United Steel Workers Union, Local 285, Records, 1934-1990

Call Number: MG-514

8 boxes     206 folders     6 cubic ft.

Repository: LancasterHistory.org (Lancaster, Pa.)

Shelving Location:  Archives South, Side 11

Description: This collection contains minutes of union meetings, negotiations with Armstrong Cork Company and Kerr Group, Inc., publications of Local 285 and Armstrong, correspondence with national union representatives, union flyers and other documents related to labor issues and strikes at Armstrong.

Creator: United Steelworkers of America. Local 285 (Lancaster, Pa.)

Conditions for Access: Patrons must make an appointment with the Director of Archival Services at least two weeks prior to their visit.

Conditions Governing Reproductions: Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language: English

Source of Acquisition: Gift of United Steelworkers of America, Local 285, March 2009.

Related Materials: Armstrong World Industries Collection, MG-32; Kerr Group, Inc. and Armstrong Cork Company Architectural Drawings, 1916-1992, MG-372

Custodial History: This finding aid is merely a box list showing folder titles in order to make the collection available to researchers. The documents within the folders have not yet been cataloged at the item level. LancasterHistory.org replaced the folders with acid-free archival folders and retained the original folder titles. The newsletters, Local 285 Spotlight and Floor Plant Journal, were organized and placed in folders.


Box 1

Folder 1 Organizational Information, 1934-[194_]

Folder 2 Minutes Floor Plant – Old, 1944

Folder 3 Minutes L.W.P.U., 1944

Folder 4 Copies of Letters (Old-Including 1948) 1, 1944-1947

Folder 5 Copies of Letters (Old-Including 1948) 2, 1947-1948

Folder 6 Minutes of Meeting of U.R.W.A. Bargaining Committee, 1945

Folder 7 St. Joseph’s Hospital Building Fund, 1945

Folder 8 List of Executive Officers, 1945-1946

Folder 9 World War II: Red Cross Fundraiser & Victory Home-Coming Celebration, 1945-1946

Folder 10 Local 285 News Publication, 1945-1947

Folder 11 Deduction of Union Dues (not in folder), 1945-1950

Folder 12 General Retirement Program & Arbitration Concerning (not in folder), 1945-1977

Folder 13 181/2 Communications from Marshall/ Negotiations, 1946

Folder 14 First Annual Conference & Yearbook, 1946-1947

Folder 15 Armstrong Local Unions Council, 1947-1947

Folder 16 Leaflets- Organizational, 1946-1947

Folder 17 Minutes of Monthly Meeting of U.R.C.L.P.W.A. Bargaining Committee, 1946-1950

Folder 18 Local 285 Minutes (not in folder), 1946-1950

Folder 19 Buckmaster Communications, 1946-1954

Folder 20 Election Information, Not dated, 1945-1959

Folder 21 Personal Papers Relating to Paul Shaub (not in folder), 1946-1980

Folder 22 Minutes of Division #5 of Local 285 U.R.L.P.W. (not in folder), 1947

Folder 23 Press Releases, 1947-1949

Folder 24 General Information, 1947-1955

Folder 25 Letters to Employees, 1947-1963

Folder 26 Shaub – Trial, 1948

Folder 27 Hagelgans Trial, 1948

Folder 28 Correspondence with President Prentis, 1948-1949

Folder 29 Financial Statements of Lancaster Labor Building Association, 1948-1952

Folder 30 Caucus Communications, 1948-1955

Folder 31 Brief Castleman Trial, 1948-1949

Folder 32 Reports Per Capita Tax- Monthly, 1948-1950

Folder 33 Committee for Honest Unionism, 1948-1950

Folder 34 Buckmaster Suspension, 1948-1950

Folder 35 Deibler Trial, 1948-1950



Box 2

Folder 36 H.W. Prentis Co. Tries to take Local 285 Over, 1949

Folder 37 Brief on Roark’s Appeal, 1949

Folder 38 C.I.O. Council Information, 1949

Folder 39 U.R.C.L.P.W.A. Letter Concerning James E. Turner, 1949

Folder 40 American Federation of Labor (not in folder), 1949

Folder 41 Yoder Trial, 1949-1950

Folder 42 Taft-Hartley Law/ Company-wide Bargaining (not in folder), 1949-1950

Folder 43 Armstrong Cork Company Human Relations (Exposed), 1949-1950

Folder 44 Minutes of Union Meetings & Union Negotiations Meetings, 1949- 1950

Folder 45 Copies of Letters 1, 1949-1954

Folder 46 Copies of Letters 2, 1949-1954

Folder 47 Mechanical DIU #1 Information, 1950

Folder 48 Paul Shaub / Rev. Swanson, 1950

Folder 49 Minutes of U.R.C.L.P.W.A Bargaining Committee, Union Negotiations Meeting, Engineering Shops Sectional Safety Meeting, 1950

Folder 50 Correspondence to H. J. Marshall, 1950-1953

Folder 51 Communications from H. J. Marshall, 1946-1961

Folder 52 Issue of Communism in Local 285, [1950]

Folder 53 Letters to Officers & Representatives, 1950-1957

Folder 54 A.F.L. Propaganda, 1952

Folder 55 Artmold Lining Meeting, 1953

Folder 56 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1953-1956

Folder 57 Due Deduction / Union Split Issues (not in folder), 1954-1955

Folder 58 Workman’s Compensation, 1954-1956

Folder 59 C.I.O. Grievance Meeting, 1955-1957

Folder 60 Armstrong Cork Company Wage Sheets, 1956-1957

Folder 61 Armstrong Pamphlets on Insurance, Retirement, Income (not in folder), 1956-1970

Folder 62 Jack Samuels / Grievances, 1958

Folder 63 Jeanne – Paul, 1958-1962

Folder 64 Arbitration between Armstrong and Local 285, Grievance Subject: Paul Shaub, 1959

Folder 65 Local 285 1963 Election of Officers, 1959-1964

Folder 66 Bureau of Labor-Management Reports U.S. Department of Labor (not in folder), 1959-1961

Folder 67 Lefever Letters, 1961-1963

Folder 68 Collective/ Coordinated Bargaining (not in folder), 1965-1970

Folder 69 News from the A.L.F.-C.I.O., 1966-1974

Folder 70 Dues Increase, 1968

Folder 71 Shaub COPE A.F.L.-C.I.O. Conference Folder (not in folder), 1968

Folder 72 Job Evaluation and Classification Plan and Manual (not in folder), [1968]



Box 3

Folder 73 Carlisle Tire Pamphlets, Not Dated, 1969

Folder 74 Macon Plant, 1970

Folder 75 Retiree Issues (not in folder), 1970

Folder 76 I.U.D. Communications (not in folder), 1970

Folder 77 U.R.W. Preliminary Wage and Fringe Benefit Survey (not in folder), 1970

Folder 78 Information Concerning Local 256 (not in folder), Not Dated, 1970

Folder 79 Sample U.R.W. Labor Agreement & U.R.W. Correspondence (not in folder), 1971

Folder 80 I.U.D. (Industrial Union Department A.F.L.-C.I.O.) Communications, 1971-1972

Folder 81 1972 Member Information (not in folder), 1972

Folder 82 I.U.D. Communications, 1972

Folder 83 Management Report on U.R.W. Negotiations, 1974

Folder 84 A.F.L.-C.I.O. News Service (not in folder), 1974

Folder 85 I.U.D. Communications (not in folder), Not Dated, 1974

Folder 86 U.R.W. Organizing Program (not in folder), 1974

Folder 87 Armstrong Information Announcements & FYI Publication, 1989-1990

Folder 88 Miscellaneous Pamphlets, Contracts, Agreements (not in folder), 1948-1995

Folder 89 Newspaper Clippings & Related Pamphlets (not in folder), 1948-2000

Folder 90 Flyers to Members (not in folder), 1947-1956

Folder 91 Flyers to Members (not in folder ), 1947-1956

Folder 92 Union Flyers, 1947-1949

Folder 93 Union Flyers, 1949-1951

Folder 94 Union Flyers, 1952-1968

Folder 95 Threatening Postcard to Paul Shaub, Not Dated

Folder 96 Wage Incentive Plans, Not Dated


Box 4


Folder 97 Negotiations / Paul Shaub, 1945

Folder 98 Strike Negotiations – Events, 1946-1948

Folder 99 1947 Strike Information, 1947

Folder 100 Contract Negotiations (Closure), 1947

Folder 101 Contract Negotiations Information (Floor), 1947

Folder 102 Wage Negotiations, 1948

Folder 103 Closure – Contract Negotiations, 1949

Folder 104 Floor Plant – Contract Negotiations, 1949

Folder 105 Negotiations on Wages – Pensions – Health – Welfare (Floor Plant), 1950



Box 5


Folder 106 Negotiations on Wages – Pensions – Health – Welfare (Closure Plant), 1950

Folder 107 1951 Floor & Closure Wage Negotiations, 1951

Folder 108 1952 Negotiations Floor & Closure, 1952

Folder 109 Wage Negotiations (Floor & Closure Plants), 1953

Folder 110 Wage Negotiations Local 285 (Floor & Closure Plants), 1954

Folder 111 Closure Plant Negotiations, 1955

Folder 112 Floor Plant Negotiations, 1955

Folder 113 Closure Plant Negotiations, 1956

Folder 114 Floor Plant Negotiations, 1956

Folder 115 Closure Plant Negotiations, 1957

Folder 116 Floor Plant Negotiations, 1957

Folder 117 Negotiations, 1958


Box 6


Folder 118 Negotiations, 1959

Folder 119 Negotiations, 1960

Folder 120 Negotiations, 1961

Folder 121 Negotiations, 1962

Folder 122 Negotiations, 1963

Folder 123 Negotiations, 1964

Folder 124 Negotiations (Mainly 1965), 1965-1967

Folder 125 1969 Negotiations, 1969

Folder 126 1970 Negotiations (Floor Plant) 1, 1970

Folder 127 1970 Negotiations (Floor Plant) 2, 1970

Folder 128 1970 Contract Negotiations Floor Plant, 1970


Box 7

Folder 129 Kerr Negotiations, 1970-1971

Folder 130 Negotiations (Floor Plant, Kerr Plant) (not in folder), 1972

Folder 131 974 Floor Plant Contract Negotiations, 1972-1974

Folder 132 1974 Negotiations Kerr Plant 1, 1974

Folder 133 1974 Negotiations Kerr Plant 2, 1974

Folder 134 Unspecified Plant Local 285 Negotiations (not in folder), 1974

Folder 135 Lancaster Circulator, 1945

Folder 136 “In Fact” Publication, 1947

Folder 137 “In Fact” Publication, 1948

Folder 138 “In Fact” Publication, 1949

Folder 139 “In Fact” Publication, 1950

Folder 140 Sports Stories & Photographs, 1957-1973

Folder 141 Armstrong Full Page Advertisements (not in folder), 1967-1972

Folder 142 G.E. Union Busting (not in folder), 1969

Folder 143 Miscellaneous: Notes on Union Heritage, Posting Notices, 1960s Income Figures (not in folder), Not Dated, 1970

Folder 144 International Ladies Garment Workers Union (not in folder), Not Dated, 1970

Folder 145 Newspaper Clippings, 1958-1960

Folder 146 Newspaper Clippings, 1966-1972

Folder 147 Newspaper Clippings, Not Dated, 1990


Box 8


Folder 148 Local 124 News, 1947

Folder 149 C.I.O. Union News Service, 1954

Folder 150 Armstrong Address in New Era, 1965

Folder 151 Local 285 Spotlight, 1947

Folder 152 Local 285 Spotlight, 1948

Folder 153 Local 285 Spotlight, 1949

Folder 154 Local 285 Spotlight, 1950

Folder 155 Local 285 Spotlight, 1951

Folder 156 Local 285 Spotlight, 1952

Folder 157 Local 285 Spotlight, 1953

Folder 158 Local 285 Spotlight, 1954

Folder 159 Local 285 Spotlight, 1955

Folder 160 Local 285 Spotlight, 1956

Folder 161 Local 285 Spotlight, 1957

Folder 162 Local 285 Spotlight, 1958

Folder 163 Local 285 Spotlight, 1959

Folder 164 Local 285 Spotlight, 1960

Folder 165 Local 285 Spotlight, 1961

Folder 166 Local 285 Spotlight, 1962

Folder 167 Local 285 Spotlight, 1963

Folder 168 Local 285 Spotlight, 1964

Folder 169 Local 285 Spotlight, 1965

Folder 170 Local 285 Spotlight, 1966

Folder 171 Local 285 Spotlight, 1967

Folder 172 Local 285 Spotlight, 1968

Folder 173 Local 285 Spotlight, 1969

Folder 174 Local 285 Spotlight, 1972

Folder 175 Local 285 Spotlight, 1974

Folder 176 Local 285 Spotlight, 1980

Folder 177 Local 285 Spotlight, 1984

Folder 178 Local 285 Spotlight, 1993

Folder 179 Local 285 Spotlight, 1994

Folder 180 Floor Plant Journal, 1948

Folder 181 Floor Plant Journal, 1949

Folder 182 Floor Plant Journal, 1950

Folder 183 Floor Plant Journal, 1952

Folder 184 Floor Plant Journal, 1954

Folder 185 Floor Plant Journal, 1957

Folder 186 Floor Plant Journal, 1958

Folder 187 Floor Plant Journal, 1959

Folder 188 Floor Plant Journal, 1960

Folder 189 Floor Plant Journal, 1961

Folder 190 Floor Plant Journal, 1962

Folder 191 Floor Plant Journal, 1963

Folder 192 Floor Plant Journal, 1964

Folder 193 Floor Plant Journal, 1965

Folder 194 Floor Plant Journal, 1966

Folder 195 Floor Plant Journal, 1967

Folder 196 Floor Plant Journal, 1968

Folder 197 Floor Plant Journal, 1969

Folder 198 Floor Plant Journal, 1970

Folder 199 Floor Plant Journal, 1971

Folder 200 Floor Plant Journal, 1972

Folder 201 Floor Plant Journal, 1973

Folder 202 Floor Plant Journal, 1974

Folder 203 Floor Plant Journal, 1975

Folder 204 Floor Plant Journal, 1976

Folder 205 Floor Plant Journal, 1977

Folder 206 Floor Plant Journal, 1978