Haldeman Family Papers and Business Records, 1814-1883, 1957
Please see the Collections Database for more information https://lancasterhistory.andornot.net/en/permalink/7dbdd094-b41c-40ef-b16d-538502636080
Call Number: MG0736
1 box 73 folders, 291 items, 1,115 pages .5 cubic foot
Repository: LancasterHistory (Organization)
Shelving Location: Archives South, Side 15
Scope and Content Note: This collection contains correspondence between various members of the Haldeman family—the majority of which were sent or received by Samuel Haldeman or his daughter Eliza. The first sets of letters are between Samuel’s parents and other family and acquaintances, then progress to Samuel and his family. The content includes Paris Haldeman’s life during the California gold rush; Eliza’s studies in Philadelphia and France; the Civil War; Carsten Haldeman’s severe throat illness; and Samuel’s travels throughout Europe. The letters span from 1814 to 1883. Mentioned in many of the letters to and from Eliza is her friend Mary Cassatt, an American Impressionist artist. As for the letters sent by Samuel, their content tends to be extremely detailed, sending home as good a description of his travels as he could with locations ranging from Philadelphia to Pompeii. Also included in the collection are several newspaper clippings concerning the Haldeman mansion and Chickies Rock as well as a ledger from the E. Haldeman and Co. furnaces at Chickies.
Creator: Haldeman, Eliza, 1843-1910.