Newcomer Collection, 1895-1901

Call number:  MG-334

1 box     1 folder     .25 cubic ft.

Repository: (Lancaster, Pa.)

Shelving Location:  Archives South, Side 8

Description:  Collection of billheads of Lancaster businesses for purchases made by the H. S. Newcomer family of Mount Joy. Also includes merchantile license notice.

Creator:  Newcomer, H. S.; Newcomer family.

Conditions for Access:  No restrictions.

Conditions Governing Reproductions:  Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language:  English

Source of Acquisition:  Transferred from the Mount Joy Area Historical Society, 29 March 2002.


Folder 1

Insert 1  Hager & Brother, Department Store. 25-31 West King Street. Purchases of buttons, gloves, fabric, and ribbon. All have postage fees. 1 October 1896, 9 October 1896, 2 January 1900, 1 December 1900, 1 April 1901.

Insert 2  Watt & Shand, Dry Goods. Square and East King Street. Purchases of braid and buttons. 1 June 1900, 26 January 1901.

Insert 3  Wanamaker & Brown and George H. Strickler, Merchant Tailors. 132 North Queen Street. Purchases of vest, trousers, suits, and overcoats. 28 January 1896, 21 April 1896, 2 November 1896, 2 December 1896, 19 October 1898, 5 May 1899, 1 May 1900, 8 October 1900, 14 June 1901.

Insert 4  Isaac Diller’s Sons, Hardware. 7 East King Street. Purchases of fishing nets, saw and handle, glass, and [oil stove]. 24 February 1898, 28 February 1898, 2 April 1898, 23 April 1898, 6 September 1898.

Insert 5  H. L. Trout, Bookbinder. 38 North Christian Street. 19 April 1900, 3 October 1900.

Insert 6  Miller & Hartman, Wholesale Grocers. Chestnut Street and Market Street. Purchases of a case of Polar Bear [ ___ ] and caustic soda. 7 March 1896, 11 July 1896.

Insert 7  Shaub & Vondersmith, Carpets, Curtains, etc. 12 & 14 West King Street. Purchases of curtain rod and wood sockets. Carpet cleaning. 7 April [189_], 6 November 1900.

Insert 8  Ezra J. Weaver, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. 344 South Queen Street. Purchase of a self-inking pad and hand stamps. 23 November 1895.

Receipt for freight of grass seed from The Whitney-Noyes Seed Co. 22 September 1896.

J. B. Martin & Co., Carpets, Wallpaper, etc. 54 & 56 West King Street. 17 November 1896.

Manhattan Paint and Color Co. 307-309 North Queen Street. Purchase of red enamel paint. 26 April 1898.

Safety Buggy Company, Manufacturers of Fine Carriages and Wheels. Purchase of two buggies. 1898.

H. N. Snyder, Druggist. 146 North Queen Street. Purchase of an air cushion. 1 July 1898.

Keogh & McGinnis, Photo Supply Parlors. 123 East King Street. 4 October 1898.

Insert 9  The Lowell Harness and Collar Co. 10 July 1899.

John Best, Manufacturer of Agricultural or Portable Engines, etc. 333 East Fulton Street. For labor and parts. 11 August 1899.

The New Era Printing Company. 41 North Queen Street. 5 September 1900.

C. H. Tucker, Signs. 5 South Queen Street. To letter plate glass, YMCA. 21 June 1901.

Insert 10  Notice of payment due for state merchantile license. J. Y. Sollenberger, Merchantile Appraiser. 4 February 1896.