Pulver: Mary Brecht Pulver Papers, 1882-1957

Call Number:  MG-284

1 box      4 folders, 1 scrapbook     .25 cubic ft.

Repository:  LancasterHistory.org (Lancaster, Pa.)

Shelving Location:  Archives South, Side 8

Description:  This collection contains newspaper articles and memorabilia of the Brecht and Pulver families. There are newspaper articles, writings and memorabilia associated with Mary Brecht Pulver, a mother and author of poetry and short stories.

Creators:  Pulver, Mary Brecht, 1882-1926; Pulver, Gordon Winfield, 1912-1983.

Conditions for Access:  No restrictions.

Conditions Governing Reproductions:  Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language:  English

Source of Acquisition:  Gift of Pamela Sumner, 13 May 1997. Given in memory of Gordon W. Pulver.

Administrative/Biographical History:  Mary Brecht Pulver (1882-1926) was one of five children of Milton J. and Mary M. Wolfe Brecht. Milton was an educator, principal and Superintendent of Schools for Lancaster County. Mary Agnes Brecht married George Winfield Pulver; their son, Gordon Winfield, was born in 1912. Mary Brecht Pulver was a poet and author of short stories. Click here for more information.

Related Materials:  Photograph Collection; National Publications Containing Pennsylvania Dutch Stories by Mary Brecht Pulver (Library); National Publications Containing Short Stories by Mary Brecht Pulver (Library)


Folder 1  Milton J. Brecht

Insert 1  Milton J. Brecht’s life

Typed resume of his life.

Brochure, “Superintendent, Lancaster County Schools, 1883-1911,” by his daughter, Florence Brecht Russell. (2 copies)

Memorial to Milton J. Brecht by the National Association of Railroad and Utilities Commissioners. 16 October 1925.

Insert 2  Milton and Mary Brecht’s deaths

Two newspaper items regarding the deaths of M. J. Brecht and his wife, Mary. No date.

Headline only, “Milton J. Brecht Dies Suddenly Today,” Lancaster Intelligencer. 21 July 1925.

Newspaper article, “Tribute to Milton J. Brecht,” by Hon. A. G. Seyfert. 2 August 1925. (photocopy)


Folder 2  Family of Mary Brecht Pulver

This folder contains correspondence and memorabilia of relatives of Mary Brecht Pulver; her brother, Harold; husband, George; son, Gordon; and Grandparents Wolfe.

Insert 1  Correspondence of Harold Brecht

Typed humorous resume of Milton J. Brecht’s life annotated “a bit my father wrote of his life. H. Brecht.” 5 May 1925.

Letter from Lancaster librarian, Ernest E. Doerschuk, Jr. to Mr. H. Brecht in Reading with thanks for the Mary Brecht Pulver collection.

Letters to Mary from Harold and Grandparents Wolfe regarding Christmas holidays and New Year’s Day.

Letter from Mary Brecht Pulver to Hal regarding her busy life and a poem entitled, “Householder.” No date. Penciled list of clothing and linens on reverse.

Letter from Mary to Harold regarding an upcoming visit, composing bronzes for a bridge dedication in Binghamton and the need for inheritance money. No date.

Insert 2  George and Mary Brecht Pulver

Booklet, “Wedding Blossoms,” containing poetry and the wedding certificate of George Winfield Pulver and Mary Agnes Brecht. 27 December 1906.

Three newspaper articles regarding the death of Dr. George W. Pulver (accidental drowning). No date. (photocopies)

“In Memoriam George Winfield Pulver, D.D.S.” Born 16 December 1881, died 20 May 1922.

Insert 3  Gordon Winfield Pulver

Son of George and Mary Brecht Pulver.

Two birth certificates for Gordon Winfield Pulver, born 21 May 1912.

Page from passport of Gordon Pulver with photograph and description.

Insert 4  Correspondence of grandparents

These papers are from a composition book of Gordon Pulver. The composition book was used as a photograph album and is in the Photograph Collection.

Membership card of Dr. Pulver for the Broome County Sportmen’s Association, Binghamton, New York. 1922.

Letter to Mary from grandfather in Marietta with birthday congratulations and “a bushel of love.” 1 March 1904.

Letter to Mary from Gramma W. about grandmother’s death and Robbie’s artistry, and with thanks for Easter cards. April 12.

Letter to Mary from Grandma Wolfe in Lancaster about family, flowers and old times. April 29.


Folder 3  Biography of Mary Brecht Pulver

This is a published brochure with an introduction by her brother, Harold S. Brecht. In addition to the biography of her life from 1882-1926, it contains some of her poetry and a list of her published works, 1911-1927. (2 copies)


Folder 4  Mary Brecht Pulver Items

This folder contains newspaper clippings and memorabilia about Mary Brecht Pulver.

Insert 1  Newspaper articles, 1914-1936

“Local Author begins Career at 7 Months,” with affixed slip from Binghamton Press, New York. 9 October 1914. (Original and photocopy, both with incomplete last paragraph.)

“Club Women Study Life of Mary Brecht Pulver,” Lancaster New Era. 5 December 1931. (photocopy)

“With Life at Work in Boy, Bird and Corn,” The Sunday News. 22 November 1936. (photocopy)

“Collected Works of Mary Brecht Pulver Presented as Memorial to County Native.” No date. (photocopy)

“Mrs. Mary Pulver, Lancaster Writer Dies in Hospital.” No date. (photocopy)

“Mrs. Mary Brecht Pulver, Noted Author and Short Story Writer, Dies Today.” No date. (photocopy)

Insert 2  “To My George”

Poem in hand-colored envelope “To My Husband” with a handscribed note indicating that it was written by Mary Brecht Pulver to her husband, George, at the time of their marriage.

Insert 3  Poetry

Incomplete page from The Morning Sun, Binghamton, New York, which includes “Three Poems” by Mary Brecht Pulver. 2 October 1922.

Poem, “My Mother,” by unknown author. McLoughlin Bros., NY. No date.

Insert 4  Memorabilia

Small tag with insignia found in the composition book of Gordon Pulver. (Composition book is now in the Photograph Collection.)

Greeting announcing the birth of Mary Agnes Brecht. 3 March 1882.


Scrapbook  Adult Fiction, Published Stories, by Edith Brecht, sister of Mary Brecht Pulver. In it is an undated newspaper article honoring Edith as a Soroptimist Woman of Achievement, along with copies of her storied published in various magazines from 1946 to 1957.