Sener/Sehner Collection, 1805-1911
Call number: MG-112
1 box 12 folders .5 cubic ft.
Repository: (Lancaster, Pa.)
Shelving Location: Archives South, Side 3
Description: Collection includes legal papers, financial papers, papers relating to estates, correspondence, statements, personal papers, and receipts belonging to the family and the house carpenter business. Included are handwritten receipts, billheads, church pew rent receipts, and tax and permit receipts. Also, stock shares and receipts.
Creator: Sener family.
Conditions for Access: No restrictions.
Conditions Governing Reproductions: Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.
Language: English
Source of Acquisition: Source unknown.
Folder 1 Legal Papers
Insert 1 Summons, 1821.
Insert 2 Petition and Public Notice regarding West Marion St. extension, 1893.
Insert 3 Lease agreement, 1863, 1864, 1865.
Insert 4 Power of Attorney to Godleib Sener, 1835.
Insert 5 Will of John Sener, 1814.
Insert 6 Fieri Facias, Godleib Sener and Martin Shreiner vs. Mary Ann Ackey. 1845, 1850.
Folder 2 Financial Papers
Insert 1 Financial agreement regarding military draft, 1863, 1864.
Insert 2 Notification of issuance of U.S. Treasury Notes, 1849.
Insert 3 Stock certificate and receipts, Bird-in-Hand Turnpike Company, 1885, 1887.
Insert 4 Receipts for payment for shares of capital stock in Conestogo Steam Mills, 1846-1849.
Insert 5 Insurance policy issued to John Sehner by Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company, 1847.
Insert 6 Annual Report, Patrons of the Soup Fund, 1879.
Folder 3 Bonds
Insert 1 Bond of Indemnity, from David B. Landis to John F. Sehner, 1884.
Insert 2 Bonds between John F. Sehner and Farmers National Bank, 1865, 1874.
Insert 3 Bond between John F. Sehner and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1855.
Insert 4 Bond between Jacob Sener, Frederick Sener, and Godleib Sener, and Reah Frazer, 1836.
Insert 5 Promissory notes to be paid at Farmers Bank of Lancaster. Names: Jacob Sener, J. & F. Sener, Godleib (Gotleib) Sener, Frederick Sener, and Christopher Hager. 7 items. 1831, 1833, 1837.
Folder 4 Estate Papers
Insert 1 Notification of settlement of the estate of Jacob Sener. Issued from the Sheriff’s Office to Mr. Benjamin J. Sehner. 1873.
Insert 2 Letter of the administration of the estate of Frederick Fick, 1848.
Insert 3 Estate Inventory of Adolph Christian Fick, 1868.
Insert 4 Estate Inventory of John Sener, 1814.
Insert 5 Assignment of estate of Henry Fick to George King, and from George King to John Sehner, 1838.
Insert 6 Receipt of costs of the administration of the estate of Adolph Christian Fick, 1837.
Insert 7 Release and Indemnity Bond, of the heirs of Frederick Sener, to John F. Sehner, 1870. (duplicate, original filed in Philadelphia)
Insert 8 Release of Jonas Dorwart and Sabrina Sehner, appointed guardians of the minor children of Godleib Sehner, to John F. Sehner, 1805.
Folder 5 Correspondence
Insert 1 To John F. Sehner from G. F. Krosel, [1864].
Insert 2 To the American Fire Insurance Company from J. F. Sehner, 1865.
Insert 3 To John F. Sehner from W. U. Hensel, 1897.
Insert 4 To John Sehner from J. A. Coyle, 1905.
Insert 5 To ___ Hugh McCulloch re: United States Coupon Bonds, 1866.
Folder 6 Statements and Receipts
Insert 1 Statement of account owed by John Sehner to D. Franck. Receipt of payment in full by Daniel Franck, 16 April 1807.
Insert 2 Statement of account of J. & F. Sener, owed to George Mayer. Receipt of payment in full by George Mayer, 22 March 1879.
Insert 3 Statement of account to John Sehner, owed to J. & F. Sehner. Receipt of payment in full 11 May 1846. Statement of account to Jacob Sehner, owed to John Sehner, 1839. Receipt of payment in full by John Sehner, 5 September 1840.
Insert 4 Bill for carpenter work done for J. & F. Sehner, 1839. Receipt of payment in full, 5 September 1840.
Insert 5 Statement of account of J. & F. Sener, owed to Coleman Black & Co. Receipt of payment in full, 14 April 1841.
Insert 6 Statement of account of J. & F. Sener, owed to Edward Coleman. Receipt of payment in full, 4 April 1839.
Insert 7 Statement of account of J. & F. Sener, owed to Sprecher & Rohrer. Receipt of payment in full, 31 March 1846.
Insert 8 Statement of account of J. & F. Sener, owed to Steinman & Son. Receipt of payment in full, 2 April [1846].
Insert 9 Statement of account of J. & F. Sener, owed to A. W. Russell. Receipt of payment in full, 2 April 1846.
Insert 10 Statements of account of Henry E. Muhlenberg, owed to John Sehner. 1851, 1853, 1856, 1858-1862.
Insert 11 List of debts, no date.
Folder 7 Tax Receipts, Permit, Licenses
Insert 1 State, County, and School tax receipts, 1856-1858, 1861, 1862, 1864.
Insert 2 Sewer Permit, 1911.
Insert 3 Military tax receipts, 1859.
Insert 4 City tax receipts, 1857-1859, 1861-1864.
Insert 5 Ground Rent receipts, 1838, 1854.
Insert 6 Dog License, 1820.
Folder 8 Receipts: Billheads
Insert 1 The Furman Packing Co.; Daniel Draude & Sons; and B. G. Lintner, dairy. 1910.
Insert 2 The B. B. Martin Co., 1911.
Insert 3 Deaner & Schaum, 1860, 1862, 1863; Miles & Auxer, 1870; Geo. M. Steinman & Co., 1871.
Insert 4 Hager & Brothers, 1860-1863.
Insert 5 Atlantic & Ohio Telegraph Lines, 1855; Adams Express Company, 1863; The Press, 1869; The Examiner Herald, 1872; Union & Tribune Office, 1847; New Atlantic Hotel, Cape Island, NJ, 1846.
Folder 9 Church Receipts and Cards
Insert 1 Receipts for pew rent, 1808, 1821, 1823, 1825, 1828.
Insert 2 Receipts for pew rent, 1834, 1836, 1838.
Insert 3 Pew card, Pew No. 48. Communion card.
Folder 10 General Receipts: John Sehner
Insert 1 1809
Insert 2 1845, 1849
Insert 3 1850
Insert 4 1851
Insert 5 1852
Insert 6 1853
Insert 7 1854
Insert 8 1855
Insert 9 1856
Insert 10 1857
Insert 11 1860, 1861
Insert 12 1862
Insert 13 1863
Insert 14 dates unknown
Folder 11 General Receipts
Insert 1 J. & F. Sehner. 1832, 1837, 1840, 1845, 1846.
Insert 2 Mr. Sener. 1831, 1856, 1865.
Insert 3 Jacob Sehner. 1832, 1836, 1837, 1839, 1842, 1843.
Insert 4 Frederick Sehner. 1837, 1841.
Insert 5 Benjamin Sehner. 1862. Marcus Sener. 1860.
Insert 6 Maria Sener. 1866, 1869, 1870.
Insert 7 Mrs. Ann M. Sehner. 1874, 1876.
Insert 8 Mrs. Sehner. 1868-1872, 1876.
Insert 9 Mrs. J. Sehner. 1869.
Insert 10 Mrs. John Sener. 1864, 1869, 1870.
Insert 11 John F. Sehner. 1888.
Folder 12 Personal Papers
Insert 1 Daybook for J. & F. Sehner. 2 pages. 1836-1857.
Insert 2 Recipe for wine bitters. Itinerary.