Kauffman: Henry Kauffman Papers, Series 1 Metal Trades

Call Number: MG-354, Series 1

3 boxes     64 folders     2.25 cubic feet

Repository: LancasterHistory.org (Organization); PV7

Shelving Location: Archives South, Side 9

Scope and Content Note: Series 1 contains Henry Kauffman’s research in pewter, copper, tin, silver, brass, and metal spinning. Documents include research notes, manuscripts, diagrams, photocopies and correspondence. In this series Mr. Kauffman found craftsmen from the mid-seventeenth century to mid-eighteenth century in each of these trades that were from the Lancaster area, outward to Philadelphia and beyond. Additional paperwork shows Mr. Kauffman’s participation in current organizations and seminars that gave him hands-on opportunities to practice these trades. Through his research one can get a better understanding of the different metal trades and just how important the trades were to the citizens in early America. Mr. Kauffman’s photographs, sketches and diagrams show how and what the craftsmen produced, items that today we take for granted. This collection has primary and secondary sources to search through.

Creator: Kauffman, Henry J., 1908-2001.

System of Arrangement: This collection is arranged by subject into series.

Series 1 Metal Trades

Series 2 Gunsmithing and Iron Works

Series 3 Architecture

Series 4 Folk Art and Furniture

Series 5 Information on Historical Sites

Conditions for Access: No restrictions.

Conditions Governing Reproductions: Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language: English

Source of Acquisition: Bequest of Henry J. Kauffman, 2001.

Accruals: No further accruals are expected.

Preferred Citation:Henry Kauffman Papers (MG-354), Series 1, Box #, Folder #, LancasterHistory.org

Subject Headings:








Kauffman, Henry J., 1908-2001. (LHo LOC n 79070052)

Related Materials: See the photograph collections: Henry Kauffman Photograph Collection. See the curatorial collection for objects.

See the research library for Henry J. Kauffman’s publications.

Processing History: Organized and box list prepared by KSB, Summer 2015. Finding aid was created following DACS conventions.


Series 1 Metal Trades

Box 1

Folder 1 Pewter. Manuscripts, Patterns, and Correspondence

Folder 2 Pewter. Manuscripts, and Patterns, and Photos

Folder 3 Pewter. Research and Manuscripts

Folder 4 Pewter. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Pewter photos”. This folder contains research, manuscripts, and diagrams.

Folder 5 Pewter. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Pewter”. This folder contains diagram and image.

Folder 6 Pewter. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Pewter project”. This folder contains detailed drawing for a pewter tea pot.

Folder 7 Pewter. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Pewter”. This folder contains research, manuscripts, and diagrams.

Folder 8 Pewter. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Pewter photos”. This folder contains list of gunsmiths, research, manuscripts, images, diagrams and correspondence.

Folder 9 Pewter. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Pewter”. This folder contains manuscripts, and diagram.

Folder 10 Pewter. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Pewter Collection Club”. This folder contains Members lists.

Folder 11 Pewter. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Pewter”. This folder contains diagram, H. Kauffman business card, page from The Metal Industry; Shop problems, American Pewter Guild pamphlet.

Folder 12 Copper Research and Correspondence

Folder 13 Copper Research, Manuscripts, Hand sketch, Diagram, and Correspondence

Folder 14 Copper Manuscripts and Correspondence

Folder 15 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Copper photos”. This folder contains Brass founders lists, Photocopies from The Connecticut Antiquarian, correspondence, and request for deed for The Schaum, Coppersmiths.

Folder 16 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Copper”. This folder contains research, manuscripts, hand sketch and photocopy.

Folder 17 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Copper”. This folder contains research, manuscripts, and correspondence.

Folder 18 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Copper”. This folder contains research and correspondence.

Folder 19 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Copper”. This folder contains research, manuscripts, diagrams, and note about deed; handwritten deed book 293 “Frances Sanderson”.

Folder 20 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Copper”. This folder contains research and diagram, Pewter research and manuscript, Architecture research and drawings, Gunsmith research and manuscripts, correspondence, Golden Anniversary Banquet Class of 1929 Millersville State College, magazine Das Messingschlaegerhandwerk in Belgien, Letter from Moravian Church records for a Jacob Dickert and photocopy of a sign in German.


Box 2

Folder 21 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Copper”. This folder contains research, manuscripts, diagrams, photocopies, and correspondence.

Folder 22 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “About Copper & Brass Objects”. This folder contains research including The Chronicle of the Early American Industries Association, Inc. 1968, manuscripts regarding copper and Franklin fireplace and correspondence regarding copper & brass 1949-53, cast iron 1952-53, silversmith 1953, pewter 1953, gunsmith 1954, clock & watch makers 1953, medical pioneers 1953, cannons 1953, agriculture 1954, personal .

Folder 23 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Copper Xerox copies”. This folder contains photocopies, diagram, pages from A Day at a Copper and Lead Factory pages 477-484, note about deed; handwritten deed book 293 “Frances Sanderson”.

Folder 24 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Coppersmithing”. This folder contains manuscripts and diagram.

Folder 25 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Copper photos”. This folder contains research, manuscript and order form for H.J. Kauffman’s American Copper & Brass book.

Folder 26 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Copper”. This folder contains photocopies for local coppersmiths.

Folder 27 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Craftsmen Copper Pewter”. This folder contains research, manuscript and correspondence.

Folder 28 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “The Trade Apple”. This folder contains research and manuscript.

Folder 29 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Tea Kettle”. This folder contains research, diagrams, Anaconda American Brass Company catalog 1961, correspondence, and request form from Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts and Standards for manuscripts from Winterthur Publications.

Folder 30 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Tea Kettle”. This folder contains research, manuscript on blacksmithing, diagram of German house, correspondence regarding Conestoga wagon, Pa houses and barns, and personal, Christmas card, advertisement for Pennsylvania Dutch American Folk Art, application for permission to reproduce for The Baltimore Museum of Arts, request form for Pennsylvania Dutch American Folk Art from Penn State, photocopy from Joslin Hall rare books catalog, and pages from School Art pages 271-278 date 1946.

Folder 31 Silver. Diagrams

Folder 32 Silver. Manuscript, Pattern, Correspondence and Silversmithing conference certificate

Folder 33 Silver. Research, Manuscripts, Diagrams, Silhouette, and Correspondence

Folder 34 Silver. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Bells”. This folder contains research, manuscripts, hand sketch, correspondence, booklet Revere Bells by Edward C. & Evelyn Stickney dated 1961 and Article from New York-Pennsylvania Collector January 16, 1990 written by HJ Kauffman on Historic American Bells)

Folder 35 Silver. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Harris William Eugene”. This folder contains manuscripts.

Folder 36 Silver. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Silver”. This folder contains research, manuscripts, diagrams, photocopies for local silversmiths and correspondence.

Folder 37 Silver. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Silver”. This folder contains research, manuscripts, diagrams, photocopies, correspondence, booklet Myer Myers Silversmith 1723-1795 by Jane Bortman Larus and article from Antique Review June 1995 by Mildred Jailer-Chamberlain.

Folder 38 Silver. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Silver”. This folder contains manuscript and manuscript on gunsmith.

Folder 39 Silver. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Silver”. This folder contains research, manuscripts, diagrams plus diagrams for pewter items photocopy for William Logan a Silk Dyer and empty envelope labeled HJK 1704 Millersville Pike, Lancaster, Pa Crandall’s Blocks for Children.

Folder 40 Tin. Article from The Chronicle of Early American Industries Association, Inc and photocopies


Box 3

Folder 41 Tin. Research, Manuscripts, Article from Antique Market Tabloid and Correspondence

Folder 42 Tin. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Tin”. This folder contains research and booklet from the National Steel Corporation The Mighty Tin Can

Folder 43 Tin. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Tinsmiths”. This folder contains lists of tinsmiths with a brief summary of the smith.

Folder 44 Tin. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Tinware”. This folder contains article on Crystallized Tin-Plate.

Folder 45 Brass. Research, photocopy of sun dial and photocopy of article Brassfounder-Warren, Maine on William Homes Webb from Maine Antique Digest, April 1983.

Folder 46 Brass. Research, Manuscript and Photocopy

Folder 47 Brass. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Brass”. This folder contains research, correspondence, Newspaper article from Richmond Times-Dispatch, Sunday, April 26, 1953 on John Taylor, “Richmond’s First Brass Founder, Is Belatedly Given His Due by George H. Kernodle”, photocopy of H. J. Kauffman’s logo for pewter repairs, and Application for Permission and Contract for License to Reproduce Photographic Materials of Works of Art from Philadelphia Museum of Arts.

Folder 48 Brass. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Brass”. This folder contains lists of Brass Founders, research, manuscripts, diagrams, correspondence, receipt from Joshua Storrs London 26 August 1830, and photocopy of article on Clock Work. Simon Willard.

Folder 49 Metal Spinning. Manuscripts and correspondence

Folder 50 Metal Spinning. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Manuscript”. This folder contains manuscripts.

Folder 51 Metal Spinning. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Metal Spinning Manuscripts”. This folder contains manuscripts.

Folder 52 Metal Spinning. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Manuscript Metal Technology”. This folder contains lists of manuscripts.

Folder 53 Silver. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Advertisement of Silversmiths”. This folder contains lists of research and manuscripts.

Folder 54 Silver. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Cooperstown”. This folder contains research, manuscripts, brochure from Cooperstown, NY, (2) booklets from the Annual Seminars on American Culture1967, 1968, Seminar directories 1962 & 1967.

Folder 55 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Coppering Trades/Guns”. This folder contains research on copper trades and manuscript Henry Gun Works.

Folder 56 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “McBride”. This folder contains research and correspondences.

Folder 57 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “No Label”. This folder contains research, manuscripts, drawing of chalice, photocopies of diagrams, and hand sketches of diagrams for silver items, correspondences and hand sketches of diagrams for silver items.

Folder 58 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “No Label”. This folder contains manuscripts.

Folder 59 Metal Spinning. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Spinning History”. This folder contains manuscripts and a copy of The Chronicle September 1968.

Folder 60 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Craftsmen Female”. This folder contains manuscripts.

Folder 61 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Lists of Craftsmen”. This folder contains manuscripts.

Folder 62 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Johnny Coppersmith”. This folder contains research and manuscripts.

Folder 63 Copper. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Manuscripts”. This folder contains manuscripts.

Folder 64 Silver. Henry Kauffman’s original folder title “Fireplace Accessories”. This folder contains manuscripts.