Rose Family of Safe Harbor Collection, 1862-1931

Call number:  MG-338

1 box     1 folder     .25 cubic ft.

Repository: (Lancaster, Pa.)

Shelving Location:  Archives South, Side 8

Description:  Collection contains correspondence and genealogy about the family of William Rose. Civil War letters from Samuel Rose mention battles and troop movements.

Creator:  Rose family.

Conditions for Access:  Restrictions are noted at the item level.

Conditions Governing Reproductions:  Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language:  English

Source of Acquisition:  Gift of June Holzinger, 3 September 2003.

Biographical History:  William Rose moved to Pennsylvania from [Connecticut] and settled in Safe Harbor. He married Mary Ann Tripple, whose parents were from England. They had seven children. He owned a canal boat and worked along the canals in Pennsylvania. Their house stood near the Conestoga River.

William’s brother Samuel fought in the Civil War. Family tradition states that Samuel Rose died 2 May 1863 at the Battle of Chancellorsville, nine days before his enlistment expired. He was wounded and carried to the edge of the woods. The woods were later set on fire and it is believed that Samuel perished there.


Folder 1

Insert 1  Correspondence from James McKinley Rose to Edgar Smith Rose. He received an article about the ancestors of President McKinley and is trying to find more information. Genealogy of marriages between the Rose and McKinley families. Tradition in family that Andrew Rose, grandfather of the President, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Wants to know if Edgar has documentation and if he has any other useful information. 5 May 1931.

Insert 2  Biographical information on the Rose family with genealogy and personal stories recorded by Mary Rose. No date.

Inserts 3-4      Letters from Samuel Rose. Insert 3 contains photocopied transcriptions. Insert 4 contains original letters. Please use the transcriptions.

Up all night trying to sleep on the ground until it began to rain. Left camp early in the morning and marched through mud. Might be going to Harper’s Ferry or New Orleans; doesn’t care as long as he gets enough to eat. Washington. 17 October 1862.

Left camp unexpectedly. Now relieving Siegel’s troops so they can go to West Virginia. Tents are good, but not so warm. Camp near Miner’s Hill. 26 September 1862.

About four miles from Leesburg. Artillery is good if Rebels should come. Saw Gen. Burnside and thought him pleasant. Asks for a pair of knitted mitts. No place. No date.

Writes about the soldiers stealing livestock because they are only fed crackers. Doesn’t answer Fanny Warfel’s or Cal Tripple’s letters because they aren’t worth answering. He was sworn into service on August 7 and was in on August 11. Asks for needles. Partial letter. No date.

They are within a mile of Fredericksburg. Rebels shelled his company, but no one was hurt. Laid behind a hill the next day for safety. Was sent to picket and watched the fighting from the back of the town. Camp near Falmouth. 17 December 1862.

Discusses how the regiment gets coffee, crackers, and speck in the morning and evening, and soup at noon. They get raw meat when marching and roast it. There is disease the hospitals around Fredericksburg and much death. Health is very bad in the regiment. Camp near Falmouth. 18 January 1863.

Cavalry attacked Rebels. Lost nine Union soldiers. Rebels ran from Union Infantry. Received $32.80 this month. Will be free on May 11. 18 March 1863.

Correspondence from the United States Pension Bureau to William Rose, father of Samuel Rose. William is entitled to a pension of $8 per month beginning 31 May 1878 and is to continue during his dependence. 6 July 1878.