Ferree Family Genealogy
Call number: MG-384
6 boxes 61 folders 3 cubic ft.
Repository: LancasterHistory.org (Lancaster, Pa.)
Shelving Location: Archives South, Side 9
Description: This collection was compiled by Joseph Allen Ferree, Sr. (1885-1966) over his lifetime. The contents include genealogies for several branches of the Ferree family, correspondence, original documents, research notes, family charts, and information on Ferree gunsmiths and military service during the War of 1812.
Creator: Ferree, Joseph Allen (1885-1966)
Conditions for Access: No restrictions.
Conditions Governing Reproductions: Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.
Language: English
Source of Acquisition: Gift of Joel Ferree and Nancy Elizabeth Ferree Bamberger, 9 December 2005, in memory of their grandfather, Joseph Allen Ferree, Sr.
Note: The collection was organized by the donors.
Box 1
Folder 1 “Descendants of Madame Ferree (Special).” Introduction written in 1954 by Joseph A. Ferree. April 1956.
Folder 2 “Ferree Genealogy.” 25 August 1934.
Folder 3 “The Ferree Family (Copy 1).” 1940.
Folder 4 “Descendants of Madame Ferree (Revised).” Joseph A. Ferree. 1941.
Folder 5 Ferree Papers
Insert 1 Typescript of deed between Jane Davis and John Ferrey for 2,000 acres in [Strasburg], now Leacock Twp. 17 November 1730. With note from T. S. F.
Insert 2 Letter to [Joseph Allen Ferree, Sr.] from Thad. S. Ferree regarding genealogy. 13 September 1941.
Insert 3 Tacitus Germania. Completed 18 August 1921.
Insert 4 Genealogy notes. Jacob Ferree, Rachel Ferree, Floyd Norman Ferree. No date, 1956.
Insert 5 Family charts: descendants of Elmer N. Ferree and Mabala J. Ferree; Winfield Scott Ferree and Margaret Jane Smith; and James M. Ferree and Nancy Lehman. No date.
Genealogy notes. (2 copies) 1955.
Folder 6 Correspondence to Joseph Allen Ferree, Sr.; Origen M. Ferree; and Joseph Allen Ferree, Jr.
Insert 1 Copies of marriage certificate of Jacob Ferree and Alice Powel, 1783 and Oath of Allegiance of [ ] Ferree, 1794.
Insert 2 Letter from Ruth R. Jarvis to O. M. Ferree asking to borrow documents to copy. With envelopes. 30 July 1969.
Insert 3 Letter from Mrs. Leonard Brown to Joseph A. Ferree regarding assistance in research and includes genealogy notes. With envelope. 30 September 1969.
Insert 4 Letter from Mrs. Merlin A. Faas to Joseph A. Ferree regarding enclosed pedigree chart of Barbara Ann Faas and Leroy P. Thatcher. With envelope. Chart dated 1 February 1964. Letter dated 14 December 1969.
Insert 5 Holiday card from Richard Ferree to Joseph A. Ferree with genealogy notes. With envelope. 1969.
Insert 6 Correspondence from Pearl McCarville to Mrs. Joseph Ferree regarding genealogy records. Includes copies of letters from Volney H. Smith to Agnes L. Munzenmaier and her reply. 26 December 1966, 29 December 1966. With envelopes. 25 January 1967.
Insert 7 Letter from Mrs. Charles Robertson to Joseph A. Ferree regarding the purchase of The Ferree Family Tree. Letterhead of the Robertson Funeral Home, Hornell, New York. With envelope. 2 July 1970.
Insert 8 Letter from Barbara Ferree Barden to O. M. Ferree regarding publishing another genealogy. 16 March 1971.
Insert 9 Letter from Joseph Allen Ferree, Jr. to Mrs. J. C. Barden responding to her letter. 22 December 1971.
Insert 10 Letter from Roberta Ferree to Joseph A. Ferree, Jr. expressing sympathy. With envelope. 27 December 1971.
Insert 11 Letter from Joseph A. Ferree, Jr. to Franklin D. LeFevre enclosing payment for genealogy book. 13 January 1975.
Insert 12 Correspondence from Ruth R. Jarvis to Joseph A. Ferree regarding copies of documents. 10 October 1974, 1 September 1975. Includes copy of letter from Joseph A. Ferree to Mrs. Jarvis, 15 February 1962, and copy of marriage certificate and oath of allegiance. With envelope.
Insert 13 Genealogy notes. No date.
Folder 7 “Ferree Trailers are Going Places . . .” MemcoNews. Vol. 20, no. 3, Fall 1969. Miller Electric Manufacturing Co., Appleton, Wisconsin.
Folder 8 Ferrees of Lykens Valley
Insert 1 “Madame Marie Ferree.” 1951.
Insert 2 “The Ferrees of Lykens Valley (Copy 1).” 1949.
Insert 3 “The Ferrees of Lykens Valley (Copy 1).” 1952.
Insert 4 “The Ferrees of Lykens Valley (Copy 2).” 1952.
Folder 9 Notes on the Umholtz family of Lykens Twp. No date.
Folder 10 “Descendants Miscellaneous.” 1959-1961.
Folder 11
Insert 1 Genealogy notes on Barney Ferree. Letterhead of East Washington Public Schools, Washington, Pennsylvania; Edward F. Westlake, principal. No date.
Insert 2 Copy of promissory note to Jacob Ferree. 1768.
Folder 12 Ferree Papers
Insert 1 Photographic copy of pages from The Trail of the Huguenots in Europe, the United States, South Africa and Canada, by G. Elmore Reaman. No date.
Insert 2 “Old Huguenot Burying Ground,” R. P. Heidgerd. 1958.
Insert 3 Program for Ferree Reunion, Boeckel’s Park, Dallastown, Pennsylvania. 1939.
Insert 4 Genealogy notes. No date.
Insert 5 Photographic copy of birth and baptismal certificate for Elisabeth Seiler. 1820.
Insert 6 “Die Wiederhergeftellte Heiliggeistkirche.” Pamphlet on the Church of the Holy Spirit in Heidelberg, Germany. No date.
Insert 7 Photocopy of “The New American Samaritans,” incomplete. Time, 27 December 1971.
Insert 8 Typescript of “Traveling Copy of Capt. [Samuel G.] Ferree’s Diary.” 1862-1863.
Insert 9 “The Ferree Family.” Jo Bamberger. No date.
Insert 10 “An Article about Ferree Ancestry and Admiral Schley.” No date.
Insert 11 Genealogy notes. No date.
Insert 12 Address of the history of Major William Lea. Read at the first Lea Reunion in 1905 by H. K. Duff and by Mrs. Carnahan, secretary of the reunion, in 1921.
Folder 13 Ferree Papers
Insert 1 Postcard from Mary L. Breese to Joseph A. Ferree regarding genealogy. 27 May 1939.
Postcard from Pearl McCarville to Mrs. J. A. Ferree. Postcard of the Huguenot Church in Charleston, South Carolina. 9 September 1966.
Letter from Sarah H. Gilbert to Mr. Ferree regarding change of address. Letterhead of Millersville State Normal School. 1 July 1921.
Genealogy note from Louise H. Shaffer. Letterhead of Mrs. T. F. Shaffer. No date.
Letter from Ethel Faunce to cousins. No date.
Insert 2 Letter from Mary Longsworth Breese to Joseph Ferree regarding genealogy. With envelope. 31 December 1938.
Insert 3 Letter from Thad. S. Ferree to Joseph A. Ferree with genealogy notes. 25 May 1942.
Insert 4 Letters from George to Joseph Ferree regarding genealogy. 17 December 1961, 1 November 1964, 4 April 1965, 12 December 1965.
Insert 5 Letter to cousins from [Joseph A. Ferree] with genealogy notes. 1 August 1963.
Insert 6 Letters from Mildred to Joseph Ferree regarding genealogy. 16 July 1963.
Insert 7 Letters from Ivan Ferree to Joseph A. Ferree regarding genealogy. With envelope. 15 August 1963, 14 February 1965.
Insert 8 Letter to Mildred from [Joseph A. Ferree] regarding Cornelius Ferree. (2 copies) 29 March 1965.
Insert 9 Letter from Vitra Shirley Wood to Joseph A. Ferree. 11 April 1966.
Box 2
Folder 14 “Descendants of Madame Ferree.” 1954.
Folder 15 “The Ferrees of York County, Pennsylvania (Copy 4).” 1949.
Insert 1 Letter from Joseph A. Ferree to Mrs. Eugene Stein regarding “The Ferrees of York County.” 19 August 1949.
Folder 16 “The Autobiography of Prof. J. W. Ferree. M.A., Somewhat Fragmentary and Incoherent: Reminiscences written from Memory alone without and Reference whatever to a Chronological Diary.” Written at Paynesville, Minnesota at the request of his son, Dr. George P. Ferree. 1892.
Folder 17 “Descendants of John Ferree of Kentucky and Ohio.” No date.
Genealogy notes. No date.
Folder 18 “Ferree-Tyson-Campbell Descendants.” Compiled by Donald A. Boyer for Joseph A. Ferree. 1955, 1957.
Folder 19 “Descendants of Jacob Ferree.” No date.
Folder 20 “Descendants of James Calvin Ferree and of Col. Jacob Ferree.” 1940.
Folder 21 “Descendants of Olivia Ferree and Samuel Richey.” Compiled by a descendants of Mary Longsworth Breese. 1939.
Folder 22 “Descendants of Madame Ferree.” 1960.
Folder 23 Ferree Papers. 1957.
Folder 24
Insert 1 Genealogy notes from T. S. F., John H. Ferree of Owensville, Ohio, and John H. Ferree of Red Lion, Pennsylvania. 1940.
Insert 2 Genealogy notes. No date.
Insert 3 Family chart: Philip Ferree. No date.
Insert 4 Galley pages from genealogy book. 1954.
Insert 5 Photographic copies of pages from History of Lancaster County, by Ellis and Evans. 1883.
Insert 6 Genealogy notes. No date.
Insert 7 “Ferree Papers” and “Ferree Gunsmiths.” Major George B. Ferree. 1961.
Chart of Ferree Kentucky Rifle gunsmiths.
Insert 8 Letter from Florence Dibert to Mr. Ferree. Letterhead of the DAR, Quemahoning Chapter, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. 7 October 1933.
Insert 9 Photocopies of newspaper clippings:
Harvey-Ferree, marriage license application. The Pittsburgh Press. 8 March 1965.
“Rose Bowl Game to have Kiski Flavor.” Article about James Lafayette Marks. [22 December 1933].
Image of Dean M. Helen Marks. No date.
Cynthia Ferree, Edinboro Coed, is engaged to graduate. Butler Eagle. Sept. 9.
“87-year-old ‘Border Angel’ to Keep Giving.” Article about Frank Ferree. No date.
Insert 10 Typescript of deed between Solomon Ferree and company and Moses Ferree for 2,300 acres in Strasburg Twp. (2 copies) 1755.
Insert 11 Typescript of abstracts of York County wills. No date.
Insert 12 Typescript of abstracts of Lancaster County wills. No date.
Insert 13 Typescript of Orphans’ Court records. No date.
Insert 14 “Madame Mary Ferree and the Huguenots of Lancaster County,” by Charles I. Landis. Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society. Vol. 21, nos. 6-7, 1917.
Folder 25 Correspondence and Copies of Documents
Insert 1 Letter from A. Muntz Crane to [Mrs.] Ferree regarding a visit and family chatter. No date.
Insert 2 Letter from Harriett F. Ferree to Joseph A. Ferree regarding genealogy. 17 December 1939.
Insert 3 Letter from [Joseph A. Ferree] to Harriett F. Ferree in response to her letter. Two copies of family chart-descendants of Daniel Ferree and Marie Warenbuer-and explanation of chart. 28 December 1939.
Insert 4 Letter from [Joseph A. Ferree] to I. C. Ferree regarding genealogy. Family chart-descendants of Daniel Ferree and Marie Warenbuer-and explanation of chart. 29 December 1939.
Insert 5 Letter from Joseph A. Ferree to Maj. Floyd W. Ferree regarding genealogy. Family chart-descendants of Daniel Ferree and Marie Warenbuer-and explanation of chart. 20 January 1940.
Insert 6 Letter of reference for Ellen Jane Ferree from Vera Burtner Ferree for admission to Grove City College. 22 October 1981.
Insert 7 Letter from Joseph A. Ferree, Jr. to Ida Hays Irvine regarding McCandless genealogy. 15 March 1982.
Insert 8 Family chart-descendants of Daniel Ferree and Marie Warenbuer-and explanation of chart. No date.
Insert 9 Genealogy notes. No date.
Insert 10 Typescript of indenture between Moses Ferree of Strasburg Twp. and Solomon Ferree of Strasburg Twp. For land in Strasburg Twp. 1755.
Insert 11 Typescript of ads from Pittsburgh Gazette (1818).
Insert 12 Photograph of marriage certificate of Jacob Ferree and Alice Powel. 1783.
Photograph of oath of allegiance of William [ ]. 1794.
Insert 13 Photocopy of article of agreement between Joel Ferree and George S. P. Ferree. 1838.
Folder 26 Descendants of David Shriver and Rebecca Ferree
Insert 1 Descendants of David Shriver and Rebecca Ferree. No date.
Insert 2 “Explanation.” No date.
Insert 3 Genealogy notes. “The Ancestry of David Shriver.” No date.
Insert 4 Letter from Robert H. Shriver to Joseph Ferree regarding Shriver genealogy. 1 December 1949.
Insert 5 Genealogy notes on the Shriver family. No date.
Folder 27 Descendants of Madame Ferree (Coraopolis). 1959.
Folder 28 Ferree Papers (Wills). No date.
Folder 29
Insert 1 Typescript and handwritten copies of legal papers. No date.
Insert 2 Hand-drawn copy of land draft of Thomas McMullin’s property in Snowden Twp. 1786, 1789.
Insert 3 Genealogy notes. Washington County. No date.
Insert 4 Genealogy notes. No date.
Insert 5 “Ferree Family in Annual Reunion.” York newspaper. No date.
Folder 30 Ferree Papers. No date.
Box 3
Folder 31 Correspondence and Genealogy
Insert 1 Letter from Blanche A. Swope to Mr. Ferree regarding Heath genealogy. No date.
Insert 2 Letter from Blanche Swope to Joseph [Ferree] regarding genealogy. No date.
Insert 3 Letter from Blanche [Swope] to Joseph [Ferree] regarding genealogy. No date.
Insert 4 Letter from Joseph A. Ferree to Blanche Swope regarding Heath genealogy. 1 September 1933.
Diagram of descendants of Ephraim Swope. No date.
Genealogy notes. No date.
Insert 5 Letter from Joseph A. Ferree to [Blanche] Swope regarding genealogy. 9 September 1933.
Insert 6 Letter from Amanda L. Xanders to Mr. Ferree regarding a Ferree family history and genealogy she will publish. Letterhead of The Battle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Michigan. 29 November 1932.
Insert 7 Letter from Amanda L. Xanders to Mr. Ferree thanking him for materials he sent and regarding her publication. Letterhead of the New Colonial Hotel, York, Pennsylvania. 13 January 1933.
Insert 8 Letter from Joseph A. Ferree to Zella F. Payne regarding her article on the Lebanon Church. 2 January 1933.
Insert 9 Letters from Zella H. Payne to Joseph A. Ferree regarding the Lebanon Church and Joel Ferree. No date, 7 January 1933.
Insert 10 Biographical information about William D. Heath. (2 copies) No date.
Insert 11 Typescript copy of [articles] from Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 1916.
Insert 12 “Starting for a Ride Over Longue Vue Trails,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 8 August 1933. Jane Conner and C. B. Ferree.
“E. M. Herr, Who Rose from Messenger Boy to Riches, Dies at 72.” [1932].
“Edwin M. Herr Dies After Long Illness,” The New York Times. [1932].
Insert 13 Handwritten and typed copies of “The Fish Lineage.” No date.
Insert 14 Genealogy notes-Joel Ferree. No date.
Insert 15 Genealogy notes from Miss Swope. Received 8 September 1933.
Insert 16 Genealogy notes from Miss Swope. Received 8 September 1933.
Insert 17 Handwritten copies of genealogy, Charter of 1681, and Minutes of the Board of Property . . . No date.
Insert 18 Descendants of Jacob and Rachel. No date.
Folder 32 Ferrees of York County, Pennsylvania (Copy 2). 1952, 1954.
Folder 33 Ferree Papers, Vol. 1, pages 1-325. No date.
Folder 34 Ferree Papers, Vol. 2, pages 326-580. No date.
Folder 35 Ferree Papers, Vol. 3, pages 581-811. No date.
Folder 36 Ferree Papers, Vol. 4, pages 814-1043. No date.
Folder 37 Ferree Papers, Vol. 5, pages 1044-1275. 1955-1956.
Box 4
Folder 38 Ferree Papers, Vol. 6, pages 1276-1560. 1956-1957.
Folder 39 Ferree Papers, Vol. 7, pages 1561-1900. 1957-1959.
Folder 40 Ferree Papers, Vol. 8, pages 1901-2158. 1959-1961.
Folder 41 Ferree Papers, Vol. 9, pages 2159-2327. 1960-1961.
Folder 42 Ferree Papers, Vol. 10, pages 2328-2406. 1961-1962.
Box 5
Folder 43 Ferree Papers, Vol. 11, pages 2407-2665. 1962-1963.
Folder 44 Items Related to the Funerals of Joseph A. Ferree and Florence McCandless Ferree
Register from S. B. Fryer Funeral Home, Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, with signatures of those attending funeral. No decedent, no date.
Insert 1 Memorial card for Joseph Ferree. 15 June 1966.
Three acknowledgment cards for gifts made to the Bridgeville Public Library in memory of Joseph Ferree. [1966].
Invoice and receipt for funeral. Billhead from Fryer Funeral Home. 15 June 1966, 5 July 1966.
Insert 2 Deed for lot in Melrose Cemetery, South Fayette Twp., Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. 14 July 1966.
Invoice and receipt. Billhead of Melrose Cemetery, Bridgeville. 1 August 1966.
Receipt for monument. Billhead of Fryer Monument Company. 7 November 1966.
Insert 3 Obituary of Florence Jane McCandless Ferree. 12 March 1971.
Memorial card for Florence J. Ferree. (2 copies) 16 March 1971.
Folder 45 Letters, Legal Documents, Certificates
Insert 1 Letter from Rebecka Cruckfield to brother, Jacob Ferree, reporting that his land has not sold yet. Fayette County, [Kentucky]. 7 August 1801.
Insert 2 Letter from Bartlett Collins to Jacob Ferree asking for advice in representing his interests and about the dispute with David Langhead. Lexington, [Kentucky]. 4 July 1803.
Insert 3 Letter from William P. Ferree to sister-in-law, Hannah Ferree, in East Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He sends a check, advises her in financial matters, and relates the deaths of two family members. Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. 29 January 1822.
Insert 4 Letter from D. W. Cairns to William Ferree regarding the death of Hannah Ferree and the care of her children. Baton Rouge. 2 January 1823.
Insert 5 Letter from Mary Ann Ferree to William P. Ferree regarding her grief, the death of her husband, and her present living arrangements. Philadelphia. 16 April 1823.
Insert 6 Letter from Ch. Samuel Power, Adjutant General, to W. Ferree regarding uniforms, exemptions, and militia law. Adjutant General’s office. [1823].
Insert 7 Letter from Ezekiel S. Wright to William P. Ferree regarding an 1824 judgment and news of family. Fredonia, Crawford County, Indiana. 25 June 1834.
Insert 8 Letters of administration granted to Robert Gibron and William P. Ferree for the estate of Hannah Huey. Pittsburgh. 5 September 1832.
Insert 9 Joel Ferree received payment from [Alec] Ferree for a cow. Middletown. 4 August [1836].
Article of agreement between Joel Ferree and George S. P. Ferree for the sale of gunsmith tools and the use of the shop. 14 September 1838.
Insert 10 Deed between A. W. and J. F. for land in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. 19 October 1790.
Insert 11 Articles of agreement between John Davis and Henry Heath for to settle and improve land bounded by French Creek. 20 April 1796.
Insert 12 Confirmation certificates of Catharine A. Ferree at the Reformed Church of Gratztown, Dauphin County. 27 March 1880. (one in German, one in English)
Certificate of Church Membership for Franklin Ferree at Hoffman’s Church, Dauphin County. 10 April 1869.
Insert 13 Marriage certificate for F. P. Ferree and Catharine Salada. Rev. W. G. Engle. 5 January 1878.
Insert 14 Certificate of DAR membership for Florence Jane McCandless Ferree. 22 April 1950.
Insert 15 Document written in German.
Insert 16 Genealogy notes. Burtner family. No date.
Insert 17 Personal notes about illness. Unidentified. No date.
“House Serves as Historical Niche,” by Donald Miller. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 21 June 1984.
Folder 46 “The Ferrees of York County, Pa. (1938)”
Folder 47 Certificates, Reunion Pamphlets, Correspondence
Insert 1 Photograph of marriage certificate of Jacob Ferree and Alice Powel. 1 July 1783.
Photograph of oath of allegiance of William [ ]. 14 November 1794.
Photograph of part of family chart. No date.
Insert 2 Photostatic copy of instructions to Jacob from Emmanuel Ferree. 9 June 1788.
Insert 3 Photostatic copy of letter from Joel Ferree to his brother, Jacob Ferree, Jr. regarding army activity and politics. Upper Sandusky, [Ohio]. 21 January 1813.
Insert 4 Transcription of letter in Insert 3. Includes some biographical information on Joel Ferree.
Insert 5 Printed letter from John W. Sheaffer to members of the Ferree family. Sterling, Illinois. 1896.
The Ferree Reunion. Lancaster. 18 November 1896.
Proceedings of the second family reunion. Ferree-Lefevre Huguenot Association. Lancaster. 4 June 1897.
Folder 48 “Descendants of Joel Ferree and of Solomon Ferree of Randolph County, North Carolina.” Compiled by Thad S. Ferree of Raleigh North Carolina. No date.
Folder 49 “Ferrees of York County, Pa. Copy 1 (Rewritten 1952, 1954)”
Folder 50 “Ferrees from Cumberland-York-Adams Counties.” 1959.
Folder 51 Letters, Certificate, Obituary
Insert 1 Anthracite Miners’ Certificate of Competency for F. P. Ferree. 11 April 1893.
Insert 2 Copy of letter from John H. Bingham to cousin with transcription of Civil War letter of Origen G. Bingham. 20 November [194_ ].
Note from Catherine Jenkins to Allen transmitting the above letter. With envelope. 11 March 2000.
Insert 3 Memorial card for Joseph Ferree. 15 June 1966.
Memorial card for Olive Jane Morgan. 14 February 1967.
Western Union cablegram to J. A. Ferree in London about the death of his father. 12 June 1966.
Obituary of Joseph A. Ferree. Bridgeville News, 16 June 1966.
Insert 4 Letter from Ethel Ferree Grummer to Mrs. J. A. Ferree regarding genealogy and family chatter. With envelope. Postmarked 26 July 1975.
Folder 52 Meeting minutes of the Ferree and Lefevre Memorial Association. 1896-1897.
Folder 53 Loose papers from the binder in Folder 54
Insert 1 Letter from Walter C. Trout to Joseph Ferree regarding Ferree and Trout genealogy. 11 July 1941.
Letter from Joseph A. Ferree To Walter Trout in response to the above letter. With family charts. 29 July 1941.
Transcription of deed from the estate of Jennie D. Teets to David M. Bell. 19 August 1941.
Insert 2 Letter from C. R. Ferree to Mildred I. Brunner with information about [his] father’s line. 8 September 1962.
Letter from Fay and Drusilla Ferree to Joseph Ferree regarding H. P. Ferree records. May 1963.
Letter from George B. Ferree to Joe regarding the Oklahoma Ferrees. 15 June 1963.
Letter from [Joseph A. Ferree] to cousins requesting information. 21 June 1963.
Letter from [Joseph A. Ferree] to Fay and Drusilla regarding information on the descendants of Harry Percy Ferree. 27 June 1963.
Insert 3 Letter from Mildred to Joseph regarding Pirtle genealogy. 29 June 1963.
Letter from Joseph A. Ferree to George regarding the Hugh Ferree line and personal notes. 30 July 1963.
Letter from Mildred to Joseph with genealogy chatter. 7 September 1963.
Letter from George B. Ferree to Joe with personal notes and taking some responsibility for the rising interest in Ferree genealogy. 20 September 1963.
Letter from Joseph A. Ferree to George regarding genealogy and Ferree gunsmiths. 23 September 1963.
Letter from [Joseph A. Ferree] to cousins regarding Jay Wesley Ferree’s lineage traced to Daniel Ferree. 18 October 1963.
Insert 4 Letter from Mildred to Joseph with family chatter. 15 January 1964.
Letter from Cora Palmer to Joseph A. Ferree regarding her mother’s family. 17 January 1964.
Letter from [Mrs. T. F. Shaffer] to Joseph A. Ferree regarding the McCandless family. (part of letter) 27 January 1964.
Insert 5 Letter to Joe and Florence with family chatter. (part of letter) 7 February 1964.
Letter from Joseph A. Ferree to Cora Palmer in response to her letter of 17 January 1964. 7 February 1964.
Letter from Joseph A. Ferree to cousins regarding the letter from Cora Palmer and visit from Jay Ferree. 11 February 1964.
Letter from Joseph A. Ferree to George regarding Cora Palmer’s ancestors and family chatter. 15 February 1964.
Letter from Mildred to Joseph regarding publications and family chatter. 21 February 1964.
Letter from Cora Palmer to Joseph A. Ferree thanking him for his help. 24 February 1964.
Insert 6 Letter from Gertrude Ferree to cousin regarding Cora Palmer and family chatter. 1 March 1964.
Letter from Cora Palmer to Joseph A. Ferree regarding genealogy. 16 March 1964.
Letter from [Joseph A. Ferree] to classmate regarding Millersville alumni and family chatter. 12 May 1964.
Insert 7 Letter from George B. Ferree to Joe regarding Ferree gunsmiths and family chatter. 5 June 1964. “Chenoa Man Comes from Family of Gunsmiths,” Pontiac Leader, 28 May 1964.
Letter from [Roberta] to cousins regarding genealogy and family chatter. 9 July 1964.
Letter from Mildred to “coz” regarding Cora Palmer’s lineage and receiving misinformation on General Reynolds.
Insert 8 Letter from [Joseph A. Ferree] to [Mildred] regarding General Reynolds and genealogy. 17 August 1964.
Letter from [Joseph A. Ferree] to cousins regarding politics and genealogy. 4 September 1964.
Insert 9 Parts of letters.
Insert 10 Family charts:
Mary Ann (Ferree) Richards
Jacob W. [and] Calista Oswalt
William Ferree and Mary M.
John Wesley and Susan E. Osbur
Jay Wesley and Dalee (Smith) / Tressa E. and Leo Pittenger
Mary (Ferree) [and] E. Butenschon / Daniel Sherry
Insert 11 Genealogy notes Jacob Ferree and Charles Raymond Ferree. No date.
Insert 12 “The Pequea Colony.” History and genealogy. No date.
Insert 13 “Mike Kalman Member of Wise Owl Club,” Bridgeville News. 19 March 1964.
“This is Paradise,” by William Faust. The Pittsburgh Press. 10 November 1963.
Box 6
Folder 54 Ferree Papers. 1955-1963.
Folder 55 “Col. Joel Ferree’s Regiment in the War of 1812: A Compilation by Jos. A. Ferree.” No date.
Folder 56 Correspondence and Copies
Insert 1 Minutes of the Ferree and Lefevre reunion. (photocopy) 1896.
Map: “Site of Frontier Forts between the Delaware and Susquehanna.” (photocopy) No date.
Insert 2 Letter from George to Joe returning duplicate pages of Ferree Papers, pages 1729-1746. 28 November 1957.
Folder 57 Copies of Deed, Will, Promissory Note
Insert 1 Promissory note to Jacob Ferree from James Donnelly. (photostatic copy) 1768.
Insert 2 Will of Philip Ferree of Leacock Twp. (photostatic copy) 1753.
Insert 3 Deed between Morgan Bryan and Isaac Ferree for land in Rowan County, North Carolina. (photostatic copy) 1753.
Folder 58 “Descendants of Madame Marie Ferree (1941-1955),” introduction to page 71. 1954-1957.
Folder 59 “Descendants of Madame Marie Ferree,” pages 72-132. 1954-1960.
Folder 60 “Descendants of Madame Marie Ferree,” pages 133-278. 1954-1962.
Folder 61 Virginia land grant from Gov. Patrick Henry to Jacob Ferree. (photostatic copy) 1780.
Family chart beginning with Louis DuBois (d.1661) in New Paltz, NY. No date.