Rebman: Earl F. Rebman Papers, Series 1 WWII Salvage Drive
Call number: MG-409, Series 1
2 boxes 23 folders 1.5 cubic ft.
Repository: (Lancaster, Pa.)
Shelving Location: Archives South, Side 10
Description: Collection contains information about the National Salvage Drive during World War II and records of Lancaster County’s involvement from 1942-1946. Bulletins issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, national promotional materials, posters, and newsletters provide background information for the campaign. Fliers, advertisements, newspaper articles, salvage and donation receipts, correspondence, and reports show activities and collection totals for communities in Lancaster County.
Creators: Rebman, Earl F. (1895-1983)
Conditions for Access: No restrictions.
Conditions Governing Reproductions: Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.
Language: English
Source of Acquisition: Gift of Earl F. Rebman, Jr., 26 April 2006.
Administrative/Biographical History:
Earl F. Rebman was born in Lancaster County. His earliest jobs included helping at market and selling newspapers. He eventually began working in the candy business, and then selling and renting carnival goods. These jobs formed the foundation to open his own store in Lancaster, Rebman’s on South Queen Street.
Mr. Rebman was not only a keen businessman, but was also extremely civic-minded and active in the community. Among his many contributions was the Salvage Drive that he coordinated in just three days in 1942. This was in conjunction with the National Salvage Drive to collect materials such as steel, paper, and silk which were needed for the war effort during World War II. He was chairman of the Lancaster County Salvage Committee from 1942-1946 and kept records of the committee’s activities.
Box 1
Folder 1 Scrap Drive Booklets
Get in the Scrap: A Plan for the Organization of the School Children of America in the National Salvage Program. Effective 5 October 1942. U.S. Government Printing Office. 1942.
National Scrap Harvest: Handbook for Workers. [1942].
Scrap and How to Collect It . . . American Industries Salvage Committee. 1942.
Folder 2 Planning Pennsylvania: Comparative County Data. State Planning Board, Department of Commerce. Pennsylvania. May 1942.
Folder 3 “Organization Program for Salvage Committees in Pennsylvania.” Advisory Committee on Salvage of the State Council of Defense and the General Salvage Section, Conservation Division, War Production Board. No date.
Folder 4 National Salvage Campaign. Lists of Pennsylvania radio stations, daily newspapers, and weekly newspapers. No date.
Folder 5 Committees and Boards
Insert 1 Pennsylvania State Council of Defense survey and list of county chairmen of Salvage Committees. No date.
Insert 2 Revised list of Pennsylvania Chairmen of County Salvage Committees. 6 July 1942.
Insert 3 Joint statement of the Office of Civilian Defense and Conservation Division, War Production Board. [1942].
Insert 4 List of chairmen of the USDA County War Boards in Pennsylvania. Correction for Perry County. 20 December 1942.
Folder 6 Parade Committee, Donations, Renderers
Insert 1 Formation instructions for Citizens Defense Corps Parade. 6 December 1942.
Insert 2 List of money donated to the Red Cross by the Eichholtz School, the Defense Council, and others. 1942-1943.
Insert 3 List of renderers throughout Pennsylvania and four in New York, Ohio, and New Jersey. No date.
Folder 7 Newsletters
Insert 1 OCD Newsletter. No. 13. Office of Civilian Defense. Washington, D.C. 20 June 1942.
Insert 2 “The Scrapper.” Issue 6, Bulletin 150. War Production Board. Washington, D.C. 19 June 1942.
Folder 8 Pennsylvania State Council of Defense Bulletins. War Production Board and State Council of Defense, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Insert 1 Bulletin 42B. An informational letter. 21 February 1942.
Insert 2 Salvage Bulletins 1, 2, and 3. Salvage for Victory program. March 1942.
Insert 3 Salvage Bulletin 4. Salvage for Victory Week. 23 March 1942.
Insert 4 Salvage Bulletins 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Salvage for Victory Campaign and tin can drive. March and April 1942.
Insert 5 Salvage Bulletins 10, 11, and 12. Salvage for Victory Campaign, committee functions, and increased war production. April and May 1942.
Insert 6 Salvage Bulletin 13. Special projects and automobile graveyards. 6 May 1942.
Insert 7 Salvage Bulletins 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. Farm salvage, publicity, waste paper, rubber, collapsible tubes, and gasoline supply. May 1942.
Insert 8 Bulletin 110B. Ration of gasoline for Civilian Defense workers. 25 May 1942.
Insert 9 Salvage Bulletins 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25. Farm salvage, scrap dealers’ licenses, iron and steel, and rubber. May and June 1942.
Folder 9 Pennsylvania State Council of Defense Bulletins. War Production Board and State Council of Defense, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Insert 1 Special Bulletins. Rubber Drive. 15 June 1942, 16 June 1942.
Salvage Bulletins 26 and 27. Rubber Drive. June 1942.
Insert 2 Salvage Bulletins 28, 29, and 30. Rubber Drive. June 1942.
Insert 3 Salvage Bulletins 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36. Rubber Drive, nationwide salvage program, rubber, household fats, advertising campaign, and State Salvage Meeting. July 1942.
Insert 4 Salvage Bulletins 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, and 42. Household fats, Salvage for Victory campaign, printed material and badges, committee status, dealer information, iron, steel, and rubber. July 1942.
Insert 5 Salvage Bulletins 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, and 48. Rags, advertising, Service Corps buttons, Automotive Safety Foundation, tin can collection, Scrap Harvest, and the state campaign. July 1942.
Insert 6 Salvage Bulletins 49, 50, 51, 52, and 53. Scrap Harvest, Junk Rally, household fats and steel. August 1942.
Folder 10 Pennsylvania State Council of Defense Bulletins. War Production Board and State Council of Defense, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Insert 1 Salvage Bulletins 54, 55, 56, and 57. Salvage confusion, Pennsylvania’s organization program, Salvage for Victory depots, National School Program, and Scrap Harvest. August and September 1942.
Insert 2 Salvage Bulletins B1 and B3 to B6. New masthead. Scrap Harvest, Pennsylvania newspapers’ campaign, aid from state highway trucks, and “Lancaster Jumps the Gun.” September 1942.
Insert 3 Salvage Bulletins B7 to B11. Press releases, updates, and school drives. September and October 1942.
Insert 4 Salvage Bulletins B12 to B16. Confusion in collection reports, Liberty Ship, Victory Salvage Pennant, and cooperation of hunters. October 1942.
Insert 5 Salvage Bulletins B17 to B21. Scrap Harvest, school program, pennants, collection of tin cans, rural areas, and aid from the American Legion. October 1942.
Insert 6 Salvage Bulletins B22 to B26. Hosiery collection, tin can collection, government war films, and Victory Pennants. October and November 1942.
Insert 7 Salvage Bulletins B27 to B32. Avenging attack on Pearl Harbor, personal letter to all involved in salvage drive, quotas, gasoline rationing, hosiery collection, charities, and participation of women. November and December 1942.
Folder 11 Reports and Receipts for Salvage Materials
Insert 1 Scrap Harvest report for Lancaster County. September 1942.
Salvage report for Manheim, Gap, and Quarryville. No date.
Insert 2 Salvage receipt from H. B. Gall Co. South Prince Street. Lancaster. 1942.
Salvage report for Miller, Dunie, and Rubin. No date.
Report for salvage collection showing drivers, dealers, weight of salvage, name of delivery truck, and license number. 1942.
Report from Ralph W. Coho for weighing salvage for Rubin, Miller, and Dunie. Water Street Yard, Lancaster. 2 August 1942.
Salvage receipts from Ralph W. Coho, coal and fuel oil. Office at 22 West Chestnut Street, Lancaster. August 1942.
Insert 3 Three salvage receipts from S. Dunie Sons, Lancaster Rag Co. 340-342 North Street, Lancaster. October 1942.
Insert 4 Receipt to Earl F. Rebman from Thaddeus Stevens Industrial School for two radios. 6 October 1942.
Two receipts from [S. Dunie Sons] to Earl Rebman for tin received from J. Hale Steinman. October 1942.
Insert 5 Receipt from Lancaster Junk Company for iron. Penn Avenue, Lancaster. 19 November 1942.
Receipt from Miller Junk and Waste Co. for tin and tires. South Prince Street and Hazel Street, Lancaster. 25 November 1942.
Receipt from Miller Junk and Waste Co. for rails from Rieker Brewery. 16 December 1942.
Receipt from S. Dunie Sons. 5 November 1942.
Receipt from S. Dunie Sons for junk cars. 20 November 1942.
Receipt from S. Dunie Sons. 10 December 1942.
Notes about scrap at Landis Valley and Paradise. 23 November 1942.
Insert 6 Receipt, freight waybill, and check stub from the Vulcan Detinning Co. December 1942, January 1943.
Folder 12 Invoices and Receipts
Insert 1 Invoice to Earl Rebman from The Stevens House for a buffet luncheon. Lancaster. 4 May 1942.
Invoice to The Bald Eagles of America from Metzger Publicity Service for postcards. 47 North Prince Street, Lancaster. 13 May 1942.
Invoice to Scrap Salvage Committee from The Stevens House for beverages and buffet lunches. 12 August 1942.
Invoice to Earl Rebman from The Conestoga Publishing Company, Inc. for cards, forms, and stickers. 1014-1020 North Christian Street, Lancaster. 26 August 1942.
Invoice to Earl Rebman from Elvin G. Landis for printing a form letter. 38 East Chestnut Street, Lancaster. 1 September 1942.
Invoice to Lancaster Salvage Committee from John S. Witmyer for cards. 38 East Marion Street, Lancaster. 9 September 1942.
Invoice to Earl Rebman from Ivan G. Long for [renting signs]. Terre Hill. 14 September 1942.
Invoice to the Salvage Committee from Jay Advertising Company. Lancaster. Paid 29 September 1942.
Invoice to Earl Rebman from The Conestoga Publishing Company, Inc. for stickers. 4 September 1942.
Invoice to Earl Rebman from Wheatland Auto Co. for renting a white Packard. 136-140 South Prince Street, Lancaster. 21 October 1942.
Invoice to Earl Rebman from The Stevens House for beverages and [meals]. 13 November 1942.
Invoice to Earl Rebman from John D. Bogar Lumber Co. New Holland Avenue and Franklin Street, Lancaster. 30 December 1942.
Insert 2 Thirty eight receipts for contributions to the American Red Cross from the sale of salvaged material. 1942.
Four salvage receipts to Earl Rebman. April and May 1942.
Receipt for cardboard from the Hamilton Watch Company. May 15.
Weighmaster’s certificate from M. L. Betz. 302 South Water Street, Lancaster. June 22.
Folder 13 Receipts for Salvage and Contributions to the American Red Cross, Lancaster Chapter
Receipt to the Eichholtz School from Louis Kimmel, scrap iron and metal. Harrisburg Avenue and State Street, Lancaster. 24 April 1942.
Four receipts to Earl Rebman from Louis Kimmel. April and June 1942.
Receipt to Chairman of the Salvage Committee, Lancaster from Rubin Iron & Steel Co. 509 Rockland Street, Lancaster. 6 August 1942.
Receipt to the American Red Cross from S. Dunie Sons. 25 May 1942.
Receipt to the Salvage Committee from Lancaster Junk Company for iron. 568-574 Penn Avenue, Lancaster. 11 October 1942.
Receipt to the American Red Cross from John H. Shirk. 20 October 1942.
Six receipts to the American Red Cross from Miller Junk and Waste Co. South Prince Street and Hazel Street, Lancaster. April, May, June, and August 1942.
Receipt to Earl Rebman from The Atlantic Refining Company for rubber. July [1942].
Receipt to the American Red Cross from S. Dunie Sons for salvage received from Hamilton Watch Co. 340-342 North Street, Lancaster. 28 May 1942.
Receipt to Earl Rebman from S. Dunie Sons for tin. 17 July 1942.
Five receipts to the American Red Cross from S. Dunie Sons. August and September 1942.
Folder 14 Salvage Collection Reports
Insert 1 Week Reports showing collection totals for Adamstown, Christiana, Columbia, West Hempfield, Ephrata, Gap, Lititz, Manheim, Marietta, Millersville, Mount Joy, New Holland, Quarryville, Strasburg, and Willow Street. 6-11 April 1942.
Insert 2 Rubber Collection Report. 15 June 1942 to 10 July 1942.
Insert 3 Collection totals from the Strasburg Salvage Committee. No date.
Collection totals from John F. Groff of Quarryville. No date.
Money collected by Mr. Erhart of Akron. No date.
Salvage report for 1942 submitted by Elmer S. Rummel, County Chairman, Southern Lancaster County. Other committee members: J. Clyde [Wilmer], John McFalls, I. H. Kreider, and Daniel Landis.
Salvage report for 1 March 1942 to 20 February 1943 submitted by John J. Millhouse, Mountville.
Letter from Edward Gross regarding a report, salvage collection totals, and RSVP to dinner. 22 February 1943.
Collection totals from S. H. Devlin of Gap. Written on a SICO daily report form. No date.
Salvage report from O. H. Schwanger of the Elizabethtown Salvage Committee, including Elizabethtown, Rheems, and Newville. Letterhead of Schwanger Brothers, 116 Nevin Street, Lancaster and Elizabethtown. 1943.
Salvage report from the Boy Scouts of America, Lancaster County Council, “A Thumb-nail Sketch of Forty Two.” Shows collection totals, number of troops involved in 1941 and 1942, number of boys registered, number of African American Boy Scouts, and the number of registered leaders and boys in the armed forces. [1943].
Salvage report from Earle F. Beane of Paradise. No date.
Collection totals from H. E. Ginder. No date.
Salvage report from Joseph P. Doyle of Marietta, Maytown, and Bainbridge. 25 February 1943.
Salvage report from C, H, Nissly, Lititz Salvage Committee. 26 February 1943.
Salvage report from Ben B. Gross and Nevin H. Stauffer of the Columbia Salvage Committee. Letterhead of The Columbia News, Columbia. 25 February 1943.
Salvage report from Howard P. Siglin of Millersville. No date.
Folder 15 Reports on Salvage Work
Insert 1 Photostatic copy of “A Four Year Historic Record of Lancaster’s Salvage Work on the Home Front, 1942-1945: Dedicated to Those Who Fought on the War Front.” 1945.
Insert 2 Copy of page 8 from Insert #1 regarding the first Woman’s Salvage Committee in August 1942.
Report on money distribution from the Salvage Drive. 29 September 1945.
Insert 3 Second year report [to Col. Steinman] from the Lancaster County Salvage Committee. 15 January 1944.
Postcard from John C. Still, U.S. Navy, with thanks for the Chesterfield cigarettes. Postmarked 26 December 1943.
Insert 4 Handwritten copy of the Permanent Salvage Report for 1943 submitted to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by the Lancaster County Salvage Committee. 15 January 1944.
Folder 16 From the 1943 Salvage Drive Scrapbook
Insert 1 Earl F. Rebman calendar. 1943-1944.
Insert 2 Three Lancaster Firemen’s Association brochure covers with Earl F. Rebman salvage drive ads. 1943.
Insert 3 The Lancaster County Fireman’s Newsletter. March 1943.
Insert 4 Memo from Earl F. Rebman to Lancaster County Farmers. 23 February 1943.
Five mail-in postcards to report salvage collection for pick-up. No date.
Insert 5 Newsprint poster of Lancaster County Salvage Committee chairmen and chairladies. Newspaper article on E. F. Rebman award of $100.00. 24 December 1943.
Insert 6 “Scrap for Victory” poster. No date.
Insert 7 Summary of second year salvage results for Lancaster County Salvage Committee. 22 January 1944.
Insert 8 Three Boy Scout collection cards. Salvage report for collection at home of Henry F. Smith, 636 Frederick Street, Lancaster. 22 September 1943.
Insert 9 Report of donated space for War Drives by the Lancaster Newspapers. 1 January 1942 to 31 July 1943.
Insert 10 Copies of Salvage Drive newspaper articles. 1943-1944.
Insert 11 Ten thank you postcards from United States Navy sailors for cigarettes that were sent to them and cigarette carton labels. 1943-1944.
Insert 12 Recruiting poster for Ship Repair Unit (SRU) and salvage newspaper articles. 25 November 1943.
Folder 17 From the 1944 Salvage Drive Scrapbook
Insert 1 Two Service Flag Dedication Programs for the 200 block of West King Street, and West Mifflin and Arch Streets. 21 December 1942 and 27 January 1943. Copy of Earl F. Rebman’s speech at these events.
Insert 2 Two Salvage Drive flyers. Boy Scout Troop No. 48, New Holland. July 1943.
Insert 3 Award of Honor from The United Drive of Lancaster to Earl F. Rebman Company and their employees. October 1943.
Insert 4 John Reynolds’ Junior High School, 9th Grade Graduation Program. Class of 1944. 13 June 1944.
Insert 5 Copy for store sign from Pennsylvania Retailers’ Bulletin. 25 August 1944.
Retailers Committee Bulletin, Lancaster Chamber of Commerce regarding Paper Holiday. 14 October 1944.
Insert 6 Lancaster Salvage Committee’s memorandum to merchants on the Paper Holiday event. 23 October 1944.
Insert 7 War Production Board brochure to Boy Scouts of America to increase salvage collection. 1944.
Insert 8 Copies of newspaper articles.
“Lancaster declares a Paper Holiday,” Lancaster New Era. 23 October 1944.
“Local shoppers help to save paper,” Lancaster New Era. Picture of Marguerite Leary. 23 October 1944.
“Wins Pa. title with 42,565 tin cans,” Lancaster New Era. Picture of Carl Whirt. 13 January 1945.
“Paper salvage lagging here,” Lancaster New Era. 13 January 1945.
“Net 972 lbs. fat in sixth ward,” Lancaster New Era. 17 January 1945.
“Wins state honor for tin can collection,” Intelligencer Journal. 15 January 1945.
Ads for Salvage Drive, Intelligencer Journal. 16-19 January 1945.
“Salvage Drives aided by mission,” Lancaster New Era. 17 January 1945.
“Collect 972 lbs. of fat in sixth ward,” Intelligencer Journal. 18 January 1945.
“Children defy snow and cold to speed victory,” Intelligencer Journal. Students at Eichholtz School. 19 January 1945.
“Plan collection of fat in 2 wards,” Lancaster New Era. 19 January 1945.
“Eichholtz pupils net extra salvage,” Lancaster New Era. 19 January 1945.
Insert 9 Label for paper collection with blank lines for school and student. No date.
Flyer for waste paper salvage to hang on doorknobs. No date.
Flyer regarding Treasure Hunt for Paper, Eichholtz School, January 18. With attached newspaper clipping, “Postpone collection,” Intelligencer Journal. 22 January 1945.
“How America sends waste paper to war.” Brochure for the U.S. Victory Waster Paper Campaign. No date.
Flyer for waste paper salvage. No date.
“D-Day Waste Paper Worker” label. No date.
Insert 10 Poster. “Bundle Waste Paper for War.” Shows four steps to separate and bundle waste paper. No Date.
Insert 11 Poster. “Paper Holiday.” With note “Displayed in all city stores November and December 1944.” No date.
Insert 12 Broadside reminding patrons to bring their own shopping bags or baskets to stores. No date.
Folder 18 From the 1945 Salvage Drive Scrapbook
Insert 1 Letter to Earl Rebman from Arthur Tinker regarding Rebman’s portfolio of salvage work in Lancaster. Letterhead of The Esmond Mills, Inc. Rhode Island and New York. 16 November 1945.
Letter to Earl Rebman from Guy K. Bard congratulating the committee for salvage work. Letterhead of United States District Court, Philadelphia. 14 November 1945.
Letter to Earl Rebman from Wilbur L. Glass regarding chocolates and salvage work. Adamstown. 30 December 1945.
Letter to Earl Rebman from Joseph J. Pence. Office of Surplus Property, Department of Commerce. Hatfield, Pennsylvania. 1 January 1946.
Insert 2 Program for War Bond Ceremonies at Williamson Field. [Lancaster]. June 10.
Insert 3 “Ph” arm band and certificate recognizing participation in the state Paper Holiday program. 20 April 1945.
Insert 4 End of the third year report for the Lancaster County Salvage Committee with totals for scrap collection and a list of organizations that received monetary donations. 10 February 1945.
Insert 5 Salvage Committee “Victory Dinner” program and RSVP postcard. 30 October 1945.
Insert 6 Program cover for the 21st annual Lancaster Policeman’s Ball. 17 January 1945.
Insert 7 Three postcards reporting metal can delivery. September 1945.
Insert 8 Flyer. “Why is waste paper vital to victory?” Waste Paper Consuming Industries of America. No date.
Flyer. “Save your waste fats to make explosives!” With instructions for saving fats. Glycerin and Associated Industries and War Production Board. No date.
Pamphlet. “Speed the peace with salvage.” The War Production Board and United States Office of Education. U.S. Government Printing Office. No date.
Insert 9 Ad for waste paper salvage. Daily Record. 9 February 1945.
“To canvas 5 city areas in fat collection today,” [Intelligencer Journal]. 20 February 1945.
Ad for Girl Scout fat collection. Daily Record. 10 February 1945.
“Pupils collect 83,605 lbs. paper,” Lancaster New Era. 10 February 1945.
“Rebman asks that U.S. be kept land of opportunity,” Intelligencer Journal. 18 December 1945.
Full-page ad paid for by Rebman’s. “Paper Salvage Citation” by The American Legion. Lancaster Advertiser. 1 February 1945.
Box 2 Oversized
Folder 19 From the 1943 Salvage Drive Scrapbook
Insert 1 Letter from Earl Rebman to Life Insurance Men asking them to solicit aid from their clients for the Scrap for Victory Drive. No date.
Salvage for Victory ad for Rebman’s from the back of the Policeman’s Ball program. 19 January 1944.
Insert 2 Cover of Lancaster Motorist with picture of three children from the Eichholtz School collecting a variety of salvage items. October 1943.
“Stresses need of waste paper collection in PA,” Intelligencer Journal. 12 October 1943.
“99 get awards for scrap aid,” Lancaster New Era. 12 October 1943.
“115,000 pairs hose contributed here,” Lancaster New Era. 12 October 1943.
“Ask big users to save tins,” Lancaster New Era. 12 October 1943.
“Report hose collection,” Intelligencer Journal. 13 October 1943.
“Need helpers for salvage pick-up,” Lancaster New Era. 14 October 1943.
Ad to save waste paper. Lancaster New Era. 14 October 1943.
Insert 3 Bureau of Industrial Conservation, War Production Board poster. “Official Salvage Depot.” Red, White, and blue. 20″ x 24″. U.S. Government Printing Office, O-468588. 1942.
Folder 20 From the 1944 Salvage Drive Scrapbook
Insert 1 Letter from Nathaniel Hager to retailers regarding paper collection. Letterhead of Hager & Bro. West King Street, Lancaster. 15 May 1944.
Postcard advertising the National Clean-up Scrap Drive. Landisville Fire Company. 1943.
Flyer urging Americans to save paper. Printed for Earl Rebman. [1944].
Flyer advertising Scrap Drive. Boy Scout Troop 48, New Holland. [Churchtown]. 1943.
Insert 2 Two newspaper pages with an article and images of war showing the importance of the Salvage Drive. Advertisements for local businesses and the programming schedule for radio stations WCAU, WEAF, WOR, and WJZ for 5-6 August 1944. Lancaster Guide. 5 August 1944.
Certificate of appreciation to Earl Rebman from Henry Morgenthau Jr., Secretary of the Treasury, for participation in the War Bond Program. U.S. Government Printing Office. 1 August 1944.
Three newspaper pages with an article and images of war showing the importance of the Salvage Drive and blood donation. Advertisements for local businesses and the programming schedule for radio stations WCAU, WEAF, WOR, and WJZ for 12-13 August 1944. Lancaster Guide. 12 August 1944.
Ad to save waste paper. Lancaster New Era and Intelligencer Journal. 12 August 1944.
Ad for Scrap for Victory campaign by Simplex Paper Box Corporation, Lancaster and Lititz. Lancaster New Era. 10 August 1944.
Folder 21 From the 1945 Salvage Drive Scrapbook
Insert 1 Broadside to be posted at schools showing contest rules for The American Legion Paper Salvage Drive and images of the citation certificate, silver medal, and gold medal. Shows participating schools in Lancaster City and committee members from Lancaster American Legion Post No. 34. Contest held 1 February 1945 to 1 June 1945. Printed by Conestoga Publishing Co., Lancaster. 22″ x 17″
Broadside to be posted at schools showing contest rules for The American Legion Paper Salvage Drive and images of the citation certificate, silver medal, and gold medal. Shows participating schools outside of Lancaster City and committee members from Manheim Twp. American Legion Post No. 664. Contest held 1 March to the end of the school term. Printed by Conestoga Publishing Co., Lancaster. 22″ x 17″
Insert 2 Poster. “Wanted for Victory: Waste Paper, Old Rags, Scrap Metals, Old Rubber. Get in the Scrap. Sell to a collector or give to a charity.” Red, white, and grey copy. Image of Mom, Dad, and child sorting through salvage material. Division of Information, Office for Emergency Management. U.S. Government Printing Office, O-451742. 20″ x 27″ 1942.
Insert 3 Poster. “Buy Victory Bonds.” Image of President Franklin D. Roosevelt with quote, “In the strength of great hope we must shoulder our common load.” Image of family on a road looking at a cross. Four color. Artist: C. C. Beall. U.S. Treasury. U.S. Government Printing Office, O-662911. WFD 32. 18″ x 26″ 1945.
Insert 4 Poster. “Save Waste Paper. Give or sell it! Call your Salvage Committee today.” With instructions to sort and bundle the paper. Image of woman bundling cardboard. Four color. Artist: Alex Ross. U.S. Government Printing Office, O-607303. 20″ x 28″ 1944.
Insert 5 Poster. “Waste Paper Makes Containers for Blood Plasma. Save it . . . and help save a life.” Image at top showing a woman’s hands dumping the contents of a waste paper can. Image at bottom showing a plasma box. Red, white, black, tan. U.S. Victory Waste Paper Campaign. 17″ x 24″ No date.
Insert 6 Poster. “Save Your Cans: Help Pass the Ammunition.” With instruction on preparing cans for war. Image of a woman’s hand holding a can, line of cans becoming shells at the front lines. Four color. Artist: McClelland Barclay, USNR. Salvage Division, War Production Board. 33″ x 25″ No date.
Insert 7 Poster. “This Iron Fence goes into Guns, Planes, Tanks. Brave Men will not Die because We Faltered.” Image of soldiers fighting. Red, white, and blue. The Conestoga Publishing Co., Inc. Lancaster. Note on back: “Designed and purchased by comm.” 28″ x 22″ No date.
Folder 22 Campaign Advertising and Official Plan
Insert 1 Samples of Salvage Campaign Advertising. Proof book with advertisements appropriate for a variety of publications. No date.
Insert 2 Samples of Salvage Campaign Advertising. Proof book with advertisements appropriate for a variety of publications. Back cover has a map of the United States showing locations of 213 radio stations. Stamped “Colley S. Baker, Executive Secretary for Pennsylvania.” No date.
Notice attached stating that this volume supersedes the original proof book (in Insert 1). No date.
Insert 3 National Salvage Program Official Plan. Bureau of Industrial Conservation, War Production Board. (Item is in fair condition, please handle carefully.) No date.
Insert 4 Scanned copy of campaign advertisement for the Lancaster Scrap Drive. “Der Fuehrer gets fed-up on Lancaster scrap” with image of “Lancaster’s Mountain,” 13 September 1942.
Folder 23 National Salvage Campaign Promotional Material; Lists of Participating Newspapers and Radio Stations
Insert 1 List of daily newspapers in Pennsylvania [printing Salvage Drive advertisements]. Shows city and corresponding newspaper(s). No date.
List of radio stations broadcasting for the National Salvage Program nationwide. Shows state, city, and radio station(s). No date.
Insert 2 National Salvage Campaign Salvage Committee Promotion. Contains handouts which have been removed from pockets and placed into inserts. Conservation Division, War Production Board. No date.
Promotion and Publicity Suggestions
Local businessmen will cooperate . . . Here are some suggestions for obtaining their help.
Publicity Stories:
Material for Newspapers. Title page with note about the press releases.
General press release opening local Salvage Drive
“Mayor Urges Support for Scrap Drive”
“Local Organizations Cooperating in Scrap Campaign”
“Ministers Endorse ‘Scrap for Victory’ Campaign”
“Salvage Drive Endorsed by Local Unions”
“Youngsters Turn in Their Toy Guns, Soldiers, etc.”
“World War I Gold Star Mother Contributes to Salvage Campaign”
“Spanish American War Veteran”
“Housewives Can Help Make Bombs for Berlin”
Suggestions for “event” in connection with first scrap that is turned in
“War Veterans Turn In Souvenirs”
“Women’s Leader Endorses Scrap Campaign”
Fillers for newspapers
Radio Stories. Eight radio announcements of 50-100 words.
Prepared Speeches. Three speeches to be used at meetings or events.
Suggestions, including resolutions.