Valavanes: Barbara Valavanes Papers, 1922-2006

Call Number:  MG-509

1 box     1 folder     .10  cubic ft.

Repository: (Lancaster, Pa.)

Shelving Location:  Archives South, Side 11

Description:  This collection contains programs from boxing and football events, an advertisement for dancing at Rocky Springs Park and correspondence to Barbara Valavanes.

Creator:  Valavanes, Barbara.

Conditions for Access:  No restrictions.

Conditions Governing Reproductions:  Collection may not be photocopied. Please contact Research Staff or Archives Staff with questions.

Language:  English

Source of Acquisition:  Gift of Barbara Valavanes, 2006.


Folder 1  Sports and Dance Memorabilia

Insert 1  Contract for an 8-round boxing bout between Rosey Stoy and Bennie Bass. With envelope. 30 October 1922.

Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission license for Rosy (Charles W.) Stoy. 1 December 1924.

Attorney Rhody W. Hedland candidate’s card. Annotated “Youngstown, O” on reverse. 12 August 1924.

Insert 2  Program for four boxing bouts at the Fulton Opera House between Marty Sullivan and Babe Ruth, Leo Brenner and Leo Renolds, Battling Willard and Sammy Schiff, and Harry “Kid” Ross and Derrico Villamore. (2 copies) 15 August 1924.

Insert 3  Football programs

All Columbia vs. 8th Ward with images of the players at an unnamed location. 6 December 1931.

Lancaster Presidents vs. Harrisburg Eagles at Stumpf Field in memory of Leo Hauck (1888-1950), Lancaster boxer. 10 September 1950.

Insert 4   Advertisement for dancing at Rocky Springs Park featuring Danceland, The Roamers and O. S. Wright’s. Tuesday 18, Thursday 20 and Saturday 22. No other date.

Insert 5  Letter to Barbara from Bessie, wife of Al Campanis, in New Hyde Park, New York on Brooklyn Dodgers stationery. She writes of family chatter and Al’s itinerary for the Dodgers. Notation on envelope says Al was coach of the Lancaster Red Roses. 19 June 1956. With envelope. (2 pages)

Letter to Kevin [Shue] from Barbara Valavanes transmitting the above letter, along with memories of the Campanis family. 28 January 2006.