Mifflin: J. Houston Mifflin Collection, 1754-1881
Call Number: MG-150
1 box 11 folders .25 cubic ft.
Repository: LancasterHistory (Organization); PV7
Shelving Location: Archives South, Side 4
Scope and Content Note: Collection consists of personal, legal, and business-related letters and documents concerning the life and affairs of J. Houston Mifflin. Also, similar documents to, from, and about other members of the extended Houston and Mifflin families. Contains typed copies of two letters from J. Houston Mifflin to his son, Lloyd Mifflin, containing an eye-witness account of the June 1863 Confederate advance into Wrightsville. Also, a legal document signed by John Passmore.
Creator: Mifflin, J. Houston, 1807-1888; Mifflin family.
Conditions for Access: No restrictions.
Conditions Governing Reproductions: Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.
Language: English
Source of Acquisition: Unknown unless noted at the item level.
Accruals: Items may be added in the future.
Preferred Citation: J. Houston Mifflin Collection (MG-150), Folder #, LancasterHistory, Lancaster, Pa.
Subject Headings:
Artists. (LHo-LOC sh 85008276)
Business records. (LHo-LOC sh 85018316)
Family records. (LHo-LOC sh 85047062)
Legal documents. (LHo-LOC sh 85075742)
Real property. (LHo-LOC sh 85111739)
Letters. (LHo-LOC sh 85076240)
Photographers. (LHo-LOC sh 85101179)
Search Terms:
Bank of Pennsylvania
Business records
Charlton & Ward
Columbia Bank and Bridge Company
Family records
Finding aids
Land records
Legal documents
Manuscript groups
Mifflin & Houston Co.
P. Malcolm & Co
Real property
Tilford & Samuel
Processing History: Folders 1-10 processed and finding aid prepared by DT, 1998-1999. Folder 11 was cataloged in 2011. This collection has been documented, preserved and managed according to professional museum and archives standards. The finding aid was updated using DACS conventions.
Folder 1 R. W. Houston Correspondence
Insert 1
Letter to R. W. Houston from J. A. Gamble, 1837.
Letter to Robert Houston from James L. Reynolds, 1852.
Insert 2 Letter to Henry H. Houston from Robert W. Houston, 1846.
Folder 2 Correspondence from J. Houston Mifflin
Insert 1 Page 5 of letter to unknown.
Insert 2 Typed copies of two letters from J. Houston Mifflin to his son, Lloyd Mifflin regarding the Confederate advance into Wrightsville and the burning of the Columbia-Wrightsville Bridge. 1863.
Insert 3 Letter to Uncle Lloyd Mifflin, written at six years of age, regarding the number of soldiers in Columbia and muddy roads, and requesting a box of paints when he turns eight. 1813. Typed copy by [Lloyd Mifflin (1846-1921)].
Letter to Uncle Lloyd Mifflin regarding the birth of Bethel Mifflin and description of child. 16 March 1845. Typed copy by [Lloyd Mifflin (1846-1921)].
Letter to Uncle Lloyd Mifflin regarding the birth of Lloyd Mifflin, Jr. and description of child. 15 September 1846. Typed copy by Lloyd Mifflin (1846-1921).
Folder 3 Letters to J. Houston Mifflin
Insert 1 From J. N. Fisher, U. S. Army, 1861.
Insert 2 From Thomas E. Franklin, 1852.
Insert 3
From H. H. Houston, on telegraph message.
From H. H. Houston, Phila., 1848.
From H. H. Houston, Phila., 1853.
Insert 4 From J. F. Houston, 1849.
Insert 5 From Joseph Mifflin, 1847.
Insert 6 10 letters from Uncle S. Mifflin, 1846-1856.
Insert 7 From T. H. Plant, 1857.
Insert 8 From Anna R. Rogers, 1848.
Insert 9 From Benjamin Wilson, 1842.
Insert 10
Sender unknown, Philadelphia, 1849.
Sender unknown, Bethlehem, 1850.
Sender unknown, 1852.
Folder 4 Letters from Mifflins and Houstons
Insert 1 From Dr. J. Houston to David Grier, 1786.
Insert 2 From John Houston to Mrs. Anna S. Houston, 1850.
Insert 3 To Brother from ___ Mifflin, 1846.
Insert 4 From Augusta Mifflin Plant to Uncle, 1852.
Insert 5 8 letters from Joseph Mifflin to Brother, 1847-1853.
Insert 6
To Cousin from S. W. Mifflin, 1848.
To Cousin from S. W. M., 1850.
To Cousin from S. W. M., 1851.
Folder 5 Letters to Mifflins and Houstons
Insert 1 To Dr. John Houston from John Jordan, 1790.
Insert 2 To Rev. Wm. Houston from William Jenkins, 1836.
Insert 3 To Ann Mifflin, sender unknown, 1825.
Insert 4 To John Mifflin Jr. from H. W. Archer, 1781.
Insert 5 To Mr. Mifflin from William Marshall, 1855.
Folder 6 Business Documents of J. Houston Mifflin
Insert 1
Bank draft protest, Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Draft on Miss A. C. Bayard. Sent to Mr. J. H. Mifflin. 10 May 1849.
Receipt for check on Columbia Bank and Bridge Company, To J. H. Mifflin, from David J. Grisein, 1851.
Request for payment on note to Saml. W. Mifflin. Columbia Bank and Bridge Company, sent to J. H. Mifflin. Samuel Schoch, Cashier. 1851.
Letter to J. Houston Mifflin from David J. Grisein, regarding S. W. Mifflin’s past due payment. 1851.
Insert 2 Bills, receipts, miscellaneous (12), 1845-1853.
Insert 3 Business correspondence (15), 1843-1853. Names: Charlton & Ward, Francis Kerbaugh, Thomas Mattack, John R. Nunemacher, John F. Cowen, C. M. Howell, J. Lane, Mackintosh, P. Malcolm & Co.
Insert 5 Real estate documents (9), 1848-1871.
Folder 7 Business Documents
Insert 1 Dr. J. W. Houston, 1836.
Insert 2 Robert W. Houston. 1812, 1836, 1837.
Insert 3 William F. Houston, 1824-1834.
Insert 4 J. H. Mifflin. 1839, 1844.
Insert 5 James E. Mifflin.
Insert 6 Joseph Mifflin, 1777.
Insert 7 L. Mifflin. 1847, 1880.
Insert 8
Retirement letter, Mifflin & Houston Co., 1845.
Receipt to John J. Houston, 1837.
German letter.
Promissory note of S. W. Mifflin, 1850.
Folder 8 Legal Papers
Insert 1
Dr. John Houston’s house sale, 1810.
Confirmation of sale of Dr. John Houston’s house, Orphan’s Court, 1810.
Letter of Administration, Dr. John Houston, decd., 1810.
Insert 2
Land warrants, Dr. John Houston, 1783.
Surveying receipt, Dr. John Houston, 1784.
Memorandum regarding land division, 1788.
Agreement regarding land claims in Kentucky, 1847.
Letter from Tilford & Samuel, re land in Kentucky, 1849.
Insert 3
Letter on land title, 1846.
Land sale agreement, 1851.
Land sale agreement, 1852.
Rental agreement, 1854.
Rental agreement, 1854.
Release, 1850.
Insert 4
Tax receipt, 1853.
Promissory note, Walter L. Dibble, 1854.
Protest, no payment, 1856.
Protest, no payment, 1856.
Folder 9
Insert 1
Photograph of J. Houston Mifflin. Photograph transferred to the Photograph Collection, 27 October 2017.
Photocopy of certificate to Houston Mifflin, M. D. Rotary Club of Columbia, Pennsylvania. 1929. (Oversize Box 4)
Meeting minutes for property holders in Columbia. No date.
Description of river scene. On back: penmanship exercise, drawing. No date.
Insert 2 Letter to Sophia from Sylvia, 1777.
Insert 3
Poem to Mr. Mifflin, 1838
Invitation to Tea at Mary Jenks. To J. H. Mifflin. 1838.
RSVP from Mr. & Mrs. Heiner, 1848.
A. Roberts Monument epitaph.
Envelope from Roberts’ epitaph.
Scrap, note about George Mifflin.
Insert 4
Susanna Houston’s will, 1829.
Deed holders of lots in Westphalia.
Insert 5 Memorandum regarding the will of Elizabeth A. B. Mifflin.
Insert 6 Letter from J. Neagle to Mr. Humphreys (London), introducing J. H. Mifflin, 1836.
Insert 7 Letter to brother, signature removed, 1849.
Insert 8 Letter to “My Dear Uncle,” sender unknown, 1856.
Insert 9 Telegram notice of death of Houston Mifflin’s wife, 1855.
Folder 10 Will of John Houston Mifflin, d. 13 February 1888. Signed by I. Carpenter, Deputy Register of Wills, 20 February 1888. Printed copy.
Folder 11 Account book of J. Houston Mifflin during years he travelled through Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida where he painted portraits, landscapes and miniatures. He also worked in Philadelphia during this time. Mifflin may have been the first daguerreotypist in Savannah and he is well-known among Southern photography historians. The account book shows locations, clients, payment and commissioned works. 1835-1841. Purchased from dealer, March 2011.