Heritage of East Petersburg Collection

Call Number: MG-496

1 box     1 folder, 2 items, 2 pages     .10 cubic feet

Repository:  LancasterHistory (Organization); PV7

Shelving Location:  Archives South, Side 11

Scope and Content Note:  This collection contains a pamphlet detailing the East Petersburg Historical Society’s plans to restore Petersburg’s original well and common area, as well as a calendar celebrating the 75th anniversary of the East Petersburg Fire Company.

Creator: LancaterHistory (Organization)

Conditions for Access: No restrictions

Conditions Governing Reproductions: Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language:  English

Biographical and Historical Note: Petersburg was established by Daniel and Polly Wolfe in 1812 from land they had purchased from Daniel’s brother John, six years earlier. Building lots were created, and offered for sale at $150 each on December 12, 1812. The lots sold rapidly, and the village grew despite the ongoing war of 1812. In the 1940s, the town experienced a typhoid epidemic and it was determined that new water sources would need to be found. In an effort to establish a municipal water system, the town incorporated as a borough, and selected Melvin Binkley as its first mayor.

Source of Acquisition:  Collected by LancasterHistory.

Custodial History (Provenance): Materials in this collection are collected and compiled by LancasterHistory.

Accruals: The repository continues to add materials to this collection as they are acquired.

Preferred Citation:  Heritage of East Petersburg Collection (MG-496), Box #, Folder #, LancasterHistory, Lancaster, Pa.

Subject Headings:

East Petersburg (Pa.)

East Petersburg (Pa.) Fire Department

Petersburg (Pa.)

Wolfe, Daniel.

Search Terms:

East Petersburg (Pa.)

East Petersburg (Pa.) Fire Department

Petersburg (Pa.)

Wolfe, Daniel.

Related Materials:

Architectural plans for Church of the Brethren East Petersburg, PA

See also: Photograph Collection

Processing History:  Processed and finding aid prepared by RA, August 11, 2015. This collection has been documented, preserved and managed according to professional museum and archives standards. The collection was cataloged using DACS conventions.


Folder 1 1986 calender celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the East Petersburg Fire Company. 1986 (1 item, 1 pages)

Pamphlet describing the East Petersburg Historical Society’s plans to restore and preserve the original well located in the common area of the original Petersburg. 1975 (1 item, 1 pages)