Slaymaker: Samuel R. Slaymaker II, White Chimneys Collection, Series 4, 1709-1940

Call number:  MG-268, Series 4 Museum Cases and Metal Box

8 boxes     96 folders     5 cubic ft.

Repository:  LancasterHistory (Organization); PV7

Shelving Location:  Archives South, Side 7

Scope and Content Note:  The items in the first part of Series 4 came from the museum at White Chimneys and are designated by museum case number or title. Some items are also accompanied by an original museum label. The second part of Series 4 consists of items from a metal box labeled “Miscellaneous articles S. C. Slaymaker including diaries.” This series consists of business and personal correspondence, legal documents, invitations, and genealogy. Of specific interest are items related to Ephrata Mountain Springs Hotel, correspondence with Simon Cameron and President Coolidge, and S. C. Slaymaker’s work with railroads and surveying in Pennsylvania and Honduras.

Creator:  Slaymaker, Samuel R.

Conditions for Access:  Restrictions are noted at the folder or item level.

Conditions Governing Reproductions:  Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language:  English, German

Source of Acquisition:  Gift of the family of Samuel R. Slaymaker II, 1998.

Note:  * denotes items accompanied by a museum label.

Box 1

Folder 1     Museum Case 1

Insert 1  Letter from Gen. John Cochran to his brother-in-law, Rev. Alexander Mitchel, describing heavy losses and captured British soldiers along with thanks to Mitchell for caring for his family. He notes plans to be in Philadelphia soon to assist Dr. Shippen in setting up a hospital for the ensuing campaign. 25 January 1777.*

Insert 2  Presbyterian hymn book used by the first Slaymakers at Pequea Presbyterian Church near White Horse between 1712 and 1740.*

Folder 2     Museum Case 2

Copy of the first map of Pennsylvania, 1681.*

Photograph of the gravestone of Marie Fierre, 1653-1716.*

Life Magazine picture of Mathias Slaymaker’s original log home, circa 1712.*

Folder 3     Museum Case 3

A Spelling Dictionary of the English Language, London, 1762, presented by Joseph Chambers to Alexander Mitchell in 1767. 3 x 4”.*

The Apologies of Justin Martyr—in Defence of the Christian Religion, vol. II, London. 1709. 6 x 8”  *

Folder 4     Museum Case 4

Tavern license from John Penn, Lt. Governor of Provincial Pennsylvania to Francis Leech, Salisbury Twp., 1767.*

The genealogy of the Cochrans who left Scotland and settled in Ireland, 1762.*

Letter to Miss Jane Cochran from A. M. enclosing “An Ode to Peace,” by Rev. Samuel Davies AM President of College of NJ, 7 October 1760.*

Letter from Sarah Yeates to her grandmother, Sarah Shippen, 18 April 1768.*

Folder 5     Museum Case 4  (cont.)

3 books with one label*: Alfred, A Masque. A play by Mr. Thompson for the Prince of Wales, first performed in 1740, No cover.

Tour through Sicily and Malta, by P. Brydone, 1770, No cover.

New Testament. Published in London, in Latin, 1735. Leather-bound and cover embossed with “James Cochran.”

Folder 6     Museum Case 5

Life Magazine pictures of Judge Henry and Faithful Slaymaker.*

Picture of John Cochran.*

Two letters from Gertrude Cochran, wife of John Cochran, to Rev. Alexander Mitchel inquiring about her husband, then in NY,* [1777-1778] (See letter from Gen. John Cochran, Folder 1, Insert 1)

Folder 7     Museum Case 6

James Boyd’s Oath of Allegiance recorded by Judge Henry Slaymaker, 21 October 1779.*

Picture of Rev. John Woodhull, Pastor to the Slaymaker family.*

Lease. Jasper Yeates of Lancaster with Henry Slaymaker of Strasburg Twp. to Amos and Isabella Fleming Slaymaker (Henry’s son) for the old Francis Jones Inn and 200 acres, 5 April 1780.*

Folder 8     Museum Case 7

Insert 1  Agreement between Jasper Yeates of Lancaster and Amos Slaymaker of Salisbury Twp. dividing their jointly held real property. 2 July 1795. *

Insert 2  Tax receipt for carriage used by Amos Slaymaker as a public conveyance. 19 January 1816.*

Insert 3  Letter from Jasper Yeates to Amos Slaymaker regarding delivery of boards, building an oven, and turnpike planning, 24 July 1795.*

Life Magazine picture of Amos Slaymaker (1775-1837).

Description of buildings on property in Salisbury Twp., owned by Jasper Yeates and occupied by John Yeates, 4 January 1799.*

Salisbury Twp. appeal duplicate for 1786 tax. James Boyd, collector.*

Folder 9     Museum Case 8

Planned stopping points for Slaymaker stages from Lancaster to Chambersburg, S. Slaymaker, No date.*

Letter from Turnpike Co. to Amos Slaymaker directing him to inspect and estimate the cost for repairing Witmer Bridge (now in Bridgeport), 17 March 1801.*

Tally of payments, No date.*

Affirmation of oath for toll gate keeper at Turnpike Gate 11. Oath sworn before Amos Slaymaker on 12 January 1801.*

Folder 10     Museum Case 9

Insert 1  Inquisition into the death of Alexander McFadden by twelve appointed men who concluded it was “by drinking liquor to excess and the cold.” 9 March 1793.*

Insert 2  List of members of the Pequea Presbyterian Congregation with pledges to support the pastor for 1795.*

Insert 3  Stock certificate of Amos Slaymaker for one share in the Gap Mines with a receipt for payment of the first installment, 8 September 1797.*

License for Amos Slaymaker to keep a public house in Salisbury Twp. Signed by Gov. Thomas Mifflin, 18 April 1797.*

Folder 11     Museum Case 10

Picture of Capt. John Slaymaker.*

Letter from Hannah Cochran to sons Stephen and Samuel regarding peace, Spring, their clothing and health, and neighborhood news, 5 March 1815.*

Letter from James Fleming to Henry F. Slaymaker (cousins) regarding actions of the Army in the War of 1812, 25 December 1812.*

Commission by Gov. Simon Snyder to Henry F. Slaymaker as Capt., 7th Co. 98th Regt., Pennsylvania Militia, 3 August 1811.*

Letter from Amos Slaymaker to son, Henry F. advising him to provide the bearer with a shod horse by order of the Postmaster General and reporting news of mail stoppage, ferries and stages destroyed, and Havre de Grace being burned. No date.*

Folder 12     Museum Case 11

Insert 1  Summons by J. P. Amos Slaymaker in the case of Alexander McClury to collect a debt from Christopher Griffith. 19 May 1799.

Insert 2  Blank check of Farmers Bank of Lancaster, [18__].*

Summons by J. P. Amos Slaymaker in the case of Daniel Buckley to collect a debt from Benjamin Barefoot, 13 August 1796.*

Postmaster General receipt for Gap, PA Postmaster Amos Slaymaker’s quarterly account, 2 May 180.

Account of Salisbury Postmaster Henry F. Slaymaker, 1836-1842.*

Postmaster General letter to postmasters about abuse of the franking privilege, 18 May 1829.*

Asst. Postmaster General letter notifying Amos Slaymaker that mail transport is changed from the turnpike to the railroad, 2 June 1836.*

Elaborate obituary broadside for Jasper Slaymaker with a memorial tribute from the Lancaster Bar, 4 August 1827.*

Folder 13     Museum Case 12

Letter to Jacob Leroy & Sons, NY from Casenar Walter, Baltimore introducing Mr. Wertmuller, 19 June 1796.*

Print, “Evening Promenade or Sea Beach Costumer,” London, 1 October 1810.

Ball invitation to Samuel Cochran, 16 February 1821.

Certificate appointing Henry F. Slaymaker as Justice of the Peace for Sadsbury Twp. and Salisbury Twp., 7 October 1823.*

Estimates of improvements to the farm. No date, but attributed to Henry F. Slaymaker in 1837.*

Life Magazine pictures of Henry Fleming and Rebecca Slaymaker.*

Folder 14     Museum Case 13

Two visiting cards for William D. Slaymaker and Mrs. Julia A. Hunter, No date.

Empty embossed envelope to Henry F. Slaymaker and Lady.

Announcement, with black border. Mrs. J. A. Hunter, August 19*; Pamphlet of the Cosmopolitan Art Association with a listing of Slaymaker members and their choices of magazine subscriptions,  1857-1858.

Pamphlet, “29th Report of the Managers of the PA Institution for Instruction of the Blind,” 19 December 1861.

Pamphlet, “34th Report of the House of Refuge,” 1862.

Folder 15     Museum Case 14

First of S. C. Slaymaker diaries, 1851-1852. (Do not use original–Please use transcription in the Library.)

Diary of S. C. Slaymaker, 1857. (Do not use original–Please use transcription in the Library.)

Folder 16     Museum Case 14  (cont.)

Insert 1  Two ball invitations to Samuel Slaymaker and Lady in New Holland, 27 January 1857 and Christiana, 24 February 1859.

Invitation with envelope for “A Summer’s Day on the Brandywine,” 19 August 1852.

Two Ephrata Spring’s Return Stage tickets.

Life Magazine picture of Samuel and Jane Slaymaker.*

Descriptive flier for Ephrata Mountain Springs Hotel, 1864.*

Views of Hotel Cocalico at E. Main Street and Lake Street, Ephrata. (It has since been razed.) No date.

Ad for a three-day Pennsylvania Railroad excursion to a seaside resort at Long Branch, 18 August 1881.

Insert 2  S. C. Slaymaker record of membership, attendance, and finances of the Salisbury Band, 1845-1848, and five tickets.*

Folder 17     Museum Case 15

Insert 1  Diary of S. C. Slaymaker, as Asst. Engineer for Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, in which he notes the death of Abraham Lincoln and viewing his funeral train at Gap. 1865.*

Insert 2  Civil War memorabilia including The Philadelphia Inquirer, 30 September 1861, detailing military actions; photograph of Capt. Jonathan Slaymaker* and a pamphlet containing the sermon preached at his funeral 9 March 1862; and a patriotic postcard and book of War Songs.*

Box 2

Folder 18     Museum Case 16

Insert 1  Dictionary, dog-eared and missing title page and some appendix pages. Marked “Slaymaker Centennial 1876.”*

Autograph book of Minnie Cohr, 1887-1889.*

Insert 2  United States Centennial 1876 memorabilia including book title page, Official Catalogue of the British Section of the Philadelphia International Exhibition, 1876, and three prints of exhibition buildings, two with calendar pages on reverse.*

Folder 19        Museum Case 17

Diary #2 of S. C. Slaymaker, Div. Engineer of the Reading & Columbia Railroad, 1863.

Diary of S. C. Slaymaker, City Engineer, Lancaster. For 1894, the year that he died with the last entry posted by his widow, Jane.*

Folder 20     Museum Case 17  (cont.)

Insert 1  Lancaster Traction Co. items

Pass for S. C. Slaymaker, Engineer, to 1 January 1894.

Time Table, December 1893; Special ticket booklet, 2 September 1893 to 1 January 1894.

Ticket of Lehigh Valley Railroad, 19 May 1873.

Insert 2  Pennsylvania Railroad receipt to S. C. Slaymaker for shipment of liquor. 25 September 1868.*

Telegram to S. C. Slaymaker from H. R. Hawman, Reading, to come “immediately I have a road for you to build,” 20 November 1869.

Insert 3  Envelope with two enclosed statements of payments to S. C. Slaymaker and members of the Engineer Corps, Reading & Chesapeake Railroad. April 1882.

Folder 21     Museum Case 17  (cont.)

Thirty-six railroad passes for S. C. Slaymaker. 1855-1880.

Folder 22     Museum Case 18

Insert 1  Formal invitation to 100th anniversary of White Chimneys. From Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Slaymaker. 26 September 1907.

Insert 2  Life Magazine pictures of S. R. and Mina Slaymaker. Picture of White Chimneys.*

Insert 3  Printed pamphlet, “Thoughts Suggested by Celebration of White Chimneys,” by Mrs. Samuel Evans. With a handwritten copy of the pamphlet.

Insert 4  Pamphlet with the words of patriotic American songs. No date.

Insert 5  Two postcards. One from Dan C. Daggett to S. R. Slaymaker, postmark illegible. One unused.

Folder 23     Museum Case—Education

School Atlas, D. F. Robinson & Co., Hartford. 1831.*

Folder 24     Museum Case—Education

Trigonometry copy book. [1764].*

Folder 25     Museum Case—Education

The Life of George Washington, Maps and Subscribers’ Names, C. P. Wayne, Philadelphia. 1807.*

Folder 26     Museum Case—Education

Insert 1  Label for Education Case

Insert 2  Pamphlet, “Washington’s Valedictory Address, 17 September 1796.” Holbrook, Henlock, & Bratton, Printers. Harrisburg. 1840.

Insert 3  Copy book of Miss I. Slaymaker, 13 June 1831 inscribed and with poetry through 1837.*

Insert 4-5  Poetry copy books of Isabella A. Slaymaker. March to April 1834.*

Insert 6  Poetry and natural science copy book of Rebecca A. Slaymaker. 1834-1835.*

Folder 27     Museum Case—Education

Insert 1  Four-page copy book, Circulating Decimals. No date.*

Insert 2  Copy book, Addition of Integers Examples. No date.*

Insert 3  Copy book of John Slaymaker, his ciphering book. 10 March 1813.*

Folder 28     Museum Case—Education

Two rewards of merit to Miss Jane Whitehall. No date, 16 March 1826.*

Hand-drawn “Commandments” in rhyme by Jane Whitehill; 22 May 1824.*

Print of Young Ladies’ Lyceum Institute, a boarding school attended by the Slaymaker girls, 1830-1840.*

Hand-scribed “Lives of the Patriarchs Before the Flood,” by Jane Whitehill, 20 December 1824.*

List of surnames with birth and death dates.

Folder 29     Museum Case—Education

Insert 1  Paperbound book, Guide to Chirography. D. F. Robinson & Co., Hartford, with various hand-scribed penmanship styles inside. 1832.*

Insert 2   Paperbound book labeled “Salisbury Lyceum and Library,” with a listing of its 155 volume library and other random notations.*

Insert 3  Handwritten “History of Greece,” by Isabella A. Slaymaker. 29 March 1839.*

Insert 4  Hand-scribed penmanship examples of Isabella A. Slaymaker. 11 loose pages.

Folder 30     Museum Case—Education

M. Tullii Ciceronis de Officiis ad Mareum Filium Libor Primus. Philadelphia. In Latin. 1793.*

Box 3

Folder 31     Museum Case—Education

English and Latin Exercises for School Boys. Book with curiously stitched-on leather cover. London. 1755.*

The Political Works of John Milton, vol.1. Philadelphia. 1821.*

Folder 32     Museum Case—Education

Woodbridge’s Rudiments of Geography. Hartford. 1829.*

The Law of Nature, C.F. Voney. Philadelphia. 1896.

Folder 33     Museum Case—Education

An Essay on Man, Alexander Pope. New York. 1817.*

The Heidelberg Catechism. Philadelphia. 1830.*

Folder 34        Museum Case—Education

Rudiments of Music. Andrew Adgate, Philadelphia. (in poor condition with many loose pages), 1799.*

Folder 35      Museum Case—Commerce & Industry

Insert 1  Amos Slaymaker account book. (with loose and pinned pages as shown in Insert 2) 1794.*

Insert 2  Three pages for George Leach account: 1790-1796, 1794, and 1796. (loose inside front cover)

Isable Leech to pay to William Leviston account. (pinned at page 33, right), 1781.

Regarding Faithful Slaymaker. (loose at page 42) No date.

Torn note from Jacob Linton to Amos Slaymaker regarding payment. (loose at page 51), 26 October 1796.

Fragment with figures only. (loose at page 63)

Two-sided receipt. “Paid to George Leech.” March 1798. On reverse, Alexander Johnston to Joseph Johnston. (pinned at page 86, right) November 1798.

Folder 36     Small book with marbleized cover beginning with memo of weather by S.C. Slaymaker. “Copied from Diary of J. F. Smith, 1831-32-33-34-35“ and followed by a very descriptive and detailed diary kept by S. C. Slaymaker while with a corps of engineers examining the route for the Phoenixville & Cornwall and Lancaster, Lebanon & Pine Grove Railroads. May, June, and July 1852.

Folder 37     Patent Office Report 1847, but half-used as a scrapbook with pasted-in news items, broadsides, theater program, and ads from 1885-1900, and inscribed on the flyleaf. “Presented to Samuel C. Slaymaker by his friend J. H. Konigmacher.” Posted inside the front cover is a 3 x 5” marbleized, smaller book with pasted-in news items, primarily updated Boys High School class rolls.*

Box 4

Folder 38     Four Items Regarding Various Aspects of Slavery

Insert 1  A letter to Amos Slaymaker from Peter Elmaker regarding the availability of an unnamed “wench and child,” 17 September 1794*; Indenture apprenticing Samuel Patterson, son of James, to Abraham Kauffman, 2 August 1835.*

Insert 2  Slave return of Robert William of Sadsbury Twp. Venus, 20 years old. 6 February 1794. 

Insert 3  Slave return for Amos Slaymaker. Abraham Scott, son of Dinah Scott. 4 February 1795.  Sworn by Amos Slaymaker on 16 April 1897.

Folder 39     Museum Case—Commerce & Industry

Insert 1  Six items dealing with transportation*

Four stage and rail tickets to and from Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Ephrata.

Two items pasted on backing. A steamship ticket, 16 May 1837, and a receipt to Henry F. Slaymaker for two shares of bridge stock, 18 May 1814.

Insert 2  Two items regarding agriculture

Pamphlet, “The American Silk Grower,” #9. Philadelphia, March 1839.

Lithographed membership certificate for Samuel C. Slaymaker for The Lancaster County Agriculture Society, with farmstead drawing,* 21 September 1850. 

Insert 3  Membership certificate for S. C. Slaymaker for the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society. Pasted on backing. 18 October 1852.*

Folder 40     Museum Case—Commerce & Industry

Various business interests of the Slaymakers are represented.

Insert 1  Five pieces of currency from various banks and The Confederate States of America 1855, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865.*

Constitution and by-laws of the Lancaster County Mutual Insurance Company, 1853.*

Pamphlet, “Willis’s Patent Stump Extractor,” with detailed drawings, Philadelphia, Autumn 1858.*

Authorization by Nicolas Pyle of Salisbury Twp., Lancaster County, to sell a washing machine, patented by Simon Willard, to Amos Slaymaker for use by his family only, 13 September 1808.*

1813 land draft. Surveyed Spring 1797 and drawn by Henry F. Slaymaker for Christian Ummel.*

Insert 2  Certificate for entering White Chimneys on the National Register of Historic Places on 1 April [1975]. From the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. 6 April [1977].

Folder 41     Museum Case—Miscellaneous

Surveyor’s Profile of Third Division, Reading & Chesapeake Railroad, Sec. 29-39, with no further identification. One of two originally housed in a tin document case.

Folder 42     Museum Case—Miscellaneous

Surveyor’s Profile also of Sec. 29-39.  Color-coded by month with names attributed to specific section, but no further identification. (originally housed with the profile in Folder 41) No date. 

Folder 43      Museum Case—Miscellaneous 

Book, with “Reading & Chesapeake RR Slopes. Preliminary Location Slopes in Back of Book,” with pages of figures and drawings and a few specific locations: Adamstown, Muddy Creek, New Holland. 4 x 7” 17 August 1881.

Folder 44     Museum Case—Miscellaneous

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe. Dog-eared with no cover. 1853.

Folder 45     Museum Case—Miscellaneous

Journal of Pennsylvania House of Representatives, embossed “Amos Slaymaker.” 1805-1806.

Box 5

Folder 46     Museum Case—Miscellaneous  

American Views: Buildings and Natural Wonders from New York to California. Given to purchasers of six bars of Day’s soap. No date.

Folder 47     Museum Case—Miscellaneous

Treasurer’s account of The Society for the Promotion of Industry Lancaster 1861-1872.  Recorded in composition notebook. Inserted is a letter from Catharine Yeates to Louise Hayes, treasurer of the Society for the Promotion of Industry and Prevention of Pauperism, forwarding an Orphan’s Court directive that the society’s funds be invested in U.S. bonds. 20 October 1863.

Folder 48     Museum Case—Miscellaneous

Account book, Miss Shirley’s Receipts. Listings of yards of sheeting, diapering, toweling, and napkins, window blinds, etc. 1862-1872.

Folder 49     Museum Case—Miscellaneous

Record book of the Society for the Promotion of Industry with names, amounts of flax and tow, cash received, and product returned. 1863-1867.

Folder 50     Museum Case—Miscellaneous

Minute book of the Society for the Promotion of Industry, beginning 8 January 1871, with the Society’s purpose outlined and how funds were used through 1926.

Folder 51     Museum Case—Miscellaneous

Minutes of the Society for the Promotion of Industry and Prevention of Pauperism. 25 July 1938 to 30 April 1948.

Folder 52-57     Metal Box labeled “Misc Articles SC Slaymaker, including diaries.”

Eleven diaries are in Folders 52 through 57, two in each folder except for 1871 which is in its own folder. Two dated 1852 and 1854 are by identified author. Nine diaries by S. C. Slaymaker are dated 1861-1891.

Folder 58     Metal Box-Misc.—Genealogy and Handbill

Insert 1  Campbell—Harris Genealogy

Small card with five generations from 1752 to 1910 descended from Mary Campbell and William Harris.

Letter from Henry Cochran Slaymaker to cousin and friends, describing the content and price of a Slaymaker history he complied. February 1909.

Insert 2  Slaymaker Genealogy

Extract from Pennsylvania German Society, vol. III. 1893.

Insert 3  Handwritten Slaymaker genealogy, each page on the back of a political handbill (see Insert 4).

Insert 4  Handbill of liberal Republican chairman, Samuel Evans. “To the People of Lancaster County.” (2 copies) 10 May 1872.

Folders 59-62 Metal Box-Misc. In these folders are government related items.

Folder 59     Metal Box-Misc.—Government Documents

Small leatherbound manual entitled, Lancaster City Councils, 1893-1894.

Certified copy of an extension to an Act of the Pennsylvania General Assembly referencing Ephrata Mountain Springs, 8 March 1860.

Regulation of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives regarding clerk duties, with S. C. Slaymaker listed as message clerk, 1860.

List of the Pennsylvania Board of Revenue Commissioners, 1857.

Folder 60     Metal Box-Misc.—Government Documents

Organizational chart of Pennsylvania. No date.

Folder 61     Metal Box-Misc.—Government Documents

List of Pennsylvania Representative members and officers. 1855-1861. 

Folder 62     Metal Box-Misc.—Government Documents

List of Pennsylvania Senate members and officers. 1855-1861.

Folder 63     Metal Box-Misc.—Correspondence

Insert 1  Correspondence

To brother from Isabella regarding family matters,  April 19.

To Samuel Slaymaker from Samuel Evans regarding candidacy for Court of Quarter Sessions, 9 March 1857.

To cousin from unknown lady regarding train trip and him, 1 September 1858.

To Isabelle Slaymaker from Samuel [Stric__ ] regarding family and the election, 1 October 1860; To Sam from Henry E. Slaymaker regarding the shipment of wine, 16 July 1863.

To Isabella Slaymaker from Charles Lauman regarding Amos Slaymaker’s service in Congress for a book. With “Sanitary Commission” envelope, no postmark and stamp removed, 23 February 1864.

To Cousin Mollie from Lavinia regarding farm chores, beer brewing, a picnic, oil speculation, the death of their grandfather and his funeral, family chatter, and crop failures, 15 September 1863.

To brother from sister Isabella concerning Amos H.’s death and dishonesty, family intrigue, some genealogy, death, and railroad stock, 28 January 1885.

Insert 2  Correspondence

To A. F. Slaymaker from his brother, Henry, regarding making four hundred brooms, income so poor couldn’t buy meat, new pastor, dogs killing sheep and ducks, request for a cow so children can have milk, and desperation for employment. 20 February 1871.

Insert 3  Correspondence

Five letters to Sally Slaymaker from C. F. Diller, each with an envelope posted the same or a few days later. From 27 November 1887 to January-February 1878. Contents vary from transmitting a lock of her hair to misunderstandings and an exchange of photographs and visits.

Folder 64     Metal Box-Misc.—Correspondence

All the correspondence in this folder was to Samuel C. Slaymaker, many were apparently members of the Pennsylvania Legislature and U.S. Congress. 1836-1891.

Insert 1  Correspondence

From Thaddeus Stevens regarding delivery of letters to Congressmen, 6 November 1855.

From John C. Trantwine regarding an offer of position to survey Pennsylvania for 3 months to 2 years at $60 per month, 12 March 1856.

From John A. Smull transmitting a check, 17 April 1856.

From W. E. Frazer regarding the competition for an unstated position, 25 October 1856.

From D. Phelps regarding the position of Senate Transcribing Clerk, 1 January 1857.

From A. E. Roberts concerning the passage of a bill for relief of Mary Reosede and Slaymaker claim, 6 February 1857.

From George R. Mowry regarding securing a “situation” for Slaymaker, 20 March 1857.

From John A. Smull concerning Slaymaker’s expedition to South America, 31 March 1857.

From W. B. Nassau regarding the Honduras railroad and job possibility, 30 July 1857.

From John A. Smull regarding check transmittal and Slaymaker’s early return from Honduras, 8 August 1857.

From R. C. Walker regarding a lack of power to secure a clerk which is now a committee job, 26 August 1857.

Insert 2  Correspondence

From Samuel Evans regarding Slaymaker’s vote against Evans’ rival for an unnamed office in Ephrata Twp., 1 September 1857.

From A. O. Heister and Robert C. Walker concerning a clerk position at the State Fair in Philadelphia. 1 September 1857 and 17 September 1857, respectively.

From  C. S. Duby concerning an agent position for Cosmopolitan Art Association, 22 September 1857.

From William B. Nassau regarding sending money later, 13 November 1857.

From Simon Cameron regarding his being unable to help as a party of engineers has already departed for Mexico, 28 December 1857.

From A. E. Roberts stating, “will present your matter to T.E.C.” 26 January 1860.

From Henry F. Slaymaker’s four heirs regarding the authority of S. C. Slaymaker, a son, to conduct public sale, 13 February 1860.

From John Smull regarding directions and accommodations, 21 August 1860.

From Greer and Forbes regarding contractual terms for operating a mill, 23 May 1864.

Insert 3  Correspondence

From S. Stevenson regarding delivery of stakes and dated 13 October 1862.

From Simon Cameron that he had no knowledge of suitable vacant space.

From sister Isabella regarding preserving fruit, grafting trees, cemetery plot, and dissention at Bellevue Church, 22 June [1868].

From sister Isabella about preserving more fruit, rattle snakes, the Green family, and Bellevue’s pastor, pew, and cemetery plot, 11 August 1869.

From S. C. S. to Board of Trustees of Bellevue Church which was apparently a draft of a statement alleging a family burial plot was given to someone else, 12 August 1869.

From Sanford S. Jacobs regarding housekeeping matters at home (e.g. corn shelling, rent collection, hedge trimming, etc.), 8 February 1871.

From Isaac Slaymaker concerning the writer’s Slaymaker ancestry, with envelope, 8 January 1891.

Insert 4  Correspondence

From William S. Kennedy, a note transmitting a copy of a trustees’ decision regarding ownership of a contested graveyard plot. 12 August 1869.

Insert 5  Correspondence

From Peabody and Baker, attorneys in New York. Five notices requesting Slaymaker’s payment of notes defaulted by E. Hanford and Co., NY. Three additional notices for notes of $1000 each were pinned together. 20-21 January 1871, 17 February 1871, 20 March 1871, 18 April 1871, and 17, 27, 28 February 1871.

Box 6

Folders 65-66     Metal Box-Misc.—Engineer’s Books and Level Book

Folder 65     Metal Box-Misc.—Engineer’s Books     

Contractors and Surveyor’s Pocket Table Book. 1853. “Sam’l C. Slaymaker L.L.&P.G.R.R. Sept. 28, 1853.”

A hand-scribed, indexed Common Place Book Table Book of S. C. Slaymaker. No date.

Folder 66     Metal Box-Misc.—Level Book

A hand-scribed Reading & Chesapeake Railroad Level Book, Location No. 4 of G. N. Auchenheit. No date.

Folder 67     Metal Box-Misc.—Receipt Books

Receipt book for Henry F. Slaymaker 1819-1821, many naming products and services.  Four are pinned.

Receipt book for Rebecca C. Slaymaker, administrator for the estate of Henry F. Slaymaker deceased of Salisbury Twp., April 1860.

Folder 68     Metal Box-Misc.—Receipt Books

Herein are five receipt books for the operation of the Society for the Promotion of Industry. Each is approximately 4 x 5,” several with loose covers. (See also Folders 47-51).

Insert 1  Receipt book. 1855-1860.

Insert 2  Receipt book. 1857-1865.

Insert 3  Receipt book. 1862-1863.

Insert 4  Receipt books. 1861-1866, 1863-1866.

Folder 69-71   Metal Box-Misc.—Honduras Expedition. These folders relate to S. C. Slaymaker’s expedition to Honduras to survey a route for an inter-oceanic railway.

Folder 69        Metal Box-Misc.—Honduras Expedition

Insert 1  Letter from John C. Trautwine to S. C. Slaymaker regarding payment for his work, 26 March 1857.

Agreement between the Honduras Interoceanic Railway Co. and S. C. Slaymaker for surveying a proposed railway route, 15 April 1857.

Map of Central America showing the proposed railway line, No date.

Insert 2  Telegraph notice to S. C. Slaymaker announcing sailing date. With envelope. 31 March 1857.

Insert 3  Notice to the Railway Expedition members leaving New York on the brig Favorita. 10 April 1857.

Folder 70     Metal Box-Misc.—Honduras Expedition

Insert 1  S. C. Slaymaker describes in detail his voyage from New York on 16 April 1857 to anchor in Honduras on 6 May 1857, and the five day preparation for camping.  Noting loss of his diary on May 16, he reconstructed it describing the initial campsite and start of the survey.

Insert 2  Journal from 22 May 1857 describes the rigors of the survey until June 2 when S. C. Slaymaker resigned, and from June 3-21, his arduous journey home.

Insert 3  Letter to the editor of the Examiner & Herald by S. C. Slaymaker with the story of his Honduras experience. 1 June 1857.

Folder 71     Metal Box-Misc.—Honduras Expedition           

Insert 1  S. C. Slaymaker letter to Joseph Konigmacher, eng., 28 April to 11 May 1857 describing his seasick twenty one day trip from New York, passing by and views of Cuba, arrival in Omou, and beginning his survey work.

Insert 2  Letter from Sam to sister from aboard the brig Favorita off the Bahama Reefs and ending at Omou [Honduras], relating in great detail passengers of note, seasickness, diet, sea life, names of co-workers, land sightings, and excellent living conditions on arrival. 27 April 1857 to 11 May 1857. (see also Inserts 3 and 4)

Insert 3  Four single-page letters from Sam to his sister, I. A. Slaymaker. Three are by various modes merely announcing his arrival. 6 May 1857, 12 May 1857, 7 June 1857. The fourth is from quarantine in New York announcing his resignation and return. 22 July 1857.

Envelope without contents to Henry F. Slaymaker.

Letter to S. C. Slaymaker from E. Q. Sewell, Cohasset, Massachusetts, regarding problems with their employer in Honduras, 26 August 1857.

Insert 4  Letter from Sam to sister from work-camp sites lamenting some of the living conditions. 17-24 May 1857.

Folder 72     Metal Box-Misc.—Railroad Correspondence. Letters and documents, mostly to or from S. C. Slaymaker regarding various railroad matters.

Insert 1  Subscription offer from Directors of the Lancaster, Lebanon & Pine Grove Railroad Co. 21 February 1854.

Nine letters to S.C. Slaymaker:

From George Toker of the Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mount Joy & Lancaster Railroad Co. regarding a ticket, 9 January 1860.

From J. R. Tshudy of the Reading & Columbia Railroad Co. regarding finances, 17 October 1862.

From Robert Crane regarding the purchase of ties, 27 November 1862.

From Edw. P. Pearson regarding the Reading & Columbia Railroad, 12 December 1862.

From John Lee regarding work done on Section 37 and payment,  30 July 1863.

From John D. Steele of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Co. that they have no current employment, 7 September 1863.

From John A. Sheaff requesting speedy completion of work, 8 October 1863.

From John A. Sheaff requesting more speedy work on the engine house, 8 October 1863.

From John A. Sheaff requesting yet more speedy work on the engine house, 14 December 1863.

Insert 2  Receipt of C. S. Malty of the Reading & Columbia Railroad to Reuben Landis for sills, 1 July 1863.

Letter from Walter Scott regarding the politics and future of railroading, 20 January 1866.

Pennsylvania Railroad pass to S. C. Slaymaker, 28 January 1871.

Letter from Jarves Johnson Treas of the NJWLRR Co. to B. F. Beekman at Merchant’s Life Ins. Co. 27 March 1871. Beekman’s reply regarding auditing accounts and funding of the line. 28 March 1871.

Two blank release forms for the Wilmington & Reading Railroad and the Reading & Columbia Railroad, no date.

Folder 73        Metal Box-Misc.—Stage and Railroad Documents

Insert 1  Fourteen tickets and passes, Ephrata Springs stage tickets, ca.1860-1870.

Eight passes for S. C. Slaymaker on eight different railroads, 1873, 1875, 1877, and 1880.

One Pullman ticket.

Insert 2  Railroad Correspondence

Letter from [O. R.] Brewer to S. C. Slaymaker. Sent from Paris regarding railroad financing. With torn envelope. 21 February 1886.

Insert 3  Railroad Mailing Envelope

Two empty envelopes to S. C. Slaymaker, Resident Engineer of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Co. in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. One with annotations. 1891-1892.

Insert 4  Railroad Correspondence

Two letters from John A. Sheaff to S. C. Slaymaker with work instructions, 17 July 1863, 24 March 1864.

Two letters from E. Hanford & Co. to S. C. Slaymaker regarding deeds and finances, no date, 3 February 1871. 

Folder 74-75  Metal Box-Misc.—Correspondence

Letters to S. C. Slaymaker. All in 1871. Roughly forty letters of railroad importance in Folder 74 and thirty six letters of non-railroad content in Folder 75. The senders, contents, and dates follow.

Folder 74     Metal Box-Misc.—Railroad Correspondence     

Insert 1  From S. M. Provost regarding working conditions, [187_ ].

From J. H. Wilson regarding a railroad position, 2 January 1871.

From J. H. Wilson regarding canal rebuilding in the Bloomsburg area, 16 January 1871.

From J. H. Wilson with complaints about people, 23 January 1871.

From Charles E. Pugh with a recommendation for employing Dr. J. N. Houston, 27 January 1871.

From E. Hanford & Co. regarding contract estimates, 30 January 1871.

From E. Hanford & Co. regarding contract estimates, 31 January 1871.

From Hugh S. Gallaher regarding poor work, 31 January 1871.

From David Ryan saying he must sell his horses if no work is available, 3 February 1871.

From J.H. Wilson regarding internal job politicking, 6 February 1871.

From [S. M.] Prevost regarding employment as asst. engineer in charge of maintenance, Philadelphia Division, Pennsylvania Railroad, 7 February 1871.

From S. M. Prevost regarding a shipment of “House” freight cars to S. C. Slaymaker and railroad gossip, 16 February 1871.

From Sanford Jacobs regarding farm products, 20 February 1871.

From James E. Abbott with a recommendation for a new employee, 20 February 1871.

Insert 2  Railroad Correspondence

From Amos F. Sweigart regarding renaming, extending, and soliciting support for adding lines. With an attached news item. 23 January 1871.

Insert 3  Railroad Correspondence

From Samuel P. Bower requesting a work contract, 4 March 1871; From William Karns requesting information on progress of work, 5 April 1871.

From J. H. Wilson with thanks for help and judgments about people, no date.

From F. L. Huff with photographs of bridges, 21 April 1871.

From J. H. Wilson regarding prospective employment, 29 April 1871.

From Norman H. Wheeler regarding engineering jargon, 8 May 1871.

From J. H. Wilson regarding a work in progress, 13 May 1871.

From James S. Ammon requesting work, 23 May 1871.

From Sanford Jacobs regarding his decision to leave railroading for storekeeping, 27 May 1871.

From Norman H. Wheeler regarding engineering specifications and cost, 27 May 1871.

From Jesse Opperman requesting prices, 1 June 1871.

From F. O. Crindon regarding working conditions, 1 June 1871.

Insert 4  Railroad Correspondence

From W. C. Agnew regarding job prospects, 5 June 1871.

From Jas. Hackett regarding job prospects, 11 June 1871.

From J. H. Wilson concerning railroad officers and financing, 16 June 1871.

From Robert H. Sayre explaining his job decision, 8 July 1871.

From F. M. Storb requesting survey and costs, 31 July 1871.

From J. Opperman concerning railroad business, 17 September 1871.

From S. Stevenson defining loose stone, 25 September 1871.

From S. M. Prevost concerning availability for a visit, 30 September 1871.

From J. Opperman regarding job offer consideration, 1 October 1871.

From F. S. McIlvaine regarding nothing specific, 17 October 1871.

From J. Johnson labeled “confidential” and relays dissatisfaction with work of an S. C. Slaymaker competitor; also contains poignant comments about post-slavery policy, 31 October 1871.

From W. C. Agnew concerning progress in railroad building, Chicago fire aftermath, and family chatter, 19 October 1871.

Folder 75     Metal Box-Misc.—Business and Personal Correspondence

Insert 1  From Sanford S. Jacobs regarding the stabling of a calf, holidays, rent money, and the death of Tree Eshleman, 2 January 1871.

From A. Slaymaker concerning a court settlement, 9 January 1871.

From Reed, Henderson & Co., a receipt, 25 January 1871.

From D. Clinton Gallagher requesting an album, 30 January 1871.

From G. W. Howell regarding wood and iron estimates, 1 February 1871.

From F. O. Crindden with a plea for help, 6 February 1871.

From S. C. Konigmacher with family chatter, 6 March 1871.

From David Leche regarding a job or recommendation and the health of Uncle David Agnew, 7 March 1871.

From Reed & Henderson. A bank statement, 7 March 1871.

From Mrs. H. A. Leche making a plea for employment for her son, David, 15 March 1871.

From W. C. Agnew regarding his journey to New York, Philadelphia, and Millersburg and the people he visited, 20 March 1871.

Insert 2  FromE. Hanford & Co. requesting a visit and to bring the Pennsylvania  map and surveys, 23 March 1871.

From L. G. Bush requesting advice, 4 April 1871.

From Ferree S. McIlvaine regarding job prospects, 5 April 1871.

From A. A. Bell regarding job prospects, 10 April 1871.

From E. Sanford & Co. concerning the need to bring profile of a line, 13 April 1871.

From L. L. Bush regarding railroad progress, 20 April 1871.

From W. C. Agnew regarding job prospects and family news, 20 April 1871.

From David Leche regarding a trip to Kansas, 23 April 1871.

From William K. Gray, MD with a receipt for medical treatment, 24 April 1871.

From B. J. Linvill regarding job prospects, 25 April 1871.

From William C. Agnew regarding money matters, job prospects, and railroad progress, 9 May 1871.

From Mrs. H. A. Leche thanking him for payment and David’s job prospects in Kansas, 9 May 1871.

Insert 3  From F. G. Harold, a receipt for games, 9 May 1871.

From F. O. Crindden regarding a new job and future prospects, 14  May 1871.

From John N. Jacobs concerning an upcoming contract, 17 May 1871.

From J. H. Wilson regarding an unspecified “arrangement,” 18 May 1871.

From W. C. Agnew concerning money matters, cousin Dr. Patterson’s wedding, and job prospects, 19 May 1871.

From Mrs. H. A. Leche regarding her son David’s life, 19 May 1871.

From William C. Agnew concerning a job offer and a request for a trunk, 6 June 1871.

From Amos F. Sweigart requesting information, 8 June 1871.

From L. L. Bush with money and requesting Slaymaker to come to New York, 24 June1871, From L. L. Bush stating that [he] may or may not visit, 7 September 1871.

From Nathaniel Ellmaker regarding a farm promised to Samuel Myers, roofing the house, and awaiting word from Hanford, 9 September 1871.

From John H. Wilson with conditional acceptance as a “commissioner,” 30 September 1871.

Folder 76     Metal Box-Misc.—Business Papers. Herein is a variety of business papers, visiting cards, legal documents, receipts, and documentation primarily of S. C. Slaymaker, but from other Slaymakers as well.

Insert 1  Receipt of F. I. Kranph to S. C. Slaymaker, 31 March 1855.

Patent transfer for Willis Improved Stump Extractor from the inventor, William W. Willis to Joseph Konigmacher and S. C. Slaymaker, 9 February 1858.  Recorded at the U.S. Patent Office, 4 March 1858.

Copy of check from Henry F. Slaymaker to A. F. Slaymaker and S. C. Slaymaker., 5 January 1860. (This document has not been microfilmed.)

Letter from the Office of Sanitary Commission to Miss Isabella Slaymaker acknowledging receipt of hospital supplies from the “Ladies of Salisbury and vicinity,” 29 November 1861.

School Board receipt for bounty tax to Isabella Slaymaker, 28 January 1865.

Judgment, S. C. Slaymaker to George S. and John W. Redsecker, 13 March 1876.

Annotated with security transfers and payments through 1 April 1885.

Receipt to S. C. Slaymaker, dealer in leaf tobacco, for special tax to U.S. Internal Revenue, 27 June 1882.

Receipt from Watt & Shand to Miss Rebecca Slaymaker, 7 February 1901.

Postcard from G. W. Price to S. C. Slaymaker offering a 1477 Coburger Bible for sale, [3 May 1893].

Insert 2  An eight page, unsigned copy of the Deed of Trust of David and Isabella A. Agnew. January 1885.

Insert 3  Note to “Dear I.” In pencil and unsigned. No date. (This document as not been microfilmed.)

Four Slaymaker business cards and one delegate identification card for S. C. Slaymaker.

Patent Office seal.

Inland Insurance & Deposit Co. to S. C. Slaymaker regarding “your brother’s protested note,” 5 March [18__ ].

Penciled extract of Orphans Court record of the estate of H. F. S., no date.

Blank letterhead of S. C. Slaymaker, civil engineer, surveyor, and draughtsman, [189_ ].

Insert 4  Three page receipt from H. K. Messick in Philadelphia to S. C. Slaymaker for furniture and draperies. 17 May 1820.

Folder 77     Metal Box-Misc.—Receipt Book

Tattered voluminous receipt book of Mrs. Jane Slaymaker for the S. C. Slaymaker estate and all manner of living and house hold expenses, with pasted-in invoices, receipts, and loose pages. 1894-1901.

Folder 78     Metal Box-Misc.—Travel Data

Travel bulletin itinerary and narrative.

Insert 1  Travel Itinerary

Itinerary for S. R. Slaymaker and party from Lancaster for six week trip by rail, auto, and ship to Montreal; across Canada to Vancouver; to and from Alaska; to San Francisco, Yosemite, Los Angeles, Grand Canyon, Chicago and back to Lancaster. August 1 to September 18, no year recorded.

Insert 2  Travel pamphlet of voyage from Vancouver, BC to Skagway, Alaska. No date.

Insert 3  Travel Journal

Typed and annotated forty six page journal on S. C. Slaymaker letterhead of travel in France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxemburg, Belgium, and Holland. 16 March to 22 April 1923.

Folder 79     Metal Box-Misc.—Social. Includes a variety of birth, death, and marriage announcements, party and dinner invitations, and visiting cards.

Insert 1  Invitations

Cotillion party invitation to Mrs. Slaymaker, in envelope, 12 December 1854.

White House invitation from Mrs. Coolidge for Mrs. Slaymaker, in envelope, May 15.

Insert 2   Visiting Cards

Two cards of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Slaymaker, Jennie E. Redsecker, each in a separate “S” embossed envelope. (Only one card was microfilmed.)

Two cards of J. R. Slaymaker.

Insert 3  Announcements

Complimentary dinner menu of Philadelphia City Council for the Governor and Legislature, 22 February 1862.

Marriage certificate of Samuel R. Slaymaker and Minnie L. Cohr, 27 June 1890.

Funeral announcement for Milton Jackson, 23 June 1909.

Insert 4  Social Papers

Two blank cotillion party programs with envelope, addressed to S. C. Slaymaker, 8 March 1854. (These items have not been microfilmed.)

An ornate “Pledge of Affection” in a Whitney embossed envelope to Mr. Harry Slaymaker.

Embossed invitation from Mr. and Mrs. Kinzer enclosed in an embossed envelope with cards of Sylvester Kemely and Martha A. Kinzer to Miss Isabella Slaymaker. December 7.

Visiting card of Mrs. Joseph Konigmacher.

Visiting card of Mr. And Mrs. Jasper Green, Elizabeth S. Boude, at home after May 5, to Miss Isabella Slaymaker.

Birth announcement of Jane Cameron Slaymaker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Slaymaker. In embossed Fondersmith envelope. 7 January 1913.

Folder 80     Metal Box-Misc.—Party Programs and Invitations

Insert 1  Cotillion party invitation in embossed envelope for Mr. Samuel C. Slaymaker.

Insert 2  Cotillion party program, 8 March 1854.

Three cotillion party invitations. 13 October 1854, 3 February 1858, 1 December 1858.

Insert 3  Four decorative picnic invitations. 22 August 1850, 16 September 1854, 14 October 1854, 24 August 1858.

Insert 4  Invitation to City of Philadelphia Dinner, 22 February 1862.

Invitation to a Birth-night Ball, 22 February 1863.

Invitation to the Grand Closing Ball, Ephrata Mountain Springs Hotel. (2 copies) 12 September 1861.

Invitation to an Evening Party, 21 January 1858.

Folder 81     Metal Box-Misc.—Memorabilia of Ephrata Mountain Springs

Insert 1  Two circulars describing Ephrata Mountain Springs’ upcoming season  beginning 10 January 1860 and 1 June 1861, as well as how to get there via train or carriage.

Ephrata. A book about its history, the Springs, letters concerning visits there, and two views of the Springs, 1860.

Handwritten poem, “The Mountain Springs at Ephrata.” (2 copies) 17 July 1858.

Three blank sheets of Ephrata Mountain Springs stationery. 

Insert 2  Cotillion program, 8 March 1854.

Grand Fancy-Dress Ball program, 2 August 1860.

Insert 3  Embossed invitation for Grand Closing Ball. (2 copies) 12 September 1861.

Envelope imprinted “Ephrata Mountain Springs, S. C. Slaymaker Proprietor.”

Folder 82     Metal Box-Misc.—Organizations

This folder contains receipts for, admissions, and notices of meetings for a variety of organizations including the Republican National Convention, 1940.

Cosmopolitan Art Association, 1858.

Pennsylvania Society of the Colonial Dames, 1926.

A subscription to Ladies Home Journal, 1910.

Folder 83     Metal Box-Misc.—Early American Money 

Three pieces of scrip from the Philadelphia Bank, 1832; U.S., 1862; and the Confederate States of America, 1864. (in Mylar) These items were enclosed in a Lancaster Board of Trade envelope.

Folder 84     Metal Box-Misc.—German Money

Twenty one German mark banknotes. (in four Mylar sleeves) 1922, 1923.

Folder 85     Metal Box-Misc.—Journal of A. Wertmuller

A 3×5 six-page journal in an envelope jacket with pocket and clasp. Entries from 1809 to 1811. Two receipts from 1779 and 1810-1811, and an address list of businesses and a name are inserted in the journal.

Folder 86     Metal Box-Misc.—Miscellaneous Papers

Insert 1  Manual alphabet (sign language) A 3×5, sixteen-page, torn paper pamphlet published by J. S. Redford, NY for the deaf. No date.

Insert 2  Three photo postcards: Unidentified woman; Francine Willard; Native American woman.

Insert 3  Mylar sleeve with four newspaper clippings: two seeking bids for railroad construction in 1877, an undated obituary for Margaret Markee, and one piece about a Gen. Muir speech in 1924.

German tract in entitled, “Ich bin ein Unglaubiger” (I’m an unbeliever), no date.

Pages two and three of a poem by Hamilton Roney, no date.

A printed poem, “Soldiers,” no date.

A comical painter’s billing, no date.

Note from Catherine Yeates regarding the Society for the Promotion of Industry, (marked “Dup., Do not film”) 25 September 1856.

Pamphlet, Constitution and By-laws of the Lancaster County Mutual Insurance Co., 1853.

An apparent critique of writings by a Norwegian author, Hammon, in the late 1880s.

“List of papers” citing eleven deeds involving primarily the Mentzers and McDades between 1874 and 1890, but no locations.


Oversized Box 1

Folder 87  Museum labels

From Case 3: “The rigors of pioneer life left little time for reading which was largely confined to religious or practical subject matter.”

From Case 5: Mathias Slaymaker’s son Henry became a successful farmer, store keeper, politician and Judge. Henry was a revolutionary associators when hostilities began. His son, Amos Slaymaker, fought in the Philadelphia campaign and at Monmouth as an ensign in the VII Leacock Battalion.”

From Case 7: During the Revolutionary War Judge Henry Slaymaker (with Judge Jasper Yeates) bought the Francis Jones Inn (this building) for his son Ensign Amos Slaymaker who farmed the land and opened a store in 1783.”


Folder 88  Materials from Museum

Insert 1  Home remedy for “pain in breast.” Ingredients include onions, garlic, sugar, and others. Also includes a tag from a museum case briefly describing the item’s importance. No date (2 items, 2 pieces)

Insert 2  Introduction to A Guide to Health by Samuel Solomon M.D. From around the late 18th century to the early 19th century. Includes a tag from a museum case briefly describing the item’s importance. (2 items, 2 pieces, 70 pages)

Insert 3  “To the Christian Reader, to those especially who have been, and continue to be Movers and Promoters of this Work,” along with the frontispiece of the book of Job, printed in London. Includes a tag from a museum case briefly describing the item’s importance.  1677. (3 items, 3 pieces)

Insert 4  Letter from Mathias Slaymaker (then Sliermacher) letter to the Lancaster Court to petition them for custody of his granddaughter, Barbara. Includes a tag from a museum case briefly describing the item’s importance. 1752. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Insert 5  “Keeping the Blockade. Flagship New York Signaling Orders off Havana.” Print painted by Henry Reuterdahl, copyrighted by P.F. Collier. Advertisement for Samuel Redsecker. Includes a tag from a museum case briefly describing the item’s importance. 1898. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Insert 6  Map of the Pequea Valley during the Colonial period by John A Jarvis that includes the Slaymaker home, White Chimneys. Includes a tag from a museum case briefly describing the item’s importance. 1975. Appraised on 25 March 1999 by Kinsey Baker for $113.

Insert 7  Manuscript Map of the Lancaster Turnpike ca. 1790 from the Chester County Historical Society Collections. No date. (1 item, 1 piece)

Insert 8  Educational materials. “A Compendium of English Grammar, by S. Kirkham, Jr.” from around 1800. Natural Science-Botany map from 1820. (2 items, 2 pieces)


Folder 89  Fountain Catalogues

Insert 1  Illustrated Catalogue of Fountains by E.T. Barnum Iron Works in Detroit, Michigan. Published around 1875. (1 item, 2 pieces, 44 pages)

Insert 2  Letter from Stewart Iron Works Company to S.R. Slaymaker, referring to an inquiry of his regarding Slaymaker’s interest in purchasing a fountain from them. September 9, 1904. (1 item, 1 piece, 1 page)

Insert 3  Letter from The J.L. Mott Iron Works Ornamental Department to S.R. Slaymaker referring to his inquiry about purchasing a fountain from them. September 10, 1904. (1 item, 1 piece)

Insert 4  Discounts on price list on “Catalogue ‘H’” from The J.L. Mott Iron Works. From around 1893. (1 item, 1 piece)

Insert 5  “Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of Fountain Jets, Manufactured by The J.L. Mott Iron Works.” Copyright 1890. (1 item, 1 piece, 8 pages)

Insert 6 “Catalogue ‘H’ Illustrating Fountains, Ground Basins and Basin Rims, Manufactured by The J.L. Mott Iron Works.” Copyright 1893. (1 item, 3 pieces, 72 pages)


Folder 90  Blueprints and Maps

Insert 1  Map of the layout of a property just off of the Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike, presumably White Chimneys. No date. (1 item, 1 piece)

Insert 2  Blueprint of a fenced in garden. Unsigned, presumably plans for the White Chimneys grounds. No date. (1 item, 1 piece)

Insert 3  Floor plan for renovations to the 3rd floor of White Chimneys. Says the cost of the renovations would be $495. Not dated. (1 item, 1 piece)

Insert 4  Map of properties around the turnpike and Newport road. Includes some of the names of the property owners. No date. (1 item, 1 piece)

Insert 5  Copy of a certificate from James Pollock, Governor of the Commonwealth, awarding Samuel C. Slaymaker the honor of being one of his Aids-de-camp, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Militia of the Commonwealth. No date. (1 item, 1 piece)

Insert 6  General plan of the Schuylkill, Conestoga, and Susquehanna R.R., Montgomery, Chester, Lancaster, and Lebanon counties, Pennsylvania. On blueprint paper, with a list of comparative distances from Philadelphia to all of the cities in this area. No date. (1 item, 1 piece)


Oversized Box 2

Folder 91   1782 Indenture recording Amos Slaymaker’s loan of 600 pounds from his brother-in-law, Daniel Fleming. Including tag from museum case. 1782. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 92   “The Flower of Fate” game for young girls, with hand-written fortunes under each petal. Including tag from museum case. 1800s. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 93     Three blueprints. Preliminary Study for the development of Great View Heights for Mr. S.R. Slaymaker, Lancaster PA. by Harry B. Hostetter, landscape and town planner. July 1924. Topographic survey of Grandview Heights, Mr. S.R. Slaymaker by F.H. Shaw CE under direction of Harry B. Hostetter landscape architect and town planner. June 1924. Perspective view from Southeast corner of porch, residence of Mr. John Mitchell III, Haverford PA. By Harry B. Hostetter, landscape architect. March 1925. (3 items, 3 pieces)

Folder 94     Lancaster County Agricultural and Mechanical Society Certificate, awarding Miss J.A. Slaymaker for her basket of home-raised Oranges. The certificate is extremely ornate, with raised and gilded designs. 1857.

Folder 95    Lancaster County Agricultural and Mechanical Society Certificate, awarding Miss J.A. Slaymaker for a basket of flowers. The certificate is extremely ornate, with raised and gilded designs. 1857.

Folder 96  Museum case labels listing artifacts for the “At Home” and “Miscellaneous Artifacts and Heirlooms, 1675-1865.” No date.