Slaymaker: Samuel R. Slaymaker II, White Chimneys Collection, Series 1, 1772-1976

Call number: MG-268, Series 1 Trunk: SRS I and Minnie

8 boxes     73 folders     11 cubic ft.

Repository: (Organization); PV7

Shelving Location: Archives South, Side 7

Description: These items were collected by Samuel R. Slaymaker and his wife, Minnie L. Cohr. The legal documents include deeds, mortgages, Orphans’ Court papers, and bonds. Correspondence and land drafts deal with property lines and ownership. Personal papers that belonged to Minnie are account books, recipes, and embroidery patterns. School workbooks, scrapbooks, and genealogy represent members of the Slaymaker family.

Creator: Slaymaker, Samuel Redsecker, 1866-1940; Slaymaker, Mina Louisa Cohr.

Conditions for Access: Restrictions are noted at the folder or item level.

Conditions Governing Reproductions: Collection may not be photocopied.Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language: English

Source of Acquisition: Gift of the family of Samuel R. Slaymaker II, 1998.

Box 1

Folder 1 Court Documents
Including deeds, estate releases, Orphan’s Court proceedings, bonds between Slaymaker family members and others.
Insert 1
1. Bond between John Douglas and James Boyd. 1 October 1772.
2. Deed, Amos Slaymaker to Ana and Henry F. Slaymaker, Salisbury Twp. 20 March 1824.
3. Deed, Amos Slaymaker and Henry Slaymaker, executors for James Boyd, Salisbury Twp., to Rees C. Himes, for 10 acres woodland, Salisbury Twp., with related draft November 1836. 30 March 1837. (Apparently not recorded.)
4. Sheriff’s Deed, W. P. Boyd to Samuel C. Slaymaker, Salisbury Twp. 18 August 1860, 24 November 1860.
5. Orphan’s Court Inquest proceedings regarding real estate of Henry F. Slaymaker. 26 February 1861, 1 April 1861.
Insert 2
1. Deed, S. C. Slaymaker to Isabella A. Slaymaker, Salisbury Twp. 24 October 1861.
2. Deed, Isabella A. Slaymaker to Solomon McNair, Salisbury Twp. 19 March 1864, 11 June 1864.
3. Deed, Isabella A. Slaymaker to Jane Elizabeth Slaymaker, Salisbury Twp. 7 October 1867, 27 March 1868.
Insert 3
1. Mortgage, Samuel C. and Jane Elizabeth Slaymaker to Reverend Solomon McNair, Salisbury Twp. 27 March 1868, 31 March 1868.
2. Bond, Samuel C. Slaymaker to Solomon McNair. 27 March 1868.
3. Release, David and Isabella A. Agnew and Samuel Konigmacher to Samuel C. Slaymaker, regarding estate of Henry F. Slaymaker, Salisbury Twp. 27 March 1868, 31 March 1868.

Folder 2 Court Documents
Including deeds, estate releases, Orphan’s Court proceedings, bonds between Slaymaker family members and others.
Insert 1
1. Deed, Solomon and Frances L. McNair to Isabella A. Agnew, Salisbury Twp. 31 March 1868, 10 April 1869.
2. Deed, Samuel C. and Jane E. Slaymaker to Isabella A. Agnew, Salisbury Twp. 6 April 1869, 10 April 1869.
3. Deed, David and Isabella A. Agnew to Edward Jacobs, Salisbury Twp. 6 April 1869, 10 April 1869.
Insert 2
1. Deed, Samuel C. Slaymaker and wife to George Redsecker, Salisbury Twp. 13 November 1869, 10 December 1869.
2. Deed, George S. Redsecker to Samuel C. Slaymaker, Salisbury Twp. 13 November 1869, 10 December 1869.
3. Bond, Samuel C. Slaymaker to Jacob S. Ernst, guardian, Salisbury Twp. 3 May 1873, 3 April 1876.
Insert 3
1. Mortgage, Samuel C. and Jane Elizabeth Slaymaker to Amelia F. Eby, wife of Simon P. Eby, Salisbury Twp. 7 March 1874.
2. Deed, Joseph Frantz and Sem Eby, executors of Jacob Frantz deceased, to Peter Eby, Salisbury Twp., with sketch on separate paper. 20 March 1874, 1 April 1874.
3. Deed, John and Catherine Stoltsfuss to Isaac Weaver, Salisbury Twp. 8 March 1877, 20 June 1877.

Folder 3 Court Documents
Including deeds, estate releases, Orphan’s Court proceedings, bonds between Slaymaker family members and others.
Insert 1
1. Bond, Samuel and Jane Elizabeth Slaymaker to Amelia F. Eby, wife of Simon Eby, City of Lancaster, for $2,500. 7 March 1874. Marked paid 20 July 1903.
2. Release, A. Fleming Slaymaker to Samuel C. Slaymaker, who died intestate. 8 February 1860.
3. Deed, Jacob Eby and wife, Susan, Salisbury Twp., to Jonas Eby, 13 10/160 acres, Salisbury Twp. 6 February 1883, recorded 29 January 1884.
4. Deed, Levi Sensenig and wife, Emma, to George R. Sensenig, both of Lancaster, house and lot on E. King St. 24 December 1884, recorded 29 December 1884.
Insert 2
1. Mortgage, Samuel C. and Jane Elizabeth Slaymaker to Eugene G. Smith, both of Lancaster, 3 tracts of land Salisbury Twp. 90 acres, 13.5 acres, 5.75 acres. 31 March 1885, recorded 31 March 1885.
2. Deed, Samuel R. and Minnie L. Slaymaker and Harry C. Slaymaker to Jane Elizabeth Slaymaker, “for natural love and affection,” undivided part of 3 tracts of land in Salisbury Twp. 90 acres, 13.5 acres, 5.75 acres and undivided parts of lot and house on E. Orange St., Lancaster. 13 October 1896, recorded 5 January 1897.
3. Deed, Edward Jacobs, Philadelphia, to John H. Eshelman, Salisbury Twp., house and 2 tracts of land, 2 acres and 8 perches in Salisbury Twp. 31 March 1898, recorded 2 April 1898.
Insert 3
1. Mortgage, Samuel R. Slaymaker, Connellsville, Fayette County, to People’s Trust, Savings & Deposit Co., Lancaster, for $7,500 against 2 tracts of land in the West End of Lancaster, along with buildings, machinery, and appliances. 20 June 1899, recorded 20 June 1900. Marked paid 1903.
2. Letter acknowledging mortgage payment. Coyle & Keller, Attys. 8 May 1903.
3. Deed, Anna Maria Clark and her husband, Joseph Clark, Salisbury Twp., to Lida B. Clark, Brown County, Kansas. 2 acres of land and buildings, Salisbury Twp. Subject to payment of mortgages, cited Clarks to George H. Kinzer. 9 April 1888, 4 April 1901, recorded 7 August 1901.
4. Deed, widow Jane Elizabeth Slaymaker and single Rebecca J. Slaymaker, Lancaster, to Samuel R. Slaymaker. 3 tracts in Salisbury Twp. 90 acres, 13.5 acres, 5.75 acres. 22 June 1903, recorded 2 July 1903.

Folder 4 Court Documents
Including deeds, estate releases, Orphan’s Court proceedings, bonds between Slaymaker family members and others.
Insert 1
1. JNH letter regarding S. R. Slaymaker and “his purchase of the farm,” along with one signed and one unsigned release by other heirs. 6 July 1903, 22 June 1903.
2. Quit Claim deed, Harry C. Slaymaker, single to Samuel R. Slaymaker, both of Lancaster, 3 tracts of land. 90 acres, 13.5 acres, 5.75 acres in Salisbury Twp. 24 June 1903.
3. Deed, Daniel H. Denlinger and wife, Fannie K., Salisbury Twp. to Samuel R. Slaymaker, Lancaster. 80 perches of land in Salisbury Twp. 14 October 1903, recorded 19 October 1903.
4. Deed, Clinton and Sophie R. Himes, Annie C. Himes, Susan A. Himes, Martha L. Himes, all of Salisbury Twp., Margaret Himes of Paradise Twp., and Reese C. and Cecilia A. Himes of Shippensburg to Ames Gibble, Bart Twp. 10 acres woodland, Salisbury Twp. 25 November 1903, recorded 7 March 1904.
Insert 2
1. Deed, John and Hetty Eshleman to Samuel R. Slaymaker. 2 tracts of land, one 2 acres, one 8 perches, Salisbury Twp. 4 January 1906.
2. Deed, Daniel H. and Fannie K. Denlinger to Samuel R. Slaymaker. 1 15/100 acres. 10 March 1906, recorded 12 March 1906.
3. Right of way, Samuel R. Slaymaker to Lancaster Street and Railway Co. for construction of railway. 23 March 1906.
4. Deed, Lancaster and Eastern Street Railway to Samuel R. Slaymaker. 7/100 acre of land. 23 March 1906.
5. Sales agreement, John H. and Hetty Eshleman to Samuel R. Slaymaker. 3 acres of land, house, and farm buildings. 1 April 1906.
6. Deed, Charles S. and Alice S. Martin, Lancaster, to David H. Weaver, Leacock Twp. 10 acres woodland in Salisbury Twp. 26 November 1906, recorded 9 March 1907.
Insert 3
1. Deed, Amos E. and Salinda Gibble of Bart Twp. to David H.Weaver of Leacock Twp. 10 acres woodland, Salisbury Twp. 9 April 1907, recorded 23 April 1907.
2. Unsigned condition of sale for estate of Catharine Myers, for farm on 80 acres of land and 2+ acres woodland, Salisbury Twp. Notation says “S. R. Slaymaker bought farm and woodland.” 5 October 1907.
3. Unsigned 1908 release S. R. Slaymaker to Lancaster and Eastern Street Railway for railway right of way. Salisbury Twp.
4. Deed, Jonas and Mary Eby to George Wenger, both of Salisbury Twp. 13 acres woodland, Salisbury Twp. 30 September 1892, recorded 20 January 1908.
5. Deed, George and Magdalena Wenger, Salisbury Twp., to Samuel Girvin, Paradise Twp. 13 acres woodland, Salisbury Twp. 2 January 1908, recorded 28 January 1908.

Folder 5 Court Documents
Including deeds, estate releases, Orphan’s Court proceedings, bonds between Slaymaker family members and others.
Insert 1
1. Deed, with envelope, Samuel Ernst, Jacob S. Ernst, and John C.Godshalk, executors for I. George Ernst of Paradise Twp., to Elias Warner. 5 acres woodland, Salisbury Twp. (earlier conveyed to Ernst by Alexander Slaymaker, executor for Henry Slaymaker). 15 March 1884, recorded 29 December 1909.
2. Unsigned affidavit of Jonas Eby regarding water rights on 13acres of woodland which he conveyed to George Wenger 30 September 1892 (see Folder 4, Insert 3, Item 4). Prepared for signature October 1912.
3. Deed, H. J. and Annie Brown of Lancaster to Samuel R.Slaymaker. Lot with dwelling and other buildings on E. King St., Lancaster. 2 February 1914.
4. Deed, Mary and Henry C. Moore of Trenton, NJ to Samuel R. Slaymaker of Lancaster. Lot and dwelling, E. King Street and Lime Street, Lancaster. 21 February 1914, recorded 17 March 1914.
5. Draft blueprint for Partial Relocation of Lancaster & Eastern Street Railway on S. R. Slaymaker’s property. Salisbury Twp. September 1915.
6. Conestoga Traction Company letter to John Coyle, Esq. regarding Right of Way. 19 January 1916. No enclosures.
Insert 2
1. Right of Way agreement, S. R. Slaymaker to Lancaster & Eastern Street Railway Co. and Conestoga Traction Co.Salisbury Twp. 29 April 1916, with transmittal letter 2 May 1916.
2. Deed, S. R. Slaymaker of Lancaster to K. L. Shirk of Ephrata Twp. 2 lots with 3-story dwellings and other buildings, E. King St., Lancaster. 20 November 1916, recorded 23 November 1916.
3. Orphans’ Court decree regarding election and appraisement of C. N. Freeman estate, surviving spouse of Lida B. Freeman, late of Chicago, Illinois. 2+ acres of land, Salisbury Twp. June Term 1920, recorded 20 October 1920.
4. Deed, C. N. Freeman of Chicago, IL to S. R. Slaymaker. 2+ acres of land, Salisbury Twp. 26 January 1922.
5.Letter, H. E. Kennedy to J. Frank Denlinger regarding vacating 5.75 miles of old turnpike from Williamstown to Chester County line. “att to Deed for White Chimneys.” 29 September 1924.
6. Extract of deed, Samuel R. and Minnie L. C. Slaymaker to Minnie L. C. Slaymaker for property known as White Chimneys, Salisbury Twp. Lists 9 parcels of land and attaches another list describing woodlands tracts. 6/10/31.
7. Envelopes noted as containing deeds for White Chimneys, 6/10/31, and for “Eshleman house.” No enclosures.
8. Deed, Grand View Heights Corp. to Samuel R. and Minnie L. C. Slaymaker, Lancaster. 3 tracts of land, Fulton Twp. 193 acres, 176 acres, and 12 acres. 29 May 1934.
9. Deed, Minnie L. C. Slaymaker, widow, Lancaster, to Samuel C. Slaymaker of Lancaster Twp., Helen E. S. Rambo of Arlington, Virginia, Jane C. S. Zimmerman of Pittsburgh, and William F. Slaymaker of Hartford, CT. 3 tracts of land, Fulton Twp. 193 acres, 176 acres, and 12 acres. 3 March 1955.

Folder 6 Correspondence
Insert 1 Letter, Attorneys Clyde & Keller to S. R. Slaymaker regarding boundary lines between S. R. Slaymaker and Himes. 24 May 1906.
Insert 2 Letters, statements to S. R. Slaymaker from W. U. Hensel and James P. Marsh regarding road improvements in Salisbury Twp. December 1906 to April 1907.
Insert 3 Incomplete exchange of letters between S. R. Slaymaker and neighbor, George Wenger, regarding water rights. A few other unrelated matters are mentioned (Hoover Estate, Pullman Co., Harvey High). 1910-1913.
Insert 4 Argumentative missive to [Mr. Relf] regarding a Senate vote “against the improvement of the state.” No date, unsigned.

Folder 7 Rights of Way and Farm Leases
Insert 1 Quit Claim deed by S. R. and Minnie Slaymaker to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for road construction in Salisbury Twp. April 1934.
Insert 2 Letters, agreement, check stub regarding installation of electric line by Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. on Slaymaker land in Salisbury Twp. 1933-1935.
Insert 3
1. Farm lease between Minnie L. Slaymaker and Donald E. Ranck for White Chimneys. 1 April 1953 to 31 March 1954.
2. Letter, S. R. Slaymaker II to Ross H. Althouse terminating lease on the Clark House in Salisbury Twp., 31 December, unless it is renewed, as a result of the death of Minnie L. C. Slaymaker. 23 September 1955.
3. Letter, S. R. Slaymaker II to Ira Smith terminating lease of half of two-story brick house in Slaymakerville, 31 December, unless it is renewed, as a result of the death of Minnie L. C. Slaymaker. 23 September 1955.

Folder 8 Slaymaker Property Descriptions
Insert 1 Brief of title to Pequea Farm, 1736-1788. No date. Handwritten.
Insert 2 Specifications for houses in Grand View Park, Lancaster. Incomplete. 1917.
Insert 3 “White Chimneys Opens to Public.” Wall Street Journal, 17 March 1976.
Insert 4 “White Chimneys Opens to Public.” Philadelphia Inquirer, 20 June 1976.

Folder 9 Maps of Slaymaker Property
This is a mixture of dated and undated hand-drawn maps covering identifiable and unidentifiable parts of Slaymaker property.
1. 3 items, apparently all surveyed by John Cunningham for Amos Slaymaker. 21 June 1795.
2. Draft of Martin Miller property. March 1813.
3. Draft and copy of H. F. Slaymaker farm by S. C. Slaymaker. 27 December 1853.
4. R. W. Morton survey of several tracts. 20 August 1862.
5. Plan of orchard. 1878.
6. 3 pencil drawings of Slaymaker and neighboring properties. No dates.

Folder 10 Advertisements and Stationery
Insert 1 5-page advertisement for S. R. Slaymaker padlocks, Lock Co. letter, and S. C. Slaymaker, Esq. envelopes and letterhead.
Insert 2 Willis Stump Extractor advertisement. 1855.

Folder 11 Restricted materials.

Folder 12 Stage Checks
3 one-seat tickets, Ephrata to Philadelphia.
19 one-seat Ephrata Springs tickets, Lancaster to Ephrata or the reverse.
2 strips of 4 tickets and 3 singles are signed by [J.] N. Konigmacher, agent; the others by Lewis L. Houpt, agent.

Folder 13 Genealogy, Family Pedigrees
Pedigrees for Cameron, Cochran, Baumgardner, Fleming, and related kin dating from 1570.

Folder 14 Genealogy, Slaymaker
Insert 1 Certificates, biographies, membership applications for individual family members.
Insert 2 3 letters to and from family members.
1.Amos Slaymaker to son, Jasper, regarding impeachment of Governor. 1817.
2. To Hannah Cochran from daughter, Sarah. 1834.
3. S. R. Slaymaker to Mrs. Hoffman. 1931.
Insert 3 Passports, other documents, and bills for travel to France for S. R. Slaymaker.
Insert 4 Financial documents.
1. Handwritten, scribbled on account of the “Estate of H. F. S.” by S. C. Konigmacher. 1862-1864.
2. Passbook of S. C. Slaymaker. 1924-1933.
3. Checks of Martha F. Slaymaker, Spring Lake, NJ bank. 1929.
Insert 5 New items by and about Slaymakers. 1909-1976.

Folder 15 Minnie L. Cohr Account Books
With sections labeled “Day Book” and “Carb Book.” For business partnerships in Philadelphia and Minneapolis, and for personal transactions. Both books had separate blotters and one had an insert. 1876-1889.

Folder 16 Ciphering Books
Dating from 1830 and variously attributed to William D. Slaymaker, S. C. Slaymaker, and A. Slaymaker.

Folder 17 Genealogy Notes and Correspondence
One book with an extensive record of patents, petitions, churches, wills, letters, and speeches. 1724-late 1800s.

Folder 18 Genealogy Notes and Correspondence
Insert 1 2 notebooks and 2 notebook sections with extracts from published works, court records, and unknown sources. The books are labeled “Eckman & Warfel” and “Ferree,” but have much added data.
Insert 2 Letters to and from Rebecca J. Slaymaker, and miscellaneous research notes. 1700s-1900s.

Box 2

Folder 19 Photograph Album
Padded and worn album containing 9 photographs and 9 tin-types. Only one is identified, “ JFW 1885.”

Folder 20 Unidentified photograph.

Folder 21 Family Photographs
Identified: Jane Cameron Whitehill Redsecker, Jane Elizabeth Redsecker Slaymaker, S. C. Slaymaker, and S. R. Slaymaker.

Folder 22 Family Photographs
Identified: Rebecca J. Slaymaker, Amos S. Slaymaker, Bella W. Redsecker, Alice Barry, Andrew and [___] Slaymaker.

Folder 23 Family Photographs
Eight small photographs, one is a postcard identified by an empty envelope reading “Pictures of SRS and Family, Sept. 11 1922, Given to me by Minnie.”

Folder 24 Group Photographs
2 unlabeled photographs of children, one for a church event, the other for a party. 1923.

Folder 25 Unidentified Photographs
10 photographs, probably family.

Folder 26 Sketch and Broadside
Sketch of a young girl by James Cochran, Pinxit.
City of Lancaster Kiwanis Club broadside announcing to Mussolini that a “Well-known American lock manufacturer” and his wife will be in Italy in May and June. 6 May 1927.

Folder 27 New Era Building Photograph

Folder 28 Penmanship and Surveying Books
Insert 1 Handmade booklet titled “Plates belonging to Gibson’s Surveying” with Henry F. Slaymaker’s signature.
Insert 2
1. Penmanship illustration booklet. C. Slaymaker and J. A. Slaymaker inscribed on the cover. 1824.
2. Penmanship practice book. Initials “R.A.S.” and “Samuel.” 1833.

Folder 29 Ciphering Workbook
Handwritten, worn document of math rules and problems. Cover is missing. Names include R.A.S., Amos Slaymaker, Miss Slaymaker, and R. A. Slaymaker. November 1834 to March 1835.

Box 3

Folder 30 Scrapbook
A worn, recycled, marbled cover. Some original pages intact and inscribed with various subjects: Syopsis of Mental Science, Means of Cultivating Moral Obligation, etc. Most pages have pasted-on newspaper clippings (a few about the Slaymakers). Names include Galt, Redsecker, Patterson, and Brown. 1886-1911.

Folder 31 Scrapbook
Bound book of graph paper used as a scrapbook for 1907 YMCA Women’s Auxiliary Conference at Eaglesmere, Pennsylvania and other nearby sites.

Folder 32 Scrapbook of William F. Slaymaker
Labeled “History notebook, December 10, 1925.” It is a child’s scrapbook of historical events.

Folder 33 Recipes
Many ladies contributed to this recipe collection, as the names and added verses indicate. The recipes cover everything from soups to candies and are filed by category as shown on the inserts. Unfortunately, none are dated. Some also have recipes on the reverse.
Insert 1 Soups, Sandwiches, and Egg Dishes
Clam Chowder, Cream of Celery Soup, Cream of Tomato Soup
Ginger Sandwich
Creamed, Baked, and Mustard Eggs, Bread Omelet
Insert 2 Meats and Vegetables
Turkey Filling, Oyster Gravy, 2 Stuffed Peppers, Salmon Croquettes, Shrimp Wiggle, Mock Sweetbreads, Round Steak
Celery Au Gratin, Baked Beans
Insert 3 Salad Dressings, Pickles, Jellies
5 recipes for Salad Dressings, Salad Sauce, Cream Sauce, Fruit Dressing, Cold Slaw Dressing, Tomato Catsup
Chow-chow, Pickles, Spiced Cantaloupe, Mustard Pickles, Green Tomato Pickle
Clear Jelly, Orange Marmalade
Insert 4 Cakes and Icing
Snow, Sally Lunn, Delicious and Icing Gold, Angel Food, 5 recipes for Sponge Cake, 2 recipes for Marble Cake, Black Chocolate Cake
Insert 5 Cakes and Icing
Fairy Cake, 2 recipes for Tea Cakes, 3 recipes for Ice Cream Cake, 2 recipes for Lady Baltimore Cake, Citron Cake, Oatflake Cake, Banana Cake, Lemon Roll, and Feather Cake Icing
Insert 6 Cakes and Cookies
Drop Cookies, Molasses Nut Cookies, Clove Cookies, Plain Spice Cake, Ginger Cake, Sue Bitzer’s Cookies, Molasses Cookies, Sand Tarts, Pepper Nuts

Folder 34 Recipes
Many ladies contributed to this recipe collection, as the names and added verses indicate. The recipes cover everything from soups to candies and are filed by category as shown on the inserts. Unfortunately, none are dated. Some also have recipes on the reverse.
Insert 1 Cakes, Pies, Desserts
2 recipes for Lemon Pie, Montgomery Pie
1. Sugar, Lemon Sponge, Fruit and Delicate, Ginger, Spice, Cream, Sponge, White, Nut, French, Moss, Cream Chocolate, White, Fruit, Chocolate, 2 recipes for Orange, Silver, Gold, Chocolate, Marble, Ambrosia, Cocoanut, Scotch Cakes
2. Cream, 2 recipes for Biscuits, Waffles, Muffins, Puffets, Biscuit, Patty Cakes, Baked Bananas, 2 recipes for Rice Pudding, Philadelphia Pudding, Pepper Nuts, Cherry Tapioca, Macaroon Pudding, Candied Peel, Quince Honey, Apple Fritters, Snickerdoodles, Fruit, Shortcake, Doughnuts, French Crackers
Insert 2 Desserts and Entrees
Nut Pudding with sauce, Fruit Salad, Sally Lunn, Coconut Cake, Chocolate Cake, Fairy Cake
Stuffed Potatoes, Casserole of Beef, Veal Loaf, Salmon Croquettes, Corn Beef Thimbles
Insert 3 Desserts
French Ice Cream, Amber Cream, Suet, Lemon Pudding, Snow Pudding, Neapolitan Mousse, 3 recipes for Charlotte Russe
Insert 4 Pastries
Waffles, Johnny Cakes, Pastry, 2 recipes for Crullers, 3 recipes for Breads, 3 recipes for Muffins, 2 recipes for Cream Puffs, Short Cake
Insert 5 Confections
Kisses, Fondant, Marshmallow Dainty, 2 recipes for Fudge, Walnut Candy, Stuffed Dates

Folder 35 Recipes, Ration Books, and Menus
Insert 1 A small composition book of various recipes, primarily cakes and desserts, but also other pastries, relishes, and entrees. Inserted into the book were many other recipes, as well as instructions for making paint and knitting socks.
Insert 2 Two recipe booklets
1. Dainty Chocolate Recipes, by H. O. Wilbur & Sons, 1906.
2. Old Pennsylvania Recipes, 1933.
Insert 3 Four recipe booklets
Two published by Jell-O, one dated 1931.
Priest Drug Co. Cook Book
Philadelphia Inquirer Cook Book, 1936.
Insert 4 Two recipe booklets
Aunt Sammy’s Radio Recipes, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1926-1927.
American Cookery, vol.35, no.1, Boston Cooking School Magazine, 1930.
Insert 5 A collection of handwritten and published recipes; General Foods Certificate; W.W.II ration books issued to Henry T. Henderson, White Chimneys, 1943; and 3 menus from 1933.

Folder 36 Atlas
World atlas for school geography by F. J. Huntington, 1833. Inscribed “Amos F. Slaymaker, October 28th 1835.”

Folder 37 Music Books
(Oversized, relocated to the back of Box 2)
Insert 1
1. Handstitched booklet, Gospel Hymns Consolidated, words only. Inscribed “Feb. 7, 1887 Miss Della Cohr, Highspire, Dauphin County, Penna.”
2. Favorite Melodies, The Schubert Piano Co.
Insert 2 Book of Etudes de la Velocite par Czerny, by Oliver Ditson & Co. L. B. Herr’s Bookstore label.

Folder 38 Book in Latin, London, 1728. Inscribed “John Tilson, his book Oct 22, 1733,” and “For the Academy of the [Rev.] Tennot,” and Alexdr Mitchel.

Folder 39 Embroidery Patterns


Box 4

Folder 40 Pennsylvania Documents
These are pamphlet publications of addresses, reports, and government documents of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Insert 1 Election Laws of Pennsylvania, 1844
Pennsylvania Constitution of 1790, as amended in 1838
Military Laws of Pennsylvania, 1861
Insert 2 Handstitched Committee Report to Pennsylvania Senate regarding great economic distress, 14 February 1820
Governor Bigler’s message to the Legislature, 1855
Governor Curtin’s message to the Legislature, 1862
Insert 3 Reports regarding operations of 5 entities of Pennsylvania:
Quartermaster, 1861; Adjutant General, 1861; State Librarian, 1861; Auditor General, 1863; Surveyor General, 1867

Folder 41 Lancaster County Documents
Two pamphlets:
An address by James Gowen, Esq. to Lancaster County Agricultural Society, 13 January 1852.
Tribute to Lancaster County, the Garden Spot of the U.S., 1908.

Folder 42 School Programs and Catalog
Lebanon Valley College, “Minnie L. Cohr, Highspire, Dauphin Co Pa, LVC 1890.”
Reunion of High School Boys, 1904.
“Order of Exercises,” no date, unidentified.

Folder 43 Moravian “Church Topics” Incomplete volumes 1-12 of “Church Topics, Published Monthly in the Interest of the Moravian Church of Lancaster, Pa.” March 1908 to December 1919.
Insert 1 Vols. 1, 2
Insert 2 Vols. 3, 4
Insert 3 Vols. 5, 6, 7

Folder 44 Moravian “Church Topics”
Incomplete volumes 1-12 of “Church Topics, Published Monthly in the Interest of the Moravian Church of Lancaster, Pa.” March 1908 to December 1919.
Insert 1 Vols. 8, 9
Insert 2 Vols. 10-12

Folder 45 Church Publications and Programs. These are from Moravian, Presbyterian, and Lutheran Churches, 1901-1942.

Folder 46 Ball Invitation. Photocopy of an invitation for Wm. S. Cochran to attend Washington’s “Birth Night Ball,” 19 February 1821.

Folder 47 Electrolux Manual. Operational guide for Electrolux Cleaner, February 1932.

Folder 48 Lancaster County
Insert 1 The Pennsylvania German, vol. 1, no. 2, April 1900. Featuring photographs of Ephrata Cloister; John Peter Miller; Lancaster County.
Insert 2 The Cocalico Souvenir. Souvenir book for The Cocalico Resort in Ephrata, Pennsylvania. (One page has been torn out.) ca. 1899.

Folder 49 The Pennsylvania Magazine, vol. 3, no. 3, 1879.
“Dr. John Cochran . . . “
“John Penn’s Journal of a Visit to . . . Lancaster, 1788”

Folder 50 Miscellaneous
Insert 1 The Castle Spectre, a drama in five acts, by M. G. Lewis. 1808.
Insert 2 Article from Good Housekeeping Magazine. “Old Chairs and Their Stories,” by Antoinette Rehmann Perrett. No date.
Insert 3 Letter from Owen P. Bricker to C. H. Shufflebottom regarding share #24 of Grand View Heights Corporation Stock (not with letter). Letterhead of Law Offices of Arnold, Bricker, Beyer & Barnes. Lancaster. 30 January 1959.
Insert 4 Cabin Plan of the Fabre Line S.S. “Patria.” Jas. W. Elwell & Co., Inc. 17 State Street, New York. No date.

Folder 51 Civil War
Insert 1 The Abraham Lincoln Portfolio of Photogravures from the Famous McClure Collection. 1909.
Insert 2 Copy of the Gettysburg Address. 1909.
Insert 3 Map of the Battlefields on line of the Baltimore & Ohio R.R. and Connections. From Book of the Royal Blue, July 1899.
Insert 4 Book of the Royal Blue, vol. 2, no. 10, July 1899. Published by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Special G.A.R. Edition, Civil War.

Folder 52 Y.M.C.A.
Insert 1 Ye Olde Maide, “published every month, some months by the Bachelors’ Club of the Y.M.C.A.” No date.
Insert 2 Young Men’s Era, International Young Men’s Christian Association Newspaper. 7 February 1895.

Folder 53
Insert 1 Souvenir booklet of the Church of God, Highspire, Pennsylvania. 1903.
Insert 2 Missionary Herald, vol. 38, no. 9, September 1942.

Folder 54 Map of North America and the West Indies. [1842]. (Oversized, relocated to the back of Box 2)

Folder 55
Insert 1 Unidentified picture of woman. Badly damaged. No date.
Insert 2 Unidentified photograph of man. Damaged. No date.

Folder 56
Insert 1 Color drawing of “The ‘Dream City’” Government Building. [Washington, DC], perhaps from a World Expo. No date.
Insert 2 Typed list of “The Slaymaker Collection.” Does not list specific items. Materials have been divided between family members, but many items are disbursed throughout MG-268. No date.
Insert 3 Note to S. R. Slaymaker of Lancaster from Frank M. Trout, Notary Public, Surveyor and Conveyancer, regarding draft of Pownall farm (not found with the note). Quarryville. 18 November 1905.
Insert 4 Photocopies of Lancaster News Journal and Lancaster Daily Examiner newspaper clippings regarding the Red Cross and WWI. Rebecca J. Slaymaker was chairman of the committee on Branch and Auxiliary work of the local chapter. May and October 1917.
Insert 5 Envelope of S. C. Slaymaker, Esq., Resident Engineer, Pottstown, Pa. P. & R. Railroad Co. No date.

Folder 57 Scrapbook of H. M. J. Klein newspaper articles from the Lancaster New Era. “Lancaster County celebrates the 200th anniversary of its founding this Spring. In a series of articles written especially for the New Era, Dr. H. M. J. Klein tells what we celebrate and why we celebrate.”

Folder 58 Photographs of railroad bridge construction. Unknown location. Pasted to cardboard, corner broken off. No date. (Oversized, relocated to the back of Box 2)

Folder 59      Printed map of the first settlement of Lancaster County as of October 1710. 26 January [1918]. (2 copies)


Folder 60      Genealogy notes. No date.


Folder 61      Cochran genealogy. No date.


Folder 62      Konigmacher family genealogy. No date.


Folder 63      Letter from D. F. Cochran to Rebecca Slaymaker regarding Cochran family. 1 January 1923.



Box 5


Folder 64      Map Showing the Location and Date of the Earliest Highways Leading from the Delaware and Schuykill Rivers to the Susquehanna River and Its Branches. 1907. (2 copies)


Folder 65      Certification by State Normal School, Millersville, that Rebecca Slaymaker completed the Elementary Course. 30 June 1898.


Folder 66      Diploma from the State Normal School, Millersville for Rebecca Slaymaker. 27 June 1901.


Folder 67      Diploma from the Young Ladies Lyceum Institute for Jane C. Redsecker. 23 March 1857.


Folder 68      Diploma in Latin from the Academy of Philosophy, Philadelphia for Samuel S. Cochran. 27 July 1920.


Folder 69      Diploma from the Female High School of Lancaster for Rebecca J. Slaymaker. 25 June 1880.


Folder 70      Diploma from the Male High School of Lancaster for H. C. Slaymaker. 30 June 1885.


Folder 71      Teacher’s Certificate from the State Normal School, Millersville for Rebecca J. Slaymaker. 25 June 1903.


Folder 72      Certificate from Lancaster High School Alumni Association for H. C. Slaymaker. 30 June 1887.


Folder 73      Society of Colonial Dames Certificate of Membership for Rebecca Jane Slaymaker. 24 March 1924.



Box 6


Printed map of early roads of Lancaster County, 1714-1760. Dog-eared with pencil annotations and reference to the Conestoga Traction Company. 1922.


Printed map of early roads of Lancaster County, 1714-1760. Minor staining and no annotations. 1922.



Box 7


Blueprinted document showing relationships of an extensive number of early, prominent first families. Prepared by Paul Sauder. July 1935. (very fragile)



Box 8


Ferree Family Tree. Prepared in 1913 by Jesse A. (Witmer) Landis. Lists hundreds of descendants of Madam Mary Fierre, the founder of a French Huguenot Colony in the Pequea Valley in 1712. It has numerous pen and ink additions on the front and back. The Slaymaker connection is not apparent from this document. 1913. 36” x 38”