1917 to June 1926.

Box 7

Folder 43 Register of Visitors

Record of visitors to the Bowman Technical School. Columns for date of visit, name, address, date left school, and present address and occupation. Numerous. sketches, calculations, notes, and signatures in front and rear covers. June 1926 to January 1942.

Folder 44 Register of Visitors

Record of visitors to the Bowman Technical School. Columns for date of visit, name, address, date left school, and present address and occupation. Miscellaneous notes in last several pages. Binding in very poor condition. Several loose pages. January 1942 to October 1959.

Folder 45 Register of Visitors

Record of visitors to Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons, Inc. Lists dates of visits, names, and addresses; phone numbers listed intermittently. Attendees of 16 September 1995 auction listed pages 17-19. Visits to Bowman Building until sale on 15 December 1998 recorded pages 21-29. December 1981 to December 1998.

Folder 46 Register of Visitors

Record of visitors to the Bowman Technical School. Lists dates of visits, names, and addresses. Binding in poor condition. February 1979 to April 1992.

Box 8

Book 47 Student Account Book

Record of student credits, charges, and tuitions. Large binder. [1950 to 1970].

Book 48 Student Account Book – A-F

Record of student credits, charges, and tuitions for surnames A through F. Large binder. [1970 to 1990].


Box 9

Book 49 Student Account Book – G-M

Record of student credits, charges, and tuitions for surnames G through M. Large binder. [1970 to 1990].

Book 50 Student Account Book – M through Sp

Record of student credits, charges, and tuitions for surnames M through Sp. Large binder. [1970 to 1990].

Book 51 Student Account Book – St through Z

Record of student credits, charges, and tuitions for surnames St through Z. Large binder. [1970 to 1990].

Box 10

Book 52 Student Charges

Record of student charges. Large Binder. March 1992.

Folder 53 Student Roll Book

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Instructors unknown. January 1955 to December 1955.

Folder 54 Student Roll Book

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Instructors unknown. January 1956 to September 1958.

Folder 55 Student Roll Book

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Note in back cover. Instructors unknown. October 1958 to December 1961.

Folder 56 Student Roll Book – Lecture Class Attendance

Attendance log of students at lectures in the Bowman Technical School. William McKnight, John Henkel, Ralph Harry, Ed Puchaty, instructors. No date. February 1969 to March 1972.

Folder 57 Student Roll Book

Attendance log of students in the Bowman Technical School. Robert Sener, instructor. Binding in poor condition. January to July 1990.

Folder 58 Record of Correspondence – Prospective Students

Record of correspondence between prospective students and the Bowman Technical School. Entries on pages 28-47 are marked to indicate whether will be attending school. List of sent letters, 183-186. Miscellaneous notes on front and flyleaves, including 11 July 1948 explanatory note by John J. Bowman. Occasional annotations by John J. Bowman calling attention to entries written by Ezra F. Bowman. Binding in very poor condition. June 1895 to September 1900.

Insert 1 Letter from Ezra F. Bowman to Paul Blocher of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Inquires after Blocher, a former student. Discusses improvements to Bowman Technical School’s program. Offers Blocher monetary rewards for sending or recommending students. Requests testimonial for publication from Blocher. Carbon copy. 5 March 1900.

Letter from Ezra F. Bowman to Professor W. D. Smiley of Greencastle, Pennsylvania. Comments on enclosed recruitment materials. Request for list of Prof. Smiley’s 1900 graduates. Carbon copy.13 April 1900.

Letter from John J. Bowman to Mr. George Rowley of Essex, Iowa. Follow-up to prospectus. mailed in response to Rowley’s 19 April 1901 letter. Inquires as to reason Rowley made no response. Requests response from Rowley clarifying whether he plans to attend, is still considering attending, or will not be attending. Typewritten carbon copy on Bowman Technical School letterhead. 13 August 1901.

Box 11

Student Card Index – A-K

Cards contain Bowman Technical School students’ names, addresses, phone numbers, courses taken, dates of entry, and dates of exit. Some cards also contain student numbers or grades. [1970 to 1992].

Box 12

Student Card Index – L-Z

Cards contain Bowman Technical School students’ names, addresses, phone numbers, courses taken, dates of entry, and dates of exit. Some cards also contain student numbers or grades. [1970 to 1992].

Box 13

Folder 59 State and Federal Government

Folder 59, Insert 1 Application for license to conduct a private trade school. PA Department of Public Instruction. PTS-1. Includes information on facilities, courses, instructors, and equipment, as well as list of references. 8 November 1945.

Certificate of approval to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry work. PA Department of Public Instruction. PTS-5. 19 February 1946.

Certificate of approval to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry work. PA Department of Public Instruction. PTS-5. 1 July 1946.

Certificate of approval to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry work. PA Department of Public Instruction. PTS-5. 1 July 1947.

Certificate of approval to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry work. PA Department of Public Instruction. PTS-5. 1 July 1948.

Certificate of approval to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry work. PA Department of Public Instruction. PTS-5. 1 July 1949.

Folder 59, Insert 2 Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in watchmaking and repairing and jewelry repairing and engraving. PA Department of Public Instruction. PIPTS-5-1M-6-49. 1 July 1950.

Seymour L. Wolfbein to John J. Bowman. Discusses enclosed tear sheets from U.S. Department of Labor’s 1951 Occupational Outlook Handbook, requested by John J. Bowman. 5 November 1951.

Tear sheets of article “Watch Repairman” in U.S. Department of Labor’s 1951 Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Tear sheets of article “Jewelers and Jewelry Repairmen” in U.S. Department of Labor’s 1951 Occupational Outlook Handbook.

John J. Bowman to Mrs. John Pucillo. Discusses application for approval of Edward J. Ganse as instructor. Clarifies that Kenneth Nestel no longer an instructor and inclusion on license renewal application was error. 20 May 1952.

Private School Instructor’s Qualifications. PTS-7. Qualifications and experience of Edward J. Ganse. 16 May 1952.

List of Edward J. Ganse’s qualifications and experience. Handwritten note. [May 1952]

Letter. Karl I. Zimmerman, Immigration and Naturalization Service, to Registrar, Bowman Technical School. Concerns James Tuna, an alien admitted to the United States as a student. Notification that Bowman Technical School not on Attorney General’s Approved List of schools to which aliens may attend. 12 March 1953.

Petition for Approval of School for Students. Form I-17. 12 March 1953.

Letter. J. W. Holland of Immigration and Naturalization Service to Registrar, Bowman Technical School. Informs school officials of rules and conditions by which alien students may be employed. Form I-24, Application by Alien Student for Permission to Accept Employment, enclosed. 15 April 1958.

Letter. PTS-7B. Rex E. Wright of Department of Public Instruction to Bowman Technical School. Approval of application permitting Ralph Harry to teach Watch Making and Repairing. 13 May 1955.

Aurora W. Pucillo, State Board of Private Trade Schools, to Walter H. Haeseler, Bowman Technical School. Approval of increase in monthly and hourly tuition rates. 14 November 1957.

Folder 59, Insert 3 Letters. Maurice J. Page, Immigration and Naturalization Service to Registrar, Bowman Technical School. Requests that, in school literature and letterheads, schools note INS approval for attendance of nonimmigrant students without using language suggestive of INS approval or endorsement of the quality of training offered. 30 August 1960.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis, Bureau of Private Schools and Veterans Education, to Charles E. Bowman. Supplemental approval for Watch Making and Repairing, Engraving, and Jewelry Repairing courses. This reinstates the previously-deleted Engraving and Jewelry Repairing courses. 19 October 1960.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Charles E. Bowman. Supplemental approval for Jewelry Store Technician, Watchmaking and Repairing, Engraving, and Jewelry Repairing courses. This reinstates the previously-deleted Engraving and Jewelry Repairing courses and supersedes the letter of 19 October 1960. 22 August 1960.

Letter. Immigration and Naturalization Service to all schools approved for attendance by nonimmigrant students. Details new and altered procedures regarding Forms I-20, I-21, I-358, and I-359. Provides suggestions regarding tests of proficiency in English. 15 January 1962.

Prothonotary’s certification of Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons filing of certificate to continue operating under the assumed or fictitious. name, style, or designation of Bowman Technical School. 16 October 1964.

Secretary of the Commonwealth’s certification of application permitting Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons to continue operating under the assumed or fictitious. name, style, or designation of Bowman Technical School. 20 October 1964.

Aurora W. Pucillo, State Board of Private Trade Schools, to Bowman Technical School and copy to George S. Miller. Approval of application permitting Miller to teach Watchmaking. 28 January 1965.

Aurora W. Pucillo to Bowman Technical School and copy to Victor Stoltz. Approval of application permitting Stoltz to teach Watchmaking. 28 January 1965.

Aurora W. Pucillo to Bowman Technical School and copy to J. Elliot Steinert. Approval of application permitting Steinert to teach Jewelry Repairing. 28 January 1965.

Letter. Higher Education Assistance Agency Subcommittee to licensed private business and trade schools. Notification of new criteria and application process by which business and trade schools and courses may be found eligible for HEAA loan privileges. 15 July 1965.

Folder 59, Insert 4

Aurora W. Pucillo to Walter Haeseler. Approval of request for supplemental course in Clockmaking and Repairing, as well as requests for changes in length of Watchmaking and Repairing and Jewelry Repairing courses. Informs that proposed Jewelry making course, to be offered on hobby basis, would not require licensure. 28 January 1965.

Aurora W. Pucillo to Walter Haeseler. Approval of revisions to Watchmaking and Repairing course. 2 February 1966.

Application for approval of institution and courses under Higher Education Assistance Agency Act. Includes course titles, length, weekly hours, tuition, registration fees, and other fees. 6 April 1966.

Application for approval of institution and courses under Higher Education Assistance Agency Act. Includes course titles, length, weekly hours, tuition, registration fees, and other fees. 6 April 1966.

Carbon copy of application for approval of institution and courses under Higher Education Assistance Agency Act. Includes course titles, length, weekly hours, tuition, registration fees, and other fees. 6 April 1966.

Letter. PTS-105A. Aurora W. Pucillo to Bowman Technical School and copy to Edward Puchaty. Approval of application permitting Puchaty to teach Watchmaking, Clock, Jewelry, Repair and Engraving. 29 April 1966.

Letter. PTS-107. Aurora W. Pucillo to Bowman Technical School. Approval of Edward Puchaty as Assistant Director. 17 October 1966.

Letter. Aurora W. Pucillo to Bowman Technical School. Approval of increase in monthly and hourly tuition. Approval of proposed changes to catalog as outlined in 7 November 1966 letter. 21 November 1966.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Walter H. Haeseler. Approval for Jewelry Store Technician and Clockmaking and Repairing courses. 22 December 1966.

Letter. Form PIBE-110. Aurora W. Pucillo to Bowman Technical School and copy to Ralph W. Harry. Approval of application permitting Harry to teach Watchmaking & Repairing. 8 April 1968.

Folder 59, Insert 5 State Board of Private Trade Schools. Rules, Regulations and Standards of Instruction Governing Private Trade Schools, Classes, and Agents. Effective 13 April 1969. Amended 13 August 1969.

Folder 59, Insert 6 Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr., Bowman Technical School, to State Board of Private Trade Schools. Request for supply of Forms PTS-103 and PTS-105. 10 August 1970.

Letter. M. R. Z[eiders] to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Informs Parkhurst that forms have been revised and provides instructions for use. 11 August 1970.

Letter. James F. Noone, State Board of Private Trade Schools, to Bowman Technical School. Approval of J. Elliott Steinert as Director. 3 September 1970.

Letter. James F. Noone to Bowman Technical School and copy to Robert J. Sener. Approval of application permitting Sener to teach Watchmaking and Repairing, Jewelry Repairing, and Clockmaking and Repairing. 14 October 1970.

Letter. James F. Noone to Bowman Technical School and copy to Robert J. Sener. Approval of application permitting Sener to teach Watchmaking and Repairing, Jewelry Repairing, and Clockmaking and Repairing. Carbon copy. 14 October 1970.

School catalog. Volume 15, 1 June 1971. Approved by Veterans Education, 1 June 1971.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to J. Elliot Steinert, Bowman Technical School. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of courses as described in catalog. 21 June 1971.

Listing of class schedules approved for Bowman Technical School. Form PDE 358-6. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Mr. Baker, Veterans’ Administration. 21 June 1971.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school. State Board of Private Trade Schools. DEBE-600. 1 July 1971.

Folder 59, Insert 7 Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school. State Board of Private Trade Schools. DEBE-600. 1 July 1972.

Current financial statement. DEBE-210. 31 October 1972.

School catalog. Based on Volume 16, 15 November 1971 but with extensive annotation concerning changes for coming Volume 17, 1 January 1973.

School catalog. Volume 17, 1 January 1973.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst, Bowman Technical School, to Veterans Education. Supplement to school catalog, volume 17, 1 January 1973. Advises of increase in tuition rates. 28 October 1974. Approved by Veterans Education, 1 November 1974.

Letter. Andrew Hyduk, State Board of Private Trade Schools, to school director. Notifies of pending expiration of school license. Lists associate fees and penalties. 15 April 1973.

Melanie L. Parkhurst to Joe Ebersole, Trout, Ebersole, & Groff. Informs of enclosed form to be completed and returned. Carbon copy. 9 May 1973.

Memorandum. Joe E. Ebersole to Bowman Technical School. Requests school staff sign enclosed original form and mail to PA Department of Education while retaining copy for records. [10 May 1973].

Application for renewal of license and annual report. DEBE-375. 10 May 1973.

Folder 59, Insert 8 Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school. State Board of Private Trade Schools. DEBE-600. 1 July 1973.

Current financial statement. DEBE-210. 31 October 1973.

Folder 60 State and Federal Government

Folder 60, Insert 1 School catalog. Volume 18, 1 January 1975. Annotations and corrections throughout.

Memorandum. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Ed Puchaty, Robert Sener, Ralph Harry, and John Allen. Notes that, contrary to statement in catalog, instructors have not been conducting aptitude evaluations within first three months of students’ entry. Provides instructions for newly created evaluation forms. 27 January 1975.

Aptitude evaluation report. 15 January 1975.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of change in faculty and courses as described in catalog. 3 February 1975.

Proof of mailing for cancellation notice. Robert W. Brennan, American Casualty Company to Private Trade School Board. Notice of cancellation of suretyship on behalf of Bowman Technical School, effective 7 March 1975. 3 February 1975.

Proof of mailing for cancellation notice. Robert W. Brennan to Private Trade School Board. Notice of cancellation of suretyship on behalf of Bowman Technical School, effective 7 March 1975. Copy. 3 February 1975.

Letter. Norman Rachelson, State Board of Private Trade Schools, to American Casualty Company. Informs of receipt of cancellation notice. Objects to cancellation, due to date on subject bond in question. Requests submission of replacement bond. Carbon copy. 4 February 1973.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to Mr. Bell, Gingrich, Inc. Describes enclosed copies of correspondence between American Casualty Company and State Board of Private Trade schools regarding subject bond. Affirms that, if cancellation were to proceed, school’s position would be that company is in breach of contract. Requests resolution of matter. 5 February 1973.

Melanie L. Parkhurst to Norman Rachelson. Thanks Rachelson for informing school staff of bond issue. Promises to inform Rachelson of insurance company’s actions. 5 February 1973.

Letter. Warren Bell to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notification of resolution of bond difficulties. 7 February 1973.

Folder 60, Insert 2 Supervisory report of educational institutions. Evaluates program of studies, records and finance, professional staff, and school plant and physical facilities. Evaluation conducted by Norman Rachelson. 25 February 1974.

Letter. Bureau of Instructional Support Services to all directors of specialized training intuitions. Requests information to assist in updating A Guide to Specialized Training Institutions in Pennsylvania. Carbon copy. 15 March 1974.

Example responses to request for information to assist in updating A Guide to Specialized Training Institutions in Pennsylvania. [15 March 1974].

Letter. Andrew Hyduk to school director. Notifies of pending expiration of school license. Lists associate fees and penalties. 15 April 1974.

Letter. DEBE-755. Approval of tuition increase, effective 15 July 1974. 16 July 1974.

Approval of programs. DEBE 540. Includes approved programs, tuition, original approval date, course length, maximum students per session, and student-teacher ratio. Signed by Andrew Hyduk. 16 July 1974.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of tuition change and courses as described in catalog. 30 October 1974.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Andrew Hyduk. Request for approval of tuition changes and enclosed new catalog. Carbon copy. 17 November 1974.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Joseph P. Gavenonis. Request for approval of tuition changes and enclosed new catalog. Carbon copy. 17 November 1974.

Notice to all students, parents and advisors. Informs of pending increase in tuition. 1 December 1974.

Joseph P. Gavenonis to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Discusses request to allow adjustment in student’s progress in a course. 30 December 1974.

Folder 60, Insert 3 Letter. John A. Hagan, Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation, to J. Elliot Steinert. Approval of increase in tuition and supply fees. 7 February 1975.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to K. H. Seidel, Veterans Education. Discussion of attendance and funding issues concerning James Billups, a student. 26 February 1975.

Notice to staff and employees. Statement of compliance with Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964. Lists staff and employees with space of signatures. Carbon copy. 10 March 1975.

Statement of compliance with Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964. Comments on open admission policy. Signed by Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. and Melanie L. Parkhurst. 10 March 1975.

Letter. Andrew Hyduk to all licensed private trade schools. Clarification of certain rules and regulations regarding enrollment and refund policies. 16 April 1975.

Letter. John A. Hagan to J. Elliot Steinert. Notification that Bowman Technical School found to be in compliance with Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964. Informs of continued eligibility for federally funded programs. 11 June 1975.

Letter. DEBE-110. Andrew Hyduk to Bowman Technical School and copy to James D. Williams. Approval of application permitting Williams to teach Engraving and Jewelry Repair. 18 June 1975.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Joseph P. Gavenonis and Andrew Hyduk. Supplement to school catalog, volume 18, 1 January 1975. Notification that John L. Allen, formerly an instructor of Jewelry and Engraving, has resigned to go into business for himself and has been replaced by James D. Williams. 28 August 1975. Approved, stamped, and signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis, 2 September 1975.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of change in faculty in Jewelry and Engraving. 8 September 1975.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Veterans Education’s Approval of Jewelry Repairing, Engraving, Clockmaking and Repairing, and Watchmaking and Repairing courses. 23 November 1975.

Folder 60, Insert 4 Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to Joseph P. Gavenonis and Andrew Hyduk. Supplement to school catalog, volume 18, 1 January 1975. Notification that instructor Robert J. Sener has been named Assistant Director of school, replacing the resigned John L. Allen. 28 February 1976. Approved, stamped and signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis, 3 March 1976.

Letter. PTS-107. Andrew Hyduk to Bowman Technical School and copy to Robert J. Sener. Approval of application naming Robert J. Sener as school’s Assistant Director. 2 March 1976.

Letter. PTS-107. Andrew Hyduk to Bowman Technical School and copy to Robert J. Sener. Approval of application naming Robert J. Sener as school’s Assistant Director. 2 March 1976.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school. State Board of Private Trade Schools. DEBE-600. Signed by Michael E. Flanagan, Director of Office of Nonpublic Schools. July 1976.

Letter. DEBE-755. Andrew Hyduk to Bowman Technical School. Notifies of State Board of Private Trade Schools’ recording of Bowman’s tuition increases. 20 July 1976.

Approval of programs. DEBE 540. Includes approved programs, tuition, original approval date, course length, maximum students per session, and student-teacher ratio. Signed by Andrew Hyduk. 20 July 1976.

Folder 60, Insert 5 Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of courses as described in catalog. 11 April 1977.

Letter. John A. Hagan to J. Elliot Steinert. Approval of increase in tuition. 18 April 1977.

Proposed resolution on equal opportunity. Sylvia S. Corbin to the State Board of Private Trade Schools. Proposes further endorsements of and public support for equal opportunity. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 30 July 1977.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school. State Board of Private Trade Schools. DEBE-600. Signed by Michael E. Flanagan. 1 July 1977

Folder 60, Insert 6 Letter. Andrew Hyduk to Bowman Technical School and copy to George Douglas Bachtel. Approval of application permitting Bachtel to teach Clockmaking, Engraving, and Jewelry Repair and Stonesetting as an assistant instructor. 23 February 1978.

Letter. Andrew Hyduk to Bowman Technical School and copy to Leslie Ann Mineur. Approval of application permitting Mineur to teach Jewelry Repair and Stonesetting as an assistant instructor. 23 February 1978.

Letter. Andrew Hyduk to Bowman Technical School and copy to George Brian Thomas O’Donnell. Approval of application permitting O’Donnell to teach Engraving and Jewelry Repair and Stonesetting as an assistant instructor. 23 February 1978.

Letter. Andrew Hyduk to Bowman Technical School and copy to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Approval of application permitting Parkhurst to teach Jewelry Store Management. 13 March 1978.

Letter. Andrew Hyduk to Bowman Technical School and copy to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Approval of application naming Parkhurst as Assistant Director of school. 10 March 1978.

Letter. Andrew Hyduk to Bowman Technical School and copy to Kenneth Henry Schoenrock. Approval of application permitting Schoenrock to teach Watchmaking, Jewelry Repair, and Engraving. (photocopy) 28 April 1978.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Andrew Hyduk. Discusses Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr.’s application to teach Gear Cutting and Jewelry Store Management. Notes Parkhurst’s qualifications. Carbon copy. 25 May 1975.

Letter. Andrew Hyduk to Bowman Technical School and copy to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Approval of application permitting Parkhurst to teach Clock Gear Cutting and Jewelry Store Management. 2 June 1978.

Letter. Andrew Hyduk to Bowman Technical School and copy to Floyd Arnold Vodvarka. Approval of application permitting Vodvarka to teach Jewelry Repair and Stonesetting and Engraving. 2 June 1978.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school. State Board of Private Trade Schools. DEBE-600. Signed by Michael E. Flanagan. 1 July 1978.

Folder 60, Insert 7 Letter. DEBE-755. Norman Rachelson to Bowman Technical School. Notifies of State Board of Private Trade Schools’ recording of Bowman’s tuition increases. 18 July 1978.

Approval of programs. DEBE 540. Includes approved programs, tuition, original approval date, course length, maximum students per session, and student-teacher ratio. Signed by Norman Rachelson. 18 July 1978.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school. State Board of Private Trade Schools. DEBE-1821. Signed by George O. Sauers. 28 August 1979.

School catalog. Based on Volume 19, 1 January 1977 but annotated with tuition increase. Approved, stamped, and signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis, 16 October 1978.

Certification statement. DEBE-642. Certifies that application and all supplementary data is true and correct. Signed by Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr., Melanie L. Parkhurst, and J. Elliot Steinert. 6 December 1978.

Designation of certifying officials. VA Form 22-8794. Designates Helen S. Glasmire and Melanie L. Parkhurst as certifying officials for school. Signed by Glasmire and Parkhurst. 6 December 1978.

Statement of assurance of compliance with Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964. VA Form 27-8206. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 6 December 1978.

Compliance report of proprietary institutions, apprenticeship programs, and on-the-job training programs. VA Form 27-4274. Information on applications, enrollment, placement, financial aid, housing, and staff. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 6 December 1978.

Folder 60, Insert 8 Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of tuition and courses as described in catalog. 8 December 1978.

Application to train veterans under Veterans Benefit Act of 1966. DEBE-639. Includes general information, evaluation of school catalog, supplementary data, and litigation history. Approved and signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis with effective date of 16 October 1978. 8 December 1978.

Application for approval of a course under Veterans Benefit Act of 1966. DEBE-640. Seeks approval for Jewelry Store Technician course. Includes length of course, maximum students, student-teacher load, and enrollment. Approved and signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis with effective date of 16 October 1978. 8 December 1978.

Application for approval of a course under Veterans Benefit Act of 1966. DEBE-640. Seeks approval for Watchmaking and Repair course. Includes length of course, maximum students, student-teacher load, and enrollment. Approved and signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis with effective date of 16 October 1978. 8 December 1978.

Application for approval of a course under Veterans Benefit Act of 1966. DEBE-640. Seeks approval for Clockmaking and Repair course. Includes length of course, maximum students, student-teacher load, and enrollment. Approved and signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis with effective date of 16 October 1978. 8 December 1978.

Application for approval of a course under Veterans Benefit Act of 1966. DEBE-640. Seeks approval for Jewelry Repair course. Includes length of course, maximum students, student-teacher load, and enrollment. Approved and signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis with effective date of 16 October 1978. 8 December 1978.

Application for approval of a course under Veterans Benefit Act of 1966. DEBE-640. Seeks approval for Engraving course. Includes length of course, maximum students, student-teacher load, and enrollment. Approved and signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis with effective date of 16 October 1978. 8 December 1978.

Class schedules. DEBE-641. Provides schedules for all classes. [8 December 1978].

Folder 60, Insert 9 Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of relocation from Duke and Chestnut Streets to 220 W. King Street with maximum of 120 students permitted. 30 April 1979.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of change in tuition as described in catalog. 13 August 1979.

Folder 61 State and Federal Government

Folder 61, Insert 1 Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to J. Elliot Steinert. Notice of due dates for Occupation Graduate Employment Reports. 17 April 1980.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school. State Board of Private Trade Schools. DEBE-1821. Signed by George O. Sauers. 16 June 1981.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of change in faculty and courses as described in catalog. 11 July 1980.

Compliance report of proprietary institutions, apprenticeship programs, and on-the-job training programs. VA Form 27-4274. Information on applications, enrollment, placement, financial aid, housing, and staff. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. (photocopy) 6 December 1978.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school. State Board of Private Trade Schools. DEBE-1821. Signed by George O. Sauers. 4 June 1981.

Letter. Norman Rachelson to Bowman Technical School and copy to John L. Allen. Approval of application permitting Allen to teach Watchmaking, Clockmaking, Engraving, and Jewelry Repair. 22 June 1981.

Letter. Matthew J. Harris, Jr., State Board of Private Trade Schools, to J. Elliot Steinert. Notifies of State Board of Private Trade Schools’ recording of Bowman’s tuition increases. 10 September 1981.

Notice to all students, parents, and advisors. Informs of pending increase in tuition rates. Signed by Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. 30 September 1981.

Folder 61, Insert 2 Letter. Robert Hamilton to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Comment on material relating to agreement with Indiana University of Pennsylvania. 7 October 1981.

Letter. Joanne P. Lovette, D.A., Chair of Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Art & Art Education, to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Discussion of Bowman program and letter of agreement. 7 October 1981.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Joanne P. Lovette. Notes enclosure of signed letter of agreement. 21 October 1981.

Letter of Agreement. Permits Bowman students to apply for transfer to Indiana University of Pennsylvania after completion of course(s) at Bowman. Allows IUP students to enroll in pertinent Bowman courses upon recommendation of Indiana University of Pennsylvania faculty. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 14 October 1981.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to K. H. Seidel. Notes pending increase in tuition rate. 21 October 1981. Approved, stamped, and signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis, 1 December 1981.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Joseph P. Gavenonis and copy to K. H. Seidel. Requests exemption from requirement to submit recurring graduate reports in light of high percentage of employed graduates and low percentage of enrolled veterans. 18 January 1982.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to James Broidrick. Recommendation that Bowman Technical School be granted an exemption from requirement to submit recurring graduate reports. Carbon copy. 22 January 1982.

Letter. James G. Hobb, State Board of Private Trade Schools, to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Informs of Board’s 16 April 1982 approval of Clock Repairing and Clock Making and Repairing courses. 11 May 1982.

Approval of programs. DEBE-540. Lists approved programs, enrollment and graduation statistics, students per session, student-teacher ratio, fees and tuition, awards offered upon completion, and schedule. Signed by James G. Hobb. 11 May 1982.

Letter. James G. Hobbs to J. Elliot Steinert. Approval of application to renew trade school license. 28 June 1982.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school. State Board of Private Trade Schools. Signed by Robert G. Scanlon. 1 July 1981.

Folder 61, Insert 3 Approval of programs. DEBE-540. Lists approved programs, enrollment and graduation statistics, students per session, student-teacher ratio, fees and tuition, awards offered upon completion, and schedule. Originally dated 28 February 1983, but returned, corrected, and re-sent several times. Signed by Linda J. Benedetto, 20 June 1983. Final date given by stamp noting receipt by Division of Postsecondary Education Services on 30 June 1983.

Approval of programs. DEBE-540. Lists approved programs, enrollment and graduation statistics, students per session, student-teacher ratio, fees and tuition, awards offered upon completion, and schedule. 21 January 1984. Signed by Linda J. Benedett, 8 March 1984.

Letter. Wallace Olewiler, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, to Brian Dreisbach. Notification of approval for training program in Jewelry Repair at Bowman Technical School. Notes conditions required for OVR financial aid. 19 April 1988.

Letter. Jane A. Stockdale, State Board of Private Licensed Schools, to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Notifies of extension in expiration date of private school license due to severe shortage in staff. 29 June 1988.

Letter. James G. Hobbs to Bowman Technical School and copy to Veterans Education. Notifies of State Board of Private Trade Schools’ recording of Bowman’s tuition increases. Provides instructions for recording future changes. 9 August 1988.

Programs approved. List of approved programs, enrollment and placement statistics, students per session, student-teacher ratios, tuition and fees, and schedule. (photocopy) 25 August 1988.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to George Kordek, Veterans Education. Notes enclosure of tuition change form. 19 September 1988. Approved, stamped, and signed by Dee Ann Koller, Veterans Education, 1 December 1988.

Letter. James G. Hobbs to Bowman Technical School and copy to Veterans Education. Notifies of State Board of Private Trade Schools’ recording of Bowman’s tuition increases. Provides instructions for recording future changes. 28 September 1988.

Letter. Dee Ann Koller to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of change in tuition. 18 October 1988.

Folder 61, Insert 4 Bowman Technical School enrollment agreement. Lists courses, average course lengths, costs of books and supplies, and average tuition. Provides terms of enrollment. 18 April 1900.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private licensed school. State Board of Private Licensed Schools. PDE-147. Signed by Donald M. Carroll, Jr. 1 July 1990.

Book. 1990 Directory of Private Licensed and Registered Schools. State Board of Private Licensed Schools. June 1990.

Memorandum. Jane A. Stockdale to CEOs/Directors of Licensed/Registered Private Schools. Clarification and guidelines with respect to regulations concerning student leaves of absence. 30 November 1990.

Folder 61, Insert 5 School catalog. Based on Volume 22, 1 January 1989 but with annotations and corrections throughout. Approved, stamped, and signed by Dee Ann Koller, 1 April 1991.

Letter. John J. Schimpf, Veterans Administration, to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Informs of discrepancy in records of Robert L. Desrocher. Advises that matter involving approval criteria has been sent to the State Approving Agency for action. 1 May 1991.

Letter. Dee Ann Koller to Melanie L. Parkhurst and copy to George Kordek. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of changes in tuition and curriculum. Approval of change in President from Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Approval of change in Director from Melanie L. Parkhurst to Robert J. Sener. 28 May 1991.

Letter. Jerilynn M. Millvan, State Board of Private Licensed Schools, to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Notes of receipt of letters dated 1 February and 4 February. Expresses regret that Bowman Technical School closing. Thanks Parkhurst for informing of closure. Informs of plans to visit school before closure to review records and requests student roster.

Folder 61, Insert 6 Report of Employment Following Training in Vocational Courses. Department of Veterans Benefits Circular 20-77-31. 11 April 1971.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to Graduates of Bowman Technical School. Informs graduates of Veterans Administration reevaluation and required survey of graduates. Requests graduates complete and return enclosed questionnaire. [1977].

Folder 61, Insert 7 Occupational graduate employment questionnaire for Jeannie M. Smith. VA Form 22-8722. Information requested includes name, address, course taken and completion date, current occupation and most important duties, employer’s name and address, additional remarks, and telephone number. 15 September 1977.

List of graduates, 1974-1977. Includes names, addresses, courses taken, and dates of graduation. Annotations throughout. Return address labels and certificate of mailing attached. Cancellation stamps by Lancaster, PA post office, 27 September 1977.

Occupational graduate employment questionnaire for Elizabeth A. Nichols. VA Form 22-8722. Information requested includes name, address, course taken and completion date, current occupation and most important duties, employer’s name and address, additional remarks, and telephone number. 5 October 1977.

Occupational graduate employment questionnaire for Gretchen L. Herr. VA Form 22-8722. Information requested includes name, address, course taken and completion date, current occupation and most important duties, employer’s name and address, additional remarks, and telephone number. Received at Bowman Technical School, 6 October 1977.

Occupational graduate employment questionnaire for Jack L. Smith. VA Form 22-8722. Information requested includes name, address, course taken and completion date, current occupation and most important duties, employer’s name and address, additional remarks, and telephone number. 29 September 1977.

Occupational graduate employment questionnaire for LeAnne Butz. VA Form 22-8722. Information requested includes name, address, course taken and completion date, current occupation and most important duties, employer’s name and address, additional remarks, and telephone number. 28 September 1977.

Occupational graduate employment questionnaire for Karin E. Boyer. VA Form 22-8722. Information requested includes name, address, course taken and completion date, current occupation and most important duties, employer’s name and address, additional remarks, and telephone number. 2 October 1977.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Andrew Hyduk. Notes enclosure of Occupational Graduate Employment Report due 1 November 1977.

Occupational graduate employment report for Watchmaking and Repairing from 1 March 1975 to 28 February 1977. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. 26 October 1977.

Occupational graduate employment report for Engraving from 1 March 1975 to 28 February 1977. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Handwritten corrections adjacent to typewritten columns. 26 October 1977.

Occupational graduate employment report for Engraving from 1 March 1975 to 28 February 1977. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Completed by hand, reflecting corrections. 26 October 1977.

Occupational graduate employment report for Clockmaking and Repairing from 1 March 1975 to 28 February 1977. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Handwritten corrections adjacent to typewritten columns. 26 October 1977.

Occupational graduate employment report for Jewelry Repair and Stone Setting from 1 March 1975 to 28 February 1977.VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. (photocopy) 26 October 1977.

Folder 61, Insert 8 List of graduates, 1 July 1977 to 30 July 1978. Includes names, courses taken, and dates of graduation. (photocopy) [December 1978].

List of graduates, 1 July 1978 to 28 February 1979. Includes names, courses taken, and dates of graduation. (photocopy) [1979].

Occupational graduate employment report for Clockmaking and Repairing from 1 March 1975 to 28 February 1977. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Page apparently misaligned in typewriter. (photocopy) 12 December 1978.

Occupational graduate employment report for Clockmaking and Repairing from 1 March 1975 to 28 February 1977. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst and K. H. Seidel. (photocopy) 12 December 1978.

Occupational graduate employment report for Engraving from 1 March 1975 to 28 February 1977. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Page apparently misaligned in typewriter. (photocopy) 12 December 1978.

Occupational graduate employment report for Engraving from 1 March 1975 to 28 February 1977. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst and K. H. Seidel. (photocopy) 12 December 1978.

Occupational graduate employment report for Watchmaking and Repairing from 1 March 1975 to 28 February 1977. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Page apparently misaligned in typewriter. (photocopy) 12 December 1978.

Occupational graduate employment report for Watchmaking and Repairing from 1 March 1975 to 28 February 1977. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst and K. H. Seidel. (photocopy) 12 December 1978.

Occupational graduate employment report for Jewelry Repair and Stone Setting from 1 March 1975 to 28 February 1977. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst and K. H. Seidel. (photocopy) 12 December 1978.

Folder 61, Insert 9 List of graduates, 1 March 1977 to 28 February 1979. Includes names, courses taken, and dates of graduation. (photocopy) [1979-1980].

Occupational graduate employment report for Clockmaking, 1 March 1977 to 28 February 1979. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 5 May 1980.

Occupational graduate employment report for Watchmaking, 1 March 1977 to 28 February 1979. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 5 May 1980.

Occupational graduate employment report for Jewelry Repairing, 1 March 1977 to 28 February 1979. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 5 May 1980.

Occupational graduate employment report for Jewelry Store Technician, 1 March 1977 to 28 February 1979. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 5 May 1980.

Occupational graduate employment report for Engraving, 1 March 1977 to 28 February 1979. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 5 May 1980.

Form letter. Follow-up for graduates who had not returned surveys. Notes enclosure of another copy of survey. Requests response. Signed by Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Undated.

Folder 61, Insert 10 List of graduates, 1 March 1973 to 28 February 1975. Organized by course. Includes names and addresses. [ October 1975].

Occupational graduate employment report for Jewelry Store Technician, 1 March 1973 to 28 February 1975. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 18 October 1975.

Occupational graduate employment report for Clockmaking and Repairing, 1 March 1973 to 28 February 1975. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 18 October 1975.

Occupational graduate employment report for Jewelry Repairing, 1 March 1973 to 28 February 1975. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 18 October 1975.

Occupational graduate employment report for Engraving, 1 March 1973 to 28 February 1975. VA Form 22-8723. Data on graduates and questionnaire respondents. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 18 October 1975.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Notification of review of Graduate Employment Reports. List of courses acceptable for continued approval for Veterans Education.

Folder 61, Insert 11 Memorandum. Bowman Technical School to all veteran students. Informs of recent changes to Veterans Administration regulations. Sets minimum standards of progress for veterans. Undated.

Notice. Lists rules and policies concerning veterans. Undated.

Folder 62 Edward E. Rice

Folder 62, Insert 1 Letter. F. A. Fenner to John J. Bowman. Notes enclosure of form authorizing Edward E. Rice to begin Watchmaking course on 2 August 1954. Requests assistance in securing parking space across from school. 29 July 1954.

Authorization and notice of entrance into training. VA Form 7-1905. Includes Edward E. Rice’s mailing address. Signed by F. A. Fenner. 29 July 1954.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler, Bowman Technical School, to F. A. Fenner. Notes enclosure of VA Form 7-1905. Discusses of error on form and requests corrected copy. 2 August 1954.

Letter. F. A. Fenner, Veterans Administration, to John J. Bowman. Discusses Edward E. Rice’s enrollment in Bowman Technical School. Gives dates for annual visit. [4 August 1954]

Letter. F. A. Fenner to Bowman Technical School. Gives terms and requirements concerning Edward E. Rice’s enrollment. Includes information on previous. training, physical limitations, environmental conditions to be avoided, and additional comments. 4 August 1954.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to F. A. Fenner. Notes enclosure of corrected VA Form 7-1905 for Edward E. Rice. Discusses availability of parking spaces. Acknowledges receipt of VA Form 7-1905 for Wilbur C. Kreiser. Advises Fenner to arrive early on date of his annual visit, as it is the same day as annual school picnic. 4 August 1954.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to F. A. Fenner. Notes enclosure of birth certificates for Edward E. Rice. 24 August 1954.

Training program and progress record. VA Form 7-1905a. Detailed progress report for Edward E. Rice. 2 August to 5 October 1954.

Training program and progress record continuation sheet. VA Form 7-1905a-1. Detailed progress report for Edward E. Rice. 29 October 1954 to August 1955.

Training program and progress record continuation sheet. VA Form 7-1905a-1. Detailed progress report for Edward E. Rice. 29 October 1954 to August 1955.

Training program and progress record continuation sheet. VA Form 7-1905a-1. Detailed progress report for Edward E. Rice. [1955]

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Edwin. S. Hogg, Veterans Administration. Inquires whether anything can be done to expedite authorization of eye exam for Edward. E. Rice. Notes that Rice suffering from shingles and having increasing difficulty seeing.11 November 1956.

Trainee request for leave. VA Form 7-1905h. Not completed. Undated.

Trainee request for leave. VA Form 7-1905h. Not completed. Undated.

Folder 62, Insert 2 Letter. John J. Bowman to T. A. Rutherford of Elroy, Arizona. Gives information on Edward E. Rice and his circumstances. Inquires after job openings. Carbon copy. 3 February 1956.

Letter. John J. Bowman to F. D. Fogg & Co. of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Gives information on Edward E. Rice and his circumstances. Inquires after job openings. Carbon copy. 3 February 1956.

Letter. F. D. Fogg to John J. Bowman. Discusses prospects of employment for Edward E. Rice. 7 February 1956.

Letter. Letter. John J. Bowman to Dan Conners of Fremont, Ohio. Gives information on Edward E. Rice and his circumstances. Inquires after job openings. Carbon copy.16 February 1956.

Letter. H. E. Shirey to Edward E. Rice and copy to Bowman Technical School. Notice of change in status upon completion of training program. 28 February 1956.

Letter. Edward E. Rice to Helen E. Haeseler. Regrets that he was unable stop at school before leaving for New Mexico. Asks Haeseler to give enclosed $39 to Ewell Hartman. Requests Haeseler mail letter of recommendation. Address of Edward E. Rice. 27 March 1956.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Edward J. Rice. Notes enclosure of letter of recommendation and note from Ewell Hartman. Discusses Rice’s prospects and encourages him. Mentions Cecil McGrew, another Bowman graduate in Albuquerque. Carbon copy. 3 April 1956.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Edwin. S. Hogg. Describes Edward E. Rice’s departure. Describes house that Cecil McGrew located for Rice and family. Comments on Rice’s prospective employment with Ray Allen, a Bowman graduate and business owner in Albuquerque area. Carbon copy. 5 April 1956.

Letter. Edward E. Rice to Helen E. Haeseler. Apologizes for not written sooner. Discusses difficulties in securing a job. [24] April 1956.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Edward E. Rice. Discusses possible employers for Rice. Forwards Edwin. S. Hogg’s offer of $100-$200 gift. Provides contact information for several firms in Arizona. Carbon copy. 4 May 1956.

Folder 62, Insert 3 Letter. Edward E. Rice to Helen E. Haeseler. Discusses efforts to find a job. Turns down gift, instead asking for loan. Asks Haeseler to tell Walter Haeseler about work on hairsprings and proficiency of certain “so called watch makers” in Albuquerque area. 7 May 1956.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Edwin S. Hogg. Quotes portion of from Edward E. Rice’s 7 May 1956 letter. Discusses Rice’s situation and provides address. References Cecil McGrew’s comparatively better position. Carbon copy. 10 May 1956.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Edward E. Rice. Acknowledges receipt of 7 May letter and informs of 10 May 1956 letter to Edwin S. Hogg. Encourages Rice to continue hairspring work and contact Ray Allen. Suggests several possible avenues to develop contacts and connections. Requests Rice keep Haeseler informed. Carbon copy. 10 May 1956.

Newspaper clipping. Albuquerque Tribune. “Jobless Father of Six Seeks Employment Here.” Describes Edward E. Rice ‘s search for a job, health conditions, experience, and family. Clipping was been originally enclosed with a now-absent letter from Rice to Helen E. Haeseler. (photocopy) 19 June 1956.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Edward E. Rice. Comments on 19 June 1956 article. Relays Charles Bowman’s offer of $200 loan. Discusses possible positions in York County, Pennsylvania, as well as in Iowa and Ohio. Carbon copy. 26 June 1956.

Letter. Edward E. Rice to Helen E. Haeseler. Acknowledges receipt of Charles Bowman’s check. Discusses job offers and possibility of further government assistance. Informs of evening job at hospital in Santa Fe. 13 July 1956.

Folder 62, Insert 4 Letter. Edward E. Rice to Helen E. Haeseler. Discusses efforts to find a job. Acknowledges receipt of check from Edwin S. Hogg. Comments on relative skill of area watchmakers. Discusses prospects for future if unable to find employment. 15 July 1956.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Edward E. Rice. Acknowledges receipt of 13 July letter. Comments on job offers. Gives advice regarding loan from Charles Bowman. Encourages Rice. 17 July 1956.

Letter. Edward E. Rice to Helen E. Haeseler. Acknowledges receipt of 17 July letter. Notifies of job with a Mr. McMillan of Farmington, New Mexico. Discusses move to Farmington and housing situation. Promises to send payment to Charles Bowman as soon as possible. Gives new address. [24] July 1956.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Edward E. Rice Acknowledges receipt of [24] July letter. Discusses loan from Charles Bowman, as well as Bowman’s tendency to give loans to students and graduates. Discusses new job. Carbon copy. 30 July 1956.

Folder 62, Insert 5 Letter. Edward E. Rice to Helen E. Haeseler. Discusses new job. Inquires on behalf of employer as to whether any other Bowman graduates—preferably married veterans—would wish to move to Farmington for employment. Requests Haeseler to see if Albert Monchak of Elizabethtown or Charles A. Osler of Chambersburg would be interested. 31 August 1956.

Letter. Edward E. Rice to Walter H. Haeseler. Discusses progress on construction of house. References inquiry in Rice’s 31 August letter to Helen E. Haeseler. Requests advice on problem with Vacheron and Constantin watch movement. Comments on upcoming presidential election. Sketch of movement elements with brief note in shorthand. 6 September 1956.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Edward E. Rice. Acknowledges receipt of 31 August letter. Assures Rice that Albert Monchak will be interested in job offer and that, if he cannot come to New Mexico, other students will likely be interested. Carbon copy. 7 September 1956.

Letter. Walter H. Haeseler to Edward E. Rice. Acknowledges receipt of 6 September letter. Explains solution to issue with Vacheron and Constantin movement. Comments on upcoming presidential election. Carbon copy. 10 September 1956.

Letter. Edward E. Rice to Helen E. Haeseler. Acknowledges receipt of Walter H. Haeseler’s 10 September letter. Discusses expansion of business and offer to employ additional Bowman students. Discusses details of employment and housing situation in Farmington. Requests Haeseler ask Albert Monchak to write Rice. 18 September 1956.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Edward E. Rice. Discusses attempt to find another Bowman graduate willing to move to New Mexico, with references to Albert Monchak, Bill Imhoff, and Charles Osler. Requests Rice continue to write. Inquires after Cecil McGrew. Carbon copy. 26 September 1956.

Folder 62, Insert 6 Letter. Edward E. Rice to Helen E. Haeseler. Discusses job, local cost of living, and possibility of moving back to Pennsylvania. Inquires as to cost of establishing a small jewelry store. Asks for suggestions regarding situation. Comments on repayment of loan from Charles Bowman. [February] 1957. Fragile.

Folder 62, Insert 7 Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Edward E. Rice. Acknowledges receipt of [February] 1957 letter. Advises against seeking employment in York County, relating experience of Glen Gohn. Advises against moving back East if doing well in New Mexico. Encourages Rice. Comments on repayment of loan from Charles Bowman. 14 February 1956.

Letter. Edward E. Rice to Helen E. Haeseler. Acknowledges receipt of 14 February letter. Elaborates on severe financial difficulties and housing situation. Informs of intent to move back East. [February] 1957.

File for Edward E. Rice. Includes date of completion of Watchmaking course, length of course, and New Mexico address. Undated.

Folder 63 Correspondence and Articles

Folder 63, Insert 1 Correspondence

Letter. John J. Bowman to J. C. Andes of Martinsville, Virginia. Reply to Andes’ letter of December 1. Elaborates on elements of Bowman Technical School’s program and experiences of previous graduates. Makes recommendations concerning instruction in optics. Carbon copy. 8 December 1906. Poor condition; very fragile.

Folder 63, Insert 2 Correspondence

Letter. Walter H. Haeseler to Ralph Race of Frostburg, Maryland. 26 January 1951. Presents plan to dispose of funds previously held by Bowman Technical School’s now-defunct chapter of Beta Sigma fraternity, of which Race was an officer. If approved, funds would be used to install a clock connected to a building-wide “telegraph communication sounder.” Notes enclosure of postcard. 26 February 1951.

Postcard. Contains statement authorizing Charles E. Bowman, as the trustee of Beta Sigma, to use balance of remaining funds to install a master clock and time distribution system in Bowman Technical School. Addressed to Walter H. Haeseler. Not signed; stamp not cancelled. [26 February 1951].

Christmas card. E. C. McKelny Jewelers of Niagara Falls, New York to Bowman Technical School. Contains greeting from E. C., E. W., and D. C. McKelny, graduates of Bowman Technical School in 1913, 1937, and 1950, respectively.

Letter. Bob S. Roll of Grove City, Pennsylvania to Bowman Technical School. Describes recent expansion of business. Thanks Bowman Technical School for helping “turn the tide” in his life. 4 August 1970.

Letter. Bob S. Roll to Bowman Technical School. Relates recent challenges in operating business. Attributes continued success to Bowman education. 30 January 1979.

Folder 63, Insert 3 Graduates

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “Student makes Watch in 1,500 Hours of Spare Time.” Describes effort of Dwight E. Massey, a Bowman student, to build his own watch from raw materials. Notes rarity of entirely hand-made watches. Discussion of Massey himself and career plans. Lists several Bowman Technical School and Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons watchmakers who assisted with project. (photocopy) 8 January 1955.

Greeting card. Walter M. Woolfson, Jr., Managing Editor of American Horologist, to Bowman Technical School. Contains clipping of December 1956 article “Bowman graduate makes chronometer model.” Describes “chronometer model” timepiece made by Bowman graduate Dwight E. Massey. [1956/1957].

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “Forneys Retire from E. King St. Business: Patrons Say Goodby [sic] to 45-Year-Old Jewelry Store.” Discusses closure of jewelry shop operated by Bowman graduate. (photocopy) 15 September 1977.

Newspaper clipping. Grit. “’Jewel of a Career’ to Man Is Repairing Old Watches.” Describes Potter Mills, PA business of Monty Confer, a Bowman graduate. (photocopy) 12 March 1978.

Newspaper clipping. Lititz Record-Express. “Wuischpard’s Jewelry Store Moves to New Location.” Describes new location of Jean-Pierre Wuischpard’s business. Notes hiring of unnamed second employee, a graduate of Bowman Technical School. (photocopy) 16 March 1978.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era-Sunday News. “Rothsville Firm Tools Bottle Cap Industry.” Details business of Don Petters and its place in the bottle cap industry. At 14, Petters enrolled in Bowman’s engraving course and completed it in three months. Photocopy 31 January 1982.

Newspaper clipping. The Vindicator. “Watchmaker Bides His Time Until Business Starts Ticking.” Describes business and plans of Gregory Thumm, a Bowman graduate. (photocopy) 20 June 1983.

Magazine clipping. “The Clock Works.” Describes newly-built tower clock located at 450 West Walnut Street shop of Quentin Johnson, a Bowman graduate. (photocopy) 1984.

Folder 63, Insert 4 Graduates

Newspaper clipping. Patriot-News. “Karate helped jeweler: patience smoothed switch from high-tech.” Describes business of Jill Morrow, a Bowman graduate. (photocopy) 20 December 1987.

Newspaper clipping. “Watch repair, restoration business opens in city.” Announces opening of R. A. Time Capsule, owned by Richard Awiza, a Bowman graduate. (photocopy) 10 September 1990.

Newspaper clipping. “Henry Sacks – A Dedicated Watchmaker for over Four Decades.” Full page advertisement, including biography of Sacks, a Bowman graduate. Describes his business, Saxon’s Diamond Centers. Notes upcoming retirement and sale. (photocopy) [Late 1980s].

The Pennsylvania Retailer, vol. 21, no. 7. Page 17 features article “Clyde E. Gephart Diamond Center.” Gephart was Bowman graduate. August 1980.

Newspaper clipping. Intelligencer Journal. “Brothers: time’s right for a new line of work.” Describes Prime Time Clock Shop, owned by John and Ron Gilbert, 1988 and 1989 graduates of Bowman Technical School. (photocopy) 17 October 1988.

Newspaper clipping. Hartford County Sun. “Busy clock shop has nothing but time on its hands.” Describes Stephens and Stephens Clocks, operated by a Bowman graduate. (photocopy) 1 October 1989.

Folder 63, Insert 5 Engagements and Marriages

Newspaper clipping. Intelligencer Journal. “Miller-Russo.” Announces engagement of Josephine A. Russo to Brent Lewis Miller. Miller was graduate of Bowman and owner of Brent L. Miller Jewelers. (photocopy) 17 May 1980.

Newspaper clipping. “Lee-Frailey.” Marriage of Margaret Nan Frailey and Gary Michael Lee. Both were Bowman graduates. (photocopy) May 1987.

Folder 63, Insert 6 Obituaries and Funerals

Journal clipping. Bulletin of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc., vol. 9, no. 1. “John J. Bowman – FNAWCC – 1878-1959.” Obituary of John J. Bowman by Robert A. Franks, Jr., a Bowman graduate. December 1959.

Memorial card. Funeral of William H. McKnight, a Bowman instructor. 24 January 1967.

Newspaper clipping. “City Man, 35, Found Dead By Constable.” Reports death of Eugene S. Biggs, a Bowman graduate and watchmaking instructor. (photocopy) 11 November [1970s].

Newspaper clipping. “Mrs. C. M. Bowman Dies in Ohio at 86.” Obituary of Esther W. Bowman, wife of the late Christian M. Bowman. 5 August 1980.

Notice. Announcement of death of Luetta M. Bowman, last surviving child of Ezra F. Bowman. Printed on index card and apparently pinned to school bulletin board. 11 April 1982.

Newspaper clipping. Intelligencer Journal. Obituary of Luetta M. Bowman. (photocopy) 13 April 1982.

Memorial card. Funeral of Luetta M. Bowman. 14 April 1982. (2 copies)

Folder 63, Insert 7 Obituaries and Funerals

Newspaper clipping. “Grace D. Senft, Columbia Native.” Obituary of Grace D. Senft, a Bowman graduate and engraver. (photocopy) 1982.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “D. L. Gibbs, Jeweler, Dies.” Bowman graduate and owner of D. L. Gibbs Jewelry Store, Oxford, Pennsylvania. 30 November 1987.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “Walter Haeseler, tech school chief.” Obituary of Walter H. Haeseler, graduate and former director of Bowman Technical School. 29 May 1990.

Journal clipping. NAWCC Bulletin. “In Memoriam: Edwin Parkhurst, Jr., 1912-1991.” Obituary of Edwin Parkhurst, Jr., owner of and instructor at Bowman Technical School. (photocopy) August 1991.

Jerilynn M. Millvan to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Letter of condolence. 13 May 1991.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “Robert Dull, 82, jewelry store owner.” Obituary of Robert E. Dull, a 1952 Bowman graduate. (photocopy) 15 February 1990.

Newspaper clipping. “Calvin Horn, Quarryville, Jeweler.” Obituary of Calvin C. Horn, Bowman graduate and owner of Horn Jewelry Store, Quarryville. (photocopy) 1999.

Newspaper clipping. Obituary of Helen S. Glasmire, former registrar of Bowman Technical School. (photocopy) August 2001.

Newspaper clipping. “Helen Glasmire, school registrar.” Obituary of Helen S. Glasmire, former registrar of Bowman Technical School. (photocopy) August 2001.

Folder 63, Insert 8 School

Tear sheets. The Jeweler’s Circular. “Modern Horological Schools: Bowman Technical (Horological) School.” Detailed description of Bowman Technical School. 2 August 1922.

Newspaper clippings. Sunday News. “John J. Bowman Wanted To Join Buffalo Bill But Father Decided Training Watchmakers Had Bright Future And John Has Proven A Wizard.” Biography of John J. Bowman and description of school. Includes eight caricatures and a portrait. (photocopy) 1 June 1924.

Newspaper clipping. “Bowman “Tech” Has Long List of Grads.” Describes school and John J. Bowman. Attached, advertisement for school. (photocopy) [1924-1925].

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “Window-smasher Loots Jewelry Store: Window Robber Gets $100 Loot.” Describes theft of three watches from of Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons window display. 8 August 1933.

Newspaper clipping. Sunday News. “Telescopes Primed For Peek When Moon Hides In Shadow.” Article on upcoming solar eclipse and planned observations at Bowman Technical School’s rooftop observatory. 14 July 1935.

Student newsletter. Lancaster Catholic High School’s The Rambler, vol. 16, no. 3. Article, “Know Your Town: Bowman Technical School,” gives brief history of watchmaking in Lancaster and founding of Bowman school. December 1951.

Newspaper clipping. “Bowman tech school, store sold.” Discusses sale of Bowman Technical School and Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. 15 August 1964.

Magazine clipping. “Bowman Technical School Has New ‘Face.’” Discusses recent exterior work on Bowman building and holds up as example for city’s Queen Renewal project. Includes before/after photographs. Summer 1965.

Magazine clipping. “Bowman Technical School Has New ‘Face.’” Discusses recent exterior renovation of Bowman building and holds up as example for city’s Queen Renewal project. Includes before/after photographs. (photocopy) Summer 1965.

Folder 63, Insert 9 School

Letter. Ewell Hartman, President of Horological Association of Virginia, to Walter H. Haeseler. Inquires as to feasibility of inviting Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to attend convention and speak at Bowman reunion. Comments on recent exterior renovation. 18 March 1965.

Walter H. Haeseler to Ewell Hartmann. Asks Ewell to extend invitation to Parkhurst. Notes that both Edwin H. and Melanie L. Parkhurst are sick following vacation to Mexico. Discusses recent exterior renovation. 23 March 1965.

Newspaper clipping. Reading Eagle. (photocopy) [1950s-1960s].

Newspaper clipping. The Philadelphia Inquirer. “Action Line.” Entry in advice column responding to M. Chnupa’s letter regarding interest of her son, Gary Chnupa, in watchmaking. Informs that Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. sending book and collection of tools. (photocopy) 10 November 1972.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to Gary Chnupa and copy to Action Line, Philadelphia Inquirer. Notes enclosure of eye loupe, omitted from first package. (carbon copy) 10 November 1972.

Letter. Eleanor Gavnon, researcher for Action Line, to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Thanks Parkhurst for offer of tools and book. Notes enclosure of 10 November 1972 column. 10 November 1972.

The Golden Touch. Retail Jewelers of America. In directory of Jewelry and Watchmaking Schools, Bowman listed under Engraving, Jewelry Repair, Stone Setting, Watchmaking. 1976.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. Photograph. Foreground, Melanie L. Parkhurst; background, Bowman building. No caption or corresponding article. 14 November 1977.

Magazine article. Modern Jeweler. “This School Has Been On Time For 100 Years.” Describes Bowman school upon its centennial. 1977.

Magazine article. American Horologist and Jeweler. “Bowman Technical School Celebrates 100 Years of Building for the Future.” Describes Bowman school upon its centennial. 1977.

Folder 63, Insert 10

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “Bowman Moving Watch School to Pep Boys Bldg.; Jewelry Store Remains.” Article announcing planned move of Bowman school to former Pep Boys location at 220 West King Street. (photocopy) 6 October 1978.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “Bowman Plan Can Aid Downtown.” Editorial approving of Bowman school’s planned move and anticipating benefits to neighborhood. Advocates for granting of required zoning exception. (photocopy) 9 October 1978.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “W. Lemon, N. Duke Blocks Win Contest.” Announces winners of eighth annual Charlotte Street Association award for city blocks “stimulating civic pride and beautification.” Bowman building included in photo of winning 100 block of North Duke Street. (photocopy) [1978/1979].

Newspaper clipping. Intelligencer Journal. “Bowman Technical Happy In New Downtown Site.” Describes results of school’s move to 220 West King Street location. (photocopy) 4 June 1979.

Magazine or journal clipping. “Bowman Technical School Expands.” Announces Bowman school’s move to 220 West King Street location. (photocopy) April 1979.

Newspaper clipping. “’Art Of The Itinerant Penman’ To Highlight Festival Of The Old.” Article concerning upcoming exhibit of lettering and calligraphy of Robert G. Hostetter, Associate Professor at Millersville State College. Hostetter lettered Bowman diplomas. 4 November 1979.

Newspaper clipping. Intelligencer Journal. “Retiring Teaching Couple Say They’ll Miss Students.” Discusses retirement and future plans of Robert and Alice Wagner Hostetter, professors at Millersville State College. Notes Hostetter’s lettering of Bowman diplomas and plans to take engraving course at Bowman. 10 March 1980.

Newspaper clipping. The Bulletin. “Reader has time for a hobby.” Entry in advice column responding to reader’s inquiry regarding clock repair classes. Recommends Bowman Technical School. (photocopy) 5 July 1981.

Newspaper clipping. Our Lancaster County ’84. “’Employable Jewelers’ Get Skills At Bowman’s School.” History and description of Bowman Technical School. 14 February 1984.

Newspaper clipping. Intelligencer Journal. “At 110, Bowman Tech Ticks Right Along.” Description of Bowman school upon its 110th anniversary. 8 June 1987.

Folder 63, Insert 11

Newspaper clipping. Intelligencer Journal. “Bowman store, school to close; Owner retiring, keeps landmark city building.” Announcement of Bowman Technical School’s planned closure. Includes history of the school, photographs of Bowman building and King Street location, comments from Melanie L. Parkhurst, and reaction from former student. Incomplete—missing material from page A-6. 26 March 1992.

Newspaper clipping. New Era. “115-year-old Bowman store, school to close.” Announcement of Bowman Technical School’s planned closure. Includes history of the school, comments from Melanie L. Parkhurst, and photographs of Bowman building.

Newspaper clipping. New Era. “[Pe]nn Square in 1940, Bowman’s clocks when they kept time?” Entry in the Scribbler column responding to question regarding the Bowman buildings now-stopped clocks. (photocopy) November 1995.

Newspaper clipping. New Era. “And Now… Tick-Tock T-Shirts.” Brief article on unofficial T-shirts worn by some Bowman students. Undated.

Newspaper clipping. [Patriot News]. “Watch Making Explained to Students.” Photograph of Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. addressing several high school students at the Pennsylvania Career Exposition. (photocopy) 22 April 1965.

Newspaper clippings. New Era. Charcoal portrait of Ezra F. Bowman, photograph of Ezra F. Bowman’s original storefront, and photograph of students in classroom. Fragments of article on Bowman Technical School attached. (photocopy) [1960s-1978].


Folder 64 Course Sheets and Lists of Students

Folder 64, Insert 1 Course Sheet and Diagrams

Course sheet for Watchmaking and Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Columns for date begun, date finished, and instructor remarks in each section. Annotations throughout, primarily regarding the average time to complete each section. 1945.

Diagram of jewelling cutters. Includes table with columns for cutter number, length of whole blade, length of cutting blade, width of cutting blade, and shape of end. J. Elliot Steinert, instructor. [1940s].

Diagram of drills. J. Elliot Steinert, instructor. [1940s].

Diagram of taps. J. Elliot Steinert, instructor. [1940s].

Diagram of screws. Includes table of head width and height, shank length, and thread. J. Elliot Steinert, instructor. [1940s].

Folder 64, Insert 2 Course sheets

Course sheet for Engraving. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Columns for date begun, date finished, and instructor remarks in each section. Annotations throughout, primarily regarding the average time to complete each section. 1946.

Course sheet for Jewelry Shop Work. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Columns for date begun, date finished, and instructor remarks in each section. Calculations on rear cover. 1946.

Course sheet for Jewelry Shop Work. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Columns for date begun, date finished, and instructor remarks in each section. Annotations throughout, primarily regarding the average time to complete each section. 1946.

Folder 64, Insert 3 Course sheets

Course sheet for Watchmaking and Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Columns for date begun, date finished, and instructor remarks in each section. Infrequent annotations and sketches. 1951.

Course sheet for Watchmaking and Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Columns for date begun, date finished, and instructor remarks in each section. Rear cover torn. 1951.

Course sheet for Jewelry Shop Work. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Columns for date begun, date finished, and instructor remarks in each section. Student information for Preston Burcham of Alexandria, Virginia entered, but nothing further. 14 November 1960.

Folder 64, Insert 4 List of students. Roughly sorted by surname. Gives name and place of residence, date of entry, date of exit, and courses taken. [1920s to 1950s].

Folder 64, Insert 5 List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, start date, date finished, time spent in course, and additional remarks. [1940s to 1962].

Folder 65 Lists of students

Folder 65, Insert 1 Lists of students

Letter or memorandum. Sender and recipient not given. Request to fill in sixteen diplomas and two certificates of attendance for graduates from 19 November 1971 to 21 April 1972. 8 February 1972.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 24 March 1972 to 16 June 1972.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. (photocopy) 24 March 1972 to 16 June 1972.

List of students. List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 1 July 1972 to 30 June 1973.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 1 July 1973 to 30 June 1974.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. (photocopy) 1 July 1973 to 30 June 1974.

Folder 65, Insert 2 Lists of students

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 1 July 1974 to 30 June 1975.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 1 July 1975 to 30 June 1976.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 1 July 1976 to 30 June 1977.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 1 July 1977 to 30 June 1978.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 1 July 1978 to 30 July 1979.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 1 July 1979 to 30 June 1980.

Folder 65, Insert 3 Lists of students

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 1 July 1980 to 30 July 1981.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 1 July 1981 to 30 June 1982.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name and date of graduation. 14 December 1981 to 10 August 1982.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name and date of graduation. 20 July 1982 to 27 June 1983.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name and date of graduation. 28 June 1983 to 6 March 1984.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 1 July 1982 to 30 June 1983.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name and date of graduation. 9 May 1984 to 24 October 1984.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. (photocopy) 23 December 1982 through 31 October 1983.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 3 July 1974 to 12 December 1984.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 30 May 1975 to 25 November 1986.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 30 May 1975 to 6 November 1985.

Folder 65, Insert 4 Lists of students
List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 1 November 1984 to 5 July 1985.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 25 January 1985 to 21 May 1987.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 26 November 1986 to 25 February 1988.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 24 April 1987 to 5 June 1987.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 2 June 1987 to 25 May 1988.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. Annotations throughout. 5 January 1970 to 17 May 1989.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 5 January 1971 to 23 August 1989.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 23 December 1982 to 31 October 1983

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 30 May 1975 to 4 May 1987.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 2 June 1987 to 25 May 1988.

Folder 65, Insert 5 Lists of students

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 2 June 1987 to 25 May 1988.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. Annotations throughout. 1 July 1989 to 30 June 1990.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 5 June 1977 to 25 November 1988.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 9 July 1990 to 28 February 1992.

List of students. Gives name, home address, and course taken. 12 April 1992.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of entry. Gives name, course taken, date of entry, and expected graduation. Several annotations. 17 October 1974 to 17 November 1976.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 24 June 1974 to 1 November 1976.

List of students. Roughly sorted by date of graduation. Gives name, date of graduation, and course taken. 13 September 1971 to 15 November 1976.

List of students enrolled October 1 each year from 1954 to 1964. Table with columns for watchmaking, engraving, and jewelry repairing, divided by year.

Folder 65, Insert 6 Miscellaneous School

List of students. Roughly sorted alphabetically. Gives name, place of residence, date of graduation, and course taken. Only has surnames starting with ‘a’ and ‘b.’ [1920s to 1960s].

School receivables. List of payments received. Occasional credits. (carbon copy) 31 October 1973.

School charges. List of charges made. Occasional credits. (carbon copy) 31 October 1972.

List of clocks made at Bowman Technical School. Includes clock numbers, models, serial numbers, makers, and dates completed. 1974 to [1990s].

List of employees. Includes name, address, date hired, and spouses. 17 February 1975.

List of employees. Includes date hired, name, address, spouse, and date of birth. [Late 1970s].

List of employees. Includes date hired, name, address, spouse, and date of birth. [1980s].

List of employees on insurance program. Includes date hired, name, address, and date of birth.

Folder 66 Correspondence

Folder 66, Insert 1 Correspondence

Letter. A. J. Bauer of Sunbury, Pennsylvania to Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons. Notes enclosed tuition payment for son, Clyde. Explains that bills were misrouted to New York, New York. 15 November 1910.

Folder 66, Insert 2 Correspondence – Thomas [S]

Letter. Thomas Skoug of Zuid-Beveland, the Netherlands, to [John J. Bowman]. Response to previous letter. Requests clarification and further information on several points, including post-degree placement, the recommended course of study, an itemized list of necessary tools, the seating capacity, and the number of instructors employed. 11 September 1910.

Folder 66, Insert 3 Correspondence – Student Accounts

Letter. Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons to L. Shapiro of Anita, Pennsylvania. Reminder of outstanding charges incurred from purchase of tools while at school. (carbon copy) 13 June 1908.

Letter. Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons to George Shindle of Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania. Requests Shindle settle account. (carbon copy) 13 June 1908.

Letter. Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons to George W. Harder of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Discusses enclosed statement for account of Frank, Harder’s son. Requests George Harder’s assistance in contacting Frank and securing repayment of outstanding debts. (carbon copy) 23 June 1908.

Letter. George W. Harder to Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons. Questions why bill was sent to him. Notes that Frank was of age when bill incurred and is now 26 years old. Assures that he himself cannot pay bill. 1 October 1908.

Letter. Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons to Philip [C]. Malin of Sharon, Pennsylvania. Requests Malin begin sending at least minimal payments on his account. Mentions that since summer, school filled to capacity. (carbon copy) 1 October 1908.

Folder 66, Insert 4 Correspondence – Tuition

Letter. A. J. Bauer to Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons. Notes enclosed tuition payment. Discusses academic rigor of son, Clyde. Letterhead of Office of County Commissioners, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. 18 April 1910.

Letter. A. J. Bauer to Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons. Notes enclosed tuition payment. Requests clarification regarding charge for supplies, for which Bauer received no bill. 31 May 1910.

Letter. A. J. Bauer to Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons. Notes enclosed tuition payment.

Letter. Norman Bentz of Hagerstown, Maryland. to Charles E. Bowman. Notes enclosed check for entirety of account. Informs Bowman starting work. Thanks Bowman for his attention during time at school. Notes enclosure of highly erroneous newspaper clipping, which claims Bentz will be returning to school after Christmas. On letterhead of Bentz’s employers: Carson & Smith, Jewlers and Opticians, Hagerstown, Maryland. 31 August 1910.

Newspaper clipping. “His Engraving Course.” Erroneous account of Bentz’s training at “Powland Technical Institute.” [Late August] 1910.

Letter. A. G. Brubaker of Denver, Pennsylvania to Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons. Notes enclosed check and stamps in payment of tuition bills. Discusses son’s illness and probable date of return to Bowman school. Letterhead of Camden Fire Insurance Association’s Denver, PA office. 11 October 1910.

Folder 66, Insert 5 Correspondences – J. A. Garcia, Jr.

Letter. Juan A. Garcia, Jr. of Magdalena, New Mexico to Charles E. Bowman. Apologizes for infrequent contact. Informs of recently born son. Discusses plans to close jewelry shop and return to sheep ranching. Requests bill be sent. 30 March 1910.

Letter. Juan A. Garcia, Jr. to Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons. Notes enclosed check settling account. 9 April 1910.

Folder 66, Insert 6 Correspondence – G. Schlimm

Letter. George Schlimm of St. Mary’s, Pennsylvania to Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons. Notes enclosed check for tuition and other expenses of son, Joseph. Requests son be put to work to a greater degree. Letterhead of Schlimm’s business. 26 March 1910.

Letter. George Schlimm to Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons. Notes enclosed check for son’s tuition and repair work sent to Bowman. Expresses concern for Joseph’s training. Informs of receipt of a card from son sent from Pittsburgh. Requests confirmation that Joseph is still attending classes. 30 April 1910.

Folder 67 Articles

Book. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Vocational Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons. Presentation, “Watchmaking, Engraving, and Jewelry Work,” pp.182-190, is representative’s comments on article written by John J. Bowman in lieu of cancelled presentation by Bowman. February 1929.

Folder 67, Insert 1 Instructors

Magazine clipping. American Horologist and Jeweler. “Walter H. Haeseler.” Brief biography of Haeseler. May 1978.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “Bowman Tech School Director Retires.” Announces retirement of J. Elliot Steinert. (photocopy) 14 July 1984.

Magazine Clipping. Jewelers Circular Keystone. “Melanie L. Parkhurst.” Brief biography of Parkhurst. [1991].

Folder 68 School Catalogs

Folder 68, Insert 1

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Volume 13, 1 August 1968.

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Volume 14, 1 November 1969.

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Volume 14, 1 November 1969.

School catalog. Volume 15, 1 June 1971.

School catalog. Volume 15, 1 June 1971.

Folder 68, Insert 2

School catalog. Volume 16, 15 November 1971.

School catalog. Volume 17, 1 January 1973.

School catalog. Volume 18, 1 January 1975.

School catalog. Volume 18, 1 January 1975.

School catalog. Volume 19, 1 January 1977. Rear cover stamped with address of King St. location, as well as several stamps dated 16 November 1979.

School catalog. Volume 19, 1 January 1977. Rear cover stamped with address of King St. location.

Folder 68, Insert 3

School catalog. Volume 20, 1 January 1980.

School catalog. Volume 20, 1 January 1980.

Proof of school catalog. Based on Volume 20, 1 January 1980 but with annotations throughout. 21 May 1980.

School catalog. Volume 21, 1 January 1984.

School catalog. Volume 22, 1 January 1989.

Folder 69 Kuhn v. BTS

Folder 69, Insert 1 Defendant’s Trial Brief. Filed on behalf of Bowman Technical School in Guernsey County, Ohio Court of Common Pleas Case No. 28846, Robert S. Kuhn v. Bowman Technical School. Concerns claims of damages resulting from refusal of diploma to student who did not meet graduation requirements. Submitted by Charles F. Clarke for attorneys Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey of Cleveland, Ohio. 23 June 1978.

Folder 69, Insert 2 Opinion. Guernsey County, Ohio Court of Common Pleas Case No. 28846, Robert S. Kuhn v. Bowman Technical School. John C. Sheppard, Judge, rules in Bowman’s favor. [1978].

Folder 70 Certificates

Folder 70, Insert 1

Certificate of membership of the American Watchmakers Institute Research and Education Council. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by James M. Dodson, Milton C. Stevens, Ewell D. Hartman, and [O] R. Hagans. 1972.

Certificate of membership of the American Watchmakers Institute Research and Education Council. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by James M. Dodson, Milton C. Stevens, Marvin E. Whitney, and Dorothy M. Aderman. 1975.

Citation for leadership in the city of Lancaster. Presented by the Charlotte Street Historical Association to Bowman Technical School for creative leadership. Signed by John Jarvis and Joan Kern. 19 July 1975.

Certificate of membership of the Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators, Inc. Presented to Bowman Technical School. 30 September 1975.

Certificate of membership of the American Watchmakers Institute Research and Education Council. Presented to “R. H. Parkhurst, Jr.” Signed by Justin I. Smith, Charles [H], Marvin E. Whitney, and Milton C. Stevens.

Certificate of membership of the American Watchmakers Institute Research and Education Council. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by Joe rooks, James. H. Boughton, Marvin E. Whitney, and Milton C. Stevens.

Proclamation. Lancaster County Board of Commissioners. Declares 12 June 1987 as Horological Day. Notes Bowman Technical School among other watch and clock institutions with roots in Lancaster County. Signed by James E Huber, Robert C. Boyer, and Brad S. Fischer. 10 June 1987.

Folder 71 Instructional Materials. Note: originally housed in three-ring binder.

Folder 71, Insert 1 Jewelry Repair and Stone Setting

Course sheet for Jewelry Repair and Stone Setting. Spaces for student name, address, instructor, date of entry, and start date. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished in each section. May 1982.

Instructions for final review for Jewelry Repair and Stone Setting. Similar to final page in above course sheet.

Guide to polishing and cutting compounds. Undated.

Course sheet for Jewelry Repair and Stone Setting. Handwritten copy. Sections F through H. Undated.

Folder 71, Insert 2 Jewelry Repair and Stone Setting

List of jewelry lectures. Robert J. Sener and John Allen, instructors. Undated.

Course sheet for Advanced Stone Setting. Handwritten copy. Undated.

Course sheet for Advanced Stone Setting. Handwritten copy. Undated.

Course sheet for Jewelry Repair. Handwritten copy. Sections A through C. Undated.

Course sheet for Jewelry Repair and Stone Setting. Handwritten copy. Undated.

Course sheet for Jewelry Repair and Stone Setting. Handwritten copy. Section G. Undated.

Course sheet for Jewelry Repair and Stone Setting. Handwritten copy. Section D. Undated.

Course sheet for Jewelry Repair and Stone Setting. Handwritten copy. Section C. Undated.

Folder 71, Insert 3 Jewelry Repair and Stone Setting

Guide to pearl jewelry. Includes instructions on knots, maintenance, and weaving jewelry items. Undated.

Folder 71, Insert 4 Engraving

Engraving tool kit lists. (photocopy) Undated.

Engraving final review. Likely taken from an Course sheet for Engraving. Incomplete. (photocopy) Undated.

Engraving font. Ring script. (photocopy) Undated.

Engraving font. Ring block. (photocopy) Undated.

Engraving fonts. Ring block and ring script. (photocopy) Undated.

Engraving font. Initialed D. G. B. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of monograms. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of monograms. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of monograms. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of monograms. Signed by Steve M. Kaminsky. (photocopy) 1985.

Folder 71, Insert 5 Engraving

Sheet of monograms. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of monograms. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of monograms. (photocopy) Undated.

Engraving font. Gothic block. (photocopy) Undated

Engraving font. (photocopy) Undated.

Engraving font. (photocopy) Undated.

Engraving font. Roman block. (photocopy) Undated.

Engraving font. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of monograms. Pencil on graph paper. Undated.

Folder 72 Instructional and Administrative Materials. Noted: originally housed in three-ring binder.

Folder 72, Insert 1 Tool Kit Lists – Jewelry Repair

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Jewelry Repair course. (carbon copy) 3 September 1970.

Tool kit list. Stone setting tools, turning gravers, stone setting gravers. Reverse, customer file for Mrs. Harold [Fi_el] of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. [1970s-1980s].

Tool kit list. Stone setting tools. Annotated with section of course in which each tool required. 29 May 1980.

Tool kit list. Stone setting tools. Annotated with prices and section of course in which each tool required. 29 May 1980.

Tool kit list. Ring mounting kit. Includes prices. Some annotations and corrections. 27 August 1981.

Tool kit list. Gravers needed for stone setting and lathe work. Some annotations. Undated.

Tool kit list. Gravers for stone setting, lathe, and advanced use. Some annotations. Undated.

Tool kit list. Substitute twist drill set. Set intended as replacement when another set is unavailable.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Jewelry Repair course. Extensive annotations. Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Jewelry Repair course. Some annotations. Includes prices for each item, updated twice yearly. September 1980 to June 1983.

Folder 72, Insert 2 Tool Kit Lists – Jewelry Repair

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Jewelry Repair course. Some annotations. Includes prices for each item, updated thrice yearly. February to 21 September 1990.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Jewelry Repair course. [1980s-1991].

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for [Jewelry Repair] course. Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for [Jewelry Repair] course. Undated.

Folder 72, Insert 3 Tool Kit Lists – Engraving

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Engraving course. (carbon copy) 1 September 1970.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Engraving course. Annotated with section of course in which each tool required as well as source of each tool. [1970s to 1980s].

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Engraving course. Some annotations. Includes prices for each item, updated twice yearly. September 1980 to December 1983.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Engraving course. Some annotations. Includes prices for each item, updated yearly to twice yearly. 1985 to September 1989.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Engraving course. Includes prices for each item, updated yearly to twice yearly. [1989/1990] to 21 September 1990.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Engraving course. [1980s to 1991].

Folder 72, Insert 4 Watch and Clock Making

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Watchmaking and Repairing course. Includes prices. Some annotations and price corrections. (carbon copy) 2 September 1970.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Watchmaking and Clockmaking courses. Extensive annotations. December 1979.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Watchmaking and Clockmaking courses. Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Watchmaking and Clockmaking courses. Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Watchmaking and Clockmaking courses. Some annotations. Includes prices for each item, updated twice yearly. September 1980 to [late 1983].

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Clock Repair course. Includes prices. May 1984.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Clock Repair course. Includes prices. May 1984.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Watchmaking and Clockmaking courses. Some annotations. Includes prices for each item, updated yearly to thrice yearly. 1985 to [1989].

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Watchmaking and Clockmaking courses. Some annotations. Includes prices for each item, updated thrice yearly. February to 21 September 1990.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Watchmaking and Clockmaking courses. [1980s to 1991].

Folder 72, Insert 5 Diagrams and Charts

Engraving sheet. Stylized form of Chinese character . (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram of pill box. 1971.

Table of fractions, decimals, and millimeters. Produced by Copper and Brass Sales, Inc. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram of balance staff. Technical drawing with numerous measurements. Drawn by Robert Lentz. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram. Technical drawing of unknown subject. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram of basic lathe tools. (photocopy) 12 May 1983.

Diagram of balance staff. Reverse, 25¢ price tag. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram of balance staff. Reverse, 25¢ price tag. (photocopy) Undated.

Chart of mathematical examples of fast and slow trains. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram of collets and mainsprings. Reverse, tag indicating master copy. Undated.

Diagram of collets and mainsprings. Originally housed in plastic inset with 25¢ price tag. (photocopy) Undated.

Folder 72, Insert 6 Diagrams and Charts

Diagram of riveted staffs. Reverse, $1.50 price tag and tag indicating master copy. Undated.

Diagram of riveted staffs. Originally housed in plastic inset with 25¢ price tag. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram of friction jewels, burnished-in jewels, pushers, and cutters. (photocopy) Undated.

Evaluation chart for Watchmaking course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. For each evaluation period, rows for quality of work, application and industry, attendance violations, skill development, application of theory, personal grooming, and personality. Undated.

Final review for watchmaking. Space for name, graduation date, and date beginning work on electric and digital watches. Space for required list of watches repaired, including number repaired, type, serial and model numbers, and type of repairs. (photocopy) Undated.

Final review for watchmaking. Space for name, graduation date, and date beginning work on electric and digital watches. Space for required list of watches repaired, including number repaired, date of repair, whether school watch, type, serial and model numbers, type of repairs, and instructor’s initials. (photocopy) October 1982.

Record of watches completely overhauled and regulated for final review. Space for student name, as well as date begun and finished each type of watch and movement. (photocopy) Undated.
Evaluation chart for Clockmaking and Repairing course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. For each evaluation period, rows for quality of work, application and industry, attendance violations, skill development, application of theory, personal grooming, and personality. Undated.

Record of clocks completely overhauled and regulated for final review. Space for student name, type of clock, date started, and date finished. (photocopy) Undated.

Evaluation chart for Engraving course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. For each evaluation period, rows for quality of work, application and industry, attendance violations, skill development, application of theory, personal grooming, and personality. Undated.

Instructions for final review in Engraving. (photocopy) 1 October 1981.

Evaluation chart for Jewelry Repairing course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. For each evaluation period, rows for quality of work, application and industry, attendance violations, skill development, application of theory, personal grooming, and personality. Partially completed but extensive use of correction fluid. Undated.

Instructions for final review in Jewelry course. Space for name and date finished. (photocopy) undated.

Folder 72, Insert 7 Administrative Materials

List of general instructions. Addresses various procedural issues and practices. (carbon copy) Undated.

School billing procedure. List of steps in billing process. (carbon copy) Undated.

Sheet of VA procedures. Gives form for requesting approval of catalog changes, persons to whom lists of VA students must be sent, person in charge of VA students, and rates of compensation for VA students.

Sample invoice. Demonstrates proper completion of forms in student account books. (photocopy) [1970s].

Letter. Dee Ann Koller of Veterans Education to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of change in course name from Clockmaking and Repair to Clock Repairing. Approval of new Clockmaking and Repair course. (photocopy) 15 November 1982.

VA attendance form for Richard A. Awiza. Includes list of absences, and Awiza’s address. Signed, Richard A. Awiza and D. E. Weidman. (photocopy) 7 March 1984.

List of instructors’ certifications. Robert Sener, Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. and Melanie L. Parkhurst, instructors. [late 1980s to 1990].

List of high schools receiving annual catalogs. Nineteen schools, all in Lancaster County. 12 November 1985.

Accounting form. Reverse, example of properly completed form. Undated.

Folder 72, Insert 8 Administrative Materials

Note. Address of Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation. Undated.

Press release. Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of Lancaster County. Announcement of interest-free need-based loans. Undated.

Press release. Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of Lancaster County. Announcement of interest-free need-based loans. Undated.

Tuition rate procedures. Lists monthly, weekly, and daily tuition, as well as methods of calculating. Undated.

Private trade school contract bond. Contract bond secured by Bowman Technical School through surety of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company office in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Bond required for Pennsylvania private trade school license. Signed by J. Elliot Steinert and Larry R. Nye and attested by Christian Mercuris. (photocopy) 10 April 1982.

Certified power of attorney. Authorizes Larry R. Nye to act as agent of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company in matters related to bonds. Signed and sealed by Richard T. Hoffman, Dorothy Bibee, and Guy L. G[essendorf]. 12 February to 10 April 1982.

Pamphlet. American Watchmakers Institute’s Educational Library and Museum Charitable Trust. Student Loan Program. Describes application process and terms of AWI’s student loans.

Form letter. Briefly describes Bowman’s courses, entry requirements, and opportunities for persons with disabilities. Written by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 1 February 1980.

List of students. Lists students attending Bowman through various programs, including VA, VA rehab, father’s VA benefits, Bureau of Vocational Rehab, Social Security, and an agreement with Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Provides name, course taken, date of entry, and date of graduation. [1970s-1980s].

Note. Stipulations on agreement regarding CETA and VA rehab programs. Undated.

Folder 72, Insert 9 Administrative Materials

Form letter. Notes enclosure of school catalog. Gives tuition estimate. Mentions several terms and conditions. March 1989.

Application form. Application for enrollment in Bowman Technical School. [March 1989].

Enrollment agreement. Lists rules, terms, and conditions of enrollment. 18 April 1980.

Form letter. Notes enclosure of school catalog and application form. Briefly describes course of study. [before May 1978].

Enrollment form. (photocopy) Undated.

Safety rule agreement form. Confirms receipt of copy of safety rules, possession of safety goggles or glasses, and intended compliance with rule on their use. Undated.

Bowman Technical School safety rules. Undated.

Bowman Technical School rules. 1 November 1981.

Form. Space for date, name, local address, and telephone number.

Notice to all students regarding absenteeism. Reiterates policy on absenteeism. Space for recording student name, enrollment date, and attendance violations since enrollment. 1 March 1983.

Folder 72, Insert 10 Administrative Materials and Miscellaneous Items

Evaluation form. Requests character evaluation from applicant’s reference. Parameters include emotional stability, initiative, cooperation, work habits, trustworthiness, and personal grooming. Undated.

Aptitude evaluation form. Student evaluation on basis of progress, interest, ability, and attendance. Space for instructor’s comments and recommendations. Undated.

Aptitude evaluation form. Student evaluation on basis of progress, interest, ability, and attendance. Space for instructor’s comments and recommendations. Undated.

Final review form. Lists required length of review periods with space for course, date starting review, graduation date, name as it is to appear on diploma, student and instructor signatures, and date. Undated.

Notice to all students, parents, and advisors. Informs of tuition increase effective 1 June 1990. 29 March 1990.

VA certification of attendance for Philip M. Goodman. Includes Goodman’s address and days absent. Signed By Carol A. Weidman. 11 April 1990.

Note. Concerns operation of calculator in calculation of bills. Undated.

List of employees. Includes date of hire, name, address, telephone number ,spouse, and date of birth. [Late 1980s].

Tool kit list. Handwritten list of tools for gear cutting kit. Includes prices. 2 June 1972.

Tool kit list. Lists contents of school kit. Some annotations. Undated.

Adding machine or calculator ribbon. Precise context unclear but found interleaved with tool kit lists. 25 August 1987.

Box 14

Folder 73 Instructional Materials

Folder 73, Insert 1 Watchmaking

Course sheet for Watchmaking and Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Columns for date begun, date finished, and instructor remarks in each section. 1951.

Course sheet for Watchmaking and Repairing. Draft for 1965 revision. Based on 1951 course sheet, but with annotations and inserts throughout. 1965.

Folder 73, Insert 2 Watchmaking

Course sheet for Watchmaking and Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, and date of entry. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. 1965.

Folder 73, Insert 3 Watchmaking

Course sheet for Watchmaking and Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, and date of entry. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. 1966.

Folder 73, Insert 4 Watchmaking

Course sheet for Watchmaking and Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, instructor, and date of entry. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. 1982

Folder 73, Insert 5 Watchmaking

Essay. “Production in Watchmaking,” by George S. Miller. Provides recommended procedures for repair work. Apparent draft with some annotations and corrections throughout. [after January 1965].

Essay. Production in Watchmaking,” by George S. Miller. Provides recommended procedures for repair work. Author given as Bowman Technical School. [after January 1965].

Folder 73, Insert 6 Watchmaking

Essay. Production in Watchmaking,” by George S. Miller. Provides recommended procedures for repair work. Author given as Bowman

Technical School. [after January 1965].

Time study. Lists time taken to work on several watches. [1965].

Time study. Lists time taken on each step in working on pair of watches. [1965].

Time study. Lists time taken to disassemble, clean, and reassemble two watches. Broken down by major steps. 21 December 1965.

Time study. Lists time taken to disassemble, clean, and reassemble two watches. Broken down by major steps. 21 December 1965.

Folder 73, Insert 7 Watchmaking

Evaluation chart for Watchmaking course. Includes space for student name and start date as well as chart of time allotted to each course section. Undated.

Chart of revolutions. Lists revolution times for various watch components. Undated.

Record of watches completely overhauled and regulated for final review. Space for student name, as well as date started and finished each type of watch and movement. Undated.

Chart of screw sizes. Lists number, size and scale for various screws. Undated.

Folder 73, Insert 8 Clockmaking and Repairing

Course sheet for Clockmaking and Repairing. Draft for 1965 version. Based on 1951 Watchmaking and Repairing course sheet, but with annotations and inserts throughout. 1965.

Course sheet for Clockmaking and Repairing. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. 1971.

Evaluation chart for Clock Repairing course. Includes space for student name and start date as well as chart of time allotted to each course section. Undated.

Guide to drawings of recoil anchor pallets. Prescribes steps and characteristics of proper technical drawings and sketches. Undated.

Folder 73, Insert 9 Engraving

Course sheet for Engraving. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Columns for date begun, date finished, and instructor remarks in each section. 1946.

Course sheet for Engraving. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Columns for date begun, date finished, and instructor remarks in each section. Annotations throughout. 1946.

Course sheet for Engraving. Draft for 1965 version. Based on 1946 Engraving course sheet, but with annotations and inserts throughout. 1965.

Course sheet for Engraving. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, and date of entry. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. 1966.

Folder 73, Insert 10 Engraving

Course sheet for Engraving. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, and date of entry. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. 1971.

Evaluation chart for Engraving course. Includes space for student name and start date as well as chart of time allotted to each course section. Undated.

Evaluation chart for Engraving course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. For each evaluation period, rows for quality of work, application and industry, attendance violations, skill development, application of theory, personal grooming, and personality. Undated.

Folder 74 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Folder 74, Insert 1 Jewelry Repairing

Course sheet for Jewelry Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Apparently early draft. 1965.

Memorandum. [Walter H. Haeseler] to Helen [E. Haeseler]. Notes enclosure of Jewelry Repairing course sheet and requests several changes be made. 12 February 1965.

Course sheet for Jewelry Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Annotations throughout. (carbon copy) 1965.

Folder 74, Insert 2 Jewelry Repairing

Course sheet for Jewelry Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, and date of entry, Course is broken down into sections and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. October 1965 to February 1967.

Course sheet for Jewelry Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, and date of entry. Course is broken down into sections and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. First page partially completed for Wayne Lee Tate of Spartanburg, South Carolina. October 1965.

Folder 74, Insert 3 Jewelry Repairing

Course sheet for Jewelry Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, sponsor, and date of entry. Course is broken down into sections and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. 1971.

Instructions for final review in Jewelry Repairing course. Space for name and date finished. Undated.

Instructions for final review in Jewelry Repairing course. Space for name and date finished. Handwritten additional section. Undated.

Evaluation chart for Jewelry Repairing course. Includes space for student name and start date as well as chart of time allotted to each course section. Undated.

Evaluation chart for Jewelry Repairing course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. For each evaluation period, rows for quality of work, application and industry, attendance violations, skill development, application of theory, personal grooming, and personality. Undated.

Course sheet for Hobby or Part Time Jewelry Making Course. Significant simplified and reduced in scope compared to Jewelry Repairing. Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools required for Jewelry Repair course. Undated.

Folder 74, Insert 4 Administrative Materials

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to Aurora W. Pucillo, State Board of Private Trade Schools. Requests for approval of new Clockmaking and Repairing and hobby-level Jewelry Making courses, revisions to Watchmaking and Repairing, Jewelry Work, and Engraving courses, and revised catalog. (carbon copy) 19 December 1964.

School catalog draft. Draft of catalog Your Future and Our School. [1964].

Folder 74, Insert 5 Administrative Materials

School catalog proof. Proof of catalog Your Future and Our School. Annotations throughout. [1964].

Folder 74, Insert 6 Administrative Materials

School catalog draft. Draft of catalog Your Future and Our School. Annotations and corrections throughout. 23 December 1964.

School catalog draft. Revised version of section on history of school per corrections in December 23 draft. [late 1964 to early 1965].

Folder 74, Insert 7 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Bowman Technical School regulations. Undated.

Bowman Technical School regulations. Rule 13, regarding use of telephone, crossed out. Undated.

Bowman Technical School regulations. Rule 2, requiring instructor permission to leave classroom, underlined. Undated.

Note. “Newest Certification Time.” Lists required time to receive certification in each course, as well as tuition rates. 17 November 1974.

Note. [?] to Helen [E. Haeseler?]. Inquires as to count of current school catalogs. Requests approximately fifty be send to “Logan @ Hershey.” Undated.

Bowman Technical School financial information. Supplement to catalog to be sent with application forms. Clarifies tuition terms and rates. 1 October 1973.

Guide to tempering using a blue flame. Prescribes color and temperature for various items and components. Undated.

Chart. Conversion tables for troy, avoirdupois, and metric weights. 27 May 1981.

Diagram of pivot drills. Guide to dimensions and production of pivot drills. Undated.

Diagram of pivot drills. Guide to dimensions and production of pivot drills. Undated.

Course sheet for Jewelry Store Technician. Lists component courses and time required to complete. Undated.

Diagram of pivot polisher. Three-view technical drawing with extensive measurements. Initialed by Walter H. Haeseler. Undated.

Note. Lists tuition rates and terms. Rates updated by hand twice. Undated.

Folder 74, Insert 8 Instructional Materials. Note: originally housed in binder.

Lecture script. Controlling the Cost of Inventory: Bowman Technical School by William D. Parkhurst of McKinsey & Company. Lecture for use in instructing Bowman students in inventory control and management. Includes reproductions of corresponding slides. May 1966.


Folder 75 Instructional Materials

Folder 75, Binder 1 Engraving

Name, Rick Sangrey, upper right corner of front cover.

Graver sharpening: script tool. Instructions for sharpening script tools. (carbon copy) Undated.

Sheet of practice cuts. (carbon copy) Undated.

Engraving font. Simple script. Undated.

Engraving font. Leonard script. Undated.

Sheet of script combinations. (carbon copy) Undated,

Engraving font. (carbon copy) Undated.

Engraving font. Vertical script. (carbon copy) Undated.

Engraving fonts. Plain block and Roman style block. (carbon copy) Undated.
Engraving fonts. Various block scripts. (carbon copy) Undated.

Engraving font. Old English. (carbon copy) Undated.

Sheet of examples of practical work. Examples of styles and appropriate sizes. (carbon copy) Undated.

Instructions for final exam in Engraving course. (carbon copy) Undated.

Folder 75, Binder 2 Watchmaking and Repairing

Label, Bowman Technical School: Watchmaking, front cover.

Evaluation chart for Watchmaking course. Spaces for student and instructor names, date started, and date finished. Chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. Undated.

Bowman Technical School rules. 1 November 1981.

Bowman Technical School safety rules. Undated.

Essay. “Production in Watchmaking,” by George S. Miller. Provides recommended procedures for repair work. (photocopy) [after January 1965]

Chart of Waltham balance staffs. Includes table of standard sizes of pivots. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide for adjusting watches to horizontal and vertical positions. List of causes of variance between horizontal and vertical positions. 19 November 1965.

Guide to diagnosing watches for restoration estimates. Prescribes order and procedure by which watches may be examined. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to staffs without samples. Undated.

Guide to tempering using a blue flame. Lists desired color and temperature for various items and components. Undated.

Guide to tempering high carbon steel. Lists desired color and temperature for various items and components. 17 July 1990.

Test on escapements. Fourteen questions plus section on diagram of escapement.

Diagram of balance staff. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram of riveted staffs. (photocopy) Undated.

Chart of mathematical examples of fast and slow trains. (photocopy) Undated.

Definitions of lever escapement action. List of terms related to lever escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to dial train types and rules. (photocopy) Undated.

List of terms related to precious metals. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram of collets and mainsprings. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to watch train wheels and pinions. Lists of terms and equations related to train wheels and pinions. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to main train types and rules. (photocopy) Undated.

Book excerpt. Pages eight and nine of “Time Management” in Horology. Discusses latitude and longitude, equations of time, and how to check a clock by solar observation. (photocopy) Undated.

Chart of the equation of time. Tracks variance in apparent solar time, mean solar time, and the equation of time over the course of a year. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to definitions used in the study of time. Defines various terms used in the study of time. (photocopy) Undated.

Book or magazine excerpt. Page eighteen of Time and Timekeepers. Includes diagram of relationship between sidereal, true solar, mean solar, and standard times.

Guide to time divisions and the calendar. (photocopy) 26 August 1984.

Diagrams of escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagrams of escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagrams of escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagrams of escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagrams of escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Folder 75, Binder 3 Engraving

Address label, Melanie L. Parkhurst, on front cover.

Graver sharpening: script tool. Instructions for sharpening script tools. Undated.

Sheet of practice cuts. Undated.

Engraving font. Simple script. Undated.

Engraving font. Leonard script. Undated.

Sheet of script combinations. Undated,

Engraving font and monogram examples. 11 January 1961.

Engraving font. Vertical script. Undated.

Engraving fonts. Plain block and Roman style block. Undated.
Engraving fonts. Various block scripts. Undated.

Engraving font. Old English. Undated.

Sheet of examples of practical work. Examples of styles and appropriate sizes. Undated.

Folder 75, Binder 4 Jewelry Repair and Engraving

Booklet. Gemstone Enhancement by Jewelers of America. Guide to treatment of various precious and semi-precious gemstones. Charts columns include product of treatment, treatment and raw material used, prevalence of treatment, stability of product to light, and whether treatment identifiable. Undated.

Magazine or journal cover. Facets of Jabel, volume 23, number 11. Illustration depicting creation of stone setting. (photocopy) August 1988.

Course sheet for Jewelry Repair. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Handwritten copy. (photocopy) Undated.

Course sheet for Engraving. Spaces for student name, address, instructor, and date of entry. Course is broken down into sections and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. May 1982.

Retail hand engraving price list. Provides prices and recommendations for various types of engraving work, as well as a variety of pieces. September 1978.

Folder 76 Administrative Materials

Book. Choices II: A Guide to Pennsylvania’s Postsecondary Career Schools. Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators. Page sixteen, profile of Bowman Technical School. 1986.

Folder 76, Insert 1 Procedure Manual. Note: originally housed in binder labeled “Bowman Technical School Procedure Manual.”

List of companies. Officers, staff, and dates of incorporation for Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons, Inc., Park Manufacturing Company., Inc., Park Manufacturing Co. of Lancaster, and Jeanne G. Parkhurst Fund Foundation. (carbon copy) Undated.

List of procedures. Includes officers, staff, and accountants for Park Manufacturing Company of Ohio, Inc. Procedures for Park Manufacturing Company and Jeanne G. Parkhurst Foundation Fund. (photocopy) Undated.

List of [registrar]’s procedures. Student-related duties of Bowman Technical School’s [registrar] and assistant registrar. (photocopy) Undated.

List of [registrar]’s procedures. General duties of Bowman Technical School’s [registrar] and assistant registrar. (photocopy) Undated.

List of [registrar]’s procedures. Tool room-related duties of Bowman Technical School’s [registrar] and assistant registrar. (photocopy) Undated.

List of bookkeeper’s procedures. Daily, weekly, and monthly duties of Bowman Technical School’s bookkeeper. (photocopy) Undated,

List of bookkeeper’s procedures. Weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly forms to be completed by Bowman Technical School’s bookkeeper. (photocopy) 16 May 1979.

List of school billing procedures. Tasks related to Bowman Technical School’s billing procedures. (photocopy) Undated.

List of tuition rate procedures. Instructions for calculation of tuition rates. Some annotations, including tuition rates by month, week, and day. 1 August 1979.

List of assistant registrar’s duties. Daily, weekly, and monthly duties of Bowman Technical School’s assistant registrar. (photocopy) Undated.

List of items for new students. Various rules and practices to be related to new enrollees. (photocopy) Undated.

Notice to all students regarding absenteeism. Reiterates policy on absenteeism. 28 September 1976.

Folder 77 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Folder 77, Insert 1 Instructional and Administrative Materials. Note: Inserts 1 and 2 originally housed in binder.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school. State Board of Private Trade Schools. DEBE-600. 1 July 1974.

Booklet. American Watch Historical Information with Serial Numbers and Dates by Minnesota Watchmakers Association. Lists of watches by date of manufacturer and serial number, watchmakers and companies with location and dates of operation, names appearing on watches identified by manufacturer, and chronological listing of watch factories. Undated.

Chart. Conversions for millimeters to carats for various diamond cuts and shapes. (photocopy) September 1990.

Chart. Conversions for carats to millimeters. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of charts and tables. Standard shapes and sizes of various cuts, carat weight formulas, list of birthstones, round stone size comparison table, and alphabetical Mohs table. From catalog of J. Frank Golden and Associates of Morrow, Georgia. Undated.

Table. Simulated birthstones by cut and size. Includes price list. From catalog of J. Frank Golden and Associates. Undated.

Sheet of tables. Half-drilled beads, full-drilled beads, and necklaces by stone and size. Includes price list. From catalog of J. Frank Golden and Associates. Undated.

Sheet of tables. Gemstone characteristics and general guide to handling and millimeter to carts conversion chart. From catalog of J. Frank Golden and Associates. Undated.

Chart. Conversions for various weights. On Bowman Technical School letterhead. Undated.

Magazine clipping. Modern Jeweler. “Burma Ruby: Still the champion,” by David Federman. Profile and discussion of Burma rubies. [mid- to late 1980s].

Chart. Approximate watch ages for various American brands. Age given by serial number. Letterhead of Joseph Bros of Chicago. (photocopy) Undated.

Folder 77, Inset 2 Instructional Materials. Note: Inserts 1 and 2 originally housed in binder.

Sheet of charts and tables. Charts of Hampden Watch Company and Illinois Watch Company movements. Charts of serial numbers by production date for various American watch manufacturers. Undated.

Table of gem stones. List of various precious and semi-precious gems with columns for specific gravity, refractive index, hardness, toughness, and birefringence. Undated.

Sheet of charts. Comparison of global diamond color grading systems and chart of diamond cuts and measures. Produced by American Diamond Syndicate. 1980.

Chart. Creative Applications. Comparison of stone and pearl sizes with columns for size and measurements in millimeters and carats. List of genuine and synthetic birthstones. Produced by Stone House of Max Schuster, Inc. Undated.

Chart. Explanation of diamond internal quality grades. Undated.

Brochure. Quality: It’s as Important in Diamonds as in Anything Else You Own, by De Beers. Guide to the “four characteristics” diamond quality: cut, color, clarity, and carat-weight. Undated.

Chart. Guide to various silver place setting and serving pieces. Undated.

Chart. Guide to diamond identification. Produced by The New York Diamond Report. Undated.

Chart. Guide to the clarity grades of diamonds. Produced by The New York Diamond Report. Undated.

Chart. Guide to the color grades of diamonds in the GIA system. Produced by The New York Diamond Report. Undated.

Folder 77, Insert 3 Instructional Materials. Note: Inserts 3 through 8 originally housed in three-ring binder.

Instructions. Making a ring. List of procedures in making a ring. Undated.

Instructions. Making a ring. List of procedures in making a ring. Handwritten copy. Undated.

Illustrations. Figures corresponding to certain steps of making a ring. Undated.

Instructions. Reducing the size of a ring from 6½ to 5½. List of steps in reducing a ring’s size. Undated.

Instructions. Reducing the size of a ring from 6½ to 5½. List of steps in reducing a ring’s size. Handwritten copy. Undated.

Instructions. Increasing the size of a ring from 8 to 9½. List of steps in increasing a ring’s size. Undated.

Instructions. Increasing the size of a ring from 8 to 9½. List of steps in increasing a ring’s size. Handwritten copy. Undated.

Instructions. Shanking a ring. List of steps in shanking a ring. Undated.

Instructions. Shanking a ring. List of steps in shanking a ring. Undated.

Illustrations. Figures corresponding to certain steps of shanking a ring.

Folder 77, Insert 4 Instructional Materials. Note: Inserts 3 through 8 originally housed in three-ring binder.

Instructions. Making bar pins List of steps in making bar pins via soft and hard solder. Undated.

Instructions. Making bar pins List of steps in making bar pins via soft and hard solder. Handwritten copy. Undated.

Illustrations. Figures corresponding to certain steps of making bar pins. Undated.

Instructions. Soldering chains and links by machine. List of steps in machine soldering of links and chains. Undated.

Instructions. Soldering chains and links by machine. List of steps in machine soldering of links and chains. Handwritten copy, Undated.

Instructions. Soldering chains and links by flame. List of steps in flame soldering of links and chains. Undated.

Instructions. Soldering chains and links by flame. List of steps in flame soldering of links and chains. Handwritten copy. Undated.

Folder 77, Insert 5 Instructional Materials. Note: Inserts 3 through 8 originally housed in three-ring binder.

Instructions. Repairing worn rings or links. List of steps in repairing worn links or rings. Undated.

Instructions. Repairing worn rings or links. List of steps in repairing worn links or rings. Handwritten copy. Undated.

Instructions. Spectacle frame repairing. List of steps in repairing spectacle frames. Undated.

Instructions. Spectacle frame repairing. List of steps in repairing spectacle frames. Handwritten copy. Undated.

Illustrations. Figures corresponding to certain steps in repairing spectacle frames. Undated.

Folder 77, Insert 6 Instructional Materials. Note: Inserts 3 through 8 originally housed in three-ring binder.

Instructions. Stone setting tools. List of tools required for setting stones. Undated.

Instructions. Stone setting tools. List of tools required for setting stones. Handwritten copy. Undated.

Instructions. Tiffany mountings. List of steps in using Tiffany mountings. Undated.

Instructions. Tiffany mountings. List of steps in using Tiffany mountings. Handwritten copy. Undated.

Illustrations. Figures corresponding to certain steps of using tiffany mountings. Undated.

Folder 77, Insert 7 Instructional Materials. Note: Inserts 3 through 8 originally housed in three-ring binder.

Instructions. Flat-top mounting. Lists of steps in using flat-top mountings. Undated.

Instructions. Flat-top mounting. Lists of steps in using flat-top mountings. Handwritten copy. Undated.

Illustrations. Figures corresponding to certain steps of using flat-top mountings.

Instructions. Fishtail mountings. List of steps in using fishtail mountings. Undated.

Instructions. Fishtail mountings. List of steps in using fishtail mountings. Handwritten copy. Undated.

Illustrations. Figures corresponding to certain steps of using fishtail mountings. Undated.

Folder 77, Inset 8 Instructional Materials. Note: Inserts 3 through 8 originally housed in three-ring binder.

Chart. Diagrams and ingredients for various solutions. Undated.

Note. Concerns procedure for lightening silver. Undated.

Note. Concerns Freedom Electric Company of Bethel, Connecticut. Undated.

Manual. Instructions: Models 1 and 7 by Good-All Electric Manufacturing Company of Ogallala, Nebraska. Assembly and operational instructions for two models of Good-All’s electric soldering machines. Undated.

Folder 78 Instructional Materials. Note: many items duplicated elsewhere in series.

Folder 78, Binder 1 Jewelry. Label, front cover, “Bowman Technical School: Jewelry.”

Evaluation chart for Jewelry Repairing course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. (photocopy) Undated.

Bowman Technical School safety rules. Undated.

Bowman Technical School rules. (photocopy) 1 November 1981.

List of terms related to precious metals. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of tables. Conversion formulas and comparisons of various troy, avoirdupois, and metric weights and measures. Originally appendix to unidentified publication. (photocopy) Undated.

Chart. Reference guide to 14-carat settings for various stone sizes. (photocopy) Undated.

Illustrations. Figures corresponding to certain steps of using flat-top mountings. Undated.

Guide to metal finishes. Describes creation and properties of semimatte, satin, mirror, and ultra mirror finishes. Undated.

Guide to gemstones. Names, hardness, toughness, and response to heat of various semi-precious and precious gems. Undated.

Chart. Conversion tables for troy, avoirdupois, and metric weights. (photocopy) 27 May 1981.

Guide to precious metals. Describes colors and tones of karat gold, tolerances of non-plumb and plumb gold, purity of silver, purity and quality marks of platinum, and uses of platinum group metals. Undated.

Guide to precious metals. Describes methods to assay gold, touchstones and their care, and method to determine fineness of silver. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to precious metals. Describes colors and tones of karat gold, tolerances of non-plumb and plumb gold, purity of silver, purity and quality marks of platinum, and uses of platinum group metals. Undated.

Guide to gemstones. Includes definitions of terms, diagrams of carved gemstones, and Mohs table. (photocopy) Undated.

Instructions. Attaching a finger-fit shank. Lists steps in replacing a ring’s shank. (photocopy) Undated.

Chart. Guide to steps in attaching a Finger Mate shank to a ring. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to soldering. Describes use of easy-flow solder, hard-flow solder, and anti-flux. Tables of non-plumb yellow gold solders by designation, karat, flow point and melt point, color of metals by temperature, and types of solder by metal. (photocopy) Undated.

List of terms related to precious metals. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to stones and metals. List of stones by color and table of metals with columns for melting point, specific gravity, and density. Produced by Stuller Settings, Inc. (photocopy) Undated.

Folder 78, Binder 2 Engraving

Graver sharpening: script tool. Instructions for sharpening script tools. Undated.

Sheet of practice cuts. Undated.

Engraving font. Simple script. Undated.

Engraving font. Leonard script. Undated.

Sheet of script combinations. Undated,

Engraving font and monogram examples. 11 January 1961.

Engraving font. Vertical script. Undated.

Engraving fonts. Plain block and Roman style block. Undated.
Engraving fonts. Various block scripts. Undated.

Engraving font. Old English. Undated.

Sheet of examples of practical work. Examples of styles and appropriate sizes. Undated.

Folder 78, Binder 3 Engraving

Graver sharpening: script tool. Instructions for sharpening script tools. Undated.

Sheet of practice cuts. Undated.

Engraving font. Simple script. Undated.

Engraving font. Leonard script. Undated.

Sheet of script combinations. Undated,

Engraving font and monogram examples. 11 January 1961.

Engraving font. Vertical script. Undated.

Engraving fonts. Plain block and Roman style block. Undated.
Engraving fonts. Various block scripts. Undated.

Engraving font. Old English. Undated.

Sheet of examples of practical work. Examples of styles and appropriate sizes. Undated.

Folder 78, Binder 4 Watchmaking and Repairing. Label, front cover, “Bowman Technical School: Watchmaking.”

Evaluation chart for Watchmaking course. Includes space for student name, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section.

Essay. Production in Watchmaking,” by George S. Miller. Provides recommended procedures for repair work. Missing first page. (photocopy) [after January 1965].

Chart. Illustrated guide to steps in producing balance staffs on lathe. (photocopy) Undated.

Chart of Waltham balance staffs. Includes table of standard sizes of pivots. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide for adjusting watches to horizontal and vertical positions. List of causes of variance between horizontal and vertical positions. 19 November 1965.

Bowman Technical School rules. 1 November 1981.

Bowman Technical School safety rules. (photocopy) Undated.

Essay. Essay. Production in Watchmaking,” by George S. Miller. Provides recommended procedures for repair work. First page only. (photocopy) [after January 1965].

Guide to diagnosing watches for restoration estimates. Prescribes order and procedure by which watches may be examined. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to staffs without samples. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to tempering high carbon steel. Lists desired color and temperature for various items and components. (photocopy) 17 July 1990.

Test on escapements. Fourteen questions plus section on diagram of escapement. Undated.

Diagram of riveted staffs. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram of balance staff. (photocopy) Undated.

Chart. Mathematical examples of fast and slow trains. (photocopy) Undated.

Definitions of lever escapement action. List of terms related to lever escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to dial train types and rules. (photocopy) Undated.

List of terms related to precious metals. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram of collets and mainsprings. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to watch train wheels and pinions. Lists of terms and equations related to train wheels and pinions. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to main train types and rules. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram of balance staff. Technical drawing with numerous measurements. Drawn by Robert Lentz. (photocopy) Undated.

Book excerpt. Pages eight and nine of “Time Management” in Horology. Discusses latitude and longitude, equations of time, and how to check a clock by solar observation. (photocopy) Undated.

Chart of the equation of time. Tracks variance in apparent solar time, mean solar time, and the equation of time over the course of a year. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to definitions used in the study of time. Defines various terms used in the study of time. (photocopy) Undated.

Book or magazine excerpt. Page eighteen of Time and Timekeepers. Includes diagram of relationship between sidereal, true solar, mean solar, and standard times. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to time divisions and the calendar. Some annotations. (photocopy) 26 August 1984.

Diagrams of escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagrams of Chinese duplex and English Lever escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagrams of English duplex and crank roller lever escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagrams of verge and cylinder escapements. (photocopy) Undated.


Folder 79 Instructional Materials

Folder 79, Binder 1 Clockmaking and Repairing. Front cover, label, “Bowman Technical School: Clock Course.”

Evaluation chart for Clockmaking and Repairing course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. Undated.

Bowman Technical School safety rules. Undated.

Bowman Technical School rules. 1 November 1981.

Definitions of lever escapement action. List of terms related to lever escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to staffs without samples. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to development of a recoil escapement. List of steps in producing a recoil escapement. 20 June 1990.

Diagram of dead beat escapement. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of formulas. Formulas related to pendulum weights. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to geometry of dead beat escapements in second beat clocks. List of steps in producing a dead beat escapement for a second beat clock. (photocopy) 15 February 1990.

Chart. Graph of driving weight for school clock movement. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to turning support posts for school clock. List of steps in producing support posts for school clock on lathe. 20 June 1990.

Chart. Graph of time lost per day by amplitude variation in clocks. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to formulas for compound pendulums. Includes diagram for variables. (photocopy) Undated.

Chart. Graph of beats per minute of a simple pendulum. Includes relevant formula. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of formulas. Formulas related to the module system of wheel cutting. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram. Technical drawing of fly cutting arbor. (photocopy) 10 February 1983.

Diagram. Technical drawings of general purpose, roughing, and threading lathe tools. (photocopy) 12 May 1983.

Guide to hour strike trains. List of steps in designing an hour strike train to match school clock. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to turning school clock pinions. List of procedures and tools needed in turning school clock pinions. Undated.

Guide to making school clock verge arbor. List of procedures and tools needed in producing school clock verge arbor. (photocopy) 25 April 1983.

Guide to building school clock. List of steps in producing clock on school clock pattern. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram. Technical drawing of unknown subject. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram. Guide to practicing pivot turning. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram. Technical drawing of steady rest. Details of components and numerous measurements. (photocopy) 27 July 1981.

Diagram. Detail of escapement. (photocopy) 16 March 1978.

Diagram. Technical drawing of minute wheel or equivalent in time train. (photocopy) Undated.

List of terms related to precious metals. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to time divisions and the calendar. Some annotations. (photocopy) 26 August 1984.

Guide to definitions used in the study of time. Defines various terms used in the study of time. (photocopy) Undated.

Book or magazine excerpt. Page eighteen of Time and Timekeepers. Includes diagram of relationship between sidereal, true solar, mean solar, and standard times.

Diagram. Earth’s rotation and solar orbit. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram. Earth’s solar rotation visualized as ellipse divided into twelve equal areas. Undated.

Chart of the equation of time. Tracks variance in apparent solar time, mean solar time, and the equation of time over the course of a year. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram. Visual horizon, celestial equator, meridian, and plane of the ecliptic visualized as circles on the face of the sky. (photocopy) Undated.

Book excerpt. Pages eight and nine of “Time Management” in Horology. Discusses latitude and longitude, equations of time, and how to check a clock by solar observation. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to basic gearing formula for clock time trains. Explains formula and applications. 21 June 1990.

Chart. Graph of weight by semiamplitude by driving weight. No data. (photocopy) Undated.

Test on escapements. Fourteen questions plus section on diagram of escapement. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to tempering using a blue flame. Prescribes color and temperature for various items and components. (photocopy) Undated.

Table of fractions, decimals, and millimeters. Produced by Copper and Brass Sales, Inc. (photocopy) Undated.

Notice to students enrolled in the Clockmaking and Repairing course. Clarification of the objectives of the Clockmaking and Repairing course and policies on production of auxiliary components. 25 September 1988.

Sheet of tables. Measurement comparisons of inches, millimeters, B&S gauge, and drill number. Fractional and decimal inches to millimeters. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of diagrams. Technical drawings of cutter centering piece and pinion backup sleeve, tools required for cutting pinions for the school clock. (photocopy) Undated.

Folder 79, Binder 2 Front cover, label, “Bowman Technical School: Engraving.”

Evaluation chart for Engraving course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section.

Bowman Technical School rules. (photocopy) 1 November 1981.

Engraving fonts. Ring block and ring script. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of tables. Comparison of diameters, in B&S gauge, millimeters, decimal and fractional inches, and drill size. Various shapes of sterling silver by B&S gauge with columns for dimensions per ounce. Originally appendix to unidentified publication. (photocopy) Undated.

Chart. Conversion tables for troy, avoirdupois, and metric weights. (photocopy) 27 May 1981.

Guide to tempering using a blue flame. Prescribes color and temperature for various items and components. (photocopy) 17 July 1990.

Graver sharpening: script tool. Instructions for sharpening script tools. Undated.

Sheet of practice cuts. Undated.

Engraving font. Simple script. Undated.

Engraving font. Leonard script. Undated.

Sheet of script combinations. Undated,

Engraving font and monogram examples. (photocopy) 11 January 1961.

Engraving font. Vertical script. Undated.

Engraving fonts. Plain block and Roman style block. Undated.
Engraving fonts. Various block scripts. Undated.

Engraving font. Old English. Undated.

Sheet of examples of practical work. Examples of styles and appropriate sizes. Undated.

Folder 80 Engraving Book

Book. Albert A. Winter. A Practical Course in Jewelry Engraving: Illustrated and Descriptive. Chicago: Henry Paulson & Co. Brief introductory text on engraving. 1946.

Folder 81 Watchmaking and Clockmaking Books

Booklet. H. Shouffelberger. Wheels and Pinions and Ways to Determine Their Exact Size. Translated and edited by Theo[philus] Gribi. Chicago: George K. Hazlitt & Co. Formulas and tables related to wheels and pinions. Used in at least one Bowman course. (photocopy or microform reproduction) 1896.

Booklet. H. Shouffelberger. Wheels and Pinions and Ways to Determine Their Exact Size. Translated and edited by Theo[philus] Gribi. Chicago: George K. Hazlitt & Co. Formulas and tables related to wheels and pinions. Used in at least one Bowman course. (photocopy or microform reproduction) 1896.

Booklet. Hans Barlow. The Repair of American Wood Geared Clock Movements. [Self published]. Discussion American wood geared clocks, their mechanisms, and their repair. 1979.

Booklet. Hans Barlow. The Repair of American Wood Geared Clock Movements. [Self published]. Discussion American wood geared clocks, their mechanisms, and their repair. 1979.

Folder 82 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Folder 82, Insert 1 Instructional Materials

Table of serial numbers. Lists serial numbers of Webb C. Ball private label watches with columns for production run, maker, product code, year made, and movement mark.

Evaluation chart for Engraving course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. Printed as one piece, then cut and pasted onto another sheet. Undated.

Evaluation chart for Engraving course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. Printed as one piece, then cut and pasted onto another sheet. Undated.

Evaluation chart for Engraving course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. Handwritten annotations. Undated.

Evaluation chart for Jewelry repairing course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. Printed as one piece, then cut and pasted onto another sheet. Undated.

Evaluation chart for Jewelry repairing course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. Handwritten annotations. Undated.

Evaluation chart for Jewelry Repairing course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. (photocopy) Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Clockmaking course. Stamped by Bowman Technical School. (photocopy) [after 1977].

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Jewelry Repair course. (photocopy) Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Jewelry Repair course. (photocopy) Undated.

Folder 82, Insert 2 Instructional Materials

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Engraving course. (photocopy) Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Watch and Clock Repairing course. Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Watch and Clock Repairing course. Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Jewelry Repair course. Numerous annotations. Undated.

Price list. List of several tools and their prices. Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Clock course. (carbon copy) Undated.

Tool kit list. Handwritten list of tools and supplies required for a clock-related course. Undated.

Tool kit list. Handwritten list of tools and supplies required for a clock-related course. Includes prices for some items. Undated.

Note. Instructions to send copy of “this” if mailing. Found interleaved in tool kit lists and perhaps referring to one or more of them. Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required by beginning students in watch and clock courses. Undated.

Folder 82, Insert 3 Instructional Materials

Form letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to whom it may concern. Informs that school does not maintain tool lists due to daily changes in tools and prices. Notes that students issued kit on first day and lists contents thereof. [after late 1964].

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required by advanced engravers. Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required by advanced engravers. Undated.

Tool kit list. List of contents of school kit and supplementary materials to be purchased by student. Course not given but contents of list suggest clock-related course. Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for ring mountings. Notes that prices subject to current price of gold. One item, “#616 Mounting (Fishtail),” crossed out. Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required by Engraving course. Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required by advanced engravers. Undated.

Guide to watch train wheels and pinions. Lists of terms and equations related to train wheels and pinions. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram. Technical drawing of steady rest. Details of components and numerous measurements. (photocopy) 27 July 1981.

Diagram. Technical drawing of steady rest. Details of components and numerous measurements. (photocopy) 27 July 1981.

Folder 82, Insert 4 Instructional Materials.

Sheet of tables. Measurement comparisons of inches, millimeters, B&S gauge, and drill number. Fractional and decimal inches to millimeters. (photocopy) Undated.

Notice to students enrolled in the Clockmaking and Repairing course. Clarification of the objectives of the Clockmaking and Repairing course and policies on production of auxiliary components. 25 September 1988.

Guide to turning school clock pinions. List of procedures and tools needed in turning school clock pinions. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of formulas. Formulas related to pendulum weights. (photocopy of carbon copy) Undated.

Chart. Graph of driving weight for school clock movement. (photocopy) April 1983.

Evaluation chart for Clockmaking and Repairing course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. Handwritten annotations. Undated.

Chart. Graph of driving weight for school clock movement. No data. Undated.

Guide to basic gearing formula for clock time trains. Explains formula and applications. 21 June 1990.

Diagram. Technical drawing of unknown subject. Undated.

Diagram. Technical drawing of minute wheel or equivalent in time train. Undated.

Diagram. Detail of escapement. (photocopy) 16 March 1978.

Folder 82, Insert 5 Instructional Materials

Guide to turning support posts for school clock. List of steps in producing support posts for school clock on lathe. 20 June 1990.

Guide to development of a recoil escapement. List of steps in producing a recoil escapement. 20 June 1990.

Guide to building school clock. List of steps in producing clock on school clock pattern. Undated.

Diagram. Detail of escapement.16 March 1978.

Guide to geometry of dead beat escapements in second beat clocks. List of steps in producing a dead beat escapement for a second beat clock. 15 February 1990.

Chart. Graph of time lost per day by amplitude variation in clocks. Undated.

Guide to formulas for compound pendulums. Includes diagram for variables. (photocopy) Undated.

Chart. Graph of beats per minute of a simple pendulum. Includes relevant formula. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of formulas. Formulas related to the module system of wheel cutting. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of formulas. Formulas related to the module system of wheel cutting. Annotated with filing instructions and date (photocopy) 29 March 1983.

Folder 82, Insert 6 Instructional Materials

Diagram. Technical drawing of steady rest. Details of components and numerous measurements. 27 July 1981.

Diagram. Technical drawing of steady rest. Details of components and numerous measurements. 20 January 1982.

Diagram. Technical drawings of centering support and fly cutting arbor. 10 February 1983.

Guide to hour strike trains. List of steps in designing an hour strike train to match school clock. Undated.

Sheet of diagrams. Technical drawings of cutter centering piece and pinion backup sleeve, tools required for cutting pinions for the school clock. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram. Technical drawings of general purpose, roughing, and threading lathe tools. 12 May 1983.

Guide to making school clock verge arbor. List of procedures and tools needed in producing school clock verge arbor. (photocopy) 25 April 1983.

Diagram. Earth’s rotation and solar orbit. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of tables. Comparison of diameters, in B&S gauge, millimeters, decimal and fractional inches, and drill size. Various shapes of sterling silver by B&S gauge with columns for dimensions per ounce. Originally appendix to unidentified publication. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of tables. Comparison of diameters, in B&S gauge, millimeters, decimal and fractional inches, and drill size. Various shapes of sterling silver by B&S gauge with columns for dimensions per ounce. Originally appendix to unidentified publication. (photocopy) Undated.

Folder 82, Insert 7 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Guide to gemstones. Names, hardness, toughness, and response to heat of various semi-precious and precious gems. Undated.

Chart. Reference guide to 14-carat settings for various stone sizes. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to precious metals. Describes colors and tones of karat gold, tolerances of non-plumb and plumb gold, purity of silver, purity and quality marks of platinum, and uses of platinum group metals. Undated.

Diagram. Visual horizon, celestial equator, meridian, and plane of the ecliptic visualized as circles on the face of the sky. Undated.

Diagram. Earth’s rotation and solar orbit. Undated.

Diagram. Earth’s solar rotation visualized as ellipse divided into twelve equal areas. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to 400 day or anniversary clocks. List of suggestions regarding setup of anniversary clocks. (photocopy) Undated.

Final review form. Lists required length of review periods with space for course, date starting review, graduation date, name as it is to appear on diploma, student and instructor signatures, and date. Undated.

Folder 83 School Catalogs

School catalog. Prospectus of the Ezra F. Bowman Technical School (Incorporating the American Horological Institute), Lancaster, PA. [1901 to 1904].

School catalog. John J. Bowman. The Higher Education of Hand and Eye. Name, [Eva], on front cover. Sketch of bee on rear cover. Poor condition; some water damage. Includes approximately twenty pages of testimonials and student work. 1904.

Folder 84 School Catalogs

School Catalog. Your Future and Our School. Sections. Includes 22 pages of testimonials and numerous photographs of student work. 1914.

School Catalog. Your Future and Our School. Sections cut from pages 57-60. Sketch of monogram, page 59. Includes twenty-two pages of testimonials and numerous illustrations of student work. Binding in very poor condition. 1914.

Folder 84, Insert 1 Sheet of monograms. Interleaved, pages 48-49.

Box 15

Folder 85 School Catalogs

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Includes approximately twenty pages of testimonials and numerous illustrations of student work. Binding and covers in poor condition. 1923.

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Incorporates six additional articles on Bowman Technical School and its graduates, the city of Lancaster, and watchmaking in general. Includes twelve pages of testimonials. 1936.

Folder 86 School Catalogs

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Incorporates six additional articles on Bowman Technical School and its graduates, the city of Lancaster, and watchmaking in general. Includes nine pages of testimonials. Annotations and corrections throughout. Holes for binding reversed and book assembled back-to-front. Name, Arthur H., on front cover. Illustration of pocket watch on front cover losing coloration. 1936.

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Incorporates six additional articles on Bowman Technical School and its graduates, the city of Lancaster, and watchmaking in general. Includes nine pages of testimonials. Infrequent annotations throughout. Front page lacks illustration and title. 1936.

Folder 87 School Catalogs

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Includes approximately fifty pages of testimonials. 1951.

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Includes approximately fifty pages of testimonials. Rear cover, adhesive residue. 1951.

Folder 88 School catalog. Your Future and Our School Includes approximately fifty pages of testimonials. Binding in poor condition and covers detached. Originally housed in Bowman Technical School mailing envelope.1954.

Folder 89 Instructional Materials

Folder 89, Binder 1 Watchmaking. Label, “Bowman Technical School: Watchmaking,” front cover.

Evaluation chart for Watchmaking course. Spaces for student and instructor names, date started, and date finished. Chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. Undated.

Bowman Technical School rules. (photocopy) 1 November 1981.

Bowman Technical School safety rules. (photocopy) Undated.

Essay. “Production in Watchmaking,” by George S. Miller. Provides recommended procedures for repair work. (photocopy) [after January 1965].

Illustration. Guide to steps in producing balance staffs on lathe. (photocopy) Undated.

Chart of Waltham balance staffs. Includes table of standard sizes of pivots. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide for adjusting watches to horizontal and vertical positions. List of causes of variance between horizontal and vertical positions. 19 November 1965.

Guide to diagnosing watches for restoration estimates. Prescribes order and procedure by which watches may be examined. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to staffs without samples. Undated.

Guide to tempering high carbon steel. Lists desired color and temperature for various items and components. 17 July 1990.

Test on escapements. Fourteen questions plus section on diagram of escapement. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram of balance staff. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram of riveted staffs. (photocopy) Undated.

Chart of mathematical examples of fast and slow trains. (photocopy) Undated.

Definitions of lever escapement action. List of terms related to lever escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to dial train types and rules. (photocopy) Undated.

List of terms related to precious metals. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram of collets and mainsprings. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to watch train wheels and pinions. Lists of terms and equations related to train wheels and pinions. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to main train types and rules. (photocopy) Undated.

Book excerpt. Pages eight and nine of “Time Management” in Horology. Discusses latitude and longitude, equations of time, and how to check a clock by solar observation. (photocopy) Undated.

Chart of the equation of time. Tracks variance in apparent solar time, mean solar time, and the equation of time over the course of a year. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to definitions used in the study of time. Defines various terms used in the study of time. (photocopy) Undated.

Book or magazine excerpt. Page eighteen of Time and Timekeepers. Includes diagram of relationship between sidereal, true solar, mean solar, and standard times.

Guide to time divisions and the calendar. (photocopy) 26 August 1984.

Diagrams of escapements. (photographic reproduction) Undated.

Diagrams of English duplex and crank roller escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagrams of chronometer and rack lever escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagrams of verge and cylinder escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Folder 89, Insert 2 School Catalogs

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Volume 9. Annotations and corrections throughout. 1 December 1959.

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Volume [9 to 12]. Extensive annotations, corrections, and modifications throughout; indicated changes generally consistent with appearance of Volume 13. [1 December 1959 to 1968].

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Volume 13. 1 August 1968.

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Volume 14. Several minor annotations and corrections. 1 November 1969.

School catalog. Volume 16.15 November 1971.

Folder 89, Insert 3 School catalogs

School catalog. Volume 17. 1 January 1973.

School catalog. Based on Volume 18, 1 January 1975 but with extensive revisions concerning changes for coming Volume 19, 1 January 1977.

School catalog proof. Proof of Volume 19, 1 January 1977.

School catalog. Volume 19. 1 January 1977.

School catalog. Volume 19. Handwritten correction in Standards of Progress, page 7. 1 January 1977.

Folder 89, Insert 4 School catalogs

School catalog proof. Proof of Volume 18, 1 January 1975.

School catalog. Volume 19. Handwritten correction of tuition rate, page 6. 1 January 1977.

School catalog. Volume 19. Handwritten correction of tuition rate, page 6. 1 January 1977.

School catalog. Volume 20. Corrections to list of faculty and tuition rate. Note clarifying refund policy interleaved pages 6-7. 1 January 1980.

School catalog. Volume 22. 1 January 1989.

School catalog. Volume 22. 1 January 1989. Corrections to tuition rate and length of Clock Repairing course. Stamps noting cancellation of Engraving and Clockmaking and Repairing courses. 1 January 1980.

Folder 90 Instructional Materials

Folder 90, Binder 1 Engraving

Graver sharpening: script tool. Instructions for sharpening script tools. Undated.

Sheet of practice cuts. Undated.

Engraving font. Simple script. Undated.

Engraving font. Leonard script. Undated.

Sheet of script combinations. Undated.

Engraving font and monogram examples. 11 January 1961.

Engraving font. Vertical script. Undated.

Engraving fonts. Plain block and Roman style block. Undated.
Engraving fonts. Various block scripts. Undated.

Engraving font. Old English. Undated.

Sheet of examples of practical work. Examples of styles and appropriate sizes. Undated.

Folder 90, Binder 2 Clockmaking and Repairing. Label, “Bowman Technical School: Clock Course,” front cover.

Evaluation chart for Clockmaking and Repairing course. Includes space for student and instructor names, start date, finish date, and chart of minimum and maximum time allotted to each course section. (photocopy) Undated.

Bowman Technical School safety rules. Undated.

Bowman Technical School rules. 1 November 1981.

Definitions of lever escapement action. List of terms related to lever escapements. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to staffs without samples. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to development of a recoil escapement. List of steps in producing a recoil escapement. (photocopy) 20 June 1990.

Diagram of dead beat escapement. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of formulas. Formulas related to pendulum weights. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to geometry of dead beat escapements in second beat clocks. List of steps in producing a dead beat escapement for a second beat clock. (photocopy) 15 February 1990.

Chart. Graph of driving weight for school clock movement. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to turning support posts for school clock. List of steps in producing support posts for school clock on lathe. (photocopy) 20 June 1990.

Chart. Graph of time lost per day by amplitude variation in clocks. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to formulas for compound pendulums. Includes diagram for variables. (photocopy) Undated.

Chart. Graph of beats per minute of a simple pendulum. Includes relevant formula. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of formulas. Formulas related to the module system of wheel cutting. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram. Technical drawing of fly cutting arbor. (photocopy) 10 February 1983.

Diagram. Technical drawings of general purpose, roughing, and threading lathe tools. (photocopy) 12 May 1983.

Guide to hour strike trains. List of steps in designing an hour strike train to match school clock. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to turning school clock pinions. List of procedures and tools needed in turning school clock pinions. Undated.

Guide to making school clock verge arbor. List of procedures and tools needed in producing school clock verge arbor. (photocopy) 25 April 1983.

Guide to building school clock. List of steps in producing clock on school clock pattern. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram. Technical drawing of unknown subject. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram. Guide to practicing pivot turning. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram. Technical drawing of steady rest. Details of components and numerous measurements. (photocopy) 27 July 1981.

Diagram. Detail of escapement. (photocopy) 16 March 1978.

Diagram. Technical drawing of minute wheel or equivalent in time train. (photocopy) Undated.

List of terms related to precious metals. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to time divisions and the calendar. Some annotations. (photocopy) 26 August 1984.

Guide to definitions used in the study of time. Defines various terms used in the study of time. (photocopy) Undated.

Book or magazine excerpt. Page eighteen of Time and Timekeepers. Includes diagram of relationship between sidereal, true solar, mean solar, and standard times.

Diagram. Earth’s rotation and solar orbit. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram. Earth’s solar rotation visualized as ellipse divided into twelve equal areas. Undated.

Chart of the equation of time. Tracks variance in apparent solar time, mean solar time, and the equation of time over the course of a year. (photocopy) Undated.

Diagram. Visual horizon, celestial equator, meridian, and plane of the ecliptic visualized as circles on the face of the sky. (photocopy) Undated.

Book excerpt. Pages eight and nine of “Time Management” in Horology. Discusses latitude and longitude, equations of time, and how to check a clock by solar observation. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to basic gearing formula for clock time trains. Explains formula and applications. 21 June 1990.

Chart. Graph of weight by semiamplitude by driving weight. No data. (photocopy) Undated.

Test on escapements. Fourteen questions plus section on diagram of escapement. (photocopy) Undated.

Guide to tempering high carbon steel. Prescribes color and temperature for various items and components. (photocopy) 17 July 1990.

Table of fractions, decimals, and millimeters. Produced by Copper and Brass Sales, Inc. (photocopy) Undated.

Notice to students enrolled in the Clockmaking and Repairing course. Clarification of the objectives of the Clockmaking and Repairing course and policies on production of auxiliary components. 25 September 1988.

Sheet of tables. Measurement comparisons of inches, millimeters, B&S gauge, and drill number. Fractional and decimal inches to millimeters. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of diagrams. Technical drawings of cutter centering piece and pinion backup sleeve, tools required for cutting pinions for the school clock. (photocopy) Undated.

Folder 90, Insert 3 Jewelry Repairing

Instructions. Nine lessons for use in Jewelry Repairing course. Written by Charles F. M. Gibbs. Corresponding illustrations located in Folder 90, Inserts 4 and 5. 1920.

Folder 90, Insert 4 Jewelry Repairing

Note: See Folder 90, Insert 3 for corresponding lessons.

Illustrations. Figures for lesson Preliminary: Sawing and Filing. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.

Illustrations. Figures for lesson Preliminary: Sawing and Filing. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.

Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 1: Spectacles. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.
Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 1: Spectacles. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.

Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 2: Flat Band Ring. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.

Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 2: Flat Band Ring. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.

Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 3: Six Prong Tiffany Mounting. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 27 April 1920.

Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 3: Six Prong Tiffany Mounting. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 27 April 1920.

Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 4: Box Ring. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.

Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 4: Box Ring. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.

Folder 90, Insert 5 Jewelry Repairing

Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 5: Locket. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.

Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 5: Locket. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.

Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 6: Plating. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.

Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 6: Plating. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.

Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 7: Watch Case Repair. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.

Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 7: Watch Case Repair. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.

Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 8: Beading. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.

Illustrations. Figures for Lesson Number 8: Beading. Drawn by Charles F. M. Gibbs. 1920.


Folder 91 Instructional Materials

Folder 91, Insert 1 Clockmaking and Repairing

Diagram. Technical drawing of layout of Chelsea ship’s bell strike train. Includes instructions for assembly of striking mechanism. Drawn by [ ___ ] Leone. (photocopy) 23 January 1939.

Diagram. Technical drawing of layout of Chelsea ship’s bell strike train. Includes instructions for assembly of striking mechanism. Drawn by [ ___ ] Leone. (photocopy) 23 January 1939.

Course sheet for Clockmaking and Repairing. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. 1971.

Folder 91, Insert 2 Clockmaking and Repairing

Course sheet for Clockmaking and Repairing. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. Several annotations regarding revisions. Note, below, originally attached. 1971.

Note. Instructs staff to make alterations to Clockmaking and Repairing course sheets before mailing. Reverse, price sheet for Hammel, Riglander, and Co. chasing tools and cleaning machines. [after 1971]

Folder 91, Insert 3 Clockmaking and Repairing

Chart. Graph of beats per minute of a simple pendulum with relevant formula. Reverse, explanation and various types of time trains. Produced by Kenneth D. Roberts of Bristol, Connecticut. 1971.

Course sheet for Clockmaking and Repairing. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. Top of first page, correction fluid over “Walton Mack, R. D. #1 Box 149, Vintondale, PA.” 1 April 1982.

Course sheet for Clockmaking and Repairing. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. 1 April 1982.

Folder 91, Insert 4 Clockmaking and Repairing

Parts list. Handwritten list of components required by clock-related courses. Includes dimensions and metal type for each item. [February] 1980.

Parts list. Lists components required by clock-related courses. Includes dimensions and metal type for each item. February 1980.

Parts list. Lists components required by clock-related courses. Includes dimensions and metal type for each item. Handwritten annotations, including prices of each item. February 1980.

Price list. Handwritten list of prices for components required by clock-related courses. 28 February 1980.

List of clocks made at Bowman Technical School. Includes clock numbers, models, serial numbers, makers, and dates completed. 1974 to [1990s].

Guide to 400 day or anniversary clocks. List of suggestions regarding setup of anniversary clocks. Undated.

Guide to building school clock. List of steps in producing clock on school clock pattern. Undated.

Guide to dial train types and rules. Undated.

Guide to dial train types and rules. Undated.

Course sheet for Clock Repairing. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. Undated.

Folder 91, Insert 5 Engraving Fragile

Sheet of monograms. Examples of fifty-one novelty monogram standards. Produced by F. W. Crocker of South Haven, Michigan. Poor condition; several removed sections, many tears and creases.1924.

Folder 91, Insert 6 Engraving Fragile

Sheet of monograms. Examples of fifty-one novelty monogram standards. Produced by F. W. Crocker of South Haven, Michigan. Poor condition; removed section, some tears and creases.1924.

Folder 91, Insert 7 Engraving

Sheet of monograms and engraving fonts. Thirty-five monogram and twelve script styles. Produced by V. C. Bergling. Reverse, $1 price tag. 1946.

Course sheet for Engraving. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Columns for date begun, date finished, and instructor remarks in each section. 1946.

Course sheet for Engraving. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Columns for date begun, date finished, and instructor remarks in each section. Completed for George S. Miller of Sunbury, Pennsylvania. Miller later became Bowman instructor. 5 January to 10 May 1947.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Engraving course. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 8 December 1978.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Advanced Engraving. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 8 December 1978.

Engraving sheet. Stylized form of Chinese character . Undated.

Engraving sheet. Stylized form of Chinese character . (carbon copy) Undated.

Folder 91, Insert 8 Jewelry Repairing

Course sheet for Jewelry Shop Work. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Columns for date begun, date finished, and instructor remarks in each section. Completed for George S. Miller of Sunbury, Pennsylvania. Miller later became Bowman instructor. 10 May 1948 to 28 May 1948.

Course estimate for Jewelry Repairing. Provides estimated length to complete each section. November 1970.

Course sheet for Jewelry Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, sponsor, and date of entry. Course is broken down into sections and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. [1970s]

Diagram of pill box. 1971.

Folder 91, Insert 9 Jewelry Repairing

Course sheet for Jewelry Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, sponsor, and date of entry. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. 1974.

Magazine article. Independent Jeweler. “Jewelry Repairman’s Manual: Chapter Six: The Art of Jewelry Repair.” Describes various methods, tools, and techniques for jewelry repair. (photocopy) June 1976. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 13 August 1976.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Jewelry Repair course. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 8 December 1978.

Folder 91, Insert 10 Jewelry Repairing

Course sheet for Jewelry Repairing and Stone Setting. Spaces for student name, address, instructor, date of entry, and start date. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished in each section. May 1982.

Tool kit list. List of tools and supplies required for Jewelry Repair course. Some annotations. Includes prices for each item, updated four times. February to 1 December 1990. (photocopy) Undated.

List of prices. Adding machine or calculator tape corresponding to 1 December 1990 prices on above tool kit list. [1 December 1990].

Table of approximate weights of synthetic faceted stones. Lists weight in carats for various cuts of synthetic corundum and spinel. Clipping from magazine, trade journal, or catalog. Undated.

Guide to cultured pearls. Answers to commonly asked questions about cultured pearls. Produced by Sakata Pearl Co. of Chicago, Illinois. Undated.

Folder 92 Instructional Materials

Folder 92, Insert 1 Jewelry Repairing

Guide to precious metals. Definitions of terms, guide to assaying gold and silver, and guide to solders. (photocopy) Undated.

Table. Lists precious and semi-precious gems, their hardness and toughness, and their reactions to various physical treatments, supplemented by comments. Undated.

Table. Lists precious and semi-precious gems, their hardness and toughness, and their reactions to various physical treatments, supplemented by comments. Undated.

Guide to acid testing of gold. Describes tests for 10-carat to 14-carat and 18-carat gold, as well as method to test acids for strength. Produced by Spyco Smelting and Refining Co. of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Undated.

Table. Refractive indices of semi-precious and precious gems, as well as various substances used in jewelry maintenance and repair. Undated.

Sheet of tables. Pennyweights and grains to fractions of troy ounce, conversion table for troy system, and fineness of gold carats. Originally part of unidentified catalog. Undated.

Sheet of tables. Pennyweights and grains to fractions of troy ounce, conversion table for troy system, and fineness of gold carats. Originally part of unidentified catalog. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of tables. Pennyweights and grains to fractions of troy ounce, conversion table for troy system, and fineness of gold carats. Originally part of unidentified catalog. (photocopy) Undated.

Folder 92, Insert 2 Jewelry Repairing

Sheet of tables. Conversions between Fahrenheit and Centigrade. Undated.

Sheet of tables. Gold, platinum, and silver solder melting temperatures, United States and British ring sizes, and specific gravity, melting point, and weight of various metals and alloys. Undated.

Sheet of tables. Gold, platinum, and silver solder melting temperatures, United States and British ring sizes, and specific gravity, melting point, and weight of various metals and alloys. (photocopy) Undated.

Sheet of tables. Gold, platinum, and silver solder melting temperatures, United States and British ring sizes, and specific gravity, melting point, and weight of various metals and alloys. (photocopy) Undated.

Course sheet for Advanced Stone Setting. Lists tools required and course sections. Undated.

Table. List of various precious and semi-precious gems with columns for specific gravity, refractive index, hardness, toughness, and birefringence. Undated.

Form. GIA diamond grading system for fancy shapes. Form unused. Reverse, several calculations. Undated.

Folder 92, Insert 3 Jewelry Repairing

Course sheet for Jewelry-related course. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Handwritten with instructions to type and make copies. Undated.

Sheet of charts and tables. Sheet of charts and tables. Round stone size comparison, bead count to strand length, alphabetical Mohs table, approximate stone weights for various types, cuts and sizes, gemstone characteristics, enhancement, and handling methods, standard shapes and sizes of various cuts, and carat weight formulas. From catalog of J. Frank Golden and Associates of Morrow, Georgia. Undated.

Sheet of charts and tables. Sheet of charts and tables. Round stone size comparison, bead count to strand length, alphabetical Mohs table, approximate stone weights for various types, cuts and sizes, gemstone characteristics, enhancement, and handling methods, standard shapes and sizes of various cuts, and carat weight formulas. From catalog of J. Frank Golden and Associates of Morrow, Georgia. Undated.

Course sheet for Advanced Stone Setting. Individual tasks organized by day of course on which they are to be completed. Undated.

Course sheet for Advanced Stone Setting. Individual tasks organized by day of course on which they are to be completed. Undated.

Folder 92, Insert 4 Watchmaking and Repairing

Course sheet for Watchmaking and Repairing. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Completed for Gilbert T. Humphreville of Mt. Pleasant, Ohio. (photocopy) October 1927 to 2 February 1929.

Course sheet for Watchmaking and Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Columns for date begun, date finished, and instructor remarks in each section. Completed for George S. Miller of Sunbury, Pennsylvania. Miller later became Bowman instructor. 28 May 1948 to 2 August 1949.

Illustrations. Diagrams of balance hole, balance cap, and plate hole jewels. Lower right corner, initialed J.M. 1944

Training manual excerpt. “Preliminary Training Unit.” Incomplete excerpt of training manual produced by Bulova School of Watchmaking. [1940s-1950s].

Training manual excerpt. “Training Unit Number 1: Summary of the Staking Procedure on the Standard Rivet Type Staff.” Incomplete excerpt of training manual produced by Bulova School of Watchmaking. [1940s-1950s].

Folder 92, Insert 5 Watchmaking and Repairing

Training manual excerpt. “Training Unit Number 2: Truing Balance Wheels.” Incomplete excerpt of training manual produced by Bulova School of Watchmaking. [1940s-1950s].

Folder 92, Inset 6 Watchmaking and Repairing

Training manual excerpt. “Training Unit Number 3: Basic Turning; Removing Damaged Balance Staffs.” Incomplete excerpt of training manual produced by Bulova School of Watchmaking. [1940s-1950s]

Course sheet for Watchmaking and Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, date of entry, and movement between benches. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Columns for date begun, date finished, and instructor remarks in each section. Infrequent annotations and sketches. 1951.

Folder 92, Insert 7 Watchmaking and Repairing

Book. Practical Modern Watchmaking, by H. L. Beehler. Washington, D.C.: Horological Institute of America. Front cover, note, “Property of the Finishing Room, The Bowman Technical School.” 1950s.

Folder 92, Insert 8 Watchmaking and Repairing

Book. Practical Modern Watchmaking, by H. L. Beehler. Washington, D.C.: Horological Institute of America. Front cover, note, “Property of the Bowman Technical School.” Binding in poor condition. 1950s.

Folder 92, Insert 9 Watchmaking and Repairing

Course sheet for Watchmaking and Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, and date of entry. Course is broken down into sections, and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. 1969.

Folder 92, Insert 10 Watchmaking and Repairing

Magazine articles. Jewelers’ Circular-Keystone. “Dating and Identifying American Watches: Parts 1-4,” by Henry B. Fried. Some pages in poor condition. October 1968 to January 1969.

Folder 93 Instructional Materials

Folder 93, Insert 1 Watchmaking and Repairing

Magazine articles. Jewelers’ Circular-Keystone. “Dating and Identifying American Watches: Parts 1-4,” by Henry B. Fried. (photocopy) October 1968 to January 1969.

Folder 93, Insert 2 Watchmaking and Repairing

Guide to diagnosing watches for restoration estimates. Prescribes order and procedure by which watches may be examined. 7 December 1970.

Guide to diagnosing watches for restoration estimates. Prescribes order and procedure by which watches may be examined. 7 December 1970.

Tool kit list. List of tools required for Watch and Clock Making. December 1975. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 8 December 1978.

Folder 93, Insert 3 Watchmaking and Repairing

Chart. Illustrated guide to steps in producing balance staffs on lathe. Page 30 of unidentified publication. Undated.

Guide to staffs without samples. Undated.

Guide to tempering using a blue flame. Lists desired color and temperature for various items and components. Undated.

Guide to staffs without samples. Undated.

Guide to tempering using a blue flame. Lists desired color and temperature for various items and components. Undated.

Guide for adjusting watches to horizontal and vertical positions. List of causes of variance between horizontal and vertical positions. 19 November 1965.

Definitions of lever escapement action. List of terms related to lever escapements. Undated.

Examination on adjusting. Fifty true/false questions on watch adjustment. Undated.

Examination on balance springs. Fifty true/false questions on balance springs. Undated.

Examination on escapements. Fifty true/false questions on escapements. Undated.

Folder 93, Insert 4 Watchmaking and Repairing

Diagram of pivot drills. Guide to dimensions and production of pivot drills. Undated.

Diagram of pivot drills. Guide to dimensions and production of pivot drills. Undated.

Transparency. Diagram of dead beat escapement. Undated.

Guide to main train types and rules. December 1967.

Chart of mathematical examples of fast and slow trains. Undated.

Guide to dial train types and rules. Undated.

Guide to watch train wheels and pinions. Lists of terms and equations related to train wheels and pinions. Undated.

Magazine or trade journal article excerpt. “The Flat Polishing of Steel.” Excerpt of article discussing techniques related to flat polishing of steel. Undated.

Tool kit list. List of tools required for watch-related course. Undated.

Guide to dial train types and rules. Heavily annotated with attached revisions. Undated.

Chart of screw specifications. Lists number, size and scale for various screws. Undated.

Chart of screw specifications. Undated.

Folder 93, Insert 5 Watchmaking and Repairing

Guide to measuring the size of a watch. Comparative table of Lancashire gauge watch size, fractional and decimal inches, ligne size, and millimeters. Undated.

Guide to measuring the size of a watch. Comparative table of Lancashire gauge watch size, fractional and decimal inches, ligne size, and millimeters. Undated.

Diagram of clips for movement holder. Undated.

Diagram of movement holder. Sows proper positioning of clips. Undated.

Diagram of movement holder. Shows how movement is held. Undated.

Diagram of movement holder. Indicates locations to file. Undated.

Diagram of movement holder. Shows tool after filing. Undated.

Diagram of movement holder. Demonstrates use of friction pegs. Undated.

Diagram of movement holder. Shows complete tool. Undated.

Diagram of collets and mainsprings. Undated.

Folder 93, Insert 6 Instructional Materials

Test. Questions regarding dimensions and design of a square dead beat escapement for school clock. Undated.

Course sheet for Jewelry Repairing. Spaces for student name, address, course estimate, sponsor, and date of entry. Course is broken down into sections and further divided into individual tasks and skills. Spaces for date started and date finished each section. Front page partially completed but covered with correction tape. 1974.

Folder 93, Insert 7 Student Ledger

Book divided between attendance record of students in the Bowman Technical School’s Finishing Room and list of students taking Horological Institute of America Certified Master Watchmaker examination. Miscellaneous notes on last page. W. H. Haeseler, instructor. 3 February 1947 to 27 February 1953

Folder 93, Insert 8 Student Ledger

Student ledger. Record of students taking Horological Institute of America Certified Master Watchmaker examination. First ten pages provide only student name and score on test. Subsequent entries includes student names, test numbers, and scores for each section as well as totals and averages. If passed, includes date passed and certification number. 20 March 1952 to 29 June 1960.

Note. Addresses of Arthur F. Bech of Falls Church, Virginia and the Horological Institute of America Examination Board of Alexandria, Virginia. Found interleaved in rear cover of student ledger. Reverse, invoice for Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons’ 19 November 1951 purchase of mailing tubes from L. B. Herr and Son of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Undated.

List of names. Record of students taking Horological Institute of America Certified Master Watchmaker examination. For each student, includes name, indication of honor roll status, and, if passed, score. Dates of examination not given. Found interleaved in rear cover of student ledger. 1947 to [1950s].

List of names. Record of students taking Horological Institute of America Certified Master Watchmaker examination. For each student, includes name, indication of honor roll status, and, if passed, score. Dates of examination not given. Found interleaved in rear cover of student ledger. 1947 to [1950s].

List of names. Record of students taking Horological Institute of America Certified Master Watchmaker examination. For each student, includes name, indication of honor roll status, and, if passed, score. Dates of examination very rarely given. Found interleaved in rear cover of student ledger. 1947 to 1 December 1958.

List of names. Record of students taking Horological Institute of America Certified Master Watchmaker examination. For each student, includes name and score. Found interleaved between other lists; much shorter than companions. [1950s].

Box 16

Folder 94 Miscellaneous School Materials

Folder 94, Insert 1 Workmanship Reviews

Rules governing bi-monthly workmanship review. Note purpose of reviews. Lists rules, as well as rewards given for best work. Significant staining from spill of unidentified fluid. Fragments of Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons stickers along upper and lower edges. [1900s to 1910s].

Workmanship review. Requires students to produce a Swiss dials crew. Includes instructions and sketch of screw. Fragments of Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons stickers at upper corners. Some stains. July 1909.

Workmanship review. Requires students to produce a tap of hardened and tempered steel. Includes instructions and sketch of tap. Fragments of Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons stickers at corners. Some stains. October to November 1909.

Workmanship review. Requires students to produce a “click like sample.” Includes instructions and sketch of item. Fragments of Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons stickers at corners. Some stains. April to May 1910.

Workmanship review. Requires students to produce a tempered drill. Includes instructions and sketch of drill. March 1912.

Workmanship review. Requires students to produce a watch stem of hardened and tempered steel. Includes instructions and sketch of item. Reverse, incomplete draft for review. July 1912.

Sheet of measurements. Dimensions for components of watch stem to be produced for July 1912 workmanship review. [July 1912]

Workmanship review. Requires students to produce a setting-arbor. Includes instructions, dimensions, and sketches of setting-arbor. October 1912.

Workmanship review. Requires students to produce a roller-table. Includes instructions, dimensions, and sketch of roller-table. November to December 1912.

Workmanship review. Requires students to produce a gray-finished balance staff. Includes instructions and sketch of balance staff. 9 April 1914 and reused April 1915.

Workmanship review. Requires students to produce a case screw. Includes instructions, sketch of screw, and dimensions. February 1915.

Rules for monthly review of work. Lists rules of monthly workmanship review, as well as rewards given for best work. [1910s]

Folder 94, Insert 2 Correspondence

Letter. Star Watch Case Company of Ludington, Michigan to John J. Bowman. Notes receipt of Bowman’s 6 April letter. Offers advice on soldering and repair of stainless steel watch cases. 12 April 1946.

Letter. Sidney A. Evans of Harrisonburg, Virginia to [Charles E.] Bowman. Discusses inventory and suppliers, including G.P. Watches and Non-retailing, as well as current state of business. Congratulates Bowman for maintaining standards of instruction despite ease with which G.I. Bill money could be acquired. 21 May 1947.

Letter. James Y. May of Artists Emblem Company, Soudersburg, Pennsylvania, to Bowman Technical School. Notes sale of steel dies for Bowman rings, pins, and keys. Requests clarification as to whether items are or will be in use. Notes enclosure of lead impressions of dies. 14 October 1954.

Sheet of die impressions. Photographic reproduction of two lead impressions formerly attached to above letter. Originals transferred to Curatorial Collection. 1954.

Letter. Norbert E. Danz of J. P. McCaskey High School, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to unnamed representative of Bowman Technical School. Thanks Bowman for participation in McCaskey’s 16 March Career Day. Requests suggestions for improvement of following year’s Career Day. 17 March 1977. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 25 March 1977.

Letter. Warren H. Kiess of Roswell, New Mexico to Bowman Technical School. Congratulates Bowman on 100th anniversary of operations. Reflects on experiences at school and throughout career. 12 September 1977. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 16 September 1977.

Letter. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whelan of Gray, New York to Bowman Technical School. Congratulates school for not accepting federal or state aid. 10 January 1978.

Letter. Milton C. Stevens of American Watchmakers Institute to Bowman Technical School. Acknowledges receipt of and expresses thanks for contribution to AWI’s Building Fund. Notes that name will be inscribed on a permanent plaque in AWI Building. 19 January 1978.

Letter. Stacy B. C. Wood, Jr. of National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notes enclosure of article referencing school. 2 March 1978. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 3 March 1978.

Letter. Sally S. Calahan of the James Buchanan Foundation for the Preservation of Wheatland to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. 4 May 1978.

Folder 94, Insert 3 Correspondence

Letter. Loran L. Smart, Sr. of Greenville, South Carolina to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Notes enclosure of photocopies of letter related to Bowman Technical School. 18 May 1989.

Letter. R. E. Gould Horological Institute of America Bureau of Standards to John J. Bowman. Informs Bowman that the work of G. T. Humphreville of Spartanburg, South Carolina—a BTS graduate—was sent a letter of commendation for work of exceptional quality submitted for grading. (photocopy) 8 January 1934.

Letter. R. E. Gould Horological Institute of America Bureau of Standards to John J. Bowman. Informs Bowman that the work of G. T. Humphreville of Spartanburg, South Carolina—a BTS graduate—was sent a letter of commendation for work of exceptional quality submitted for grading. (photocopy) 8 January 1934.

Letter. Loran L. Smart, Sr. to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Thanks Smart for letter and copies. Notes enclosure of copy of course sheet. 31 May 1989.

Letter. John J. Bowman to A. K. H. Response to inquiry. Discusses advantages of sending repair work to Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons. Notes that low-cost and low-priority trade work may be sent to school. (carbon copy) [Before late 1959]

Letter. [Unknown] to [Bowman Technical School]. Tanks school for education and notes acclaim throughout United States and other countries. (photocopy) Undated.

Letterhead. The Bowman Technical School of Watchmaking and Repairing. Unused. Undated.

Form letter. Briefly describes Bowman’s courses, entry requirements, and opportunities for persons with disabilities. Written by Melanie L. Parkhurst. Minor use of correction fluid. 1 February 1980.

Form letter. Briefly describes Bowman’s courses, entry requirements, and opportunities for persons with disabilities. Written by Melanie L. Parkhurst. (photocopy) 1 February 1980.

Form letter. Briefly describes Bowman’s courses. Written by Carole A Weidman. Undated.

Folder 94, Insert 4 Miscellaneous School Materials

Report card. Monthly report for Bowman students. Includes space for name, month, department, and instructor. Students evaluated on progress on course, application and industry, conduct in school, and unnecessary absence. Sale of Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor. Undated.

Report card. Monthly report for Bowman students. Includes space for name, month, department, and instructor. Students evaluated on progress on course, application and industry, conduct in school, and unnecessary absence. Sale of Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor. Undated.

Report card. Monthly report for Bowman students. Includes space for name, month and year, course, and instructor. Students evaluated on quality of work, application and industry, monthly progress, attendance, and position in course. Sale of Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor. Undated.

Report card. Monthly report for Bowman students. Includes space for name, month and year, course, and instructor. Students evaluated on quality of work, application and industry, monthly progress, attendance, and position in course. Sale of Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor. Undated.

Report card. Monthly report for Bowman students. Includes space for name, month and year, course, and instructor. Students evaluated on quality of work, application and industry, monthly progress, attendance, and position in course. Sale of Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor. Several annotations and marks. Undated.

Student identification card. Space for name, year, and student’s signature. [Late 1964 to late 1970s]

Student identification card. Space for name, year, and student’s signature. [Late 1964 to late 1970s]

Sample cognovits note. Partially completed note promising payment of $905.36 upon Bowman Technical School’s demand after 25 April 1972.

Price sheet. Bowman Technical School rates for purchases and sales of various qualities of gold and silver. 7 June 1975.

Form. US Department of Labor Industrial Classification Statement for Bowman Technical School. Verifies information for use on quarterly employer’s tax report. Completed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 22 February 1978.

Folder 94, Insert 5 Administrative Materials

Account book. Ledger and record for Bowman Technical School’s Student Loan Fund, a savings account with Lancaster County Farmers National Bank. 24 September 1964 to 12 August 1988.

Note. Records telephone call to local Bureau of Taxes for Education office explaining that no tax is charged on rental of engraving blocks due to educational status. Letterhead of Melanie L. Parkhurst. 8 March 1973.

Certificate of mailing. Certifies mailing of school license-related materials from Bowman to the Pennsylvania Department of Education. 12 May 1978.

Financial Statement for submission to Veterans Education. Incomplete form. Undated.

Proof of Bowman Technical School entry in directory or catalog. Includes various statistics and information on courses, housing, faculty, financial aid, services, affiliation, accreditation, enrollment, admission requirements, and policies. Undated.

Annual instructional program summary for private schools. Form DEBE-375B. For each course, gives total number of graduates, length, and tuition. (carbon copy) [After 30 June 1972]

List of names. State Board of Private Trade Schools request for names of current personnel. J. Elliot Seinert, Director. John L. Allen and Edward Puchaty, Assistant Directors and Instructors. Ralph W. Harry, Robert J, Sener, Joseph M. Mekolichik, George S. Miller, Victor Stoltz, and David Wagner, instructors. Helen S. Gasmire, registrar. Melanie L. Parkhurst, administrator. Undated.

Current financial statement. Required for submission to Pennsylvania Department of Education. Form not completed. (carbon copy) Undated.

Application for Agent’s License. Form DEBE-368. Application to State Board of Private Trade Schools for license permitting applicant to act as agent for a private trade school. Form not completed. Undated.

Application for Agent’s License. Form DEBE-368. Application to State Board of Private Trade Schools for license permitting applicant to act as agent for a private trade school. Form not completed. Undated.

Folder 94, Insert 6 Miscellaneous School Materials

Back of calendar. Last section of “Bowman Technicalendar,” sent annually to graduates. Includes twelve short articles written by John J. Bowman. 1938.

Pamphlet. The Vocational Importance of the Watchmaker by John J. Bowman. Discusses historic and continuing importance of watchmakers, as well as future prospects. 1949.

Pamphlet. The Vocational Importance of the Watchmaker by John J. Bowman. Discusses historic and continuing importance of watchmakers, as well as future prospects. 1949.

Pamphlet. The Vocational Importance of the Watchmaker by John J. Bowman. Discusses historic and continuing importance of watchmakers, as well as future prospects. 1962.

Pamphlet. The Professional Aspect of the Modern Watchmaker by W.J. Haeseler. Discusses historic and continuing importance of watchmakers, as well as future prospects. Based on 1962 edition, but with handwritten revisions to title and staff information. [After 1962]

Membership card. Certifies Bowman Technical School’s membership of the Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators. Signed by William H. Ferguson. 1970.

Membership card. Certifies Bowman Technical School’s membership of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors. January 1986.

Certificate of membership of the Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by Donna M. Cha[llant] and William H. Ferguson. [1970]

Certificate of membership of the Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators. Presented to Bowman Technical School. [1977]

Diploma. Awarded to Frank. J. Wojciechowski upon completion of Bowman Technical School’s Clockmaking and Repairing course. Signed by Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. and J. Elliot Steinert. 24 October 1974.

Folder 94, Insert 7 AWI Certificates

Certificate of membership of the American Watchmakers Institute Research and Education Council. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by James M. Dodson, Milton C. Stevens, Marvin E. Whitney, and Dorothy M. Aderman. 1974.

Certificate of membership of the American Watchmakers Institute Research and Education Council. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by Dorothy M. Aderman, Milton C. Stevens, James H. Braughton, and Mark Britton. 1978.

Certificate of membership of the American Watchmakers Institute Research and Education Council. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by Justin I. Smith, Charles Hermann, Marvin E. Whitney, and Milton C. Stevens. 1980.

Certificate of membership of the American Watchmakers Institute Research and Education Council. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by Marshall F. Richmond, James H. Braughton, Marvin E. Whitney, Milton C. Stevens, 1983.

Certificate of membership of the American Watchmakers Institute Research and Education Council. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by Marshall F. Richmond, Robert F. Bushoy, Marvin E. Whitney, Milton C. Stevens, 1984.

Certificate of membership during the American Watchmakers Institute’s twenty-fifth anniversary. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by Fred [S]. Burkholder, James H. Braughton, Robert H. Selson, and Milton C. Stevens. 1985.

Certificate of membership of the American Watchmakers Institute Research and Education Council. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by Fred [S]. Burkholder, Robert F. Bushoy, Robert H. Selson, and Milton C. Stevens. 1986.

Certificate of associate membership of the American Watchmakers Institute. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by William I. Biederman, Wes Door, Marvin E. Whitney, and Milton C. Stevens. 1987.

Certificate of associate membership of the American Watchmakers Institute. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by William I. Biederman, Wes Door, Marvin E. Whitney, and Milton C. Stevens. 1988.

Certificate of associate membership of the American Watchmakers Institute. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by Robert F. Bishop, Wes Door, Marvin E. Whitney, and Milton C. Stevens. 1989.

Certificate of associate membership of the American Watchmakers Institute. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by Robert F. Bishop, James Adams, Marvin E. Whitney, and Milton C. Stevens. 1990.

Certificate of associate membership of the American Watchmakers Institute. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed Alice B. Carpenter, Fred [S]. Burkholder, Marvin E. Whitney, and Milton C. Stevens. 1990.

Folder 95 Directories and Guides

Booklet. Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators Directory. Bowman Technical School entry, page 12. 1968.

Booklet. Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators Directory. Bowman Technical School entry, page 12. 1968.

Booklet. Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators Directory. Bowman Technical School entry, page 14. 1970.

Book. Guide to Career Training Schools: Middle Atlantic Edition by Resource Publications, Inc. Bowman Technical School entry, page 12. 1970

Book. Guide to Career Training Schools: Middle Atlantic Edition by Resource Publications, Inc. Bowman Technical School entry, page 12. 1970.

Folder 96 Directories and Guides

Book. Guide to Career Training Schools: Middle Atlantic Edition by Resource Publications, Inc. Bowman Technical School entry, page 22. 1971.

Booklet. Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators Directory. Bowman Technical School entry, page 19. 1973.

Booklet. Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators Directory. Bowman Technical School entry, page 19. 1973.

Book. Counselors’ Reference Directory Calendar by Pennsylvania School Counselors Association. Bowman Technical School entry, page 124. 1974.

Folder 97 Report and Directories

Report. Vocational-Technical Education Research Report: Cooperation and Facilities in Pennsylvania Vocational Education by Angelo C Gillie, Sr., John P Hutchinson, et al. Bowman Technical School entry in Appendix G, page 89. May 1974.

Booklet. Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators Directory. Bowman Technical School entry, page 19. 1976.

Pamphlet. National Roster of Watchmaking Schools by American Watchmakers Institute. Bowman Technical School entry, page 11. January 1977. Stamped by Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons, 10 February 1977.

Folder 98 Directories

Booklet. Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators Directory. Bowman Technical School entry, page 23. 1978.

Booklet. Directory of Licensed Private Trade Schools by Pennsylvania Department of Education. Bowman Technical School entry, page 3. 1982.

Booklet. Directory of Licensed Private Trade Schools by Pennsylvania Department of Education. Bowman Technical School entry, page 4. 1983.

Booklet. Directory of Licensed Private Trade Schools by Pennsylvania Department of Education. Bowman Technical School entry, page 4. 1 July 1984

Booklet. Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators Directory. Bowman Technical School entry, page 30. 1985.

Folder 99 Directories

Booklet. Directory of Licensed Private Trade Schools by Pennsylvania Department of Education. Bowman Technical School entry, page 5. 1 July 1985.

Booklet. Directory of Licensed Private Trade Schools by Pennsylvania Department of Education. Bowman Technical School entry, page 5. 1 July 1986.

Booklet. Directory of Private Licensed/Registered Trade Schools and Approved Programs by State Board of Private Licensed Schools. Bowman Technical School entry, page 6. October 1987.

Booklet. Pennsylvania Directory of Private Licensed and Registered Schools by State Board of Private Licensed Schools. Bowman Technical School entry, page 8. April 1989.

Booklet. Pennsylvania Directory of Private Licensed and Registered Schools by State Board of Private Licensed Schools. Bowman Technical School entry, page 6. October 1991.

Folder 99, Insert 1 Directories

Pamphlet. Jewelry and Watchmaking Schools by Retail Jewelers of America, Inc. Bowman Technical School entries under Engraving, Jewelry Repair, and Watchmaking. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 24 [illegible] 1972.

Magazine excerpt. Modern Jeweler. “Modern Mini-Guide: Jewelry Schools,” by Jennifer Schaefer Philby. May 1986.

Booklet excerpt. Options and Alternatives: A Guide To Educational and Employment and Training Opportunities for Lancaster County Out-of-School Youths by ACCESS Center. Front cover, preface, table of contents, and page 6. Includes Bowman Technical School entry. Undated.

Folder 100

Folder 100, Insert 1 D. H. Espey

Letter. Robert J. Fuller of District Vocational Office #3, Division of Rehabilitation, Federal Board for Vocational Rehabilitation, to John J. Bowman. Notification of approval of Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. of Johnstown, Pennsylvania for Watchmaking and Engraving course. Comments on Espy’s work experience and present situation. 29 December 1920.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Robert J. Fuller. Accepts Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. for training at Bowman Technical School after 3 January 1921. Requests notification of any delays. (carbon copy) 31 December 1920.

Letter. Robert J. Fuller to John J. Bowman. Acknowledges receipt of 31 December 1920 letter. Informs Bowman that Espey has been instructed to report to him. 5 January 1921.

Letter. Robert J. Fuller and J. B. Ferguson of Harrisburg Local Office, Division of Rehabilitation, Federal Board for Vocational Rehabilitation, to John J. Bowman. Letter of introduction. Requests enclosed card to be completed and mailed, at risk of delaying tuition voucher authorization for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. 10 January 1921.

Note. Gives Daniel Henry Espey, Jr.’s start date and records mailing of Form 702. Undated.

Card. Notes regarding Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. 1 January to 9 February 1921.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Robert J. Fuller. Informs Fuller that on 11 January, Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. was issued a tool set previously provided to Samuel Woolf with Federal Board funds. Notes enclosure of list of contents in tool set. (photocopy) 11 February 1921.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Robert J. Fuller. Requests assistance in locating a missing check for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr.’s training pay from 1 January to 15 January. (photocopy) 23 February 1921.

Letter. J. B. Ferguson to Bowman Technical School. Acknowledges receipt of 23 February letter. Advises that issue has been taken up with District Office. 25 February 1921.

Tool kit agreement. List of items received for use by Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. Acknowledges ownership by Federal Board for Vocational Education and agrees to return item or cash value upon request. 3 August 1921.

Tool kit agreement. List of items received for use by Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. Acknowledges ownership by Federal Board for Vocational Education and agrees to return item or cash value upon request. 3 August 1921.

Letter. Walter Gallagher of Harrisburg Local Office, Division of Rehabilitation, Federal Board for Vocational Rehabilitation, to Bowman Technical School. Notification of sick leave for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. from 24 August to 10 September with an expected return date of 12 September. 27 August 1921.

Folder 100, Insert 2 D. H. Espey

Letter. Walter Gallagher to H. A. Goddard of Bowman Technical School. Notes enclosed letter. Requests Goddard contact Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. on the matter of a missing check. 15 September 1921.

Letter. L. B. Rogers and L. C. Vannan of District Vocational Office #3, Division of Rehabilitation, Federal Board for Vocational Rehabilitation, to Harrisburg Local Office. Response to letter of 16 July. Explains that check in question was endorsed by Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. and paid on 8 January 1921. 10 September 1921.

Letter. Walter Gallagher and F. F. D Reckord to H. A. Goddard. Requests Goddard inform Reckord whether he has secured any information regarding Daniel Henry Espey, Jr.’s claim of a lost check. 30 September 1921.

Letter. H. Moldorf of S. Zaconick and Co., Johnstown, Pennsylvania, to Daniel Henry Espey, Jr.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. Reply to previous letter. Asks Espey to inform him whether he will accept offer of position with company. 30 September 1921.

Excuse form. Authorizes dentist visit for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. beginning at 9:30 AM on 10 October 1921. Approved by H. A. Goddard. 10 October 1921.

Excuse form. Authorizes dentist visit for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. beginning at 9:00 AM on 14 October. Approved by H. A. Goddard and signed by Dr. Sherman Smith. October 1921

Excuse form. Authorizes dentist visit for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. beginning at 9:00 AM on 17 October. Approved by H. A. Goddard and signed by Dr. Sherman Smith. October 1921

Excuse form. Authorizes dentist visit for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. beginning at 2:00 PM on 3 November. Approved by H. A. Goddard and signed by Dr. Sherman Smith. November 1921

Excuse form. Authorizes dentist visit for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. beginning at 2:00 PM on 9 November. Approved by H. A. Goddard and signed by Dr. Sherman Smith. November 1921.

Folder 100, Insert 3 D. H. Espey

Excuse form. Authorizes dentist visit for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. beginning at 9:30 AM on 14 November. Approved by H. A. Goddard and signed by Dr. Sherman Smith. November 1921.

Excuse form. Authorizes dentist visit for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. beginning at 9:00 AM on 17 November. Approved by H. A. Goddard and signed by Dr. Sherman Smith. November 1921.

Letter. S. Zaconick of S. Zaconick and Co. to Bowman Technical School. Inquires whether D. H. Espey can be granted leave to do Zaconick’s engraving work for a month. 29 November 1921.

Letter. L. B. Rogers and W. M. McGrady of US Veterans’ Bureau to Sub-District Manager, US Veterans’ Bureau of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Requests sub-district manager to secure a certified affidavit from Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. regarding his claims of a lost check. 30 November 1921.

Excuse form. Authorizes dentist visit for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. beginning at 2:45 PM on 6 December. Approved by [illegible]. Signed by Dr. Sherman Smith, 6 January 1922.

Excuse form. Authorizes dentist visit for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. beginning at 3:45 PM on 9 December. Signed by Dr. Sherman Smith. December 1921.

Excuse form. Authorizes dentist visit for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. beginning at 8:45 AM on 3 January. Approved by H. A. Goddard. Signed by Dr. Sherman Smith, 3 January 1922.

Excuse form. Authorizes doctor visit for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. from [illegible] to 1:15 PM on 6 February. Approved by Charles E. Bowman and K. H. B. Signed by [illegible]. February 1922.

Excuse form. Authorizes Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. to visit Harrisburg for examination from 9 March through 10 March. Approved by H. A. Goddard and K. H. B. Signed by Wallis [ _allay], 9 March 1922.

Excuse form. Authorizes Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. to visit Harrisburg for examination from 3 April through 4 April. Signed by Dr. A. J. Griest, 3 April 1922.

Folder 100, Insert 4 D. H. Espey

Course sheet for Watchmaking. Course is divided into sections and further broken down into individual tasks. Completed for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. [1921-1923].

Letter. W. M. Sharp of Johnstown Sub-District Office, US Veterans’ Bureau, to Harrisburg Sub-District Office, U.S. Veterans’ Bureau. Informs office that Sharp has secured a job for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. upon completion of his course at Bowman Technical School. Requests arrangements for transfer be made. 31 March 1922.

Note. Statement by Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. that he is willing to accept job discussed in 31 March 1922 letter. 5 April 1922.

Course estimate for Engraving. Provides estimated length to complete each section. 1920s.

Letter. Walter Gallagher and Richard Reichle of US Veterans’ Bureau to Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. and copy to H. A. Goddard. Notes report indicating Espey only making fair progress and frequently tardy. Instructs Espey to take measures to correct this issue. (carbon copy) 12 January 1923.

Letter. J. C. Pyron of Pyron and Rogers, Leaksville, North Carolina, to Bowman Technical School. Inquires after Bowman graduates for watchmaking position. 18 June 1923.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Pyron and Rogers. Reply to 18 June letter. Recommends Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. for position. Discusses Espey and materials required to begin process by which Veterans’ Bureau students may leave school. 23 June 1923.

Letter. J. C. Pyron to John J. Bowman. Thanks Bowman for recommendation of Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. Notes enclosure of copy of letter to Espey. Requests Bowman expedite authorization for Espey if he decides to accept, and to send another name if he declines. 25 June 1923.

Letter. Pyron and Rogers to Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. Employment offer. Several annotations, including name, “T. O. Sowers.” 25 June 1923.

Letter. Pyron and Rogers to Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. Employment offer. (photocopy) 25 June 1923.

Note. [Bowman Technical School] to Richard Reichle. Informs Reichle that Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. refused Pyron and Rogers’ job offer. Instead, Espey plans to get one for himself while on vacation in July. [June] 1923.

Folder 100, Insert 5 D. H. Espey

Letter. John J. Bowman to Pyron and Rogers. Acknowledges receipt of previous letter. Informs Pyron and Rogers that Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. would prefer to find a position in his home of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Suggests Pyron and Rogers contact Theron O. Sowers of Hagerstown, Maryland. Offers to furnish additional addresses if required. (photocopy) 30 June 1923.

Letter. Richard Reichle to H. A. Goddard. Notifies that a placement opportunity is to be promptly created for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr., especially in light of approaching date of rehabilitation, 15 July. Requests clarification as to whether this date is the termination of instruction or also includes additional two months placement training. 5 July 1923.

Letter. Richard Reichle to H. A. Goddard. Reiterates content of 5 July letter. Annotations regarding Espey’s employment. 20 July 1923.

Letter. H. A. Goddard to Richard Reichle. Informs Reichle that Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. has secured a job with A. M. Slutzker, proprietor of The Jeweler, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Requests Reichle make transfer and notes that Espey will require two months of placement training. 23 July 1923.

Letter. H. A. Goddard to Richard Reichle. Requests reply to 23 July letter. Reiterates Reichle that Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. has secured a job with A. M. Slutzker, proprietor of The Jeweler, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Requests Reichle make transfer promptly, as Espey has been at Bowman two weeks longer than necessary. Notes that Espey will require two months of placement training. 13 August 1923.

Letter. H. A. Goddard to Richard Reichle. Requests update on developments towards transferring Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. to Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Notes that Espey fears loss of this job through prolonged delay. 15 August 1923.

Letter. Richard Reichle to H. A. Goddard. Informs Goddard that A. M. Slutzker will be unable to accept Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. before 1 September and requires a character reference.
Note. Draft of character reference for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. Written by John J. Bowman. 20 August 1923.

Letter of introduction. Certifies Daniel Henry Espey, Jr.’s completion of course in watchmaking, engraving, and jewelry work. Includes above character reference from John J. Bowman. Written by H. A. Goddard. 20 August 1923.

Letter. Richard Reichle to H. A. Goddard. Notes enclosure of transportation materials and letter of introduction for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. Provides authority to drop Espey from Bowman Technical School as of 31 August. 28 August 1923.

Note. Records receipt of above letter and total charge for tools issued to Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. 30 August 1923.

Tool kit list. List of tools issued Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. Includes total charge of $375.75. [late August] 1923.

Folder 100, Insert 6 D. H. Espey

Letter. H. A. Goddard to Richard Reichle. Notes mailing of letter of recommendation and reiterates content of previous letters. Thanks Reichle for expediting the matter. 28 August 1923.

Letter. Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. to Bowman Technical School. Describes current situation and work for J. B. Holsinger of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Requests previously ordered Illinois watch to be forwarded to him upon payment via Brownie [Doniski]. Mentions visit of John Russell and Brinker Berkley. 12 October 1923.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. Thanks Espey for 12 October letter. Encourages Espey to continue with position and work. Informs that Illinois watch recently arrived and will be forwarded. (photocopy)15 October 1923.

Report on former student. Includes information on Daniel Henry Espey, Jr.’s employer, salary, and progress. (photocopy) 26 October 1923.

Report on former student. Includes information on Daniel Henry Espey, Jr.’s employer, salary, and progress. Typewritten reproduction of above. 26 October 1923.

File folder for Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. (photocopy) Undated.

Report on Daniel Henry Espey, Jr. Summarizes military record, education, previous employment, disability, compensation, and status at Bowman Technical School. 16 August 1922.

Folder 100, Insert 7 W. D. Evans

Letter. Robert J. Fuller to John J. Bowman. Notification of approval of William D. Evans of Nanticoke, Pennsylvania for Watchmaking course. Comments on Evans’ previous experience and present condition. 23 April 1920.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Robert J. Fuller. Accepts William D. Evans for training and recommends start date after mid-May. Asks whether he will be reporting to Bowman Technical School and approximate date to expect him. (carbon copy) 27 April 1920.

Letter. Robert J. Fuller to John J. Bowman. Letter of introduction. Requests enclosed card to be completed and returned upon date William D. Evans begins training. 7 May 1920.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Robert J. Fuller. Notes enclosure of letter of completed card. Gives William D. Evans’ start date as 20 May 1920. (carbon copy) 20 May 1920.

Letter. Robert J. Fuller to John J. Bowman. Inquires whether William D. Evans has begun training. 22 May 1920.

Note. Lists William D. Evans’ date of arrival and date began training, as well as date John J. Bowman submitted required card. May 1920.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Robert J. Fuller. Reply to Fuller’s 22 May letter. Informs of card’s mailing on 20 May. (carbon copy) 26 May 1920.

Note. Records receipt of William D. Evans’ training paycheck for 16 May through 31 May. Notes absence of check for 1 May through 15 May. June 1920.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Robert J. Fuller. Informs Fuller that William D. Evans’ training paycheck for 1 May through 15 May was not received and may have been sent to prior training location, the Spring Garden Institute. Requests that check be forwarded to Evans at Bowman Technical School. 7 June 1920.

Letter. Robert J. Fuller to John J. Bowman. Notes that requested check for William D. Evans was personally given to Bowman during 10 June visit to Fuller’s office. 22 June 1920.

Letter. Robert J. Fuller to John J. Bowman. Notes pending termination of training period for William D. Evans. Requests Bowman submit evaluation on several points and comment on whether he recommends an extension in Evans’ training period. Asks for prompt reply. 17 September 1920.

Folder 100, Insert 8 W. D. Evans

Letter. John J. Bowman to Robert J. Fuller. Reply to 17 September letter. Advises that it would be to William D. Evans’ advantage to take all offered courses. Recommends Evans’ training period be extended by eighteen months. Requests reply. (carbon copy) 22 September 1920.

Letter. J. B. Ferguson to John J. Bowman. Acknowledges receipt of 22 September letter. Notes that issue of extending William D. Evan’s has been placed under advisement and Bowman will be informed of decision within a few days. 4 October 1920.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Harrisburg Local Office, Division of Rehabilitation, Federal Board for Vocational Rehabilitation. Acknowledges receipt of 4 October letter. Requests clarification as to whether correspondence should be addressed to Local Office or District Office. Some corrections, apparent draft. 7 October 1920.

Tool kit agreement. List of items received for use by William D. Evans. Acknowledges ownership by Federal Board for Vocational Education and agrees to return item or cash value upon request. 3 August 1921.

Excuse form. Authorizes absence due to birth of child for William D. Evans from 1:00 PM Tuesday to 8:00 AM Thursday. 22 September 1921.

Excuse form. Authorizes dentist visit for William D. Evans beginning at 1:15 PM on 17 January. Approved by H. A. Goddard and K. H. B. Signed by Dr. Sherman Smith. January [1922].

Excuse form. Authorizes dentist visit for William D. Evans beginning at 11:00 AM on 21 January. Approved by H. A. Goddard and K. H. B. Signed by Dr. Sherman Smith. 21 January 1922.

Excuse form. Authorizes dentist visit for William D. Evans from 2:00 to 2:40 PM on 23 January. Approved by H. A. Goddard per E. Y. and KHB. Signed by Dr. Sherman Smith. January [1922].

Affidavit. Describes William D. Evans’ dental problems during and since military service. Asserts that problems with teeth have become hindrance to Evans’ training. Unsigned and unsealed. 31 January 1922.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Herr and Kline of Norfolk, Virginia. Recommends William D. Evans if Herr and Kline can wait until Evans’ completion date of approximately 1 January 1923. Notes that Samalius making preparations to come. 3 November 1922.

Folder 100, Insert 9 W. D. Evans

Letter. Guy K. Herr of Herr and Kline to John J. Bowman. Acknowledges receipt of 3 November letter. Requests that Bowman make arrangements for Evans to come to firm. Informs Bowman that William J. Jones of Marietta, Pennsylvania has submitted Bowman’s name as a reference and asks for comment on Jones’ capabilities. Several annotations. 6 November 1922.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Herr and Kline. Acknowledges receipt of 6 November letter, noting that it was misplaced and first seen by Bowman on 18 November. Gives recommendation for William D. Evans and proposes terms of employment. Gives positive recommendation for William J. Jones. (carbon copy) 18 November 1922.

Letter. Walter Gallagher and Richard Reichle to H. A. Goddard. Informs of William D. Evan’s 30 November rehabilitation date and instructs Goddard to remove him from training roll at that date. 22 November 1922.

Letter. H. A. Goddard to Richard Reichle. Informs of apparent mistake in setting William D. Evans’ rehabilitation date as 30 November. Discusses Evans’ job offer from Herr and Kline and asks Reichle to secure placement and rehabilitation status in Virginia. Notes pervious sick days authorized by Dr. Pomerantz and approximate nature of date for rehabilitation. Inquires whether new training policy that was related to John J. Bowman by George Cordill of Veterans Bureau’s Central Office is correct and official. 23 November 1922.

Letter. Walter Gallagher and Richard Reichle to H. A. Goddard. Acknowledges receipt of 23 November letter. Traces cause of execution of rehabilitation notice and agrees that, upon review of files, such action is mistaken. Apologizes for error and notes forwarding of transfer request. Informs Goddard the he will communicate with Robert J. Fuller regarding sufficiency of prescribed time for Watchmaking and Engraving courses. 24 November 1922.

Letter. H. A. Goddard to Richard Reichle. Notes enclosure of records for William D. Evans. 28 November 1922.

Letter. Walter Gallagher and Richard Reichle to H. A. Goddard. Informs of acceptance of transfer for William D. Evans’ placement training. Notes enclosure of letter of introduction and transportation fare and requests he report to Norfolk office at once. 12 December 1922.

Form letter. Walter Gallagher and Richard Reichle to H. A. Goddard. Notice of termination of training course in Watchmaking on 13 December 1922. Requests he return of books and tools used during training. 13 December 1922.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Sub-district Office, U.S. Veterans Bureau of Norfolk, Virginia. Notes mistaken paperwork prematurely terminating William D. Evans’ training at Bowman Technical School and stating that he would arrive in Norfolk on 13 December. Informs that Evans’ position with Herr and Kline will not open until 2 January and he will not call upon the Sub-district Office until 31 December. 20 December 1922.

Letter. Alfred. A. Kreis of Dunmore, Pennsylvania to Bowman Technical School. Upon recommendation of W. C. Wright of US Veterans Bureau, Kreis, a Bowman graduate, requests assistance in securing a watchmaker for his store. 20 January 1924.

Folder 100, Insert 10 W. D. Evans

Letter. John J. Bowman to Alfred. A. Kreis. Recommends William D. Evans, presently of Cumberland, Maryland, for position. Notes that Evans satisfied with current job he desires an opening closer to hometown of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Requests Kreis inform Bowman whether he would want Evans or someone of lesser ability, who would likely settle for somewhat lower salary. 21 January 1924.

Letter. John J. Bowman Harry Michlosky of Landau’s Music and Jewelry Store, Pittston, Pennsylvania. Recommends Roy Nom of Poughkeepsie, New York for position at branch store. Recommends William D. Evans for watchmaker and engraver position at Hazleton, Pennsylvania location. 26 January 1924.

Letter. Harry Michlosky to John J. Bowman. Notes enclosure of letter from Evans, declining position. Requests Bowman advise Michlosky if he has anyone else available. 2 February 1924.

Letter. William D. Evans to Harry Michlosky. Informs Michlosky that he has not kept up with engraving since leaving Bowman Technical School, is not interested in an engraver’s position, and therefore is unable to accept offer. 31 January 1924.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Alfred A. Kreis. Acknowledges receipt of 5 February letter, informing that Evans declined offer. Recommends two students, Norman Schreck and Charles Dopko, for position. Proposes that Kreis correspond on experiences since leaving school. Notes enclosure of newest school catalog. 7 November 1924.

Letter. William D. Evans to John J. Bowman. Informs Bowman that he is looking for watch repairing position and would be interested in any vacancies in Lancaster. Annotation noting that finding such a position is unlikely. 18 January 1927.

Letter. John J. Bowman to William D. Evans. Discusses difficulties of finding position in Lancaster. Asks whether Evans would be interested in positions more distant from city. Requests Evans inform Bowman of his desired wages, the quantity of work he could turn out weekly, and whether he has kept up his engraving. 27 January 1927.

Letter. William D. Evans to John J. Bowman. Discusses desire for a position within fifty miles of Lancaster. Describes work and salary, noting he has been neglecting engraving. Annotations by [Bowman]. 30 January 1927.

Letter. John J. Bowman to William D. Evans. Acknowledges receipt of 30 January letter. Recommends that Evans not move for a position paying less than $40 per week. Promises to inform Evans of the first inquiry that meets his requirements. 1 February 1927.

Letter. W. C. Yost of Huntington, West Virginia to John J. Bowman. Upon advice of a Mr. Wallace, requests recommendation of experienced watchmaker, between 28 and 38 years old, to be paid between $40 and $60 weekly. 21 February 1927.

Note. Records possible watchmakers, including W. D. Evans, for position with W. C. Yost. [February] 1927.

Folder 100, Insert 11 W. D. Evans

Letter. E. J. Mallern of Pugh Brothers Jewelry Co., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to John J. Bowman. Requests recommendation of skilled watchmaker capable of working on railroad watches and willing to learn installment jewelry business. Annotation with William D. Evans’ address and employer. 4 June 1928.

Letter. Alfred A. Kreis to Bowman Technical School. Informs Bowman that William D. Evans declined a job offer. Request additional names to contact. 5 February 1923.

Letter. William D. Evans to John J. Bowman. Notes receipt of certificate from school and mailing of money order. Discusses jog and present condition. Makes mention of Samalius.

Excuse form. Authorizes William D. Evans to visit Harrisburg for examination from 9 March to 10 March. Approved by Charles E. Bowman and K. H. B. Signed by Frank F. D. Reckord, H. F. Todd, and [illegible]. Undated.

Memorandum. H. A. Goddard to John J. Bowman. Reminds Bowman to write to U.S. Veterans Bureau concerning correct date of Evans’ arrival in Norfolk, Virginia. December 1922.

Course estimate for Engraving. Provides estimated length to complete each section. 1920s.

Course sheet for Watchmaking. Course is divided into sections and further broken down into individual tasks. Completed for William D. Evans. 1920s.

File folder for William D. Evans. (photocopy) Undated.

Folder 101 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Folder 101, Insert 1 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Letter. Adam G. Brubaker of Denver, Pennsylvania to Bowman Technical School. Discusses health difficulties of son, Ellis. Asks whether any other students have trouble adapting to sitting at benches and whether joining the YMCA would be advisable. Points out irregularity in tuition bill. Requests report on son’s progress. 1 November 1910.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Harold Krosney of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Discusses positions in defense industry held by Bowman graduates. Advises writing to Bendix Aviation Corporation plants for application forms. 9 May 1942.

Letter. John J. Bowman to [unknown]. Response to request for information on Bowman Technical School. Discusses Bowman’s courses, pedagogical methods, and enclosure of various materials. Several annotations and corrections; likely draft. 3 October 1942.

Letter. E. C. V. Hinton of Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing Co., Providence, Rhode Island, to Bowman Technical School. Informs of mailing of a #725 Dial Gage Metric per 28 April letter of John J. Bowman. 4 June 1948.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry repairing. PA Department of Public Instruction. PIPTS-5-5C-4-52. Signed by Francis B. Haas. 1 July 1954.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry repairing. PA Department of Public Instruction. PIPTS-5-5C-3-54. Signed by Carl E. Seifert; redacted signature of Francis B. Haas. 1 July 1955.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry repairing. PA Department of Public Instruction. PIPTS-5-5C-3-54. Signed by Carl E. Seifert; redacted signature of Francis B. Haas. 1 July 1956.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry repairing. PA Department of Public Instruction. PIPTS-5-5C-4-54. Signed by Lewis W. Rathbeger; redacted signature of Francis B. Haas. 1 July 1957.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry repairing. PA Department of Public Instruction. PIPTS-5-5C-4-54. Signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis; redacted signature of Francis B. Haas. 1 July 1958.

Letter. John J. Bowman to William L. Whitford of Lexington, Virginia. Informs Whitford, who will shortly be out of work, of possible opening with Arthur Regan of Sayre, Pennsylvania. Promises to keep Whitford’s name on placement list. 17 April 1959.

Envelope. Bowman Technical School to William L. Whitford. Returned to sender, as Whitford moved and left no address to which mail could be forwarded. 17 April to 22 April 1959.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in jewelry store technician, consisting of training in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry repairing. PA Department of Public Instruction. PIPTS-5-5C-4-54. Signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis. 1 July 1959.

Folder 101, Insert 2 Postcards

Postcard. Detroit Public Library to Bowman Technical School. Requests five copies of 1964-1965 school catalog. 5 June 1964.

Postcard. Rita Mae Gurnee of Mt. San Antonio College Library, Walnut, California, to Bowman Technical School. Requests copy of school catalog, Your Future and Our School. Received by Bowman Technical School, 7 September 1965.

Postcard. Grace Morel of Rio Lindo Academy Library, Healdsburg, California, to Bowman Technical School. Requests a copy of school catalog, Your Future and Our School. 3 February 1966. Received by Bowman Technical School, 7 February 1966.

Postcard. Library, James Marshall High School, West Sacramento, California, to Bowman Technical School. Requests copy of school catalog, Your Future and Our School. 9 March 1966. Received by Bowman Technical School, 14 March 1966.

Postcard. Guidance Department, Crossland High School, Washington, D.C., to Bowman Technical School. Requests two copies of school catalog, Your Future and Our School. 29 December 1965. Received by Bowman Technical School, 11 January 1966.

Postcard. Douglas S. Frelick of Guidance Department, Bay Shore High School, Bay Shore, New York, to Bowman Technical School. Requests two copies of school catalog, Your Future and Our School. Received by Bowman Technical School, 18 September 1967.

Postcard. Richard A Cripe of Glen Oaks Community College, Centreville, Michigan, to Bowman Technical School. Requests copy of school catalog, Your Future and Our School. Received by Bowman Technical School, 10 September 1967.

Postcard. San Francisco Public Library to Bowman Technical School. Requests copy of school catalog, Your Future and Our School. 16 February 1968. Received by Bowman Technical School, 20 February 1968.

Postcard. Earl R. Brunelli of Baintree-Randolph High School, Randolph, Vermont, to Bowman Technical School. Requests copy of school catalog and to be placed on mailing list. 24 June 1968. Received by Bowman Technical School, 26 June 1968.

Postcard. Dorothy Hairgrove of Education-Sociology Department, Seattle Public Library, to Bowman Technical School. Requests copy of school catalog. 6 June 1969. Received by Bowman Technical School, 9 June 1969.

Postcard. William D. Jelinske of Milwaukee School of Engineering to Bowman Technical School. Requests copy of school catalog and to be placed on mailing list. 6 May 1970. Received by Bowman Technical School, 11 May 1970.

Folder 101, Insert 3 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in jewelry store technician, consisting of training in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry repairing. PA Department of Public Instruction. PIPTS-5-5C-4-54. Signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis. 1 July 1960.

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Volume 9, 1 December 1959. Certified true in content and policy by Walter H. Haeseler. Signed and stamped by Joseph P Gavenonis, 5 October 1960.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in jewelry store technician, consisting of training in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry repairing. PA Department of Public Instruction. PIPTS-5-5C-4-54. Signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis. 1 July 1961.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in jewelry store technician, consisting of training in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry repairing. PA Department of Public Instruction. PIPTS-5-5C-4-54. Signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis. 1 July 1962.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in jewelry store technician, consisting of training in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry repairing. PA Department of Public Instruction. PIPTS-5-5C-4-54. Signed by Paul L. Glatzert. 1 July 1963.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in jewelry store technician, consisting of training in watchmaking and repairing, engraving, and jewelry repairing. PA Department of Public Instruction. PIPTS-5-5C-4-54. Signed by Paul L. Glatzert. 1 July 1964.

Letter. Stuart Lawrence of St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands, to Bowman Technical School. States interest in employing a graduate watchmaker. Lists job requisites and conditions as well as general information St. Thomas. (carbon copy) 8 August 1964.

Letter. Stuart Lawrence of St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands, to Bowman Technical School. States interest in employing a graduate watchmaker. Lists job requisites and conditions as well as general information St. Thomas. (carbon copy) 8 August 1964.

Folder 101, Insert 4 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Jeanne G. Parkhurst. Notes enclosure of tests and course sheets used by Walter H. Haeseler. Informs of receipt of forms allowing purchase of alcohol. Discusses weather, coming visit, and election of Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to president of his chapter of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors. 16 November 1964.

Announcement or bulletin. Discusses death of Charles Ezra Bowman, history of Bowman Technical School, and purchase by Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. [1964]

Letter. Thomas P. Lundy of State Board of Vocational Rehabilitation, to Walter H. Haeseler. Response to 6 January 1965 letter. Informs Haeseler that the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation cannot make a formal endorsement, but the school could of its own accord state that it has previously trained Bureau clients. 14 January 1965.

Letter. Aurora W. Pucillo, State Board of Private Trade Schools, to Bowman Technical School and copy to George S. Miller. Approval of application permitting Miller to teach Watchmaking. (photocopy) 28 January 1965.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to Walter H. Haeseler. Proposes abbreviated or hobby course in watchmaking, which would potentially appeal to members of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors. 6 February 1965.

Letter. D. l. Newell of Pennsylvania Career Exposition to Walter H. and Helen E. Haeseler. In preparation for Exposition, advises obtaining an educational film and ensuring an adequate supply of literature, as well as any other ideas that might enhance the interest of attendees. Requests arrangement of meeting with Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Edwin H. and Jeanne Parkhurst. Notes that school is out of envelopes and last one is enclosed to facilitate previously discussed changes. Notes poor condition of building’s awnings, currently removed due to sandblasting by Howe. 9 March 1965.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Jeanne G. Parkhurst. Notes enclosed materials for scrapbook. Reminds Parkhurst of envelope issue. Asks for suggestions regarding backdrop for booth at Pennsylvania Career Exposition. Informs that colored slides are being taken of each stage of building operation. 15 March 1965.

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Edwin H. and Jeanne Parkhurst. Informs that equipment from Rileigh’s has been ordered. Discusses problems with exterior plaques due to sandblasting and offer of C. J. Miller of Baltimore, Maryland to refurbish signs. Miller gave Lancaster County Historical Association as reference. 8 April 1965.

Letter. Walter H. Haeseler to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Asks whether he should contact remaining high schools in southern part of Lancaster County, noting coverage of northern half and recent inquiry from Solanco High School student. 28 April 1965.

Folder 101, Insert 5 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Letter. Helen E. Haeseler to Edwin H. and Jeanne Parkhurst. Discusses academic plans of Carson Keiser, a student and scholarship recipient. Informs of rental of commercial cleaner for use in basement by Al. 29 April 1965.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in jewelry store technician, watchmaking and repairing, engraving, jewelry repairing, and clockmaking and repairing PA Department of Public Instruction. PIPTS-5-5C-4-54. Signed by Paul L. Glatzert. 1 July 1965.

Letter. Harold K. Calvert of Indiana Board of Examiners in Watch Repairing, Indianapolis, Indiana, to Walter H. Haeseler. Congratulates Haeseler on new owners’ willingness to promote school. Extends invitation to Watchmaker’s Association of Indiana’s 1965 convention on 18 and 19 September in Indianapolis. 27 August 1965.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to Harold K. Calvert. Informs that Haeseler will be unable to attend and suggested Parkhurst go in his place. Requests program for convention. (carbon copy) 1 September 1965.

Letter. William H. Ferguson of the Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators to [members]. Announces annual meeting, to be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on 5 November 1965. [late August 1965]

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to William H. Ferguson. Informs of intent to attend and offers assistance. 1 September 1965.

Letter. Walter H. Haeseler to Betty J. Long of Lincoln High School, Cleveland, Ohio. Provides brief history of school and discusses opportunities for graduates.

Letter or memorandum. Summary of amount spent for tools by four students in Watchmaking and Repairing Course: Joseph Lisiewski of Kulpmont, Pennsylvania, Joseph Lane of Red Lion, Pennsylvania, Gary Hostetter of York, Pennsylvania, and Carl Geer of Indianapolis, Indiana. Lists monthly tool costs for each student. 8 December 1965.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school or class in jewelry store technician, watchmaking and repairing, engraving, jewelry repairing, and clockmaking and repairing PA Department of Public Instruction. PIPTS-5-5C-4-54. Signed by Paul L. Glatzert. 1 July 1966.

Folder 101, Insert 6 Instructional and Administrative Materials

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Unused spaces on front cover for signature of school director. Volume 13, 1 August 1968.

Letter. Frank Buchner of Modern Jeweler to Helen E. Haeseler. Thanks Haeseler for tour of school. Gives brief description of Modern Jeweler and requests any suggestions Haeseler may have. 30 September 1969.

School catalog. Your Future and Our School. Unused space on front cover for signature of school director. Volume 14, 1 November 1969.

Letter. Walter H. Haeseler to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Follow-up to recent conversation regarding changes to improve school. 9 June 1970.

Letter. Walter H. Haeseler to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Resignation from service on board of directors of Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators, as representative of Bowman Technical School. 8 September 1970.

Letter. Diana M. Dawes of Resource Publications, Inc. to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Describes Guides to Career Training Schools and enclosed materials. 29 October 1970.

Resource Publications, Inc. resource packet. Fact sheet, subscription contract, circulation details, profile format, and mechanical requirements related to submitting a profile for publication in The Guide to Career Training Schools. Late 1970.

Folder 101, Insert 7 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Certificate of completion. Presented to Jay William Evans by the Benrus Watch Company for completion of their Bench Course on Electronic Timepieces. 25 May 1971.

Certificate of completion. Presented to David E. Dubble by the Benrus Watch Company for completion of their Bench Course on Electronic Timepieces. 25 May 1971.

Certificate of completion. Presented to Hugh DeHaven, Jr. by the Benrus Watch Company for completion of their Bench Course on Electronic Timepieces. 31 January 1972.

Certificate of completion. Presented to Carol A. Stoudt by the Benrus Watch Company for completion of their Bench Course on Electronic Timepieces. 31 January 1972.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to Pennsylvania Department of Education and copy to Charles Wright. Supplement to school catalog, Volume 16, 15 November 1971. Removes Walter H. and Helen E. Haeseler and adds Helen S. Glasmire as registrar. (carbon copy) 31 March 1972.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to James F. Noone and copy to Mr. Githens of Veterans Administration. Advises of resignation of Walter H. Haeseler as an instructor and Helen E. Haeseler as registrar. Informs of new registrar, Helen S. Glasmire. 31 March 1972.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of courses and tuition change as described in catalog. 26 December 1972.

Bowman Technical School financial information. Supplement to catalog to be sent with application forms. Clarifies tuition terms and rates. 1 January 1973.

Enrollment agreement. Lists policies and conditions of enrollment. 1 January 1973.

School catalog. Volume 17, 1 January 1973. Signed and stamped by Joseph P. Gavenonis, 2 January 1973.

Bowman Technical School financial information. Supplement to catalog to be sent with application forms. Clarifies tuition terms and rates. 1 October 1973.

Folder 101, Insert 8 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Letter. Robert H. Hodge of Bowman Jewelers, Denver, Colorado to Bowman Technical School. Requests school catalog be sent. 14 October 1974. Received by Bowman Technical School, 17 October 1974.

Statement of compliance with Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964. Comments on open admission policy. Signed by Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. and Melanie L. Parkhurst. 10 March 1975.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private trade school. State Board of Private Trade Schools. DEBE-600. 1 July 1975.

Vocational training agreement. Agreement between the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Maryland State Department of Education and Bowman Technical School for the training of Edward Bugnaski in Clockmaking and Repair. Drafted by Gary S. Hoopengardner. Provisions modified and annotated by Bowman Technical School. (photocopy) 3 December 1975.

List of students. Graduates of Engraving, Jewelry, and Watchmaking courses from 1972 through 1975.

List of students. Graduates of Engraving, Jewelry, and Watchmaking courses from 1972 through 1975.

List of students. Lists students admitted to Bowman Technical School in 1975. Gives date of entry, course(s) taken, and expected graduation. 1975.

Certificate of membership of the Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators, Inc. Presented to Bowman Technical School. [1975-1976].

Pamphlet. Jewelry and Watchmaking Schools by Retail Jewelers of America, Inc. Bowman Technical School entries under Engraving, Jewelry Repair, and Watchmaking. 1976.

Certificate of membership of the American Watchmakers Institute Research and Education Council. Presented to Bowman Technical School. Signed by James M. Dodson, Milton C. Stevens, Robert A. Nelson, and Gerald G. Jaeger. 1976.

Folder 101, Insert 9 Correspondence and Administrative Materials

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to J. Elliot Steinert, Bowman Technical School. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of change in Assistant Director from John L. Allen to Robert J. Sener. 8 March 1976.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to Veterans Education. Supplement to school catalog, volume 18, 1 January 1975. Advises of increase in tuition rates. 1 September 1976. Approved by Veterans Education, 1 November 1976.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to J. Elliot Steinert, Bowman Technical School. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of courses as described in catalog. 10 September 1976.

Letter. Acknowledgement of submission of school catalog, Volume 19, 1 January 1977. Authorizes printing of catalog. 25 February 1977.

School catalog proof. Proof of catalog, Volume 19, 1 January 1977. Certified to be true in content and policy by J. Elliot Steinert. Submitted to Veterans Education. 1977.

Note. K. H. Seidel to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Approves catalog proof and requests three copies be submitted once printed. Received by Bowman Technical School, 28 February 1977.

Letter. Bert Rodgers of Rodgers Clock Service, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Rodgers, a Bowman graduate, thanks Parkhurst for previous inquiry and notes enclosure of materials related to his and brother’s business. 28 March 1977. Received by Bowman Technical School, 30 March 1977.

Business card for Bert Rodgers of Rodgers Clock Service. Includes several images of repair work. 1977.

Business card for Bert Rodgers of Rodgers Clock Service. Includes several images of repair work. 1977.

Pamphlet for Rodgers Clock Service. Contains numerous images of repair work. 1977.

Sheet of photographs. Images of Rodgers Clock Service personnel at repair jobs. Originally published in several newspapers. 1977.

Sheet of photographs. Images of Rodgers Clock Service personnel at repair jobs. Originally published in several newspapers. 1977.

Folder 101, Insert 10 Correspondence and Administrative Materials

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst, Jr. to Andrew Hyduk. Notes enclosure of three copies of school catalog, Volume 19, 1 January 1977. 4 April 1977.

Letter. Donald S. McNeil of Jeweler’s Circular Keystone to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Request for contribution of profiles to future publication, Who’s Who in the Jewelry Industry. 6 March 1978. Received by Bowman Technical School, 7 March 1978.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Donald S. McNeil. Provides brief profiles of Victor Stoltz, Melanie L. Parkhurst, and J. Elliott Steinert. (carbon copy) 6 April 1978.

List of students. Lists students of Robert J. Sener and Floyd A. Vodvarka, divided by course. August 1978.

Square footage of Bowman Technical School classrooms. Lists area of each room and capacity of 93 students. 6 December 1978.

List of major equipment. Lists significant equipment owned by Bowman Technical School.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Letter. Notification that school met all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of courses as described in catalog. Notes that any students eligible for Social Security benefits may now apply. 8 December 1978.

Letter. Mel Solomon of Saul L. Solomon and Son, Inc., Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Thanks Parkhurst and staff for business during 1978. Wishes Parkhurst luck and success in move to new building. 18 December 1978.

Letter. Norman Rachelson to Bowman Technical School. Informs of State Board of Private Trade School’s 11 January 1979 approval of school’s move to 220 West King Street by 1 February 1979. 11 January 1979. Received by Bowman Technical School, 8 February 1979.

Application form. Application for enrollment in Bowman Technical School. April 1979.

Folder 101, Insert 11 Administrative Materials

Letter. Norman Rachelson to Bowman Technical School. Informs of State Board of Private Trade School’s 17 July 1979 recording of tuition increases effective 23 June 1979. 17 July 1979. Received by Bowman Technical School. 15 August 1979.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to K. H. Seidel. Confirmation of approval of request of $10 per month tuition increase. (carbon copy) 24 July 1979. Stamped and signed by Joseph P. Gavenonis, effective 17 July 1979.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Joseph P. Gavenonis and original to K. H. Seidel. Confirmation of approval of request of $10 per month tuition increase. (carbon copy) 24 July 1979.

School catalog. Volume 20, 1 January 1980. Certified true in content and policy by J. Elliot Steinert.

School catalog. Volume 20, 1 January 1980. Certified true in content and policy by J. Elliot Steinert.

School catalog. Volume 20, 1 January 1980. Certified true in content and policy by J. Elliot Steinert. Signed and stamped by Joseph P. Gavenonis, 1 July 1980.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of tuition changes as described in letter of information, effective 1 December 1981. 23 October 1981.

Letter. George Lowe, Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation, to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Informs Parkhurst of approval of courses and tuition rates effective 12 January 1982. Thanks Parkhurst for information and cooperation. 21 January 1982.

Note. Documents incidents concerning a business trip taken by Robert J. Sener to Cincinnati. 18 June to 29 June 1982.

School catalog. Based on Volume 20, 1 January 1980 but with several revisions and annotations. Certified true in content and policy by Melanie L. Parkhurst, 1 September 1982. Signed and stamped by Dee Ann Koller, effective 1 September 1982.

Folder 102 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Folder 102, Insert 1 Administrative Materials

Memorandum or notice. Melanie L. Parkhurst to all veterans attending Bowman Technical School. Instructs students to read and comply with attached pages. Signed and stamped by Dee Ann Koller, effective 1 September 1982. (photocopy)

Bowman Technical School standards of progress. Establishes minimum standards of progress for veterans. (photocopy) [1982].

Notice. Lists rules and policies concerning veterans. (photocopy) 16 November 1982.

Letter. Joseph P. Gavenonis to J. Elliot Steinert, Bowman Technical School. Notification that school continues to meet all criteria required for approval for Veterans Education. Approval of change in course name from Clockmaking and Repair to Clock Repairing. Approval of new Clockmaking and Repair course. 15 November 1982.

School information sheet. Includes list of courses. Received by Bowman Technical School, 11 March 1983.

Form letter. Briefly describes Bowman’s courses, entry requirements, and opportunities for persons with disabilities. Written by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 15 March 1983.

Letter. Linda J. Benedetto to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Acknowledges receipt of 30 November letter and enclosed materials. Provides instructions for revision based on State Board of Private Trade School regulations. Apologizes for incorrect information regarding regulations on course descriptions. 6 January 1984. Received by Bowman Technical School, 10 January 1984.

Enrollment agreement. Lists rules, terms, and conditions of enrollment. 1 January 1984.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private licensed school. State Board of Private Licensed Schools. Signed and sealed by Robert C. Wilburn. 1 July 1984.

Letter. Linda J. Benedetto to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Approval of application to renew trade school license for 1985 through 1986. Notes enclosure of license. 10 April 1986.

Folder 102, Insert 2

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private licensed school. State Board of Private Licensed Schools. PDE-147. Signed by Margaret A. Smith. 1 July 1985.

Letter. Robert N. Case of Lancaster County Library to [Melanie L.] Parkhurst. Follow-up to recent conversation. Requests that Bowman student be sent to examine library’s grandfather clock. Suggests contacting David Brian at library, as Case will be on vacation for next week. Name, George, on upper half of sheet. 5 August 1985.

Letter. Linda J. Benedetto to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Approval of application to renew trade school license for 1986 through 1987. Requests catalog be updated to reflect current tuition rate. Notes enclosure of license. 13 May 1986. Received by Bowman Technical School, 23 June 1986.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private licensed school. State Board of Private Licensed Schools. PDE-147. Signed by Margaret A. Smith. 1 July 1986.

Letter. Linda J. Benedetto to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Approval of application to renew trade school license for 1987 through 1988. Notes enclosure of license. 30 June 1987. Received by Bowman Technical School, 1 July 1987.

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private licensed school. State Board of Private Licensed Schools. PDE-147. Signed by Thomas K. Gilhool. 1 July 1987

Certificate of license to operate or conduct a private licensed school. State Board of Private Licensed Schools. PDE-147. Signed by Thomas K. Gilhool. (photocopy) 1 July 1987.

Folder 102, Insert 3 Administrative Materials

Vacation schedule. Instructs salaried employees to schedule their vacations for 1990 between March and October such that no two employees are off simultaneously. Spaces for employee name and weeks requested off. 1990.

List of students. Graduates of Bowman Technical School from 7 December 1988 through 3 March 1990. Includes students’ names, dates of graduation, and courses taken. 1990.

Enrollment agreement. Lists rules, terms, and conditions of enrollment. Some annotations, including removal of courses. 18 April 1990.

List of students. Graduates of Bowman Technical School from 23 August 1989 through 9 July 1990. Includes student’s names, dates of graduation, and courses taken. 1990.

List of students. Graduates of Bowman Technical School from 23 August 1989 through 9 July 1990. Includes student’s names, dates of graduation, and courses taken. 1990.

List of students. Graduates of Bowman Technical School from 9 July 1990 through 23 October 1990. Includes students’ names, dates of graduation, and courses taken. 1990.

Form letter. Briefly describes Bowman’s courses, entry requirements, and opportunities for persons with disabilities. Written by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 1 November 1990.

Form letter. Briefly describes Bowman’s courses, entry requirements, and opportunities for persons with disabilities. Written by Melanie L. Parkhurst. (photocopy) 1 November 1990.

List of students. Graduates of Bowman Technical School from 9 July 1990 through 4 January 1991.

Memorandum. Jane A. Stockdale to CEOs and Directors of Licensed or Registered Private Schools. Informs of new requirement of financial statement and acceptable format, as well as consequences of failure to submit. 25 January 1991.

Folder 102, Insert 4 Administrative Materials

Annual Financial Report. Requires entry of revenues, income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and disclosures. Form unused. Pennsylvania State Board of Private Licensed Schools. PDE-2006. January 1991.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Jane A. Stockdale. Notes update of 1989-1991 school catalog and enclosure of copy. 10 May 1991. Stamped by State Board of Private Licensed Schools, 13 May 1991.

Letter. [Jane A. Stockdale] to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Instructs Parkhurst to include several items on enclosed checklist in reprinted catalogs. May 1991.

Letter. Jerilynn M. Millvan to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Notes enclosure of list of art education associations. 2 July 1991.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Robert J. Sener. Instructs Sener to enforce attendance policy regarding several students with excessive unexcused absences. (photocopy) 22 July 1991.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Robert J. Sener. Instructs Sener to enforce attendance policy regarding several students with excessive unexcused absences. (photocopy) 22 July 1991.

Folder 102, Insert 5 Administrative Materials

Notice. Announcement of closure of Bowman Technical School in July 1992. Written and signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 5 September 1991.

Notice. Announcement of closure of Bowman Technical School in July 1992. Suggests several alternative schools. Written and signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. 9 September 1991.

Notice. Announcement of closure of Bowman Technical School in July 1992. Suggests several alternative schools. Written and signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. (photocopy) 9 September 1991.

Letter. Floyd W. Marshall of Gem City College, Quincy, Illinois, to Ona M. Barr of Bowman Technical School. Thanks Barr for her part in a visit to Bowman Technical School. General comments on trip to Pennsylvania. (photocopy) 10 September 1991.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Robert J. Sener. Reprimands Sener for drinking during school hours, especially in light of the presence of visitors. 20 September 1991.

List of students. Lists students at Bowman Technical school, divided by courses. Includes name and date of entry. 1991.

List of students. Lists students at Bowman Technical school, divided by courses. Includes name and date of entry. 1991.

List of students. Lists students at Bowman Technical school, divided by courses. Includes name and date of entry, time at school, and position in course. Some annotations and corrections. (photocopy) 1991.

Folder 102, Insert 6 Administrative Materials

List of students. Lists students at Bowman Technical school, divided by courses. Includes name, date of entry, and time at school. 1991.

List of students. Lists students at Bowman Technical school, divided by courses. Includes name, date of entry, and time at school. Some annotations and corrections.1991.

List of students. Lists students at Bowman Technical school, divided by courses. Includes name, date of entry, and time at school. Some annotations and corrections. (photocopy)1991.

List of students. Lists students at Bowman Technical school, divided by courses. Includes name and date of entry. 18 October 1991.

List of students. Lists students at Bowman Technical school, divided by courses. Includes name and date of entry. (photocopy) October 1991.

List of students. Lists students at Bowman Technical school, divided by courses. Includes name and date of entry. Some annotations and corrections. (photocopy) 18 October 1991.

Record of VA annual reporting fee. Reports fees for 1991. [November] 1991.

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System consolidated survey. Survey to be completed for US Department of Education records. Includes enrollment summaries, financial information, and employment records. Completed by Ona M. Barr, Bowman Technical School’s registrar. (photocopy) 1 November 1991.

Folder 102, Insert 7 Administrative Materials

Notice to all students. Announces attendance policy changes in light of forthcoming closure of school. Written and signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. (photocopy) 15 November 1991.

Notice to all students. Announces attendance policy changes in light of forthcoming closure of school. Written and signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. (photocopy) 15 November 1991.

Notice to all students and parents. Announces projected graduation date for most Jewelry students. Notes closings during holidays. 2 December 1991.

Form letter. Jerilynn M. Millvan to Bowman Technical School and copy to Veterans Education. Tuition change report, noting the recording of changes in tuition in Bowman Technical School courses. (carbon copy) 27 January 1992.

Envelope. Department of Taxation, State of Ohio, to Melanie L. Parkhurst. 29 January 1992.

Form. Information report of personal property business status. Requires submission of statement and balance sheet declaring that a corporation licensed in Ohio but previously not holding property or having a location in Ohio continues to meet this status. Form not completed. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst, 29 January 1992.

Form. Information report of personal property business status. Requires submission of statement and balance sheet declaring that a corporation licensed in Ohio but previously not holding property or having a location in Ohio continues to meet this status. Form mostly incomplete. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst, 29 January 1992.

Form. Information report of personal property business status. Requires submission of statement and balance sheet declaring that a corporation licensed in Ohio but previously not holding property or having a location in Ohio continues to meet this status. Form mostly incomplete. (photocopy) Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst, 29 January 1992.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Jerilynn M. Millvan. Asks Millvan to address all correspondence to Parkhurst, rather than Robert J. Sener, and to use the 149 North Duke Street address due to move of office. 4 February 1992.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to George Kordek and copy to Michael J. Dini of Veterans Administration. Informs Kordek of Bowman Technical School’s 12 April 1992 closure. 4 February 1992.

Folder 102, Insert 8 Administrative Materials and Graduate Surveys

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Jane A. Stockwell/[Stockdale] and copy to Jerilynn M. Millvan. Informs Stockwell of Bowman Technical School’s 12 April 1992 closing. Discusses currently enrolled students and tuition. 1 February 1992.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Jerilynn M. Millvan. Advises that Calvin C. Horn has replaced Robert J. Sener as Bowman Technical School’s director. 2 March 1992.

List of students. Final graduates of Bowman Technical School. Includes names, dates of graduation, and courses. 12 April 1992.

List of students. Final graduates of Bowman Technical School. Includes names, addresses, dates of graduation, and courses. 12 April 1992.

Letter. Dee Ann Koller to Melanie L. Parkhurst and copies to George Kodek and Veterans Administration. Notification of revocation of approval to train veterans, effective 13 April 1992. 24 April 1992.

Form. Survey of recent graduates conducted by Trout, Ebersole, and Groff. Includes questions on course taken, date graduate or departed, time taken to complete, technical competence of instruction, individual attention, satisfaction with school, and whether respondent would recommend school to others, as well as a space for additional comments. 1990 to 1991.

Form. Survey of recent graduates conducted by Trout, Ebersole, and Groff. Includes questions on course taken, date graduate or departed, time taken to complete, technical competence of instruction, individual attention, satisfaction with school, and whether respondent would recommend school to others, as well as a space for additional comments. (photocopy) 1990 to 1991.

Form. Survey of recent graduates. Completed by William L. Elshoff of Dothan, Alabama. 20 June 1990.

Form. Survey of recent graduates. Completed by [illegible]. 15 September 1990.

Form. Survey of recent graduates. Completed by [P]rya Kemis, Jr. 20 September 1990.

Form. Survey of recent graduates. Completed anonymously. 24 September 1990.

Form. Survey of recent graduates. Completed by Jack Allen Jones. 1 October 1990.

Form. Survey of recent graduates. Completed anonymously. [Late 1991].

Folder 102, Insert 9 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Parking permit for Bowman Technical School parking. Undated.

Parking permit for Bowman Technical School parking. Undated.

Business card. Bowman Technical School. Undated.

Business card. Bowman Technical School. Undated.

Report card. Monthly report for Bowman students. Includes space for name, month, department, and instructor. Students evaluated on progress on course, application and industry, conduct in school, and unnecessary absence. Sale of Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor. Handwritten annotation indicates format used prior to 1975.

Report card. Monthly report for Bowman students. Includes space for name, month and year, course, and instructor. Students evaluated on quality of work, application and industry, monthly progress, attendance, and position in course. Sale of Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor. Several annotations and marks. Handwritten annotation indicates format used from 1 April 1975.

Acceptance letter. Form letter for accepting students for admission to Bowman Technical School. Written by Helen S. Glasmire. (photocopy) Undated.

Acceptance letter. Form letter for accepting students for admission to Bowman Technical School. Written by Helen S. Glasmire. (photocopy) Undated.

Bowman technical school attendance policy. (photocopy) Undated.

Course estimate for Jewelry Repair. Course is divided into sections, and further broken down into individual tasks with estimates of time to complete each task. Spaces for student name and date. Undated.

Folder 102, Insert 10 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Course estimate for Jewelry Repair. Course is divided into sections, and further broken down into individual tasks with estimates of time to complete each task. Spaces for student name and date. (photocopy) Undated.

List of tuition rate procedures. Instructions for calculation of tuition rates. Undated.

Form letter. Notes enclosure of school catalog and application form. Briefly describes course of study. Undated.

Form letter. Briefly describes policies, tuition rates, and course of study. Undated.

Form letter. Briefly describes policies, tuition rates, and course of study. (photocopy) Undated.

Form letter. Discusses school history, courses offered, and admissions process. [1970s].

Form letter. Discusses school history, courses offered, and admissions process. Few annotations. [1970s].

List of tuition rate procedures. Instructions for calculation of tuition rates. Few annotations. Undated.

List of tuition rate procedures. Instructions for calculation of tuition rates. (carbon copy) Undated.

List. Companies, military branches, and government agencies that employed Bowman graduates. Undated.

Note. Draft for above list. Undated.

Folder 102, Insert 11 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Form letter. Response to inquiry that included insufficient information on previous work. Requests details of correspondent’s experience in watchmaking and related skills, in order to provide accurate estimate for time required at Bowman. Written by John J. Bowman. [1910s].

Form letter. Response to general inquiry. Notes enclosure of catalog and discusses new method of tailoring courses to individual students. Requests information on prospective student’s background. Written by John J. Bowman. [1910s].

Form letter. Response to employer’s request for a student or graduate, if unable to fulfill. Notifies correspondent that their name has been placed on Bowman’s list. Requests names of any draft-exempt young men in area, in order to send them catalogs and attempt to raise interest. [1910s].

Bowman Technical School rules. (carbon copy) Undated.

Bowman Technical School regulations. Annotation to one point redacted with correction tape. Undated.

Estimate of expenses. Lists tuition as well as estimated costs of room, board, and tools. Annotation indicating that this version was used until 27 March 1933, after which a revised version reflecting other annotations was used.

Letter. Jane A. Stockdale to applicant for license or registration with the State Board of Private Licensed Schools. Explains application process and required materials. Undated.

List of school expenses. Includes various categories but does not record actual expenses. (photocopy) Undated.

List of school expenses. Expenses are arranged in various categories, e.g. salaries, postage, and taxes.

Note. Documents incidents involving Robert J. Sener. Undated.

Folder 103 Miscellaneous School Materials

Folder 103, Insert 1 Instructional and Administrative Materials

Note. Lists various items and issues in school. Undated.

Sign. Instructs students to wear goggle and tie back hair when operating buffing machines. Lettered by hand. Undated.

Certificate of completion. Certifies that a Bowman student has successfully completed a course in Advanced Stone Setting. Undated.

Certificate of completion. Certifies that a Bowman student has successfully completed a course in Advanced Stone Setting. Undated.

Certificate of attendance. Certifies that a Bowman student attend classes for a certain period without graduating. Signed by Melanie L. Parkhurst. Undated.

Certificate of attendance. Certifies that a Bowman student attend classes for a certain period without graduating. Undated.

Form. Includes total course costs and time, percent completed and working in field for last year’s graduates, as well as housing, faculty, and financial aid information. Undated.

List of names. Includes individuals affiliated with Stevens Trade School, the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, and Rolex. Undated.

Photograph. Chronometer made by Dwight E. Massey, a graduate of Bowman Technical School. (photocopy) Undated.

Photograph. Movement made by Dwight E. Massey, a graduate of Bowman Technical School. (photocopy) Undated.

Folder 103, Insert 2 Administrative Materials

Membership card. Certifies Bowman Technical School’s membership in the Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators, expiring 1 April 1965.

School catalog. Volume 19, 1 January 1977. Certified true in content and policy by J. Elliot Steinert. Approved by Joseph P. Gavenonis, 1 April 1977.

Membership card. Bowman Technical School’s membership card in the national Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, expiring January 1980.

Proclamation. Lancaster County Board of Commissioners. Declares 12 June 1987 as Horological Day. Notes Bowman Technical School among other watch and clock institutions with roots in Lancaster County. Signed by James E Huber, Robert C. Boyer, and Brad S. Fischer. 10 June 1987.

Letter. Matthew J. Harris, Jr. to J. Elliot Steinert. Notes that tuition increases were made matter of record at 21 August 1981 meeting of State Board of Private Trade Schools. 10 September 1981. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 21 September 1981.

Letter. Michael P. Benedict of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company to Bowman Technical School. Cancellation notice for cancellation of surety on bond held on behalf of Bowman Technical School. 30 January 1992.

Envelope. The Ohio Casualty Group to Bowman Technical School.

Card. Announces opening of Michael J. Lostoco’s Tic-Toc Shop in Old Wethersfield, Connecticut. Undated.

Note. Remark regarding John [Kope]. Undated.

Folder 103, Insert 2 Correspondence

Letter. G. E. Watson and Walter B. Senty of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to John J. Bowman. Provides names of four school supervisors who frequently work with occupational guidance: Carson Hatfield, Rex Liebenberg, Russell Mosely, and J. F. Wadell. 15 December 1952.

Letter. P. S. Barret of Vocational Rehabilitation, Georgia State Department of Education, to Bowman Technical School. Notes difficulty of naming one or two particular counselors who would most benefit from school catalog. Suggests sending copy to A. R. Colcord, George State Employment Office, Atlanta, Georgia if not feasible to send copy to every counselor. 15 December 1952.

Letter. B. Howard Peake of Vocational Division, Vermont Department of Education, to John J. Bowman. Notes enclosure of list of guidance counselors interested in receiving catalog.

List of names. Guidance counselors in Vermont schools. Alphabetized by town, includes names of superintendants and counselors at each school. Annotations indicating counselors interested in receiving Bowman catalog. 1952.

Letter. Bruce E. Shear of the University of the State of New York, State Education Department. Reply to 11 December letter. Suggests sending catalog to Hubert Houghton, Bureau of Guidance, State Education Department for review for inclusion in future bulletin. Advises Bowman on how to best make direct mailings of catalog to individual guidance counselors. 16 December 1952.

Letter. Agnes S. Hill, Assistant to Superintendant of Schools, Washington, D.C., to John J. Bowman. Reply to 11 December letter. Gives Bowman names of persons in charge of guidance and placement for white and colored schools: respectively, Mildred S. Percy and Theresa C. Alexander. Alexander’s name scratched out. 18 December 1952.

Letter. F. B. Cale of Vocational Education, Virginia State Board of Education, to John J. Bowman. Response to 11 December letter. Refers Bowman to Dr. Francis W. Sisson, State Supervisor of Guidance, in Richmond, Virginia. 18 December 1952.

Folder 103, Insert 3 Correspondence

Letter. F. Sheldon Davis of Vocational Education, Rhode Island Department of Education, to John J. Bowman. Advises Bowman that there are no state-level guidance staff. Recommends sending school catalogs to Mary Basso, Supervisor of Guidance, Providence School Department, Providence, Rhode Island. Requests copy for his own use. 23 December 1952.

Letter. Charles F. Carroll, State Superintendent, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, to John J. Bowman. Suggests sending copy of school catalog to Ella Stephens Barrett, Supervisor of Guidance Services in the same department. 23 December 1952.

Letter. James E. Spitznas of Maryland State Department of Education to John J. Bowman. Informs Bowman that Spitznas has referred copy of school catalog to Willlis H. White, also of the Department of Education. Suggests sending additional copies of catalog to White. 4 March 1953.

Form letter. John J. and Charles E. Bowman to graduates. Informs of new catalog. Announces that application limitations and waiting list stemming from G.I. Bill “jam” are now no longer in effect. Requests recipients reply with names of people who would be interested in receiving a catalog. Annotations on style of salutation and closing. 5 March 1953.

Letter. John J. Bowman to Willis H. White. Briefly describes school and potential opportunities for students and counselors under White’s supervision. (carbon copy) 10 March 1953.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to Myron. J. Mintz and copy to Florence Slobin. Thanks Mintz for gift to school on behalf of Herman Slobin. Informs Mintz that funds will be used to purchase books, which will be inscribed with Slobin’s name. Found interleaved in school catalog, Volume 17, 1 January 1973. (carbon copy) 15 July 1973.

Letter. J. E. Coleman of Nashville, Tennessee to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Coleman, an editor of a regular column in American Horologist & Jeweler, discusses past and present clock repair work, training, and opportunities. 27 August 1973.

Letter. J. E. Coleman to Bowman Technical School. Requests responses to questions on when Bowman Technical School was founded, what textbook was used prior to publication of Grant Hood’s Modern Methods in Horology, and what horological works published prior to 1950 could be considered treatises. 22 September 1973.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to J. E. Coleman. Gives 1887 date of founding. Notes that no single textbook was used, but all books referenced were and remain available in school library. Explains that school’s course of study was founded in John J. Bowman’s experiences in Switzerland, not any single textbook. (carbon copy) 4 October 1973.

Letter. James W. Gibbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Wishes Edwin and Melanie Parkhurst a happy New Year. Requests assistance regarding research into history of Lancaster County watch and clock makers, especially Ezra F. Bowman and Bowman Technical School. 3 January 1974.

Folder 103, Insert 4 Correspondence

Letter. Chester W. Howard of Kamakura, Kanagawa, Japan, to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Informs Parkhurst of coming trip to the U.S. Offers to come to Bowman Technical School and speak to students on Japanese watches and clocks. Discusses itinerary and contact information. 8 January 1974.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to Chester W. Howard and copy to Leonard Sax of American Buff International, Chicago, Illinois. Accepts offer to speak to students at Howard’s convenience. (carbon copy) 22 February 1974.

Letter. Kenneth D. Roberts of Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire, to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Thanks Parkhurst for review of The Lancashire Watch Company written by Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Discusses review and book, as well as enclosed copies of materials sent to Dr. Melvin Kranzberg, Editor in Chief of Technology & Culture. Comments on upcoming publications, lectures, and travel plans. Offers to present lecture to Bowman Technical School at no cost. 2 March 1974. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 7 March 1974.

Letter. Kenneth D. Roberts to Dr. Melvin Kranzberg of Atlanta, Georgia, and copy to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Discusses Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr.’s review of The Lancashire Watch Company. Notes correction and addition to review. (carbon copy) 2 March 1974.

Advertisement proof. Proof of full-page advertisement for The Lancashire Watch Company and other volumes published by Ken Roberts Publishing. 1974.

Advertisement proof. Proof of full-page advertisement for The Lancashire Watch Company and other volumes published by Ken Roberts Publishing. 1974.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Kenneth D. Roberts of Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire. Informs Roberts that school closed on Saturday and many students leave early Friday afternoon, but he would be able to speak at school if he arrived by 3:00 PM. Invites Roberts to dinner. Requests copies of Eli Terry and the Connecticut Shelf Clock for school. Asks that hardcover edition of The Lancashire Watch Company be sent to the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors. 11 March 1974.

Letter. Robert L. Johnson of Chelsea Clock Division, Bunker Ramo, to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Inquires whether Parkhurst is aware of students or other individuals who would be interested in working for Chelsea Clock. 10 April 1974. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 12 April 1974.

Letter. Dr. W. Fred Kinsey, III of North Museum to Melanie L. Parkhurst. Thanks Parkhurst for discussing school with Kinsey and John Synodinos during recent visit. Notes enclosure of information on the North Museum. 5 May 1979.

Letter. Jackie Roberts of Permissions Depatment, Wadsworth, Inc. to Melanie L. Parkhurst and copy to Alba Lorman of Van Nostrand Reinhold. Apologizes for error in sending copyright renewal instructions for The Jewelry Engraver’s Manual, by John J. Bowman and R. Allen Hardy. Notes that Van Nostrand Reinhold has informed her that the title was revised and remains in print as Jewelry Engraving. Requests materials be forwarded to Lorman. 30 November 1982.

Letter. Norbert E. Danz of J. P. McCaskey High School, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to unnamed representative of Bowman Technical School. Thanks Bowman for participation in McCaskey’s March 9 Career Day. Requests suggestions for improvement of following year’s Career Day. 10 March 1983. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 14 March 1983.

Folder 103, Insert 5 Correspondence and Articles

Trade journal clipping. American Horologist and Jeweler. “Noted Horological Educator Dies.” Obituary of John J. Bowman. Notes his involvement in various horological and educational endeavors. December 1959.

Letter. Lester C. Morgan of Lester’s Gem Shop, High Point, North Carolina to Bowman Technical School. Morgan, born in [1910] and a 1927 Bowman graduate, inquires whether he is oldest living student. Requests any relevant records held by school. Asks that recipient greet students on his behalf. (photocopy) 23 December 1992.

File folder for employee of Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons. Some information redacted, but includes dates of birth, hiring, and retirement. Employee was graduate of Bowman Technical School. (photocopy) 1990s.

Employee file. Includes list of salary increases. (photocopy) 7 July 1973 to 29 March 1975.

Trade journal clipping. Horological Times. “Bowman 100th Anniversary Celebrated in Pennsylvania.” September 1977.

Newspaper clipping. Sunday News. “19 Zoning Appeals Coming Before City Board Oct. 2.” Among appeals is Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. ‘s appeal for a special exception required to relocate Bowman Technical School to 220 West King Street. 17 September 1978.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “Bowman Plan Can Aid Downtown.” Editorial approving of Bowman school’s planned move and anticipating benefits to neighborhood. Advocates for granting of required zoning exception. (photocopy) 9 October 1978.

Newsletter excerpt. Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators News. “Progress Through Education.” Article announcing Bowman Technical School’s move to 220 West King Street. April 1979.

Newspaper clipping. The Chronicle, Milford, Delaware. “Stinsons Designs Unique Jewelry,” by Rosanna Marshall. Discusses the custom jewelry design work of Laruis Stinson, a Bowman graduate. (photocopy) 8 February 1979.

Folder 103, Insert 6 Army Training

Trade journal article. “Lancaster, PA” in The Jewelers’ Circular-Weekly. Announcement of Bowman Technical School’s agreement with the War Department to train draftees in repairing of aircraft mechanisms. Notes that the training of 216 draftees will be conducted by a number of Bowman graduates and located at a large building on the grounds of Franklin and Marshall College. (photocopy) 19 June 1918.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “The Training Detachment: U.S. Army Branch, Bowman Technical School Barracks, Old F. and M. Academy Building,” by A. E. Warnick. Discusses the problems of beginning a career and draws comparisons to military service. Describes various events concerning Bowman Technical School’s military training facility and trainees, such as the addition of a Boy Scout bugler, a one-ring circus, and a particularly hot day. (photocopy) [12 to 17] August 1918.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “The Training Detachment,” by A. E. Warnick. Describes various events concerning Bowman Technical School’s military training facility and trainees, such as a well-supplied corn roast, the requirement for a bugler, and the appointment of non-commissioned officers for the week. 20 August 1918.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “The Training Detachment,” by A. E. Warnick. Discusses unit’s improvement in drills. Describes various events concerning Bowman Technical School’s military training facility and trainees, such as the issuing of new uniforms and a tennis matched played by the unit’s officers. [29 August to early September] 1918.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “The Training Detachment,” by A. E. Warnick. Discusses good workmanship practices. Describes various events concerning Bowman Technical School’s military training facility and trainees, such as a private’s return from furlough and a sergeant’s development of a blister during a hike to Millersville. [Late summer to early autumn] 1918.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “The Training Detachment,” by A. E. Warnick. Discusses the principle of efficiency. Describes various events concerning Bowman Technical School’s military training facility and trainees, such as weekend furloughs. [Late summer to early autumn] 1918.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “The Training Detachment,” by A. E. Warnick. Discusses the duties of privates and non-commissioned officers. Describes various events concerning Bowman Technical School’s military training facility and trainees, such as weekend furloughs. [Late summer to early autumn] 1918.

Certificate of service. Awarded to Bowman Technical School by the United States War Department for the establishment and operation of a unit of the Students Army Training Corps. Signed by P. C. Harris, Adjutant General, and J. Mayhew Wainwright, Assistant Secretary of War. 22 November 1921.

Newspaper clipping. Lancaster New Era. “The Lancaster That Was: When Bowman Tech Trained Uncle Sam’s Doughboys.” Discusses newspaper materials related to Bowman Technical School’s military training. Includes group photograph of trainees in front of Franklin and Marshall College’s Hartmann Hall. 1 February 1981.

Folder 103, Insert 7 Articles and Catalog

Newspaper clipping. The Morning Herald, Hagerstown, Maryland. “Polishing the edges: Budding engraver wants to be recognized by his artwork,” by Richard F. Belsie. Describes efforts of Bill Schakleford, a Bowman graduate, to establish his own engraving business and refine his skills. (photocopy) 28 May [1970s to 1980s].

Newspaper clipping. The Morning Herald, Hagerstown, Maryland. “Polishing the edges: Budding engraver wants to be recognized by his artwork,” by Richard F. Belsie. Describes efforts of Bill Schakleford, a Bowman graduate, to establish his own engraving business and refine his skills. (photocopy) 28 May [1970s to 1980s].

Newspaper clipping. The Reading Chronicle, Reading, Massachusetts. “Adventures high in the air: Winding the town clock,” by Maria Silvaggi. Discusses Reading town clock and maintenance conducted by David B. and James H. Roberts, both Bowman graduates. [1970s to 1980s].

Magazine clipping. Traditional Home. “Keeping Time With the Past,” by Dan Weeks. Describes Clockfolk, the Reading, Massachusetts business of David B. and James H. Roberts. Numerous photographs. June 1991.

School catalog. Volume 21, 1 January 1984. Annotation revising tuition rate.

Folder 103, Insert 8 Articles

Letter. Judith Shearer of Chronicle Guidance Publications, Inc., Moravia, New York, to Walter H. Haeseler. Thanks Haeseler for assistance in preparing Chronicle Occupational Brief, “Watchmaker.” Notes enclosure of several copies of brief. 2 December 1966.

Occupational brief. “Watchmaker.” Discusses history of watchmaking, work preformed, qualifications, educational requirements, wages and working conditions, and opportunities in the field. Acknowledgments include Dr. Hugh G. Wales of American Watchmakers Institute, J. E. Crossno of Kansas City School of Watchmaking, Benjamin H. Lipton of Joseph Bulova School of Watchmaking, Walter H. Haeseler, and C. E. Kneeburg of Spencer School of Watchmaking. 1966.

Occupational brief. “Watchmaker.” Discusses history of watchmaking, work preformed, qualifications, educational requirements, wages and working conditions, and opportunities in the field. Acknowledgments include Dr. Hugh G. Wales of American Watchmakers Institute, J. E. Crossno of Kansas City School of Watchmaking, Benjamin H. Lipton of Joseph Bulova School of Watchmaking, Walter H. Haeseler, and C. E. Kneeburg of Spencer School of Watchmaking. 1966.

Magazine proof. Unidentified publication of Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania. “An Interview with Victor Stoltz.” Profiles Bowman instructor Victor Stoltz and discusses recent trends in watchmaking. Numerous corrections throughout. November 1981.

Folder 103, Insert 9 Articles and Miscellaneous School Materials

Magazine clipping. The Sun Magazine. “Where Nimble Fingers Learn How to Keep Clocks Ticking,” by Helen Friant. Description of Bowman Technical School. (photocopy) 23 March 1980.

Newspaper clipping. Intelligencer Journal. “Watchmakers’ Craft Survives Tests Of Time And Technology,” by Kim Herr. Describes Bowman Technical School and profiles several students. 31 July 1982.

Trade journal clipping. The Watchmakers of Australia. “Trade Courses: America,” by Joan E. Belk. Description of Bowman Technical School, focusing on details of courses. (photocopy) June 1986.

Trade journal clipping. The Watchmakers of Australia. “Trade Courses: America,” by Joan E. Belk. Description of Bowman Technical School, focusing on details of courses. (photocopy) June 1986.

School catalog. Based on Volume 20, 1 January 1980 but with significant annotations and revisions for coming Volume 21, 1 January 1984. Apparent water damage. [1983].

Trade journal clipping. The H.I.A. Journal. List of watchmakers who passed the Horological Institute of America’s Certified Master Examination between July 1952 and April 1953 List of watchmakers who received Horological Institute of America certification between July 1952 and April 1953. Both lists organized alphabetically by school. Mounted for framing. [1953].

Binder 104 Note: while contents are listed approximately chronologically, binder was assembled in reverse chronological order. Earliest materials are at rear.

Letter. James A. Dommel, Jr. of Pennsylvania Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety to Melanie L. Parkhurst and copies to Donald Kehler and T. Dougherty of same Bureau. Details seventeen fire code violations. Orders various measures for compliance, including vacating the second and third floors of the Bowman building. Compliance required between 31 August and 27 December 1978.15 August 1978. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 16 August 1978.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Pennsylvania Department of Labor. Requests copy of Pennsylvania Code, Volume 34, Chapter 37, Fire and Panic Regulations. Notes enclosure of check for same. (carbon copy)14 August 1978

Purchase agreement. Drafted by Holder, Decker, Brisson, Inc. Agreement for Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr.’s purchase of building at 220 West King Street from Pep Boys for $86,500. Notes that agreement contingent on Parkhurst’s receipt of zoning variance and Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry’s approval of renovation plans. 12 September 1978.

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Pennsylvania Department of Labor. Requests copy of Pennsylvania Code, Volume 34, Chapter 37, Fire and Panic Regulations be sent to Charles F. Clarke of Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey. Notes enclosure of check for same. (carbon copy)14 August 1978

Letter. Melanie L. Parkhurst to Charles F. Clarke. Notes enclosure of inspection report and separate order for Fire and Panic Regulations. 16 August 1978.

Letter. Patrick M. Egan of Commonwealth Security Systems, Inc. to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Proposal for installation of automatic fire detection system, a required step to bring Bowman building into compliance with fire code. 21 August 1978. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 23 August 1978.

Letter. Charles F. Clarke to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notes receipt of inspection report. Agrees with Parkhurst that compliance would probably force closure of school’s present location. Advises contacting lawyer in Harrisburg to request extensions for compliance and determine whether Bureau of Occupation and Industrial Safety orders are enforceable. Informs Parkhurst that he will be personally contacting acquaintance in Harrisburg to seek further recommendations. 24 August 1978.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to James A. Dommel. Informs Dommel of installation of required exit and directional signs. (carbon copy) August 1978.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to Charles F. Clarke. Informs Clarke of recent discussion with accountant, Joe Ebersole. Notes decision to use earnings from school to purchase land and build, purchase and renovate an existing facility, or remodel the existing location. Requests Clarke, in capacity as secretary, draft minutes recording this decision. 25 August 1978.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to S. Van Duzer of National Central Bank, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Notes enclosure of financial records for fiscal years 1975 through 1977. Requests appointment be scheduled. 29 August 1978.

Letter. Robert F. Vanderslice, Jr., Lancaster, to Dorothea Brown, Industrial Board, Department of Labor and Industry and copies to W. E. Shissler, Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr., and T. W. Peters of Warfel Construction Company. Applies for extension of compliance period in light of estimated time to complete required renovations. Requests to appear at October meeting of Industrial Board to make appeals for several variances. 11 September 1978. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 18 September 1978.

Letter. W. E. Shissler of Nauman, Smith, Shissler, and Hall, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to Robert F. Vanderslice and copy to Edwin H. Parkhurst. Notes receipt of 11 September letter. Informs that, due to pending appeal and submission of plans, Shissler will take no further action until instructed by Vanderslice or Parkhurst. 15 September 1978. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 18 September 1978.

Letter. Bruce F. Gingrich of Gingrich-Stoudt and Associates, Lancaster, to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Informs of potential decrease in insurance rate commensurate with installation of sprinkler system. Recommends Parkhurst ensure that any quotes considered include guarantee of ISO approval in final inspection. 15 September 1978. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 18 September 1978.

Zoning board hearing agenda. Lists appeals to be presented at 2 October 1978 meeting, including appeal of Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Signed by Larry Weaver, zoning officer. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 18 September 1978.

Letter. Max Siegel of Pep Boys to Howard Slocum of Holder, Decker, Brisson, Inc. Notes enclosure of corrected purchase agreement. Requests return of white copy, and that deed and title be forwarded to Daniel B. Litwin of Wolf, Block, Schorr, and Solis-Cohen, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (photocopy) 19 September 1978.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to James A. Dommel. Informs Dommel of negotiations to purchase another building and plans to rent as office space the second and third floors of present location. Notes intentions to ensure that no more than fifty people occupy upper stories at any time. 28 September 1978.

Letter. Robert F. Vanderslice, Jr. to Dorothea Brown and copies to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. and W. E. Shissler. Notes enclosure of variance requests and annotated photographs of building. Notes that delay in appearance before Industrial Board will necessitate further extensions past previously estimated completion date. (photocopy) 29 September 1978.

Variance request. Applies for variance from regulation barring schools from occupying three-story Type V buildings due to pending relocation and conversion of present location to mixed commercial and office use. Signed by Robert F. Vanderslice, Jr. 29 September 1979.

Variance request. Applies for variance from regulation requiring installation of 48-inch wide fire escape due to future plans for upper stories. Notes attached letter. Signed by Robert F. Vanderslice, Jr. (photocopy) 29 September 1979.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to James A. Dommel. Informs Dommel of negotiations to purchase another building and plans to rent as office space the second and third floors of present location. Notes intentions to ensure that no more than fifty people occupy upper stories at any time. (photocopy) 28 September 1978.

Variance request. Applies for variance from regulation requiring concerning fire alarm systems in buildings with Educational occupancy. Notes proximity to Lancaster Fire Department, brief time required for evacuation of building, and plan to install temporary fire and smoke detectors. Signed by Robert F. Vanderslice, Jr. (photocopy) 29 September 1979.

Variance request. Applies for variance from regulation requiring separation between B-3 and D-5 occupancy classes due to plans to convert entire building to D-5 occupancy pending relocation of school. Signed by Robert F. Vanderslice, Jr. (photocopy) 29 September 1979.

Variance request. Applies for variance from regulation requiring outswing doors be accompanied by a landing extending not less than three feet from building. Notes local ordinances regarding encroachments past property line, likely impact on historic character of area, and presence of nearby buildings with same style of stoop. Signed by Robert F. Vanderslice, Jr. (photocopy) 29 September 1979.

Variance request. Applies for variance from regulations regarding minimum width of corridors in D-5 buildings. Notes that, although existing corridors are smaller than minimum requirement, there is no way to expand their width. Signed by Robert F. Vanderslice, Jr. (photocopy) 29 September 1979.

Letter. Robert F. Vanderslice to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notes enclosure of variance requests. Informs Parkhurst that, due Industrial Board meetings being booked for next ten months, he has requested consideration of requests by a subordinate advisory committee and, if necessary to further argue points, an appearance on short notice before the board. 2 October 1978.

Letter. W. E. Shissler to Robert F. Vanderslice and copy to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notes that Shissler will not be able to appear at 30 October Industrial Board hearing, and will be sending David Eaton in his place. 20 October 1978.

Zoning board hearing agenda. Lists appeals to be presented at 6 November 1978 meeting, including appeal of Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Signed by Larry Weaver, zoning officer. [October] 1978.

Excerpt of meeting minutes. Discusses resolution authorizing the Edwin H. and Melanie L. Parkhurst to retain legal counsel, attempt to appeal the 15 August findings, orders, and compliance dates issued by James A. Dommel, Jr., determine the costs of complying with these orders, and investigate the possibility of relocation. Attested by Charles F. Clarke.

Letter. Timothy W. Peters of Warfel Construction Company, Lancaster, to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Confirmation of 19 October proposal to alter Bowman building in accordance with plans drawn by Robert F. Vanderslice. Notes additional cost required to install fire and smoke detectors. Requests that, if Parkhurst agrees, letter be signed and one copy returned to Peters. 22 October 1978. Signed by Edwin J. Parkhurst, Jr., 25 October 1978.

Purchase agreement. Drafted by Holder, Decker, Brisson, Inc. Agreement for Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr.’s purchase of building at 220 West King Street from Pep Boys for $86,500. Notes that agreement contingent on Parkhurst’s receipt of zoning variance and Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry’s approval of renovation plans. (carbon copy) 12 September 1978.

Notes on renovation of Bowman building. Explanation of various modifications to structure and relationship to compliance with code. 30 October 1978.

Letter. Robert F. Vanderslice to Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. Notes enclosure of plan for modifications to restrooms at 220 West King Street building. Draws attention to addition of coat racks. Informs Parkhurst that architectural plans are in progress and requests final preliminary plan be sent. 6 October 1978. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 9 October 1978.

List of names. Members of Industrial Board, Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. [1978].

Floor plan. Proposed modifications to restrooms of 220 West King Street building. (copy) 1978.

Notes on renovation of Bowman building. Lists measurements related to proposed air handling systems. 6 November 1978.

Letter. Dorothea Brown to Robert F. Vanderslice. Notes approval of extension and variance requests at Industrial Board’s 30 October meeting. 1 November 1978.

Certificate of insurance. Certifies Ezra F. Bowman’s Sons purchase of policy on 220 West King Street building from Ingrich-Stoudt and Associates, Lancaster. Signed by Will No[t]on. 10 November 1978. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 13 November 1978.

Notice of review of zoning application. Approval of special exception allowing Bowman Technical School to move to 220 West King Street. Requires building permit to be secured by 6 January 1979. Signed by Larry Weaver, zoning officer. 8 November 1978. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 10 November 1978.

List of alterations to Bowman building. Written by Robert F. Vanderslice, Jr. 1978.

List of alterations to 220 West King Street building. Instructions for several dozen alterations to structure and interior. Written by Robert F. Vanderslice, Jr. 27 November 1978.

Application for exemption from real estate taxes on improvements to residential/commercial/industrial. Seeks exemption for remodeling of 220 West King Street building. 7 December 1978.

Quote. Calder Door Sales’ proposal to furnish several items for 220 West King Street renovation. Signed by Daniel Yinger. 22 November 1978. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 5 December 1978.

List of alterations to Bowman building. Revision to 16 November plans. Written by Robert F. Vanderslice, Jr. 18 December 1978. Stamped by Bowman Technical School, 20 December 1978.

Letter. Dorothea Brown to Robert F. Vanderslice. Notes approval of extension and variance requests at Industrial Board’s 30 October meeting. 1 November 1978.

Letter. Edwin H. Parkhurst, Jr. to James A. Dommel, Jr. Advises Dommel of school’s relocation to 220 West King Street. 9 February 1979.