Eshelman: John Eshelman (Lampeter Twp.) Records, 1841-1887
Call Number: MG-562
3 volumes .25 cubic ft.
Repository: (Lancaster, Pa.)
Shelving Location: Archives South, Side 12
Description: This collection contains a daybook, a daybook and account book, and a ledger for John W. Eshelman’s mill in Lampeter Township, Lancaster County. He purchased, milled and stored corn, rye and other grains.
Creator: Eshelman, John W.
Conditions for Access: No restrictions.
Conditions Governing Reproductions: Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.
Language: English
Source of Acquisition: Gift of Eshelman Associates, Inc., formerly John W. Eshelman & Sons, 244 N. Queen Street, Lancaster, PA, 15 April 1977.
Related Materials: Deed #2103: Deed from Abraham Witmer and Jacob Hartman to Jacob Stoffer, June 1776. Deed #1859: Indenture between Christian Stauffer and Daniel Stauffer, March 1812. Object Collection: Wooden bookkeeper’s desk of the Eshelman Feed Company.
Folder 1 Daybook and account book of John Eshelman. 1841-1866.
Folder 2 Ledger of John Eshelman. Believed to be the first ledger of the company. 1842-1850.
A diary for January and February 1887 begins on page 173. The diary may have been written by Bertie C. Eshelman.
Folder 3 Daybook of John Eshelman. 1844-1848.