Rutherford Family of Marietta Collection, 1932-1971

Call Number:  MG-286

1 box     3 folders     .25 cubic ft.

Repository: (Lancaster, Pa.)

Shelving Location:  Archives South, Side 8

Description:  This collection contains items that belonged to Harry J. Rutherford, Joseph W. Rutherford, Martin L. Rutherford and other family members of Marietta, Pennsylvania. The papers include game commission reports, constitutions and by-laws for local unions, and a letter about a Federal Victory Tax on civilian employees.

Creator:  Rutherford family.

Conditions for Access:  No restrictions.

Conditions Governing Reproductions:  Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language:  English

Source of Acquisition:  Gift of Angela M. Darrenkamp, 21 February 2001. Given in memory of the Rutherford family.


Folder 1  Harry J. Rutherford Papers

Here are a variety of papers of Harry J. Rutherford, born 5 February 1905 in Florin, Pennsylvania. He was married to Verna O. Rutherford. His occupations included loom fixer and Pennsylvania Game Protector. He lived at 50 E. Front Street, Marietta.

Insert 1  Insurance policy issued by John Hancock Life Insurance Co. with $1,000 coverage. 27 September 1932.

Insert 2  Two forms of warrant of arrest and information on the violation of Pennsylvania’s game laws by James Campbell. Issued by H. J. R. Marietta. 5 November 1936.

Insert 3  Game Commission reports

Traveling expense voucher for Harry J. Rutherford. November 1936.

Protector’s monthly account of services. March and November 1937.

Game feeding report. 30 March 1937.

Insert 4  Game Protector meetings

Two postcards to Harry J. Rutherford announcing Game Protectors meetings. 16 June 1937, 11 July 1937.

Insert 5  Building Trades Council

Three membership cards of Harry J. Rutherford for the Building Trades Council, International Union Steam and Operating Engineers, Local #542. Harrisburg and vicinity, 1942. Philadelphia and vicinity, January-March 1942 and July-September 1942.

Insert 6  Union constitution and dues books

Constitution of the International Union of Operating Engineers and Local Unions coming under Its Jurisdiction. Adopted by referendum vote of members, December 31, 1938. Amended by 21st Convention, April 1940.

Dues book of Harry J. Rutherford. 1959-1963.


Folder 2  Joseph W. Rutherford and Martin L. Rutherford Papers

Insert 1  Papers of Joseph W. Rutherford

Voter registration card. 10 September 1938.

Application for Employment identification card. 16 March 1939.

Post Office receipt for registered mail. 29 December 1939.

American Federation of Labor Membership book for the Narrow Fabric Textile Workers. 5 March 1940.

Insert 2  Papers of Joseph W. Rutherford

Letter transmitting a check for 5% of his 1940 earnings. With envelope. 20 December 1940.

Insert 3  Papers of Martin L. Rutherford

Letter from the Veterans’ Administration about discontinuing his subsistence allotment. With envelope and copy to Paul Weien of the Marietta Machine Co. With envelope. 10 October 1947.


Folder 3  Union and Game Commission Papers and Fatal Trolley Crash

Contained in this folder are items regarding various unions, the Pennsylvania Game Commission and a newspaper article which are related to occupations but cannot be associated with particular Rutherford family members.

Insert 1  Pamphlets

Constitution and by-laws for the United Textile Workers of America. September 1936.

“Machinists Practical Guide.” 1935.

Marietta Beneficial Association charter and constitution and by-laws. August 1934.

Agreement between the Master Builders’ Association and Local Union #66. 1950, 1952.

Insert 2  Hunter license allocations

Pennsylvania Game Commission listings of subject allocations by agent and county. 4 November 1938.

Insert 3  Hunter license allocations

Pennsylvania Game Commission listings of subject allocations by agent and county. 21 November 1938.

Insert 4  Federal Victory Tax

Letter from the Marietta Holding and Reconsignment Point to all civilian employees with two War Department memoranda levying a 5% Victory Tax. 4 January 1943.

Insert 5  Fatal trolley crash

Newspaper article and poem from the Columbia Daily News about the trolley crash of 1896. 7 August 1971.