McCreary: William McCreary Land Drafts, 1810-1867

Call number:  MG-324

1 box     3 folders     .25 cubic ft.

Repository: (Lancaster, Pa.)

Shelving Location:  Archives South, Side 8

Description:  Collection of land drafts prepared by William McCreary. They show roads, graveyard and meeting house, mills, and waterways primarily in Martic Twp. and Conestoga Twp. Property owners include McCreary, Neel, Eshleman, Clark, Porter, Hagen, McCue, Pegan, Alexander, Read, and Coleman.

Creator:  McCreary, William.

Conditions for Access:  No restrictions.

Conditions Governing Reproductions:  Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language:  English

Source of Acquisition:  Purchased from Dan Casavant, a dealer in Maine, April 2002.


Folder 1

Insert 1  Unidentified plat. Shows waterway. Red and black ink. Calculations on reverse. No date.

Insert 2  Draft of a road from Neel’s Mill to Christiana Bridge. Shows Thomas Neel’s land, Ann Mitchell’s house, and Susquehanna River. Drumore Twp. Labeled PID 23. 15 June 1810.

Insert 3  Draft of several tracts of land in Martic Twp. sold by Henry Eshleman at $50 per acre to John Porter, Davis Hagen, and Elijah Hagen. Adjoiners: Joshua Hagen, A. Pegan, John Porter, Davis Hagen, Elijah Hagen, and Henry Eshleman. 28 September 1850.

On reverse: Survey of Clark’s Graveyard and Meeting House lot. 18 May 1854.

Survey of schoolhouse lot. Adjoiners: John Wallace and John McCue. 24 May 1854.

Survey of William McCreary’s land, containing about 48 acres plus an additional 65 acres and 146 perches. Adjoiners: John Alexander, Thomas Stewart, and Thomas Clark. Also shows Read’s Run. 30 January 1867.

Insert 4  Road from Joshua Hagen’s smith shop to the public road near William Douts’ in Martic Twp. Land owners: Thomas Neel, James W. Neel, Davis Hagen, Henry Eshleman, and John Porter. Viewers: John Strohm, John Robinson, Daniel Good, Jacob Brenneman, James W. Neel, George Martin. 28 May 1852.

On reverse: Measurements for Joshua Hagen’s tract. 22 December 1853.

Insert 5  Survey of land which Amos Walton purchased from Mary Young. 18 August 1832.

Survey to Joshua Hagen by James Gibson. 11 August 1832. Adjoiners: [ ___ ] Clark, [ ___ ] Sides, James Gibson, and Joshua Hagen. “This indenture made 22 August 1832.”

On reverse: Survey of land of John Read. Adjoiners: heirs of James Clark, John Boslen, and John Read. “Sold to George Warfel and others, 5 April 1832.”

Insert 6  Survey by order of the administrators of A. Pegan, deceased. Northern point intended to be sold. Adjoiners: John Stevenson, James Hopkins, James Pegan, and James Ankrim. Labeled PID 10. 26 November 1830.

On reverse: Draft of letter to Joshua C. Wright regarding a debt against the estate of John Jack, merchant of Conestoga Twp. No date.

Draft of letter to John Beck regarding a debt against the estate of John Jack. No date.

Insert 7  Survey of land of John Gamber, purchased from Jacob and Susanna Good. Conestoga Twp. 27 April 1833.

Survey of land of Robert Kelton. 9 acres, 143 perches. Consideration of $250 per acre. Deed to be prepared the first of July. Adjoiners: Jacob Good, James Hopkins, and Robert Kelton. 18 June 1838.

On reverse: Survey showing the Pequea Creek, Martic Twp., Conestoga Twp., Old Road, and Keeports’ Mill. No date. Labeled PID 14.


Folder 2

Insert 1  Draft of Strigle’s land. Survey for Jacob Shaub. Adjoiners: Samuel Ankrim, Jacob Sides, John Wallace, and Ann Miller. Labeled PID 8. 23 August 1842. Pencil drawing of a rail (a small wading bird).

Insert 2  Several surveys bordering Read’s old farm, sold to Thomas Stewart on 26 December 1865. Boundary lines were surveyed at different times: 1846, 1849, 1853, 1858. Shows Read’s Run, Susquehanna River, Campbell’s Corner, Campbell’s barn, and a lime kiln. Adjoiners: Joshua Hagen, William McCreary, and T. Stewart.

On reverse: Draft of land sold by John Alexander to Thomas W. Parker. Adjoiners: John Alexander, Thomas W. Parker, and Coleman. 23 June 1854.

Survey of land of James Gibson sold to Henry Graybill at $15 per acre. Adjoiners: Thomas Alexander, James Gibson, and John Clark. Note with hand pointing to “local attraction at this corner.” 19 August 1854.

Insert 3  Survey of John Read’s land showing his house and Read’s Run. Adjoiners: Heirs of James Clark, John Read, River Hill, Clark, J. Huber, Coleman, Bosler, Breneman, and [Crow]. 18 April 1832.

On reverse: Survey of land of Bartholomew Clark. Adjoiners: Abraham Warfel, John Harnish, and Spence. 1 April 1817.

Temerance Hall lot surveyed 2 June 1849. Expenditures of Lancaster County, 1825-1831, for almshouse, courthouse, jail, commissioners’ office, courts, bridges, roads, etc.

Insert 4  Survey of land of James Gibson sold to Elijah Hagen. Adjoiners: James Gibson, Thomas Clark, D. Hagen, Elijah Hagen, Henry Eshleman, John J. Porter, and J. Hagen. Shows roads and houses. Watercolor boundaries. 24 November 1849, March 1850, 1853.

Survey of property of Samuel Lines. Adjoiners: heirs of John Spence, Abraham Warfel, and John Warfel. 11 July 1848.

On reverse: Draft of two pieces of land in Martic Twp. Land of James Rice purchased from J. Huber. Land of David Huss purchased from Jacob Huber. Adjoiners: woodland belonging to Jacob Huber, William McCreary, John Campbell, and Richard Donaldson. Watercolor boundaries. November 1849.

Insert 5  Survey of land of McDermut, now belonging to Coleman. Adjoiners: Lardner, James Neel, Jacob Sides, Coleman (formerly Gregory Farm), John Dout, William Dout, Cor. McCue, and Peter Young, deceased. 4 May 1849.  (Edge has been cut off and the two halves glued together with a piece of paper covering part of the survey.)

On reverse: Survey of land of James M. McCreary. Adjoiners: W. McCreary and Jos. Hagen. Shows creek and [Susquehanna River]. 1851. (Embossed: George King, York, Pa.)

Insert 6  Draft of the fields on Mansion Place showing timber land, orchards, lime kiln, roads, Stewart’s Road, house, barn, and spring. Adjoined by Thomas Stewart’s land. Original survey ca.1846, copy March 1866.

Insert 7  Draft of land surveyed. Signed by William Hutchison. Labeled PID 25. 10 March 1811.

Insert 8  Drafts of lands of James W. Neel and T. J. Neel. Adjoiners: heirs of James Coleman, John Dout, heirs of Joshua Clark, Misses Clark, William Dout, Harnish, Henry Eshleman, D. Hagen, Elijah Hagen, Thomas Clark, and a wood lot. Watercolor boundaries. Labeled PID 24. November 1848.


Folder 3

Insert 1  Draft of land of John Gardner and Valentine Gardner, formerly owned by Samuel Snodgrass. Adjoiners: heirs of John Spence, Coleman, James Ewing, J. Clark, Singer, and Edward Haddon. Labeled PID 21. 20 May 1851.

Insert 2  Surveys of lands of James Lebezer, William Davis, and John Brubacher. 16 August 1819, 11 October 1837.

On reverse: Survey of land of Amos Walton. Adjoiners: Young, Coleman, Cornelius McCue. “Mary Young to Susana and Ann Young—Assignment the 22nd day of December A.D. 1832.” 16 June 1838.

Insert 3  Draft of McCreay’s old place. Adjoiners: Joshua Hagen, Thomas Alexander, J. N. Clark, Coleman, Donaldson, and Campbell. 1849-1852.

On reverse: Draft of land of James McCreary sold to Thomas Alexander. Martic Twp. Adjoiners: John Campbell, Bosler, James M. McCreary, and Joshua Hagen. 2 January 1852.

Draft of lots of James M. McCreary, including a lot sold to Mary Sampson, in Martic Twp. Adjoiner: Benjamin Taylor. April 1854.

Insert 4  Draft of letter of reference for James Black adderssed to Jacob Spangler, Surveyor General. 16 October 1819.

Draft of letter regarding payment of fines. No date.

Poem. “The End of Thompson’s Seasons,” James Thompson.

On reverse: Surveys of lands of George Hagen and Davis Hagen. Adjoiners: Henry Eshleman, Elijah Hagen, James Neel, Joshua Hagen, and Clark. Labeled PID 20. 12 March 1831, 14 November 1846.

Insert 5  Draft of land of Jos. Read and William Read in Chanceford Twp., York County, showing Otter Run. Adjoiners: Samuel Colvin, James Patterson, Peter Mondorf, and Thomas Graham. Labeled PID 9. 26 March 1813.

Insert 6  Draft of land of John Simpson in Martic Twp. Adjoiners: Samuel  Eshelman, John Herr, John Herr and Emanuel Herr, James Ankrim, John Robinson, and Mylin J. Barr. Shows Lancaster Road, State Road, and McCall’s Ferry Road, and property originally owned by Robert Steel and Mat. Robertson. Watercolor boundaries. Labeled PI Draught 3. 16 August 1822.

On reverse: Articles of agreement between John McCreary and W. McCreary of Martic Twp. and Michael Hevener of Martic Twp. to rent the dwelling and tenement buildings and land which he will help clear, mow, and cultivate. Signed by W. McCreary. 1 April 1822.

Insert 7  Survey of land of John Neel showing Muddy Run and [Susquehanna] River. Adjoiners: Thomas Neel and John Robinson. 10 April 1813.

On reverse: Measurements. Account of payment owed for survey, cider, and bacon. 1813, 1817. Labeled PI Draught 6.

Insert 8  Survey of land adjoined by Burkholder, Gabby, Charles [H__ ], and Jacob Lehman. 1 December 1830. Adjoiners added later: Collin, James Duncan, and John Duncan.

On reverse: Measurments for survey of land of George W. Warfel and Jacob Harnish. Labeled PID 12. 24 May 1865.

Insert 9  Surveys of lands of John McClure and Thomas Black showing the Ferry Road. Adjoiners: A. Rowinsky, George Sides, heirs of James Hopkins, James Ankrim, and heirs of John [Harris]. 11 April 1835, 1 January 1836.

Survey of land of Christian Creamer purchased from Henry Steman. Adjoiners: Henry Steman, John Creamer, and Stevenson. Labeled PID 16. 11 April 1835.

On reverse: Draft of indenture, John Good and John Burkholder of Conestoga Twp. transferring the undivided fourth part of Stoner’s Island to Samuel Eshleman of Strasburg Twp. 1827.