Roberts: Sara F. (Sally) Roberts Collection, Series 1, Family Names

Object ID: MG0234, Series 1 Family Names

24 boxes     797 folders     12 cubic ft.

Repository: LancasterHistory (Organization)

Shelving Location: Archives South, Side 6

Scope and Content Note: This collection contains the research notes and information compiled by Mrs. Sara F. (Sally) Roberts, contract genealogist. The collection consists primarily of family and land research. There are cemetery and tax lists, church records, land drafts, maps and overlays, land surveys, deeds, wills, census information, and court records. Most of the items are Mrs. Roberts’ handwritten notes and photocopies of original or microfilmed documents.

Creator: Roberts, Sara F.

Conditions for Access: No restrictions.

The collection is divided into two series: Patrons should look at both series for their research topic.

Family Names

Land Research

Conditions Governing Reproductions:  Collection may not be photocopied. Please visit at 230 North President Ave, Lancaster, PA to use the resources onsite. Upon request and examination of the material, staff may photocopy Mrs. Roberts’ handwritten notes and original documents. Poor quality photocopies and bound material will not be photocopied.

Language: English, German

Source of Acquisition: Gift of the estate of Sara F. Roberts.

Custodial History: The materials were rehoused due to some water damage and the folder titles are those assigned by Mrs. Roberts.

Related Material: Sara F. (Sally) Roberts Collection, Series 2, Land Research


Box 1 (Folders 1-40)

Folder 1 Albert. Partial pedigree chart-Vera Eby, Vera Cox, George W. Albert, and Phillip Albert; Genealogy notes (3 items, 6 pieces)

Folder 2 Alexander. Photocopy of Biographical Record. Dr. HM Alexander.

Folder 3 Allison. Guardianship Account of Robert Allison, minor child of John Allison; “The Allisons of Derry.” (photocopies)


Folder 4 Anderson, James (5 items, 12 pieces)

Insert 1 Notes-James Anderson. Photocopies of 1740 documents: Genealogy memoranda for David Byers-James Anderson mentioned in last line; Account for James Anderson; Inventory for James Anderson; Bond for James Anderson


Folder 5 Anderson, John. Orphan’s Court paper (photocopy)

Folder 6 Anderson, Robert. Leacock Presbyterian Church (photocopy)

Folder 7 Armstrong, Col. John. Photocopy of manuscript “The Brothers and Sisters of Colonel John Armstrong 1717-1795 and of his wife Rebecca 1719-1797 of Carlisle Pennsylvania,” by Raymond Martin Bell. Washington, Pennsylvania, 1990.


Folder 8 Armstrong, Mary (12 items)

Insert 1 Bond, 20 November 1879 (photocopy)

Insert 2 Certificate of death of administrator, 22 June 1899

Insert 3 Auditor’s Report, 29 November 1890 (photocopy)

Insert 4 Petition, 29 November 1879 (photocopy)

Insert 5 Inventory, 24 November 1879 (photocopy); Bond, 29 November 1879 (photocopy)

Insert 6 Petition, 15 March 1880 (photocopy); Order of Sale & Return (photocopy)

Insert 7 Auditor’s Report, 4 September 1880, exceptions (photocopy)

Insert 8 Order of Auditor, 7 July 1880 (photocopy)

Insert 9 Recapitulation-minutes of audit (photocopy)

Insert 10 Notes


Folder 9 Armstrong (8 items)

Insert 1 Armstrong, John. Pedigree chart, drawing (photocopy)

Insert 2 Armstrong, James. Application for pension, 7 September 1833

Insert 3 Armstrong. Surname index to the 1796 Flax Seed Premium Entitlement Lists-Ireland

Insert 4 Carpenter. Genealogy records, naturalization papers

Insert 5 Henderson, Joseph and Henderson, John. Naturalization papers.

Insert 6 Female line of Smith family (photocopy)

Insert 7 Female line of Hain family (photocopy)

Insert 8 Female line of Carpenter family (photocopy)


Folder 10 Armstrong, William (2 items)

Petition of Andrew Armstrong, minor child of William Armstrong to have Irving Armstrong as guardian (photocopy)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes


Folder 11 Auld, Samuel (5 items)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes and correspondence (photocopies)

Insert 2 Map and surveys

Insert 3 Return of the names and surnames with the taxable property of Sadsbury Township, 1789 (photocopy)

Insert 4 First Census of the United States (photocopy)

Insert 5 Paxton Presbyterian Church, “The Graveyard” (photocopy)


Folder 12 Axer, George. Petition for divorce (photocopy)


Folder 13 Bachenstos, Jacob (2 items)

Genealogy notes

Insert 1 Riddle, John. Genealogy notes


Folder 14 Bare (9 items)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes; List of wills

Insert 2 Bare, Michael. Genealogy notes

Insert 3 Bear, Henry. Genealogy notes

Insert 4 Bear, Martin. Genealogy notes

Insert 5 Bear, Michael. Genealogy notes

Insert 6 Bear, David. Report of auditor (photocopy); Genealogy notes

Insert 7 “The Three Bears of Earl Towne, Pennsylvania”


Folder 15 Bailey, Henry. Genealogy notes


Folder 16 Bayly (4 items)

Bayly Tract

Insert 1 Chain of title for the old tavern situate at 950 West Main St., Mount Joy, Pa.; Map of Florin

Insert 2 Bayly tract


Folder 17 Bair, Bear, Bare, Baer (8 items)

Insert 1 Fellenbaum, David. Census lists; Inventory; Probate of will; Family group sheet (handwritten)

Insert 2 Ferrer, Daniel and Warrenbuck, Mary, 1650. Pedigree chart (photocopy)

Insert 3 Correspondence from Clyde Groff regarding John Bare (Barr); Genealogy of Johannes Baer, 1749-1910 (copied)

Insert 4 Knissley, Anthony. Probate and copy of will


Folder 18 Bair, (Blair), Smith. Birth certificates for Rena Eugene Blair, Rita Audrey Bair, and Robert Burdett Smith (now Kermit Dyke by adoption); Handwritten notes on Elmer Calvin Bair. (4 items)


Folder 19 Bair (Bear), Martin. Pedigree chart; Note on William Booth; Note on Mordecai Bare of Chester County (3 items)


Folder 20 Ball (7 items)

Insert 1 Family records (photocopies)

Insert 2 Shelhamer genealogy (photocopies)

Insert 3 The Washingtons-Ball family members

Insert 4 Ball Graveyard

Insert 5 Johnny Appleseed

Insert 6 Abraham Lincoln

Insert 7 Newspaper articles (photocopies)


Folder 21 Balzar, Frances of Cocalico Twp. Family group record (handwritten); Orphan’s Court record-appraisal of real estate. (2 items)


Folder 22 Barr, Jacob and Barr, George (5 items)

Insert 1 Barr, George. Innkeeper. Orphan’s Court records; Will

Insert 2 Barr, Jacob. Letter of Administration; Inventory (photocopy); Genealogy notes


Folder 23 Barton, Rev. Thomas of Indiantown, Manor Twp. (8 items)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes

Insert 2 Paxton men (photocopy)

Insert 3 Accounts of William Henry (photocopy)

Insert 4 Account of British stores sold by Thomas Edwards, sheriff

Insert 5 Court notes, Henry papers; Account of George Messenkop

Insert 6 Extract of a letter from Thomas Barton to the Honorable Thomas Penn, Esq.

Insert 7 Map of Indiantown with plot and survey of all farms contained therein


Folder 24 Bausman (3 items)

Insert 1 Bausman and Bear. Genealogy notes

Insert 2 Newspaper articles (photocopies)

Insert 3 Biographical Annals of Lancaster County


Folder 25 Bayly, Bailey (2 items)

Insert 1 Estate Inventory (photocopy)

Insert 2 Bailey, Thomas. Petition for the appraisal of the estate (photocopy)


Folder 26 Bayley, James (3 items)

Insert 1 Oaths, Pennsylvania General Assembly, 13 June 1777; Genealogy notes (handwritten)

Insert 2 Orphan’s Court records


Folder 27 Bayly (9 items)

Insert 1 Indentures: Christian Hertzler to Christian Hoffman; Martin Metzler to Christian Wenger; Catherine Oberlin to Mary Strickler; Elizabeth and John Arthur; Mary Black to William Black; Arthur Patterson to Jacob Gamber; John Bailie and James and Mary Bailie to Charles and Stuart Rowen

Insert 2 Genealogy notes; Bayley tract, 129A with mansion house


Folder 28 Bear (4 items)

Genealogy notes on Bear. Henry, Martin, and David.

Insert 1 Indentures: Ann and Henry Greep to Jacob R. Hoffer; Cornelius Dougherty to Anna S. Greep

Insert 2 Sprenger. Generation chart


Folder 29 Beam, Jacob. Court record, August term 1788


Folder 30 Beidler (9 items)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes; Will of Abraham Hackman

Insert 2 Court records: Guardians appointed-John Beidler; Order of sale-John Beidler; Tavern License (Sign of the Buck) to George Wallich

Insert 3 Survey-Joseph Work tract; Deed book-Patrick Allison tract

Insert 4 Land transfers; Warrant map of East Donegal Twp.


Folder 31 Bell. Will of William Bell; Will of John Bell; Orphan’s Court record for James Bell; Genealogy notes. (4 items)


Folder 32 Binkley. Orphan’s Court record-Guardianship of minor children of Johnson Binkley; Map of real estate of Johnston Binkley. (2 items)


Folder 33 Bitner (5 items)

Indentures: Abraham Royer and C. A. Bitner; Charles A. Bitner and wife to James Stewart.

Land transfers

1880 Census-Lancaster City

Insert 1 Newspaper articles (photocopies). Articles from “History of Lancaster Co.” and Biographical Annals of Lancaster County


Folder 34 Black family of Northumberland and Lancaster (5 items)

Insert 1 Lucky, Andrew. Bond, Inventory, 1739

Insert 2 Black, James. Will, Inventory, 1890; Will of wife, Eliza Murray, died 1893

Insert 3 Plumstead, William and Plumstead, George

Insert 4 Black, John. Will, Inventory, 1886


Folder 35 Blocker (12 items)

Insert 1 Ship passenger list of Pennsylvania German pioneers

Insert 2 Genealogy. Family group charts; Correspondence

Insert 3 Blocher, Binkley, Stoner. Land transfers; Maps

Insert 4 Hummer. Genealogy notes; Will-Peter Hummer (copied); Deed-Peter Hummer (photocopied); Photocopy of pages from “Church of the Brethren”; 1790 Census. Heads of Families. Pennsylvania

Insert 5 Church records; Cemetery records


Folder 36 Bossler. Genealogy notes

Folder 37 Botschafter. Document from William Penn (photocopy, difficult to read); List of possible sources for information on family. (2 items)

Folder 38 Bouquet, Col. Henry (1 item, 6 pieces)


Folder 39 Boyd (14 items, 37 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes: Old Boyd Plot-Drumore Twp.; Bond Book; Pennsylvania Marriages; Deed, Mortgage

Insert 2 Abstract of will, Inventory

Insert 3 Orphan’s Court records

Insert 4 Letters of Administration

Insert 5 Copy of “Glimpses of Early Newspapers” – description of gravestones of Samuel Boyd and Sydney Boyd


Folder 40 “A Family History: Boyds and Connected Families.” Early settlers-Central Savannah River area of Georgia and South Carolina. (1 item, 25 pieces)


Box 2 (Folders 41-53)

Folder 41 Bowman and Bauman Book, Lebanon County. 8 untitled sections-miscellaneous information; Administrative notes and genealogy information; Wills; Will abstracts; Cemeteries; Church records

Folder 42 Bowman (large book of collected information). Family group records: Abraham 1; I John; Magdalena – 1st child; Elizabeth – 2nd child; John 3 – I John; John 3 – II Abraham; Catharine – 4th child; Abraham – 5th child; Henry – 6th child; Jacob – 7th child; Christian – 8th child; 3rd Generation; John, Jr. – 1st child; Jacob 4 – 2nd child; Abraham – 3rd child; Henry – 4th child; Samuel – 5th child; Joseph – 6th child; Michael – 7th child; David – 8th child; NancyAnn – 9th child; Moses – 10th child.

Folder 43 I Johannus Bowman and II Jacob Bowman, 1749-1828. Large collection of genealogy information: Jacob 2 – I Johannus; Magdalena and Anna Stauffer; Jacob Jr., died 1857; 4th Generation; 5th Generation; John Bowman; Christian B.; Elizabeth – 6th child; Martin – 7th child; Abraham – 8th child; Henry – 9th child, 1808.


Folder 44 Bowman, John

Insert 1 Genealogy notes. Envelope with address. (9 items, 29 pieces)

Insert 2 Maps. Letters regarding research. (1 item, 37 pieces)


Folder 45 Bowman

Insert 1 Christian Bowman of Dauphin County. (1 item, 4 pieces)

Insert 2 Estate of Abraham Bowman. (1 item, 3 pieces)

Insert 3 Resource lists. Pennsylvania German Pioneers. (2 items, 12 pieces)


Folder 46 Bowman, Joseph

Insert 1 John Flickinger. (1 item, 12 pieces)

Insert 2 Light genealogy. (5 items, 53 pieces)

Insert 3 Bowman family ancestors. Samuel Bowman family Bible record. (1 item, 3 pieces)

Insert 4 John Lehman. (1 item, 1 piece)


Folder 47 Bowman-Lancaster County. In folder titled Will Extracts, 1785. (1 item, 5 pieces)


Folder 48 Henry Bowman II of Lebanon County. Book with labeled sections: Henry 2 – I Johannus Bowman; John of 1st child; Anna 2nd child; Henry 3 – 3rd child; Gertrude – 4th child; Abraham – 6th child. (4 items, 10 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogy records. Henry Bowman: Family Bible record from Lebanon County Historical Society; Christian Gruber: Lebanon County Will abstract; Land maps; Notes on Henry 2. 


Folder 49 Bowman family records. Collection of family group records and genealogy notes. (8 items, 31 pieces)

Insert 1 Photographs of residence (no identification); Judgment, January Term 1822, John Miller and David Eshleman; Correspondence regarding genealogy; Bowman ancestors; Genealogy charts; Will of John R. Bowman; Obituaries: Jacob Bowman 4, died 18 May 1884, John Bowman, died 13 May 1898.


Folder 50 Bowman, George of Mount Joy Twp. Descendants of George Bowman, ca. 1760-1804. (1 item, 9 pieces)

Folder 51 Bowman, Veronica, 2nd child. Collection of genealogy records.

Folder 52 Bowman and Seiler. Pennsylvania German Pioneers; History of Lebanon County; History of Linn County, Iowa; Seiler, Daniel (name listed, possible connection). (4 items)


Folder 53 Bowman and Siegrist. (8 items, 41 pieces)

Insert 1 Our Ancestor-Crider; Map of Lancaster County, 1729; Four-generation pedigree chart; Genealogy chart and correspondence.

Insert 2 Maps of West Hanover Twp. and South Hanover Twp.; Biographical Annals of Lebanon County; Will abstract for Solomon Siegrist of Annville Twp., Lebanon County; Notes and queries index.


Box 3 (Folders 54-70, 658-663, 71-75)

Folder 54 Brady. Family group sheet; Marriage record. (2 items, 2 pieces)

Folder 55 Brand, Paul Wilson. “The Story of Paul Brand,” by Dorothy Clark Wilson. (1 item, 35 pieces)

Folder 56 Bredeston, Leonard. O. C. minutes; Family group chart. (2 items)


Folder 57 Breneisen

Insert 1 Conkle, John, b. 1790, d. 20 July 1864. History of Dauphin County, pp. 346-349; Correspondence with W. R. Branthoover; Notes on John Conkle [Kunkle], (written in pencil); Indenture (photocopy); Article about marriage between Sarah Browneller and Stockdale Snyder; Typed sheets of land records; Indenture for Kunkle (photocopy); Leonard Cunkle-Bond Book. (8 items, 38 pieces)

Insert 2 Breneisen Family. Correspondence with W. R. Branthoover regarding information on Conrad Breneisen; Copy of list from the 1955 yearbook of the PA Society, Sons of the American Revolution. (2 items, 20 pieces)

Insert 3 Brunneller, Henry. Photograph in poor condition; Correspondence with W. R. Branthoover; Typed sheets of genealogy; Copy of Pennsylvania Minuteman with article “Brenheiser Grave is Marked”; Copy of indenture; Index of pioneers; Genealogy information; Land records. (8 items, 17 pieces)

Insert 4 Eackman, Heironymus. Envelope with information on front; Will of John Cockly and will of Christian Wiest whose wife was the daughter of John Cockly (copy); Unrecorded deed and release to John Eckman (copy). (3 items, 12 pieces)

Insert 5 Harman, Harmon. Maps-East Lampeter Twp., West Earl Twp.; Genealogy and land notes (handwritten); Genealogy notes (handwritten); Genealogy on Daniel Herman (typed); Indenture (copy); Will of Daniel Harmon, 1 February 1758 (copy); Will of David Harmon, 8 January 1752 (copy). (7 items, 29 pieces)


Folder 58 Breneisen (cont.)

Insert 1 Breneisen, Conrad. Heirs of Conrad Breneisen to Daniel Breneisen; Release heirs of Conrad Breneisen to Daniel Breneisen. (2 items, 35 pieces)

Insert 2 Court records: Inquest awarded, Rule on heirs, Administrator’s Account; Land maps; Deed book and release notes; Administrative notes; Order of Sale; Inquisition for value of real estate; Miscellaneous Docket-petition for inquest regarding land; Petition of Daniel, eldest son; Original Docket; Docket-rule to accept or refuse guardians. (10 items, 42 pieces)

Insert 3 Genealogy: Partial Inventory; Children listed; Biographical data from Book of Biographies of Berks County, Pa. (3 items, 8 pieces)

Insert 4 Breneisen family. Collection of printed information


Folder 59 Breneisen (cont.)

Insert 1 Tax lists: Cocalico Twp. 1785; Cocalico Twp. 1782-1826; Earl Twp. 1786; Leacock Twp. 1800 Census; Note 1979; Lancaster Borough Tax 1783; Lebanon Twp. Tax List; Lancaster Twp. Tax List; Salisbury List; Printed list; Salisbury, Susanna Clockmaker to Samuel Eberly, Cocalico. (11 items, 15 pieces)

Insert 2 Church records: Swamp Lutheran Church; Bergstrasse Lutheran Church; Kissel Hill Lutheran Church graveyard; Genealogy notes. (4 items, 27 pieces)

Insert 3 Breneisen, Jacob. Bond book notes; Deed, 1778; Letter of Administration; Administrator’s Account. (4 items, 12 pieces)

Insert 4 Breneisen, Rudolph. Deed consideration; Will (copy). (2 items, 5 pieces)

Insert 5 Breneisen, Valentine. Tax Lists; Will, Bond, Inventory, Administrator’s Account, Inventory (copies); Court report-Will; Sketches and chronicles; Court report regarding guardianship; Pennsylvania German Society, Trinity Lutheran: Births, Notes; Land notes; Genealogy notes. (8 items, 21 pieces)

Insert 6 Ulrich, John (Johannes), stepfather of Conrad and Valentine. Will; Bergstrasse Church note; Maps and warrantees. (3 items, 13 pieces)

Insert 7 Genealogy notes. Collected material on Valentine Breneisen.


Folder 60 Breneman

Insert 1 Breneman, Fanny. Distribution, Fanny Breneman; Land records; Bond approval (2 copies); Supplementary Report of Auditor; Inventory (2 copies); Confirmation of Auditor’s Report (4 copies); Auditor’s Report; Order to Auditor; Rule to show cause (2 copies); Handwritten list of reports. (10 items, 42 pieces)

Insert 2 Breneman, Ann. Auditor’s Report; Administrator’s Account. (2 items, 17 pieces)


Folder 61 Brenner

Insert 1 Genealogy notes; Pennsylvania Pioneers from the Neckar Valley, 1749-1750. (2 items, 27 pieces)

Insert 2 Church records. (21 pieces)

Insert 3 Brenner, Phillip. Will; Genealogy notes; Family Group chart. (3 items, 18 pieces)

Insert 4 Brenner, George. Will. (1 item, 7 pieces)

Insert 5 Brenner branch into Virginia and Ohio. (1 item, 4 pieces)


Folder 62 Brenneman, Michael. Notes inside folder; Petition for Order of Sale; Appearance Docket; Renunciation of Guardianship; Order of Sale; Supplementary Account; Court Order-Michael Brenneman to Michael Coble; Note about land. (8 items, 21 pieces)

Folder 63 Bricker, Peter. Land records. (1 item, 4 pieces)

Folder 64 Brightbill, John. Will notes. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 65 Brill, Henry. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 66 Brown, Jeremiah. Inventory (2 copies); Will note. (2 items, 9 pieces)


Folder 67 Buchanan

Insert 1 Buchanan, James. Genealogies of the Families of the Presidents; Printed article from Historic Pennsylvania leaflet; Buchanan Family. (3 item, 7 pieces)

Insert 2 Buchanan, Joseph. (1 item, 1 piece)

Insert 3 Buchanan, James, Esq. Collection of material-Manheim Twp. (1 item, 28 pieces)


Folder 68 Buckwalter, Dorus. Land records. (1 item, 2 pieces)


Folder 69 Brubaker

Insert 1 Brubaker, John Henry. Photocopy of Brubaker family from Biographical History of Lancaster County, pp. 88-91; Hand-printed letter; Pedigree chart. (3 items, 14 pieces)

Insert 2 Brubaker, John Jacob. Will and inventory (copy); Administrator’s Account, genealogy records. (2 items)


Folder 70 Burkholder. “The Burkholder Family Reunion Part III”


Folder 658 Bushong Family. Will; Genealogy notes; Census 1900; Marriage license; Worksheet, Huguenot Society; Estate papers; Newspaper articles; Will abstracts; Administrators Account, Jacob Bushong; Pennsylvania German Pioneers; Inquisition, Jacob Bushong; Statistics, Rev. Daniel C. Tobias; Maps; Account, Phillip Bushong. (14 items, 113 pieces)

Folder 659 Bushong-Boshung. Marriage list; Genealogy; Will, John Bushong, 1869; Inventory; Appraisement, Adam Kimmell; Inventory, Jacob Bushong. (6 items, 24 pieces)

Folder 660 Bushong, John. Pedigree charts; Genealogy notes; Note from the Jean Ribault Chapter of the Huguenot Society of Pennsylvania; Will, John Bushong, 1831; Inventory, John Bushong, 1849; Order of Inquest, Jacob Bushong, 1830; Land record; Orphans Court records. (8 items, 33 pieces)

Folder 661 Bushong-Kimmell. Inventory, Adam Kimmell; Orphans Court records; Printed article, “Speaking of Families.” (3 items, 7 pieces)

Folder 662 Bushong-Graybill. Genealogy charts and notes; “Huguenot Refugees”; “Bushong Bulletin.” (3 items, 14 pieces)

Folder 663 Bushong Records and Notebook: Genealogy charts; “Pennsylvania German Pioneers”; Will, John Bushong, 1749; Indentures; Will, Elizabeth Bushong; Will abstract, Henry Wenegar, Sebastian Gockley; Maps; Newspaper obituary. (9 items, 29 pieces, notebook)


Folder 71 Cairns. Genealogy information; Relationship to Edgar Allen Poe-newspaper notice; Will of Peter Kern (copy). (3 items, 43 pieces)

Folder 72 Caldwell Family. Genealogy charts; Index to Lancaster tax records; Printed family records-Alexander Caldwell of Tennessee. (3 items, 12 pieces)

Folder 73 Caldwell (cont.) Deeds and maps; Will excerpt of Samuel Caldwell of Tennessee; Power of Attorney for Samuel Caldwell; Administrator’s Account for Andrew Caldwell, 1813. (4 items, 27 pieces)

Folder 74 Caldwell (cont.) Watson: Genealogy records; Land records, deeds, warrantees; Will (2 copies). (3 items, 51 pieces)


Folder 75 Caldwell (cont.) Finney-genealogy information. (3 items, 24 pieces)

Insert 1 Printed copies from American Revolutionary Soldiers of Franklin County, Pennsylvania; Copy of “By the Proprietaries”

Insert 2 Will, land records.


Box 4 (Folders 76-118)

Folder 76 Caldwell of Drumore Twp. (3 items, 56 pieces)

Insert 1 Land records and maps

Insert 2 Orr, Patrick. Inventory; Genealogy notes.


Folder 77 Caldwell of East Drumore Twp. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 10 pieces)

Folder 78 Calhoun. “Calhoun Place.” (1 item, 2 pieces)


Folder 79 Cameron. 4 items, 34 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes; Copy of “History of Dauphin County”; Papers read at Lancaster County Historical Society, “The Camerons of Donegal.”

Insert 2 Cameron, Miss Mary. Will and correspondence.


Folder 80 Campbell. Genealogy notes; Marriage certificate of David Osborn and Lavinia Campbell (copy); Church membership of Lovina Campbell (copy); Correspondence. (4 items, 15 pieces)

Folder 81 Caralos, George. Administrators Account; Supplementary Account. (2 items, 7 pieces)

Folder 82 Carpenter, Gabriel of Earl Twp. Genealogy notes; Will (copies). (2 items, 22 pieces)

Folder 83 Cassell, Heinrich. Correspondence. (1 item, 9 pieces)

Folder 84 Catherwood, John. Will. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 85 Cavett. Bill from Sally Roberts regarding research. (1 item, 1 piece)


Folder 86 Chambers. (3 items, 18 pieces)

Insert 1 Lydia and Stephen. Genealogy notes.

Insert 2 Genealogy notes: Court records for Chambers, Joseph.


Folder 87 Chew. Genealogy notes; Chesterfield Friends Meeting list; Notes and queries. (3 items, 3 pieces)

Folder 88 Clark, Thomas. Genealogy notes; Deed; Will. (3 items, 10 pieces)

Folder 89 Clemens, James. Will; Diary. (2 items, 2 pieces)


Folder 90 Clingen. (5 items, 33 pieces)

Insert 1 Family records: Will of Clingen, James; Indenture (2 copies); Will of Clingen, Thomas.

Insert 2 Clingen brothers. Genealogy; Abstract of Will and administration.


Folder 91 Coble, John (widow of, nee Greider). Survey; Will. (2 items, 5 pieces)

Folder 92 Cochran. Genealogy. (1 item, 9 pieces)

Folder 93 Coldren. Genealogy request. (1 item, 2 pieces)


Folder 94 Coleman. (8 items)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes: Robert I; William II.

Insert 2 Darlington land

Insert 3 Coleman, Robert. Land records; Inquisition.

Insert 4 Will, Robert Coleman; Inventory, Robert Coleman; Genealogy notes.


Folder 95 Coleman (cont.) (3 items, 62 pieces)

Insert 1 Land surveys

Insert 2 Court records

Insert 3 Land records, Elizabeth and Cocalico Twps.


Folder 96 Connoly-Patterson-Stuart. Warrantee list; Provincial correspondence; Genealogy notes for Patterson, James; “The Wilderness Trail.” (4 items, 47 pieces)


Folder 97 Conway. Genealogy. (1 item, 6 pieces); Cookson, Thomas. Will. (1 item, 3 pieces); Crowther. Genealogy note. (1 item, 2 pieces); Cryder-Kreider-Greiner. (5 items, 25 pieces)

Insert 1 Cryder, Benjamin. Indenture; Court records.

Insert 2 Jacob. Letter regarding land inventory.

Insert 3 Greider-Kreider. Genealogy notes; Land research.

Cuthberson, Reverend. “Register and Marriages and Baptisms, 1751-1791”; Biographical sketch. (2 items, 24 pieces)


Folder 98 Cook. Notebook of material; 17 cards. (2 items, 18 pieces)

Folder 99 Cook-Clingen. Tax lists; Orphan’s Court records. (2 items, 14 pieces)

Folder 100 Cook, David. Land records; Indenture; Genealogy notes; Index of names; Inventory; Will. (6 items, 33 pieces)


Folder 101 Cook-Land Records and Notes. (9 items, 47 pieces)

Cassel, Henry; Stewart, John. Wills, Marriage Bonds; Neff, Jacob

Insert 1 Notes: Buchanan; Chambers; Caldwell; Whitwell; Mays; Weiser; Riddle; Donegal County tax exemptions, 1822; List of wills.


Folder 102 Cook, James. Genealogy; Will of John Irwin; Family charts; Administrator’s Bond for Joseph Cook, 1759; Copy from Deed Book, Scott to Cook; Minutes of Orphan’s Court; Account of estate of James Cook. (7 items, 42 pieces)


Folder 103 Cook-Stewart. (6 items,14 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes for Hiestand, Herhsey, Cassel; Orphan’s Court Inquisitions of John Stuart; Orphan’s Court Petition of William Stewart; Orphan’s Court record for John Stuart.

Insert 2 Land records; Tax lists.


Folder 104 Cook, Samuel. Inventory for James Allison. (2 items, 12 pieces)

Folder 105 Cook, John. (1 item, 6 pieces)

Folder 106 Cook-Col. George Stewart. The Galbraith Family; Maps. (2 items, 45 pieces)

Folder 107 Cook, William. (1 item, 7 pieces)

Folder 108 Cook-Brien, Edward. (1 item, 30 pieces)


Folder 109 Cooke. (5 items, 21 pieces)

Insert 1 Inventory, court records, and deed (copies)

Insert 2 Family Bible excerpts

Insert 3 Jacob of Mount Joy Twp.


Folder 110 Cookson, Thomas. (1 item, 3 pieces)

Folder 111 Cox, Joshua. (1 item, 3 pieces)

Folder 112 Crowther. (1 item, 2 pieces)


Folder 113 Cryder-Kreider-Greiner. (3 items, 20 pieces)

Insert 1 Cryder, Benjamin

Insert 2 Cryder, Jacob

Insert 3 Gryder, John


Folder 114 Cuthbertson, Reverend John. Register of marriages and baptisms; Biographical sketch. (2 items, 24 pieces)

Folder 115 Darlington, Kathryn. (1 item, 23 pieces)

Folder 116 DeHaven. (1 item, 3 pieces)

Folder 117 Dehoff, Reed. (2 items, 19 pieces)


Folder 118 Demuth. (2 items, 59 pieces)

Insert 1 Charles

Insert 2 Augusta


Box 5 (Folders 119-150)

Folder 119 Denlinger

Insert 1 Land records: Pequea Twp. maps; West Lampeter Twp.; Warrantee list. (3 items, 11 pieces)

Insert 2 Burkholder-Rush. Land records; Dr. Benjamin Rush of the Pennsylvania Judiciary Rusch. (2 items, 30 pieces)


Folder 120 Denlinger. (6 items, 50 pieces)

Insert 1 Denlinger, Esther. Petition; Court records.

Insert 2 Denlinger, Christian. Guardianship of Martin Denlinger; Orphan’s Court records; “The Denlinger Family”; List of Murray Grantor Series 3.


Folder 121 Denny. (9 items, 26 pieces)

Insert 1 Walker of Little Britain Twp. Will (Will Book 1-97, 20 June 1752); Orphan’s Court Petition of Abraham Owen; Lancaster County Deed, Denny to McIntyre; Will of Mary Duining; Will of Alexander Davison, 1739; Card.

Insert 2 Doyle, Thomas. Will; Inventory; Notes and queries.


Folder 122 Differding. Genealogy records for Roberts, Rohrer, McGinnis, Hartman. (No mention of Differding. Sally’s label.) (4 items, 13 pieces)


Folder 123 Diller. (6 items, 35 pieces)

Insert 1 Martin. Letter from Reverend Charles J. Tighe; Petition to sell land; Excerpts from “Diller Family of Ringwalt”; Booklet, “The Diller Family.”

Insert 2 Genealogy records: Ellmaker; Inventory of William Diller


Folder 124 Donavan. Description of Mount Joy; School records. (2 items, 3 pieces)

Folder 125 Dorland, George. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 126 Driver. Family group records. (1 item, 8 pieces)

Folder 127 Dufresne, Albert, Dr. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 128 De Hoof. Church records; Petitions of Robert Henry, Francis Gallagher, William Armstrong; Records of 37 North Lime St.; Genealogy records. (4 items, 57 pieces)

Folder 129 Eagle. Genealogy; Biographical sketches from the Pennsylvania-German Society. (2 items, 9 pieces)

Folder 130 Edwards. Bart Twp. tax list, 1821; Griffiths; Envelope with address. (3 items, 6 pieces)

Folder 131 Eichholtz. Newspaper clipping. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 132 Elder, Joshua. Letters to Joshua Elder, Esq.; List of value of land and furniture. (2 items, 2 pieces)

Folder 133 Ellmaker. Genealogy. (1 item, 91 pieces)

Folder 134 Ellmaker-Kapp. Genealogy. (1 item, 37 pieces)

Folder 135 Ellmaker Land. Tract of 300.5 acres in Perry County; Adam Ellmaker; John Murray, Mary Murray. (3 items, 20 pieces)

Folder 136 Ellmaker, Amos. Will and land record. (1 item, 7 pieces)

Folder 137 Ellmaker, Anthony. Copies of will and estate settlement. (12 items, 50 pieces)


Folder 138 Ellmaker. (4 items, 44 pieces)

Insert 1 Elias

Insert 2 Esaias

Insert 3 George

Insert 4 Isaac


Folder 139 Ellmaker, Jacob. Administrator’s Accounts; Order of Sale; Petition for Guardians; Petition for Sale; Inventory; Vendue papers; Will; Orphan’s Court records. (8 items, 44 pieces)

Folder 140 Ellmaker, Leonard of Earl Twp. Administrator’s Account, 1787; Supplementary Administrator’s Account, 1788; Will, 1774, Earl Twp.; Book of Ellmaker Family; Land transfer; Orphan’s Court record. (6 items, 14 pieces)

Folder 141 Ellmaker, Leonard of Salisbury Twp. Will; Record of Administrator’s Account; Citation papers; Order of Sale; Alias Order of Sale; Record to Auditors; Administrator’s Account; Order to Appraisers; Heirs refusal; Sale confirmed. (Additional material at end of collection) (10 items, 56 pieces)


Folder 142 Ellmaker

Insert 1 Nathaniel. Orphan’s Court guardianship of William Lightner; Land records; Will; Inventory; Genealogy. (5 items, 26 pieces)

Insert 2 Peter. Inventory; Administrator’s Account; Inquest papers. (3 items, 29 pieces)

Insert 3 Susan. Will; Inventory; Administrator’s Account; Petition for Guardian; Maintenance Account. (5 items, 20 pieces)


Folder 143 Engle. “History of the Engle Family”

Folder 144 Etter. Genealogy. (1 item, 9 pieces)

Folder 145 Evans. Land records (handwritten). (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 146 Everhart. Genealogy. (1 item, 12 pieces)

Folder 147 Eversole. Genealogy. (1 item, 3 pieces)

Folder 148 Fellenbaum. Genealogy.

Folder 149 Fellenbaum. Notebook of material.

Folder 150 Fellenbaum, Austin. Genealogy. (1 item, 16 pieces)


Box 6 (Folders 151-178)

Folder 151 Fellenbaum-Bear-Kneisly. Genealogy; “The Baer Family Association”; “George Kneisly Genealogy”; 4 cards. (4 items, 23 pieces)

Folder 152 Fellenbaum, Christian. Summons of debt; Genealogy. (2 items, 3 pieces)

Folder 153 Fellenbaum, Conrad. Land records; Court records; Genealogy notes. (3 items, 28 pieces)


Folder 154 Fellenbaum, David. (15 items, 38 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogy; Patent for “improvement in balancing mill stones”; Widow appraisement.

Insert 2 Barbara. Recent notes; Affidavit forms for Marion Bare, Nancy Fellenbaum, Linda Malehorn, Joan Kern; Letter for release of estate.

Insert 3 Hannah. Administrator’s Account; Guardianship statement.

Insert 4 Rueben. Genealogy notes; 3 pictures.


Folder 155 Fellenbaum, Elizabeth Ellmaker. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 5 pieces)

Folder 156 Fellenbaum-Ferree. Chart, LeFevre, Virginia; Genealogy. (2 items, 9 pieces)

Folder 157 Fellenbaum-Grissinger. Wedding invitation and pictures. (1 item, 10 pieces)

Folder 158 Fellenbaum-Habecker. “My Family Notes and Pictures: Fellenbaum, Habecker, S. F. R.”


Folder 159 Fellenbaum-Habecker Family Names. (10 items, 79 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogy; 17 cards; Guardianship paper

Insert 2 Eby

Insert 3 Habecker

Insert 4 Hostetter. Chart.

Insert 5 Kraybill

Insert 6 Mentzer

Insert 7 Nissley

Insert 8 Roberts. Pedigree chart.


Folder 160 Fellenbaum-Phelabaum. (5 items, 54 pieces)

Insert 1 Felbaum, Hans Adam

Insert 2 Samuel. Pedigree charts; Genealogy.

Insert 3 Phillabaum of Ohio

Insert 4 Phillebaum variants


Folder 161 Fellenbaum-Hageman. Deed, Haggeman and Widder; Deed, Gorgas and Hagaman; Deed, Thomas Smith and Haggerman; Deed, J. Anques and Hageman; Bond; Family record. (6 items, 19 pieces)

Folder 162 Fellenbaum, Isaac-Boggs. Land sales. (1 item, 4 pieces)


Folder 163 Fellenbaum-Kauffman-Groff. (4 items, 28 pieces)

Insert 1 Kauffman-Coffman. Courthouse records; Land maps; Genealogy notes, Habecker-Witmer.

Insert 2 Groff History Associates. Typed article.


Folder 164 Fellenbaum-Kneisley. Hans of Hempfield Twp.; Mohler church record; Genealogy notes; Land record, Fellenbaum to Bear; Inventory of Henry Bear; Administrator’s Account for John Knisely; Bond, Henry Barr. (7 items, 12 pieces)

Folder 165 Fellenbaum-McCarron. Genealogy records; Letter regarding Galbraiths in Donegal; Naturalization papers, William McCarren; Accounts (3 photocopies); Petition, James McCarran; 19 Cards. (6 items, 59 pieces)

Folder 166 Fellenbaum, Jacob Nissley. Genealogy notes; Cemetery lists; Typed historical data pertaining to Nissleys in America. (3 items, 26 pieces)

Folder 167 Fellenbaum-Pritchard-Dewey. 1922 Official Ballot, East Donegal Twp.; Original cemetery deed to Jacob Fenstermacher; Cemetery records; Genealogy notes; Photocopied booklet, “Early Days in Cadiz”; Pritchard-Dewey families. (5 items, 55 pieces)

Folder 168 Fellenbaum-Risser. Genealogy notes; Will of Christian Risser; Order of Inquest, Samuel Risser; Petition for Partition, Samuel Risser; Order of Sale, Samuel Risser; Guardianship paper; Petition for Guardian. (7 items, 31 pieces)

Folder 169 Fellenbaum-Roberts-Habecker. Columbia Presbyterian Church item; Silver Spring cemetery note; Large genealogy collection of material. (3 items, 147 pieces)

Folder 170 Fellenbaum-Scouller (McFarland)-Leib-Herr-Campbell. Indenture, Michael Meyer to Peter Felty; Letter, Col. John Armstrong to Col. Henry Bouquet; Schedule of papers belonging to Lt. Col. John Campbell; Orphan’s Court records, Christian Leib; “The Scouller Family”; Maps; Notes. (7 items, 24 pieces)

Folder 171 Fellenbaum-Witmer. Maps, Paradise Twp., 1864; Will of Jacob Bear; Witmer’s Bridge; Auditor’s Report of Rebecca Witmer; Account for David Witmer; Notes and queries; Account of estate of Rebecca Witmer; Guardian Account for Witmer children; Order of Sale, Rebecca Witmer; Account of Amos Witmer; Administrator’s Account for Rebecca Witmer. (11 items, 49 pieces)

Folder 172 Fellenbaum-Foreign Records. Sitzman, Conrad. Application for citizenship, Declaration of Intention; Court Summons: Isaac Fellenbaum, Abraham Witmer, David Fellenbaum; Genealogy chart and letters; 5 pieces foreign currency (paper). (7 items, 14 pieces)

Folder 173 Fellenbaum-Additional Families. Genealogy notes: Rodney; Ashland County, Ohio Cemetery: Fellenbaum, George; Pennsylvania German pioneers; Genealogy notes; Horst Church records, Tulpehocken; Washington County, Pennsylvania warrants; Pennsylvania Archives, returns and assessments. (7 items, 26 pieces)

Folder 174 Fellenbaum-Deeds. Henry Mickley and Phillys Frank; Benjamin M. Greider and Christian Greider; Robert Richardson and Harriet Shields; List of names with numbers; Catherine Hook and David Book; Genealogy notes on Rockey; Picture, “3 West Main. I think.” (7 items, 8 pieces)


Folder 175 Fellenbaum-Newspaper Articles. (9 items, 51 pieces)

Insert 1 Miss Pennsylvania trials, “Baebie” (Gail Rabald); Commencement exercises, Barbara Murphy

Insert 2 Family photographs

Insert 3 Habecker obituaries

Insert 4 Hostetter Family

Insert 5 Nissley

Insert 6 Family Obituaries

Insert 7 Edy Obituaries

Insert 8 Simon-Heaps


Folder 176 Fellenbaum-School Pictures. (1 item, 33 pieces)

Folder 177 Felker. Genealogy records; Family Group record, Phillip Felker; Church and cemetery records; Court records; Census records. (5 items, 130 pieces)


Folder 178 Felker-Shullow-Bender. (4 items, 43 pieces)

Insert 1 Shullow (Sholla). Genealogy notes; Deeds, Stoner to Shollaw, Shollah to Hatton.

Insert 2 Bender. Genealogy notes; Records of notes, listed under Baltzer Bashore, 1809.


Box 7 (Folders 179-202)

Folder 179 Felty. Large collection of genealogy material, Peter and Katrine; Maps, Lower Paxton Twp.; List of deeds and photocopies; Pennsylvania Dutch pioneers (German pioneers); Velty record; Dauphin County Will Book excerpt (B, C, D); American Nyes of German origin; John Philip Neu of Keinich, Germany; Felty land in Dauphin County. (9 items, 126 pieces)

Folder 180 Felty, Richard. Correspondence by Sally Roberts. (1 item, 30 pieces)

Folder 181 Ferree. Court records; Land maps and records; Genealogy notes; Proprietaries of Pennsylvania; Chart of Ferree graveyard at Paradise; Strasburg tax record; Indenture record, Rathvon to Jacob Bean, Abraham Dubois-Feree. (7 items, 82 pieces)


Folder 182 Fetter. (6 items, 66 pieces)

Insert 1 Jacob and Frederich, chairmakers. Account list (written in German); Genealogy notes; Deeds; Inventory of Jacob’s estate.

Insert 2 Manuel. Genealogy notes; Correspondence, University of North Carolina.


Folder 183 Flickinger, John. Card, genealogy note. (1 item, 1 piece)


Folder 184 Foster, David. (6 items, 12 pieces)

Insert 1 Orphan’s Court records; List of sources of reference, Pennsylvania German Society Births and Baptisms; Will information for Thomas Clingan, William White, Patrick Ewing, George Ewing; Marriages, Moravian Church, 31 May 1820; Trinity original records (list); Deed, T. Cross to S. Kyll.


Folder 185 Foster, William, Reverend. Booklet, “Upper Octorara Presbyterian Church.” (1 item, 12 pieces)

Folder 186 Foulke. Booklet, “Foulke Family.” (1 item, 45 pieces)

Folder 187 Franklin, Thomas W. Newspaper obituary; Genealogy notes. (2 items, 8 pieces)


Folder 188 Fritz. (4 items, 13 pieces)

Insert 1 Michael. Orphan’s Court records, Earl Twp., 1781; Deed, Smith, Forney, Carpenter; Will of John Showalter of Earl Twp.

Insert 2 Anna Martin. Genealogy note.


Folder 189 Fullerton. (7 items, 37 pieces)

Insert 1 Indenture between John Ritchie and John Long (copy); Notes on churches in Lancaster County; Genealogy notes, Humphrey Fullerton; Maps.

Insert 2 Fisher, Christian. Note regarding Michael Musselman, Buchanan; Deeds: Bressler, Gneagy, Vernon, Musselman, Ferree; Genealogy notes


Folder 190 Funk. (7 items, 134 pieces)

Insert 1 Will of George Lenhart

Insert 2 Land records: Barr, Cooke, Rohrer, Leibhart, Risser; Orphan’s Court records for Benjamin Libhart; Deeds: Sarah Nissley, Risser, Roland, Hess, Good, Funk.

Insert 3 Funk-Fulton. Title chain for land.

Insert 4 Funk-Lowry, Alexander of Maytown, 1771-1794. Deeds, release of ground rents.

Insert 5 Funk-Christian, David. Correspondence.


Folder 191 Furnace, Mary Ann. Genealogy note.


Folder 192 Galbraith-Galbreath. (10 items, 47 pieces)

Insert 1 Galbreath, John. Genealogy notes; Fair, Catherine; Will of John Galbreath; Orphan’s Court record, Andrew Galbreath.

Insert 2 Galbreath, Robert. Will.

Insert 3 Galbreath, Samuel. Will.

Insert 4 Galbreath, James. Will.

Insert 5 Galbreath, Andrew. Will.

Insert 6 Galbraith, Robert. Indenture; “Galbraith of Donegal”


Folder 193 Gantz. (18 items, 127 pieces)

Insert 1 Mutch-Hart. Genealogy notes; Some early related families in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; Diffenbach notes; Fishborns; Kreider-Bowman chart; Barton records; McDowell note; Deed, Hawk to Eby; 1790 Census, Blocher.

Insert 2 Greiner-Wheeler-Geib. DAR records; Obituary for Shires; Genealogy notes; Huguenot Society application; Keiser notes, Keener; Will of Ulrich Leib; Inventory for Francis Geib; Will of John Geib; Will of Harriet Geib.


Folder 194 Gantz. (22 items, 87 pieces)

Insert 1 Gantz, George. Genealogy notes; Burials in Penryn Cemetery; Hoffer notes; Elizabethtown Lutheran Church records; Wills list; Correspondence from Wheeler; Record from First Reformed Church of Lancaster; Shreiner notes; Marriage of Johannes Gantz to Elizabeth Golin; Inventory.

Insert 2 Gantz, Frederick. Land records; 1815 tax for Michael Gantz; Power of Attorney, Peter Gantz; Good Family Bible information; Church records; Deed, Houser and Housiker; Trinity Lutheran of New Holland marriage records; Christ Church, Leacock records; Greenawalt will and inventory; Administrator’s Account for Alexander Shaffer; Haag court records, will, and notes; William Atlee’s qualification to practice law.


Folder 195 Gault, James, Dr. Land records, Harnish to Hess; Genealogy notes, Peter; Land map; Deeds, Conestoga Twp., Warfel; Deed, Hess to Thomas; Will, David Hess. (6 items, 18 pieces)

Folder 196 Geib Family. Ohio records and pioneer families; DAR papers; Will of John Geib; DAR application for Nancy Horst Burkey; Information taken from Geib Family, Mary Wheeler book; Picture of tombstones. (6 items, 78 pieces)


Folder 197 Geiger, Christian. (18 items, 143 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes; Correspondence regarding Geiger and Linn research; Land map.

Insert 2 Bible and church records; Genealogy notes for John Stoner and Barbara Croll, and John Lynn; Trinity birth records, Lutheran Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Bible records.

Insert 3 Geiger, “Charming Nancy,” 1737. Notes from Trinity Lutheran Church; Genealogy notes; Land maps; Notes from “Penna Dutchman,” 1953; Will of Christian Geiger; Orphan’s Court record of C. Geiger as administrator of will of George Fyde; Administrator’s Account of C. Geiger; Inventory; Cemetery lists from 1813; Church records; Copy of deed, Geiger to Huber.


Folder 198 Gibson, John Bannister, L.L.D. Booklet. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 199 Gilkison, James. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 200 Golloway, Joseph. Single sheet, birthdate. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 201 Good, Wilmer Roosevelt. Genealogy notes; Petition for bridge over Chickies Creek; Deed record to heirs of Robert McFarland; List of lands owned by Robert Coleman. (4 items, 10 pieces)


Folder 202 Goodman. (24 items, 126 pieces)

Insert 1 1860 Census record; Agreements between Lagan, Simmons, Goodman; Order of Sale, Mary Goodman; Deed, Mary Goodman; Order to Auditor, Elizabeth Goodman; Inventory, John Goodman; Citation, Jacob Goodman; Reformed Church records; Genealogy notes.

Insert 2 Goodman-Armstrong. Genealogy notes; Auditors Report, Mary Armstrong; Lancaster Directory notes; Adoption paper for Mary Armstrong by John W. Kugle; Bond, Hostetter and Goodman; Appraisement paper to widow; Administrators Account, John Goodman; Order to audit and report; Bond, petition, citation, Goodman family members.

Insert 3 Goodman-Brennerman. “The Brennerman History”; Mount Joy Cemetery list; Letter from Sally Roberts; Pedigree charts; “Pennsylvania German Pioneers”; Will and Inventory, Ann Brenneman. (28 pieces)


Box 8 (Folders 203-224)

Folder 203 Goodman, Brenneman Audit. Genealogy notes; Deed and citation for Jacob Goodman; 1850 census; Bond Book Index; Bond and Administrators Account for Elizabeth Goodman; Guardianship papers, Goodman family and Rummel; Audit, Fanny Breneman. (7 items, 88 pieces)

Folder 204 Gordon, William. Letter from Eugene Gordon of Scotland regarding research; Lancaster County grantee index; Bond Book copies. (3 items, 8 pieces)

Folder 205 Graeff, Graff. Letters from Attorney General Graff regarding Rosanna Sheller, Philip Klein, John Bomberger, Archibald Lanigan. (4 items, 2 pieces)

Folder 206 Gratz Collection. Microfilm information; Bad photocopy of the “Public Library Bulletin.” (2 items, 11 pieces)

Folder 207 Graybill, Kraybill. 1 sheet of correspondence. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 208 Greenewalt, Abraham. Genealogy notes; Deed records; Will; Plaintiff Index, District Court; Inquisition; Sheriff’s Deed. (6 items, 36 pieces)


Folder 209 Greider. (5 items, 37 pieces)

Insert 1 Engle. Deed, Engle to Nissley Gingrich, Greider to Nissley; Land notes; Deed, John Greider to Martin Greider.

Insert 2 Land Records; Lancaster City maps; Genealogy notes


Folder 210 Griffith. (14 items, 130 pieces)

Insert 1 “Griffith Families of Eastern Pa.”

Insert 2 Christopher, Salisbury Twp. Griffith, ancestry of Richard Dorsey Morgan; List of Griffith deed numbers; Genealogy notes; Will of Benjamin Bartholemew; Delaware County will abstracts; Chester County will abstracts; Griffiths of Goshen; Administrators Account of Samuel Griffith; DAR paper, “Samuel Griffith,” by Jessie C. Johnson.

Insert 3 Samuel. Genealogy notes; Drumore tax list; Land records; Will abstracts.


Folder 211 Grissinger. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 212 Grell-Bowman. Genealogy notes; Joan Pyfer Grell pedigree chart; Ephrata Cloister Cemetery records; Manor Twp. 1850 Census; Graybill note. (5 items, 23 pieces)

Folder 213 Groff. Jean Fellenbaum family; List of deeds; Warrant to Hans Groff; Genealogy notes. (4 items, 20 pieces)


Folder 214 Groff. (9 items, 121 pieces)

Insert 1 Betty and Abe Groff farm. East Donegal Tract #7; Photocopies of land records.

Insert 2 Philip Brenner estate. Will; Inventory; Title to farm; Land records.

Insert 3 Philip Brenner papers. Genealogy notes; Ship passenger list; Land records.


Folder 215 Grube. (4 items, 133 pieces)

Insert 1 Family records; Maps; Genealogy notes

Insert 2 Ironworks; Business notes


Folder 216 Gueting. Genealogy notes, George (John) Adam Gueting; “Pastors and People.” (2 items, 17 pieces)

Folder 217 Gundacker. 1815 inventory; Will, 1814; Genealogy notes. (3 items, 18 pieces)

Folder 218 Haak. Haag, John. Genealogy notes; Haak, Michael. Will. (2 items, 9 pieces)


Folder 219 Habecker. (7 items, 24 pieces)

Insert 1 Marriages by J. J. Strine, 1815-1870; Genealogy notes for Christian Hershey of Manheim Twp.; “Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage,” page 25

Insert 2 Inventory of Michael Witmer

Insert 3 Habecker, Christian B. Pedigree chart; Genealogy notes; Indenture, between John Habecker and Jacob Habecker.


Folder 220 Habecker (cont.) Large collection of material on family.

Folder 221 Hackman. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 2 pieces)


Folder 222 Haeffner. (13 items, 109 pieces)

Insert 1 Bauman, Henry. Inventory and estate papers.

Insert 2 Fisher, Raphael. Genealogy notes; Marriage license, Elizabeth Fisher to Thomas Calman; Marriage contract, Raphael Fisher and Fannie Westenberger; Inventory and will; Oath of Citizenship.

Insert 3 Haefner, Joseph. Citizenship papers; Estate papers; Will; Inventory; Indenture.

Insert 4 Joseph Haefner family. Genealogy papers; Pictures.


Folder 223 Haeffner (cont.) (13 items, 96 pieces)

Insert 1 Mumma, Jonas Sr. of East Donegal Twp. Will and estate papers.

Insert 2 Mumma, Frank. Genealogy notes; Marriage license.

Insert 3 Mumma, Jacob of Donegal Twp. Small picture of Harry Mumma; Genealogy notes; Will, 1827.

Insert 4 Nissley, Jacob of Mount Joy and East Donegal Twps. Genealogy notes (father of Jacob K. Nissley); Inventory, 1862; Administrators’ Account; Will, 1862.

Insert 5 Nissley, Jacob K. Will, 1910; Genealogy papers.

Insert 6 Fellenbaum. DAR correspondence.


Folder 224 Hager. Land records, Heidelberg and Warwick Twps.; Maps, Lancaster City; Genealogy notes; Will, Margaret Hager; Deed, Margaret Hager to Sarah Hager; Inventory; Administrators Account; Account of estate of Elizabeth Hager; Fire Dept. map of Lancaster. (9 items, 67 pieces)


Box 9 (Folders 225-250)

Folder 225 Haines. (6 items, 81 pieces)

Insert 1 Material on estate of Laura B. Stubbs

Insert 2 1930 estate of Ambrose Stubbs; 1966 estate of Laura Baer Stubbs

Insert 3 England, Joseph. Genealogy notes; “Joseph England and his Descendants”; “Joshua Brown, Prisoner for Conscience Sake”


Folder 226 Haines (cont.) (9 items)

Insert 1 Timothy Haines estate, 1901

Insert 2 Assessment maps and overlays

Insert 3 Land records, Fulton Twp.; Will of Jeremiah Brown; Indenture, James Armstrong to Jeremiah Brown; Indenture, Jeremiah Brown to Timothy Haines; Collection of records of Timothy Haines; Indenture, Charles D. Stubbs to Ferguson & Flynn Enterp.; Ferguson & Flynn to G. Victor Brinton.


Folder 227 Haldeman. (8 items, 44 pieces)

Insert 1 Family before 1750. Pennsylvania Genealogical Society, vol.21, p.53-75.

Insert 2 Haldeman Family. Genealogy notes; Inventory, Jacob Haldeman; Inventory and bond, Christian Haldeman; Lancaster County Direct Tax; Brenneman history; Haldeman family; Biographical Record.


Folder 228 Haldeman-Forest Grove. Agreement to lease; Legal papers regarding insurance and taxes; Correspondence and news reports; Notice of sale; Map and deed record; “The Haldeman Mansion Restoration.” (6 items, 35 pieces)

Folder 229 Haldeman Mansion. Notebook. (1 item)


Folder 230 Haldeman Mansion Preservation Society

Insert 1 Land searches. (2 items, 51 pieces)


Folder 231 Haldeman-Galbraith-Wiley Grist Mill. Land records; Records of Galbraith, Work, Meas, Barr, Scott, Patterson, Wiley, Smith. (2 items, 50 pieces)

Folder 232 Haldeman-Galbraith-Scott. Grave register, Horace Haldeman; Account of Samuel Scott; Court records, Scott and Work; Guardianship papers, Galbraith, Forster; Inventory, Samuel Scott; Land records; “American Ancestry-Haldeman”; “History of Haldeman Mansion”; “Biography of Samuel S. Haldeman.” (9 items, 30 pieces)


Folder 233 Hamilton. (14 items, 89 pieces)

Insert 1 Andrew. Defendants Index; Genealogy notes.

Insert 2 Thompson, General William. Philadelphia County Grantee Index; Genealogy notes for Ross, Thompson, Bell, Wilkins; Court records of deeds; Illinois & Wabash Company records; Statistics of the population of the United States, 10th Census; Letter from William J. Read to House of Representatives.

Insert 3 Vernon. Genealogy notes; Will of John Vernon; Indenture of John Vernon to George Brown; Will of Hattill Varmon; Will of Benjamin Vernor; Administrators Account of John Hamilton.


Folder 234 Hammacher, Haymaker. Booklet. (1 item)

Folder 235 Hand family. Genealogy notes, General Edward Hand; Chronology. (2 items, 8 pieces)

Folder 236 Hardrock. Drawing. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 237 Hare-Herr. Genealogy request regarding Christian Hare and John Schwalm. (1 item, 3 pieces)

Folder 238 Harris-Harros. 1750 Census record. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 239 Hartman. Booklet, “Johannes Hartman”; Maps. (2 items, 4 pieces)

Folder 240 Hayes, Hays. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 4 pieces)

Folder 241 Haugendobler Society. (1 item, 4 pieces)

Folder 242 Photograph of William Thomas Headley. Genealogy note on back of picture. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 243 Headley. Genealogy records; Captain John Boyd; Huguenot, Pilgrim, Colonial, and Revolutionary ancestors; DAR papers; Indenture, Pancoast to Reeves; “And Analysis of a Curious Historical and Genealogical Tree”; “John Alden”; “Colonial Jewelry”; Pictures of members of Headley family and house; Proclamation. (10 items, 88 pieces)

Folder 244 Heilig. Notebook of family record. (1 item)


Folder 245 Heilig (cont.) (8 items, 62 pieces)

Insert 1 Heilig, Adam. “The Hessian View of America, 1776-1783”; Genealogy notes; Administrators Account of Elizabeth Heilig; Ancestral chart, Edward Heilig.

Insert 2 Heilig, Elizabeth Bachman. Land record; Newspaper accounts of deaths of Dr. William Heilig, Edward Heilig, John Germer; Newspaper account of Ridley-Heilig marriage; Newspaper account of “Ollie” Heilig.


Folder 246 Helm. Land record and map; Will of Adam Waggoner; Account of Adam Waggoner; Genealogy notes; Note regarding church records; “The American Generations of Lyss Helm’s Family.” (7 items, 31 pieces)

Folder 247 Henderson. “The Henderson Family of Salisbury Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and Maryland.” (1 item, 69 pieces)

Folder 248 Hendrickson. Biographical histories, Hendrickson-Blount. (2 items, 6 pieces)

Folder 249 Herr-Hare. Letter from Johannes Schwalm Historical Association. (1 item, 2 pieces)


Folder 250 Hershey. (9 items, 202 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogical records

Insert 2 Hershey, Abraham. Will.

Insert 3 Hershey, Andrew

Insert 4 Hershey, Benjamin

Insert 5 Hershey, Christian. Christian Hershey III.

Insert 6 Hershey, Esther

Insert 7 Hershey, Isaac. Orphans Court Records.


Box 10 (Folders 251-270)

Folder 251 Hershey (cont.) (3 items, 134 pieces)

Insert 1 Land records

Insert 2 Land searches and warrantees; Tax records


Folder 252 Hertzler. Indenture between Arthur Patterson and trustees of Christian Hertzler. (1 item, 6 pieces)

Folder 253 Hess-Boehm . Letter to Boehm Society about land. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 254 Hewitt. Genealogy notes; DAR papers. (2 items, 10 pieces)

Folder 255 Hiestand. Wills of Jacob Hiestand; Genealogy notes. (2 items, 30 pieces)

Folder 256 Hipple. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 257 Hislick. Copy of will. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 258 Hoffer. Ship lists; Will. (2 items, 18 pieces)


Folder 259 Hoffman. (8 items, 87 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogy

Insert 2 Land records; Mulberry St., west side; John Trewitz; Maps

Insert 3 Hoffman, Valentine. Will.

Insert 4 Land deeds; Benjamin Hoffman to J. E. Baker Co.; Will list; Kraybill note


Folder 260 Hogendobler. Genealogy notes; Administrators Account for Nicholas Hogendobler; Hogendobler Society notes . (3 items, 58 pieces)


Folder 261 Hollinger. (5 items, 47 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes; Baily-Hollinger land; Newspaper notices; Will of Nicholas Hollinger

Insert 2 Hollinger, George Albert


Folder 262 Horst. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 9 pieces)

Folder 263 Houston. Genealogy records; Notes on the Scott, Pedan, Lytle families; Columbia Presbyterian Church deaths. (3 items, 23 pieces)


Folder 264 Howard family. (17 items, 121 pieces)

Insert 1 Howard genealogy

Insert 2 Kuntz. Account of John Nissley and John Kuntz; Genealogy notes.

Insert 3 Hernley, Ulrich. Genealogy notes; Will of Jacob Hostetter; Will of Henry Brenneman; Indenture, Isaac Hernly to Frederich Shreiner; Inventory of Abraham Hernley.

Insert 4 Petitions; Petition of Rebecca Howard; Petitions of Howard families; Will of Gordon Howard; Inventory of Gordon Howard estate; 2 overlays.

Insert 5 John Howard. Will.

Insert 6 Thomas Howard. Court records, Parkerfield v. Howard.

Insert 7 Susanna. Minutes of Orphans Court.


Folder 265 Gordon Howard Land. (17 items, 142 pieces)

Insert 1 Deeds, records; Donegal tax records.

Insert 2 Warrants; “A part of Gordon Howard’s 570.25 acres”

Insert 3 Indentures: George Bowman to Abraham Hornly; George Bowman to John Kuntz; Robert Howard to Martin Niesley; Charles McLean to Thomas Howard; George Irwin to Thomas Howard; Rebecca Allison to Thomas Howard; Joseph Howard to Thomas Howard; Thomas Howard to Ulrich Hernle; Joseph Howard to Christian Hershy; Christian Hershy to Jacob Hershy; John Howard to Joseph Howard; Howard to Ebey

Insert 4 Surveys


Folder 266 Howard Tract. (19 items, 53 pieces)

Insert 1 Old Deeds; Registered $100 note from Lions Club, Mount Joy; Original deed, Jacob Hershey to Elmer Strickler; Map and original Release, Jacob Nissley, heirs to Aaron Fretz; Transfer, Michael Engle to Amos Hershey; Isaac Gibble to Samuel Groff; Sarver to Snyder; Henry Brandt to Mary Strickler; Elmer Strickler to Samuel Wormley; Fanny Sheres to heirs of Abraham Sheres.

Insert 2 Hernly. Original deeds, William Winters to Rudolph Brubacher; Acceptance of real estate by Simon Nissley; Original deed, Henry Hernly to John Brubaker; Original deed, John Kuntz to Abraham Hernley; Original deed, John Hernly and wife, Henry Hernly and wife, Barbara Hernly widow to John Brubaker; Deed notes and maps.

Insert 3 Nissley. Original deeds, John Zeller to John Hershey; Original deed, Kuntz to John Zeller; Original deed, Rudolph Brubaker to John Nissley; Last will of Jacob Nissley.


Folder 267 Huber. Notes about Washington; Record of John Leonard Ellmaker and Anna Margaretta Hornberger and family; Inventory of Jacob Huber; Will of Jacob Huber. (4 items, 16 pieces)


Folder 268 Hubley. Pictures and note about Lancaster; Account of Henry Bernthistle to David Witmer. (2 items, 5 pieces)


Folder 269 Hudson. (16 items, 136 pieces)

Insert 1 Pennsylvania Archives record

Insert 2 Church Records; Charles Hudson and George Hudson; Episcopal Bangor Church Graveyard, Cyrus Lomas; Genealogy notes; Will of Charles Hudson; Inventory of Charles Hudson; Indenture, George Hudson to Nicholas Hudson.

Insert 3 Hudson, John. Orphans’ Court record of petition by Mary Hudson for John Hudson.

Insert 4 Hudson, Nicholas. Genealogy; Will; Indenture, Nicholas Hudson to John Hudson.

Insert 5 Hudson, William. Sale of real estate; Orphans’ Court record of sale; Petition for the appraisement of estate; Inquisition of estate; Guardianship over estate.


Folder 270 Hudson (cont.) (7 items, 107 pieces)

Insert 1 Abstracts of deeds

Insert 2 Maps

Insert 3 “Immigration of the Irish Quakers”

Insert 4 Reprinted articles: “Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society”; “Benjamin Herr, Traveler”; “Baptisms of Trinity Lutheran Church, Reading, PA.”

Insert 5 George Rogers Clark papers


Box 11 (Folders 271-312)

Folder 271 Hugentogler-Hogendobler. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 5 pieces)

Folder 272 Hunsicker. Hundsigger, Huntsacker search sheets. (1 item, 5 pieces)

Folder 273 Hunter. Land record for John Hunter; Genealogy notes. (2 items, 11 pieces)

Folder 274 Hutchison. Will abstracts. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 275 Ilysus. Family of Abraham Ilysus and Mary (Clair) Ilysus. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 276 Ishigo, Estelle. Her story. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 277 Kaufman. Genealogy notebook. (1 item)


Folder 278 Kaufman-Coffman. (2 items, 68 pieces)

Insert 1 Kauffman-Coffman. Orphans’ Court record, Andrew Kauffman, Isaac Kauffman; Indenture, Michael Kauffman and Joseph Fry; Andrew Kauffman; Copies from book, Kauffman-Coffman Family; Land map.

Insert 2 Genealogy Notes; Cemetery records; Acker Cemetery, Perry County; Brick U. B. Cemetery, Pforitz Valley, Perry County.


Folder 279 Kaufman-Habecker. (2 items, 75 pieces)

Insert 1 Habecker, Christian. Orphans’ Court records, indentures; List of will abstracts; Moravian records; Genealogy notes.

Insert 2 Cemetery lists; Will abstract, Casper Singhaas, John Stewart; Genealogy notes.


Folder 280 Kaufman-Neff. (3 items, 75 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes; Maps; Guardianship papers, Jacob Kauffman; “The Neff Line”; Barbara Fellenbaum pedigree chart; 10 cards.

Insert 2 Kaufman, Isaac. Genealogy notes; Will.

Insert 3 Kauffman, Christina Sitler. Will; Genealogy notes.


Folder 281 Kauffman-Landis. Notebook, “The Ancestors and Descendents of Samuel K. Kauffman and Barbara Landis.” (1 item)

Folder 282 Keener. DAR information, Lawrence Keener-Kunner; Indenture, Martin Greiner, Joseph Greiner; Letter regarding Johannes Matthias Hoffer; Will of Lawrence Keener; Will of Adam Keener; Genealogy notes; Notes and queries, Jacob Reider Hoffer; List of Pennsylvania German Pioneers. (8 items, 41 pieces)

Folder 283 Kendig. Genealogy notes on John Jacob Kendig; Correspondence regarding Witmer, Neff, and Kendig families; Orphans’ Court records. (3 items, 14 pieces)

Folder 284 Kerstetter-Kasteter. Request for information. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 285 Keys. Administrative Bond, John Kelly; Ancestors and descendents of Richard Keys and Mary Bayly; Deed, Andrew Smith to James Keys, Jr. (3 items, 25 pieces)

Folder 286 Kofoledorad. Inventory, written in German. (1 item, 4 pieces)

Folder 287 Konigmacher. Indenture, Konigmacher to Brady. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 288 Krahenbahl. Excerpts from “Portrayal of the Life of Pilgrim’s Collected from the Mennonite Community”; Spring Creek Church; Genealogy notes, Schaffer; “Donegal Mills: The Kraybill Years,” Lancaster County Historical Society Journal; Boehm’s Chapel Society Committee meeting. (5 items, 30 pieces)

Folder 289 Kraybill. Genealogy and land notes. (2 items, 2 pieces)

Folder 290 Kunkel. Genealogy notes; Notes on Annie Doulin and James Edward Kunkel; City Directory list; Census notes; Naturalization Docket; Deed information. (6 items, 78 pieces)

Folder 291 Kuntz-Kuhns. Deeds, John Kuhns; Order of Inquest, John Kuntz; Land maps, John Kuhns. (3 items, 18 pieces)

Folder 292 Kuntzly. Will of Jacob Kuntzly. (1 item, 11 pieces)

Folder 293 Kurtz. Information regarding the will of William Kurtz.

Folder 294 Labor. Marriages, 1745; Indenture, Martin Labor and George Labor; Administrative Bond, Anna Margaret Labor to William Plumsford; Will, Margaret Labor; Estate papers. (5 items, 13 pieces)

Folder 295 Lanctot, Gail. Will, Joseph Rose. (1 item, 3 pieces)

Folder 296 Landis-Kreider. Deeds, Martin Gryder and Tobias Gryder; Auditor’s Report, estate of Barbara Kreider; Map and land record; Will, 1 page. (4 items, 10 pieces)

Folder 297 Lane. “Diary of a Teen-ager.” (1 item, 22 pieces)

Folder 298 Lechey. Will, Robert Luckey of Martic Twp., 1757; Will, William Lechey of Drumore Twp., 1756; Marriage record, John Neagley and Maria Hoffman; Papers on John McCormick; Archibald McAllister listing. (5 items, 19 pieces)

Folder 299 Lieb. List of Pennsylvania German Pioneers; Genealogy notes. (2 items, 4 pieces)

Folder 300 Lindemuth. Order of Inquest, John Lindemuth; Orphans Court record; Genealogy notes. (3 items, 14 pieces)

Folder 301 Logan. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 302 Long. Indenture, Abraham Long to Brice Clark; Deeds listed. (2 items, 9 pieces)

Folder 303 Long. Hamilton, Lawler, Neff; Rental lists; Deed lists, Ulrich; Biographical notes, John Long. (4 items, 28 pieces)

Folder 304 Lowry. Deed record, Alexander; Cards for John Nicholas, Richard Keys, Lazaras Lowry; Deed notes for Maytown and adjoining lands; Administrators Account, John Lowry; Will, Alexander Lowry. (4 items, 31 pieces)

Folder 305 Lutz. Martin estate; Genealogy notes; Church notes; Order to Auditor, Adam Lutz; Deed to Jacob Breneisen. (4 items, 61 pieces)

Folder 306 Lynch. Deed record, Grace Mae Lynch to Barry R. McDonald. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 307 Lyne. Genealogy note. (1 item, 3 pieces)

Folder 308 Lytle. Notes & Queries, “The Family of Lytle.” (1 item, 5 pieces)

Folder 309 Marshall. Mortgage record; Land maps and records; Article on Christopher Marshall. (3 items, 13 pieces)


Folder 310 Martin. (3 items, 10 pieces)

Insert 1 Court records, Christian Martin; Inquisition and Inquest records for Christian Martin.

Insert 2 Deed record, Isaac and Susanna Martin to Abraham Greenewalt.


Folder 311 Maurer. Partial note on John and Susanna Martin; Indenture, Daniel Maurer and wife Catherine to Samuel Frey. (2 item, 3 pieces)

Folder 312 Mayes. Land map overlays; Deed record, John M. Witmer to Emanuel R. Sumpman. (2 items, 22 pieces)


Box 12 (Folders 342-359, 313-317)

Folder 342 McBeth-Engle-Hutchinson. (12 items, 174 pieces)

Insert 1 Alexander Hutchinson papers; John Engle papers; Land records, Henry Engle; “Original Bond of Ulrich Engle . . . “; Orphans’ Court minutes

Insert 2 Additional papers on Engle; Will of Peter Witmer; Cards, Ulerich Engle; Engle family papers

Insert 3 Genealogy notes, Engle; Jacob Myers Engle; Pictures of Engle gravesite


Folder 343 McBeth-Engle (cont.) “The Pilgrimage of the Brethren in Christ”; “The Origin of the Brethren in Christ”; Will, Jacob Engle; Estate papers; Inventory, John Engle; Will, Ulrich Engle; Will, Magdelena Engle; Will, John Engle; Maps and land records, Henry Engle; Will, Henry Engle; Court papers, John Engle; Administrators Account, John Engle; Genealogy notes. (13 items, 87 pieces)


Folder 344 McCurdy. (13 items, 157 pieces)

Insert 1 Land records, Cumberland County; Notes, Christopher Swisher; Maps, Cumberland County.

Insert 2 McCurdy family. Correspondence of Clyde W. McCurdy, Sr.; Genealogy chart; Land records; Estate papers, David McCurdy; “The Ancestral McCurdys”; Introduction, Big Spring Presbyterian Church; Will, Archibald MacCurdy; Will, James McCurdy; Military record, John McCurdy; Folder, “Foxfire House, Penn Laurel G. S. Council.”


Folder 345 McCrea. “Key to the American Tutor’s Assistant.” (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 346 McElhinney. Genealogy note, James McElhinney. (1 item, 3 pieces)

Folder 347 McElvaine. “Mifflin History, 1908,” John Lusk; “History of Middlesex,” John Chambers; “A Brief Outline of the Koser Family”; “The McElwain Family”; Genealogy and land notes. (5 items, 88 pieces)

Folder 348 McFarland, Notebook . Collection of material on family. (1 item)


Folder 349 McFarland Family. (7 items, 113 pieces)

Insert 1 Family records; Genealogy notes, including Clingen and Mays.

Insert 2 McFarland, Robert Sr. Genealogy notes.

Insert 3 McFarland, Robert Jr. Indenture, Robert McFarland to Thomas Clingan; Land records.

Insert 4 McFarland, James. Genealogy notes; Orphans Court minutes; Land records.


Folder 350 McFarland Land. 8 cards; Land files; Genealogy notes. (3 items, 101 pieces)

Folder 351 McFarland Records. Newspaper notes, Witness Tree; Maps; Land records. (3 items, 53 pieces)

Folder 352 McFarland-Cannon Research. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 53 pieces)

Folder 353 McFarquahr, Colin. Story of the Witness Tree; Inventory; “Colin McFarquahr, 1729-1822, Pastor of Donegal Springs Presbyterian Church.” (3 items, 8 pieces)

Folder 354 McGeary, Clemence. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 355 McHaffey-Mehaffey. Deed, Daniel Forry to S. Nissley Gingrich; Note, Jacob Bushong’s estate, James Mehaffey; Land notes; McFarlan land records. (4 items, 16 pieces)

Folder 356 McIlvaine. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 4 pieces)

Folder 357 McMullen. Deed records; Obituary, David McMullen. (2 items, 3 pieces)

Folder 358 McNorth. Obituary, Hon. Hugh McAlister North; Genealogy note. (2 items, 4 pieces)

Folder 359 McQuenan. Census record. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 313 Meyer. The Meyer Family. (1 item)

Folder 314 Meylin, John. Genealogy note. (1 item, 1 piece)


Folder 315 Miller. (2 items, 16 pieces)

Insert 1 Land records, Jacob Miller of Manor Twp.

Insert 2 Indentures: David Miller to John N. Sane; John Sane to city of Lancaster.


Folder 316 Miller, John. Genealogy notes; Land records; Census records; Tax lists; Deeds (photocopies), Joshua Miller; Supplementary Account, George Burkhart. (6 items, 82 pieces)

Folder 317 Mitchell. Notebook on James Mitchell. (1 item)


Box 13 (Folders 318-323, 360-371)

Folder 318 Montgomery. Will, John Montgomery. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 319 Mooney. Correspondence regarding the Mooney family. (1 item, 2 pieces)


Folder 320 Moore. (2 items, 12 pieces)

Insert 1 “Moores of Donegal and Hempfield”; Warrantee map; Genealogy notes.

Insert 2 Moore-Whithill. Genealogy notes on Judge James Moore.


Folder 321 Moyer-Meyer. Genealogy notes; Order of Sale, Jacob Mayer; Petition for Guardianship, Mary Meyer; Petition for Sale, Jacob Myer. (4 items, 14 pieces)

Folder 322 Muhlenberg. Diary of Rev. Fred A. D. Muhlenberg. (1 item, 7 pieces)

Folder 323 Murray. Notes on Murray family. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 360 Murray, Clearfield County. Genealogy notes, Alexander Murray; Will book. (2 items, 8 pieces)

Folder 361 Murray, Related Miscellaneous Information. Collection of material. (1 item)

Folder 362 Murray-Simpson. Collection of material. (1 item)

Folder 363 Murray-Ulsterwest Research. Letter, copy, Morgan to Rumson; Records of the District of West Augusta, Ohio County and of Yohogania County, Virginia; Article from Trade & Politics, 1767-1769, British Series, Vol. III; Synopsis of William Murray footnotes; Correspondence, Myles Murray; Inventory, William Murray estate; List of “Bouquet Papers,” Vol. IV; Genealogy notes; Letters, copies; Deposition, Samuel Rankin; Northumberland County Wills Index. (11 items, 44 pieces)

Folder 364 Murray, William, 1705-1793. List of British Sovereigns; Collection of genealogy material; Military notes; Pictures of seal, in book; Notes from Myles; Congressional documents; Genealogy notes; Gratz papers, list. (8 items, 28 pieces)

Folder 365 Murray, Historical Society of Pennsylvania Manuscript Group. Photocopies, also William Henry papers; Virginia Series, articles; British Series, articles.

Folder 366 Murray, State Papers. American State papers; Illinois State Historical Society; Maps of Illinois country. (3 items, 6 pieces)

Folder 367 Murray, Calendar of William. Letters to Colonel Bouquet, in book; Daniel Murray Memorial, in book; Map and letter from Myles. (3 items, 2 pieces)

Folder 368 Murray-Wilson. “The Wilson Family”; “Murry-Wilson.” (2 items, 101 pieces)


Folder 369 Murray, Correspondence. (2 items, 43 pieces)

Insert 1 Papers of the Governors; “List of Persons Proclaimed Traitors in Penna.”

Insert 2 Correspondence to Sally Roberts


Folder 370 Murray, Research. Journal of the House of Representatives; Letter to Tench Coxe; Dreer Collection, Vol. II, Officers in America before the Revolutionary War; Pennsylvania Federation of Historical Societies; McAllister chart; Murray index; Notes and queries; Genealogy notes; “A Jacobite Miscellany”; 1810 Census, Pennsylvania; Death card for Helen Habecker Booth. (11 items, 55 pieces)

Folder 371 Murray, George Sr. Orange County, New York (north of Stroudsburg); Genealogy notes. (1 item, 6 pieces)


Box 14 (Folders 372-398)

Folder 372 Murray-Ellmaker. Genealogy notes; Oaths of Allegiance, Murrays; 1790 Census, Murry and Murray; 1800 Census list; 1810 Census list; Will index; Land records and map; Correspondence and 2 pictures. (8 items, 32 pieces)

Folder 373 Murray, Land Office, Ellmaker and Watts. Land records. (1 item, 11 pieces)

Folder 374 Murray, Hempfield Twp. Tax lists, 1783; Court records, petitions. (2 items, 5 pieces)

Folder 375 Murray, Digges’ Choice, Springton Manor, Chester County. Maps; Correspondence of Michael Miller; Large map of Springton Manor. (3 items, 5 pieces)


Folder 376 Murray. (8 items, 97 pieces)

Insert 1 Morrow papers; Genealogy notes, Adams County Family; Large family chart.

Insert 2 Miscellaneous notes; Early Murray deeds list, Lancaster County; Index, unknown source; Warrants and surveys of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1759; Will abstracts, Philadelphia, 1763-1784; Lists from the War of 1812, 1812-1814.

Insert 3 American Revolutionary War soldiers of Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Murray men.


Folder 377 Murray. (9 items, 81 pieces)

Insert 1 Maytown church records

Insert 2 Marriages

Insert 3 Land Office receipts

Insert 4 Genealogy notes; St. James Episcopal Church parish records.

Insert 5 Myles correspondence, 1981; Map of “Sanybel” Florida; Genealogy chart; Murray family of Swatara.

Insert 6 Murray biographies


Folder 378 Murray. (15 items, 81 pieces)

Insert 1 Murray, John of Northumberland County. Inventory, deceased 4 October 1848; Administrators account.

Insert 2 Murray, Joseph A. of Northumberland County. Inventory, deceased 20 December 1830; Administrators account.

Insert 3 Murray, Thomas Jr. of Chillisquoqua Twp., Northumberland County. Mar. Charity Arbour, 9 children; Inventory and appraisement, son of John, eldest son of James, deceased 1757; McMahan, John of Chillisquoqua, wife, Jane Murray, sister of Thomas Murray.

Insert 4 Watts, James. Application for land in Northumberland County, 25 March 1769.

Insert 5 Murray, Thomas. Inventory, 9 January 1829.

Insert 6 Murray, William of Northumberland County, deceased 20 August 1778. Guardianship papers; Administrators account.

Insert 7 Miscellaneous notes; Church notes; Abstracts from Ben Franklin Gazette, 1728-1748; Genealogy notes.


Folder 379 Murray. (12 items, 49 pieces)

Insert 1 Morrow, Murray, Ellicott. Petition for tavern license; Genealogy notes.

Insert 2 Abraham, Enoch. Genealogy notes and will.

Insert 3 Orphans’ Court records, January to October 1798; Inventory, Robert McClintock.

Insert 4 Archibold Murray or McMurray. Genealogy notes; Indenture.

Insert 5 Murray, Absolum. Administrators account; Guardian account.

Insert 6 Murray, Ann. Inventory.

Insert 7 Murray, Andrew. Estate papers.


Folder 380 Murphy, Alexander. (21 items, 88 pieces)

Insert 1 Alexander of Toboyne Twp., Cumberland County. Will no. 330, proved 21 December 1791; Son of Robert, 1777, and Isabella; Eldest son, John; Eldest daughter, Mary Armstrong; Will; Inventory; Land research.

Insert 2 Alexander Moharq. Application; Patent.

Insert 3 Alexander-Enoch Abraham. Correspondence.

Insert 4 Alexander of Tybone Twp., Cumberland County. Will no. 365, proved 31 May 1793; Application; Estate account; Administrators account; Will; Inventory.

Insert 5 Rev. Alexander Murray and wife, Ann. Wills, 1793-1811; Picture; Land records; Application; Survey report.


Folder 381 Murray-Chr. Bowman, Peach Island, ca. 1800. Will; 3 cards; Indenture. (3 items, 16 pieces)


Folder 382 Murray-Morrow, Charles. (3 items, 12 pieces)

Insert 1 Charles and Jacob. Wills.

Insert 2 Morrow, Charles. Will; Inventory.


Folder 383 Murray, Bucks County. (4 items, 21 pieces)

Insert 1 Murray, William. Genealogy notes; Administrators bond.

Insert 2 Murray, David. Printed article on Alexander A. Murray, DD; Will, 1743.


Folder 384 Murray-Morry, Merow, Elder, Morrow. (7 items, 29 pieces)

Insert 1 Morry, Elizabeth of Manor Twp. Inventory, 1804.

Insert 2 Merow, Elizabeth and Peter. Will – Elizabeth; Administrators account – Peter; Inventory – Peter; Tavern petition – Peter.

Insert 3 Elder, Joshua. Will.

Insert 4 Morrow, Francis. Inventory.


Folder 385 Murray, Felix. (5 items, 10 pieces)

Insert 1 Guardianship papers, John, son of Felix

Insert 2 Fleming, John. Daughter Mary, wife of George Murray; Will – John Fleming; Genealogy card; Administrators account.


Folder 386 Murray, Francis of Bucks County. Inventory; Will, printed and handwritten; Printed article from Pennsylvania Land Grants; Genealogy notes; Printed pages on Judge Henry Wynkoop; Article, “Old New Hope, formerly Coryells’ Ferry, PA”; Administrative papers. (7 items, 84 pieces)


Folder 387 Murray-Foster, Forsters. (10 items, 87 pieces)

Insert 1 Foster, John. Guardianship papers; Orphans’ Court records.

Insert 2 Forster, William, brother of John Foster. Wills; Estate papers; Orphans’ Court records; Will – David Foster; Will – Mary Forrester; Indentures; Will – Thomas Forster; Will – Alexander Foster.


Folder 388 Murray, George-Simon Girty. (4 items, 12 pieces)

Insert 1 Girty. Printed article on Simon Girty; Court papers.

Insert 2 Murray, George. DAR papers.

Insert 3 Galbraith family of Donegal and Dauphin. Printed articles on history of Cumberland County.


Folder 389 Murray-Galbraith. (11 items, 75 pieces)

Insert 1 Galbraith, John. Genealogy notes and picture (copy); Printed article on Northumberland County, Pennsylvania; American Genealogy Index.

Insert 2 Galbraith family. Genealogy notes; Pennsylvania marriages; Will – John Galbraith; Administrative bond – Elizabeth Galbraith; Will – Sally Galbraith; Printed article, “A History of Haldeman Mansion and Samuel S. Haldeman”; Booklet, “Galbraith of Donegal”; Biography of Rev. James Galbraith.


Folder 390 Murray-Galbraith. (7 items, 67 pieces)

Insert 1 Galbraith, Dr. Bartram. Will; Inventory; Genealogy notes; Printed articles; Court records.

Insert 2 Galbraith, Samuel Scott. Genealogy notes; Orphans’ Court records.


Folder 391 Murray-S. S. Galbraith. Suit of George Green and wife vs. S. S. Galbraith; Court records. (2 items, 43 pieces)


Folder 392 Murray Families. (9 items, 42 pieces)

Insert 1 Howard, Gordon. Copy of patent and translation.

Insert 2 Murray, Humphrey of Cheltinham Twp., Philadelphia County. Article, “Early Ground-Rents”; Article, “The Early Government of Philadelphia”; Will; Notes and queries.

Insert 3 Murrey, Henry. Land records, island in Susquehanna River.

Insert 4 Morry, Henry. Petition for naturalization, Henry Murry; Inventory.

Insert 5 Huffnagle family. Genealogy notes.


Folder 393 Murray Families. (9 items, 60 pieces)

Insert 1 James of Middle Paxton Twp. Genealogy notes; Land records; Inventory; Will.

Insert 2 Murray, John of Paxton, storekeeper. Will; Inventory; Land record.

Insert 3 Morrow, John and wife, Sarah. Orphans’ Court records; Administrators’ account; Inventory – John Marrow.


Folder 394 Murray, Land Transfers. (3 items, 45 pieces)

Insert 1 Stauffer, Jacob of Mount Joy. Indentures; Map.

Insert 2 Land transfers


Folder 395 Murray-Chalon. Will – Joseph Chalon; Will affidavit – William Henry of Lancaster; Petition – Abigail Murray; Petition – William Laferty for Lackey Murray. (4 items, 10 pieces)


Folder 396 Murray-Myles. (3 items, 31 pieces)

Insert 1 Bible records and other notes; Will, Francis Murray.

Insert 2 Murrays of Lintrose. Peerage and Baronage.


Folder 397 Murray, Samuel, North Carolina. Murray of Swatara; Murray genealogy and family history. (2 items, 16 pieces)

Folder 398 Murray-Pollack. Collection of printed material. (1 item, 34 pieces)


Box 15 (Folders 399-408)

Folder 399 Myles Murray Manuscript, 1984. Large folder of material; “The American Revolution Revisited.” (2 items)

Folder 400 Myles Murray Manuscript, 1983. Early collection of material. (1 item)

Folder 401 Murray Families. Large notebook of “families.” (1 item)

Folder 402 Murray Land Records. Large notebook of land records. (1 item)

Folder 403 Murray, County Records. Large notebook of records; Loose papers and map. (2 items, 11 pieces)

Folder 404 Murray, Collection of Library References. (1 item)

Folder 405 Murray, Spanish Records. Correspondence. (1 item, 37 pieces)


Folder 406 Murray Families. (3 items, 175 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes; Indenture.

Insert 2 Sheller, John. Inventory; Rosanna Sheller’s estate; House plans; Notes on 204 E. King St.

Insert 3 Genealogy notes; More information on 204 E. King St.; Will, Henry Zehman; Martin Mylin.


Folder 407 Murray, 512 W. King St. Genealogy notes; Census notes; Will – William Fuhrman; Indentures. (4 items, 82 pieces)

Folder 408 Murray-Brackbill. Martin Brackbill papers; Notes. (2 items, 3 pieces)


Box 16 (Folders 409-462)

Folder 409 Murray, Notes and Queries. (8 items, 121 pieces)

Insert 1 Notes and queries, historical and genealogical; Murray of Harris Ferry; Notes and queries related to Pennsylvania.

Insert 2 Index to notes and queries

Insert 3 Illinois and Wabash Land Co. minutes, 1778-1812; Court records, Lecky Murray; Graveyard, Paxton Presbyterian Church; History of Perry County, Pennsylvania.


Folder 410 Murray, Will Abstracts. Hoffman family; St. David’s Church, Lykens Valley; Index of Revolutionary War Pension Applications; DAR Patriot Index; List of notes and queries (8 cards); Deed to Paxtang Glebe. (6 items, 46 pieces)


Folder 411 Murray, Naturalization Papers and Wills. (10 items, 60 pieces)

Insert 1 Wills related to Murray family: James Hamilton, William Bulla, Captain John Murray, Andrew Mayes, James Mease.

Insert 2 Wills of Murrays, Swatara, New York, England

Insert 3 Naturalization papers: John Murray, James Murray, Robert Morrow, George Morry


Folder 412 Murray, Bible Records: Preston, William; Daniel and Hannah Murray – Inventory, Virginia delegates. (3 items, 26 pieces)

Folder 413 Murray, Correspondence with Sally Roberts. List of “The Papers of Col. Henry Bouquet”; Index to Chester County, Pennsylvania Wills and Intestate Records. (2 items, 25 pieces)

Folder 414 Murray, Notes by Louella Vaugn Small. Genealogy notes on Morrow and Griffy. (2 items, 25 pieces)

Folder 415 Murray, Biographical Directory of American; Colonial and Revolutionary Governors, 1607-1789. (1 item, 17 pieces)

Folder 416 Murray, Miscellaneous Papers Regarding Murray. Genealogy notes; Indenture – Alexander Scott to Sam Patterson; Will – Michael Shank; Refunding bond – George Dobler; Perry County Census, 1840; State land records for Indiana, Ohio, Louisiana. (6 items, 32 pieces)

Folder 417 Murray, Court Sessions. William Finney; Henry Sholty; David Mooney; Jacob Stauffer; Minutes of the Supreme Executive Council. (2 items, 12 pieces)

Folder 418 Murray, Military Notes. Genealogy notes; The Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser. (2 items, 18 pieces)

Folder 419 Murray, File for Lancaster County Historical Society Genealogy notes. (1 item, 22 pieces)

Folder 420 Murray, Tax Listings and Surveys. Somerset Debt Book. (2 items, 18 pieces)

Folder 421 Murray, Bell Mansion. “Memo Regarding the Seal of Wm. Murray”; “Masonry in the Bluegrass”; Biography, George Poindexter. (3 items, 15 pieces)

Folder 422 Murray, State Government. Printed list of state government offices; Printed list of popular vote for governor since 1790. (2 items, 2 pieces)

Folder 423 Murray. Dictionary of American Biography; Printed notes on Gratz, Hamilton, St. Clair, Tilghman. (2 items, 25 pieces)

Folder 424 Murray, James. Court record. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 425 Murray-Joshua Elder. Correspondence. (1 item, 3 pieces)

Folder 426 Murray-John Morrow. Land notes for James Morrow, John Murray, Thomas Morrow, Thomas McMurray; Indenture, Phillip Roade and Lackey Murrey; Baptisms of First Reformed Church. (3 items, 11 pieces)

Folder 427 Murray, Swatara. Paxtang Presbyterian Church; Murray of Swatara. (2 items, 10 pieces)

Folder 428 Murray, Land Companies. Map; List of potters in Lancaster County in the 18th and 19th enturies; “An Account of the Proceedings of the Illinois and Ouabache Land Companies”; “Memorial of the Illinois and Wabash Land Company.” (4 items, 54 pieces)

Folder 429 Murray, Genealogy Notes. Colonial families in the U.S.; Tax records, Pennsylvania Archives; Heraldry. (4 items, 49 pieces)

Folder 430 Murray, Court Notes. James Murray; McMurray. (1 item, 7 pieces)

Folder 431 Murray. Sara Alice Rebecca Niell Murray, mother of Myles Murray. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 432 Murray. Trinity Lutheran Church marriages; Chart of British Sovereigns; Genealogy notes and deeds for Sneider, Geist, Swartzmelder, Black. (3 items, 18 pieces)

Folder 433 Murray. Pennsylvania marriages prior to 1790; Indenture – Ann Latta and Daniel Murray; New York marriages. (3 items, 11 pieces)

Folder 434 Murray. “Historical Account of Plantation in Ulster, 1608-1620,” by Rev. George Hill. (1 item, 9 pieces)

Folder 435 Murray, List of Patents (A, B, C). (1 item, 3 pieces)

Folder 436 Murray, Plaintiff Index. (1 item, 34 pieces)

Folder 437 Murray. Statutes at Large in Pennsylvania; Sheriffs records; Notes on Dr. Chr. Neff. (3 items, 15 pieces)

Folder 438 Murray. Samuel Simpson vs. Abr. Breckbill, NARRS Nov. Term 1778, #156. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 439 Murray-Ellmaker. List from Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia; Genealogy notes; Typed article regarding Illinois and Wabash Land Company; Court records. (4 items, 38 pieces)

Folder 440 Murray, Daniel. NARRS August Term 1782, Murray vs. Welsh. (1 item, 5 pieces)

Folder 441 Murray, William. Genealogy notes; Will, Mary Bartholomew; Will, William Murray; Administrative Bond, William Murray; Will, David McIlvaine; Inventory, William Murray; Map of land, James Murray. (7 items, 51 pieces)

Folder 442 Murray-Roadarmel-Raup-Swank. (1 item, 5 pieces)

Folder 443 Murray-Weidman. History of Lebanon County. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 444 Murray-George Morgan. Article on Colonel George Morgan at Fort Pitt. (1 item, 5 pieces)

Folder 445 Murray-George Croghan Letters. Map from Wilderness Trail; Notes by Col. George Croghan; Letters of Col. George Croghan; “George Croghan, the King of the Traders.” (4 items, 14 pieces)

Folder 446 Murray, Benjamin Franklin Family. “Dr. Franklin Negotiates, December 1777”; Scottish Settlers in North America. (2 items, 5 pieces)

Folder 447 Murray-General Arthur St. Clair. Genealogy notes; List of military notes. (2 items, 3 pieces)


Folder 448 Murray-Colonel Bouquet. (2 items, 30 pieces)

Insert 1 Indian captives released by Col. Bouquet

Insert 2 Orderly Book, “Henry Bouquet: Professional Soldier”


Folder 449 Murray-George Mason. “The Life of George Mason.” (1 item, 3 pieces)

Folder 450 Murray. Letter of Miss Rebecca Franks; Records of servants and apprentices. (2 items, 5 pieces)

Folder 451 Murray, Buried Genealogical Data. Letters left in Post Office; Genealogy notes; Indexes and court house; Pennsylvania Magazine, index of baptisms and burials; Correspondence; History of Columbia County; State papers, public lands. (7 items, 20 pieces)

Folder 452 Murray, Islands in Pennsylvania. Proprietary rights; Maps; Warrants. (3 items, 37 pieces)

Folder 453 Murray, Naval Records. Revolutionary War, 1775-1788. (1 item, 20 pieces)

Folder 454 Murray. Presbyterian Encyclopedia, 1880. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 455 Murray. Miscellaneous burials and marriages; Genealogy notes. (2 items, 46 pieces)

Folder 456 Murray, Will Abstracts. (1 item, 45 pieces)


Folder 457 Murray, Myles. (2 items, 77 pieces)

Insert 1 Invoices, inventories, 1 January 1980

Insert 2 Invoices, correspondence, 1977-1979; Genealogy notes


Folder 458 Murray, History and Land Notes. The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia; James, King of England; Scottish Heritage; Deed, James McMurray; Christopher Gist and his sons. (4 items, 33 pieces)

Folder 459 McMurray Genealogy and land notes. History of Lancaster County; Maps. (3 items, 13 pieces)

Folder 460 Murray, Maps. (1 item, 11 pieces)

Folder 461 Murray. Surveys and Patents, Bucks County. (1 item, 36 pieces)

Folder 462 Murray. Letter from Pennsylvania Genealogical Society. (1 item, 14 pieces)


Box 17 (Folders 324-341, 463-476)

Folder 324 Myers, Andrew. Correspondence regarding genealogy. (1 item, 6 pieces)

Folder 325 Myers-Kraemer. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 3 pieces)

Folder 326 Mylin-Meylin. Genealogy notes, Shreiner-Zeamer. (1 item, 5 pieces)


Folder 327 Neff. (10 items, 83 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes, John Neff, Neave; Manor Twp. assessment maps (notes); Land records, Steman-Kaufman.

Insert 2 Neff, Henry. Notes in German; Will; Genealogy notes.

Insert 3 Neff, Jacob. Administrators account.

Insert 4 Neff, Abraham. Land transfers; Genealogy notes; Notes, Dr. Christian Neff.


Folder 328 Nicholson. Printed report, “The Case of John Nicholson.” (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 329 Nissley. Nissley family book; Genealogy notes; Land notes on Nissley family members. (2 items, 10 pieces)

Folder 330 Nissley, Esther. Biographical Annals of Lancaster County, the Hager family; Will, Menno M. Frey; Will, Mary Rumple; Auditors Report, Charles Adams; Court records, Charles Adams; Will, Harriet E. Steigerwalt; Estate papers, Harriet E. Steigerwalt; Pictures of the Steigerwalt home; Land transfer records. (9 items, 80 pieces)

Folder 331 Niven. Genealogy records, “The Niven Family.” (1 item, 6 pieces)

Folder 332 Orr. Genealogy charts and notes, Orr and Geisler. (2 items, 12 pieces)

Folder 333 Overly. Genealogy records. (1 item, 30 pieces)


Folder 334 Patterson. (3 items, 24 pieces)

Insert 1 Patterson, James. Notes, McFarland connection; Indentures in family.

Insert 2 Patterson, John W. Genealogy notes.


Folder 335 Pedan. Genealogy chart. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 336 Penn. Family of William Penn. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 337 Pennabaker. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 6 pieces)

Folder 338 Pfantz, Jacob and Elizabeth. Genealogy note. (1 item, 1 piece)


Folder 339 Potts. (12 items, 84 pieces)

Insert 1 Potts, John. Patent; Deed, Rapho Twp.; Genealogy notes; Land record; Samuel Powell connection.

Insert 2 Potts, Robert. Will; Administrators Account; Genealogy notes.

Insert 3 Potts, James. Genealogy notes; Orphans’ Court minutes; Land map; Administrators account and bond.


Folder 340 Phillips. Genealogy notes; “Hartman Family Tree”; Land notes regarding William Phillips, Lancaster County. (3 items, 44 pieces)

Folder 341 Quaker Genealogy. Murry, notes; Philadelphia monthly meeting lists. (2 items, 16 pieces)

Folder 463 Raes, Rays. Pennsylvania Raes, Rays. (1 item, 2 pieces)


Folder 464 Ranck Family. (2 items, 70 pieces)

Insert 1 Ranck, John of Earl Twp. Estate records, 1845

Insert 2 Genealogy notes


Folder 465 Ranck, Land Records. (1 item, 129 pieces)

Folder 466 Rankin. Will – John Rankin; Will – David Watson. (2 items, 3 pieces)

Folder 467 Read, Michael of Berks County. Will abstract. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 468 Reid, Thomas. Inventory and account of estate. (1 item, 3 pieces)

Folder 469 Resh. Indentures for Resh, Barr, Boyer. (1 item, 4 pieces)


Folder 470 Rice Family #1. (2 items, 101 pieces)

Insert 1 Gehr Genealogy; County daybook

Insert 2 Rice Family-Geer; Land records


Folder 471 Rice Family #2. (7 items, 170 pieces)

Insert 1 Court records – Appollonia Carpenter; Land records; Genealogy records – Rowe; Census records; Rice family

Insert 2 Genealogy notes on family, Rein, Rowe, Martin, Wenger, Musser; Church lists


Folder 472 Riddle, John. Order of sale; Petition for sale; Guardianship papers; Court papers for Thomas Baumgardner, William Wright and Henry Baumgardner, Barbara Riddle, Thomas Jeffries and William Ihling; Administrative Bond – Valentine Hoffman; Inventory – David Bakenstoce. (6 items, 19 pieces)

Folder 473 Ries, Jeremiah. Chr. Kunkel and Jacob Bucher. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 474 Ring, Betty #1. Large notebook by Betty Ring; Research on Armstrong, Riddle; Women who taught needlework; Bratten-Gallagher-Maguire; “Our Stained Glass Windows.” (5 items)


Folder 475 Ring, Betty #2. Additional research materials. (9 items, 77 pieces)

Insert 1 Naturalizations, Lancaster County Historical Society, 1798

Insert 2 Genealogy notes; Will – John Riddle; Will – Ann Barbara Riddle; Estate papers – John Riddle; Map; Mifflin History – Robert Lusk.

Insert 3 Research on school teachers and students doing needlework; Genealogy notes on families.


Folder 476 Ring, Betty #3. American Needlework Treasures. (1 item)


Box 18 (Folders 477-497, 636-638)

Folder 477 Roan, John. (2 items, 138 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes

Insert 2 Account book, 1745-1775


Folder 478 Roan, Rev. John. (2 items, 90 pieces)

Insert 1 Church records, First Presbyterian Church, Mount Joy, 1745; Notebook

Insert 2 “Bucks and Berks Co.-Murray Work”; Miscellaneous church notes and maps


Folder 479 Roath, Captain E. D., Marietta. Diary, Civil War; Land records. (2 items, 16 pieces)


Folder 480 Roberts. (2 items, 99 pieces)

Insert 1 Roberts, Thomas, 204 E. King St., Lancaster. Genealogy notes; Land records

Insert 2 Roberts, John. Inventory – John of Marietta; Genealogy notes; Notes on John McFarland; Maps; Marriage license – Samuel Hippel and Ann Reinhard; Will – John Roberts; 12 cards.


Folder 481 Roberts, Jackie Wein. Inventory – George Wein; Bethel Cemetery list; Genealogy notes for Haughey, Billet, Derr, Hogentogler; Will – John Wein; “The Fishers in America.” (5 items, 78 pieces)

Folder 482 Roberts, William. Genealogy notes; Family Bible records; Enlistment paper; Newspaper clipping regarding Theis Roberts; Copy of “As They Remembered.” (5 items, 30 pieces)

Folder 483 Roddy, James. Will; Correspondence. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 484 Rohrer, Jacob. Maps and overlays; Land records; Genealogy notes. (3 items, 19 pieces)

Folder 485 Ross Family. Notebook of material. (1 item)

Folder 486 Ross, George and Family. Will; Genealogy notes; Stove plate cast, copy; List of material sent to Myles Murray, Alex Ross. (4 items, 30 pieces)


Folder 487 Ross, Other Families. (17 items, 103 pieces)

Insert 1 Ross-Thompson. Auditor’s Report, George Ross; Genealogy notes.

Insert 2 Ross-Watson. Genealogy chart.

Insert 3 Ross-Strickler. Correspondence regarding Strickler cemetery.

Insert 4 Ross-Houston. Genealogy notes.

Insert 5 Ross-Burd-Shippen. “Notes on the Burds of Ormiston.”

Insert 6 Ross-Coleman. Genealogy notes.

Insert 7 Ross-Patterson. Will – Arthur Patterson; Petition for license – Samuel Getter; Land map; Order of Sale – Alexander Patterson.

Insert 8 Ross, George. Genealogy notes; Correspondence; Ross Family genealogy; “The Children of Gen. Wm. Thompson”; 8 cards; First Presbyterian Church burials, Lancaster.


Folder 488 Roth, Henry Michael. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 489 Royer, Abraham. Genealogy notes; Land records. (2 items, 19 pieces)

Folder 490 Ruby. “Ancestors of Wesley Smith Ruby”; Genealogy notes; Computer records; Family Group sheet; List of biographies; Indentures; Ancestral History; Administrators Account – Barbara Ruby; Will notes; Administrative Bond – Johannes Ruby. (10 items, 75 pieces)

Folder 491 Rutter, Joseph. Will; Deed, 1790. (2 items, 2 pieces)

Folder 492 Schreck-Schrack-Shreck. Family Group charts. (1 item, 7 pieces)

Folder 493 Schreiner, Susanna. Genealogy notes; Correspondence; Research on Schreiner family. (3 items, 45 pieces)

Folder 494 Schroll, Robert. Deed, “House across from Donegal graveyard” (1 item, 5 pieces)

Folder 495 Scott. The Scott Family of Donegal. (1 item, 11 pieces)

Folder 496 Scott, Charts. Records for McDowell; “The McDowell Ancestry”; Genealogy notes; Troutman-Park-McDowell. (4 items, 73 pieces)

Folder 497 Schmucker, Christian. Book. (1 item)

Folder 636 Scott, Lancaster County Will Abstracts. Cemetery lists; Genealogy notes; Pennsylvania Marriage Licenses; Orphans’ Court Index, Lancaster County; “Pioneer of the Scots in Little Britain”; Wills listed. (6 items, 54 pieces)

Folder 637 Scott Family Records. Inventory – Sarah Scott; Petition – Andrew Kelley; Genealogy notes; Warrant Register; Tax lists; Pennsylvania Marriages; Will abstracts; Court papers – John Scott; Court papers – Scott, McConnal; Appeal – John Murray. (10 items, 66 pieces)

Folder 638 Scott, Bible Records. James Agnew; Births – Scott; Genealogy notes. (3 items, 26 pieces)


Box 19 (Folders 639-657, 498-515)

Folder 639 Scott, Samuel, Rapho Twp. 1777. Newspaper article – Mary Allen Scott; Reprint – John Reed Scott; Map; Marriages, 1761; Genealogy notes; Deeds; Will – Samuel Scott; Estate papers – Samuel Scott; Will – Pedden, Patterson; Old land rights. (10 items, 49 pieces)

Folder 640 Scott-Patterson. Genealogy notes; “Hugh Scott, an Immigrant of 1670”; Notes and queries; Will abstracts. (4 items, 56 pieces)

Folder 641 Scott, Phillip of Leacock Twp. Will abstracts; Petition of James, son of Phillip; Valuation of estate of Phillip; Orphans’ Court records. (4 items, 17 pieces)

Folder 642 Scott, Abraham, W. Nottingham. Map; Genealogy notes; Assessor’s notes; Tax lists, 1725; Will abstracts; Court papers – Zacharias Moor; History of York County list; Scott, Washington County Census; Children of Thomas Tidball; Estate papers – Abraham Scott. (10 items, 77 pieces)

Folder 643 Scott, Elizabeth. Will – James Moore; Wills, 1736-1745; Inventories, 1736-1745; Brothers and sisters from will of Elizabeth; Administrative Bond to Herman Moor; History of Chester County; Will – Elizabeth Moore. (6 items, 29 pieces)

Folder 644 Scott, Alexander. West Hempfield; Genealogy notes; Will abstract; Inventory; Maps. (5 items, 14 pieces)

Folder 645 Scott-Foster. Inventory – Alexander Foster; Map; Will abstract. (3 items, 9 pieces)

Folder 646 Lowry, Martha Scott. “The Ancestors of Martha Wilson McCracken and Samuel Willson”; Martha Lowry. (2 items, 7 pieces)

Folder 647 Scott, Josiah. Genealogy notes; Will; Inventory; Maps. (4 items, 12 pieces)

Folder 648 Scott-McDowell. “The McDowell Ancestry”; “The Hugh Scott Family.” (2 items, 26 pieces)

Folder 649 Scott, Robert. Genealogy notes; Wills list. (2 items, 5 pieces)

Folder 650 Scott, William. Estate bond; Administrators Account; Family records. (3 items, 8 pieces)

Folder 651 Scott, Washington County. History of Washington County. (1 item, 21 pieces)

Folder 652 Scott, Chester County. Will – John Tidball; Genealogy notes. (2 items, 11 pieces)

Folder 653 Scott, Mary Ann. Will abstracts; Correspondence from William Poak; Estate papers – William Poak; Court papers – Scott, McConnal. (4 items, 15 pieces)

Folder 654 Scott, James. Maps, Springton Manor; Early Chester County (now Montgomery County). (2 items, 8 pieces)

Folder 655 Scott, not identified. Folder of names. (1 item, 14 pieces)

Folder 656 Scott Cemetery. Old Morrison Cemetery; Middle Octorara Cemetery. (2 items, 3 pieces)

Folder 657 Scott, Land Warrantees, Lancaster County. Survey list; Warrantee index. (2 items, 7 pieces)

Folder 498 Scouller. “The Scouller Family”; Annuals Index; Genealogy notes; Supreme Court records – Witmer; Records on Geib; Tax list – John Mutch family. (6 items, 27 pieces)

Folder 499 Sears, Jane. 1900 Census, West Hempfield Twp.; Deeds – Daniel McCune to Milton M. Wissler; Deeds – R. Kauffman to Daniel McCune; Orphans Court record – estate of Daniel McCune. (4 items, 12 pieces)

Folder 500 Sess, May. Recognizance, 1756. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 501 Schaeffer. Notebook of material. (1 item)

Folder 502 Schaffer. Genealogy notes; List of oldest Reformed Church records in Pennsylvania; “Congregations-Hill, Schaeffer’s, Heller’s.” (3 items, 10 pieces)

Folder 503 Schaeffer, Henry. Will abstract – Michael Sheaffer; Will abstract – Henry Shaffer; Genealogy notes; Account – Michael Shaffer. (4 items, 8 pieces)


Folder 504 Shaeffer. (6 items, 53 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogy notes; Pennsylvania land patents; Will abstracts

Insert 2 Groffdale Cemetery; Cemetery records; Genealogy notes; History of Swope family


Folder 505 Shafer. (7 items, 26 pieces)

Insert 1 Shafer, Abraham, 1752-1804. Land records – James Logan.

Insert 2 Shafer, Isaac. Will abstract.

Insert 3 Shafer, Martin, 1820. Genealogy – Charles; Genealogy chart; Inventory – Martin Sheaffer; Inventory – John Sheaffer; Order of Sale – Martin Sheaffer.


Folder 506 Shaffer, Philip. Will, 1758; Administrators Account; Assessment, Earl Twp.; Deed – Evan Patterson to Philip Sheffer; Land records, Plumpton Manor. (5 items, 24 pieces)

Folder 507 Sheaffer, Philip (file is marked NA by Sally Roberts). Church records; Land records; Court records. (3 items, 19 pieces)

Folder 508 Sheaffer, Alex, Heidelberg Twp. Will abstract; Will; Booklet on Alexander Shaeffer; Inventory. (4 items, 19 pieces)

Folder 509 Sheaffer, John, 1820. Inventory, 1823; Order of Inquest; Order of Sale; Condition of Sale; Petition of Cyrus Sheaffer. (5 items, 25 pieces)

Folder 510 Sheaffer, Martin. Land records; Biographical sketches; Guardianship papers; Lancaster County marriages and deaths from newspapers; Administrators Accounts; Inventory; Will and typed copy; “The Ream Family”; Record of marriages. (9 items, 65 pieces)

Folder 511 Sheaffer, Miscellaneous Families. Administrative Bond – Jacob Schaffer, Innkeeper; Michael Shaffer; Will abstract – Catherine Brown; Land transfer – Jacob Shaeffer to Henry Shaffer; Land transfer – Mary Elizabeth Sheaffer. (5 items, 7 pieces)

Folder 512 Sheaffer, Groffdale Cemetery. Gerberich’s Cemetery Records; Gerberich Film, 2/2, Part 1. (2 items, 8 pieces)

Folder 513 Sheaffer, Deeds. 1750 Tax, Earl Twp.; Genealogy notes – Phillip Schieffer; Land patents; Patent for Manor of White Church. (4 items, 22 pieces)

Folder 514 Shannon. Data sheet for David Shannon; Shannon family; Genealogy notes; Will abstracts; Estate records; Shannon of Bucks County; Maps of Eastern Pennsylvania; “Shannons of Poplar Hill.” (8 items, 110 pieces)

Folder 515 Shenk. Graduation notice – Sara Habecker; Deeds – Christian Shenk; Deed – John Harnish and Hurst Bros. Development Co.; Land records and maps; Indenture – John Shank and Christian Shank; Will – Christian Shank. (6 items, 60 pieces)


Box 20 (Folders 516-536)

Folder 516 Shenk, Katie. Genealogy notes; Land records. (2 items, 9 pieces)

Folder 517 Sherar-Hummer. Deeds; Land transfers. (2 items, 13 pieces)

Folder 518 Shillow, John. Will record. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 519 Shippen. Will abstract – Joseph Shippen; Genealogy notes – Burd and Shippen; Deed – Thomas Murray to Francis Richardson; Correspondence; “Some Shippen Letters,” Edward Shippen and Joseph Shippen; Court records – Huber; Will – Jacob Huber; Newspaper article – Samuel Haldeman; “Descendants of Dr. Wm. Shippen”; Newspaper quote – Cassel family. (10 items, 32 pieces)

Folder 520 Shire-Scheir. Will records – Ann Shire, Conrad Shire (Scheir). (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 521 Shireman, Jacob. Land map; Approval of sale. (2 items, 5 pieces)

Folder 522 Shirk, Michael. Correspondence with Sally Roberts. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 523 Shober. Indenture – Emanuel Shober to Christian Buckwalter. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 524 Shontz, Jacob. Will probates – Jacob Shontz, John Shontz; Will – Maria Shontz; Will – Magdalane Schantz; Order for sale of real estate – Christian Shantz; Administrative Bond – Christian Shantz; Administrative Bond – John Shantz; Inventory – Christian Shantz; Administrators Account – Christian Shantz; Inventory – Jacob Shantz; Land maps. (10 items, 39 pieces)


Folder 525 Shontz, continued. (16 items, 104 pieces)

Insert 1 Correspondence regarding Christian Shantz; “The Shantz (Johns) Family”; Federal tax lists; Pennsylvania German Pioneers; Descendants of Jacob Shantz; Genealogy notes and charts; Abstracts of will – Anna Maria Shantz.

Insert 2 Research notes; Will abstracts; Genealogy notes; Land transfers; Orphans Court records; Pennsylvania German Pioneers; Petition – John Shantz; Administrators Account – Jacob Shantz.

Insert 3 Patents


Folder 526 Shantz-Carpenter. Will – Gabriel Carpenter; “The Carpenter Family of Lancaster”; Court records; Inventory – Gabriel Carpenter. (4 items, 25 pieces)

Folder 527 Shreiner, Court Records. Petition – Ann and Charles Shreiner; Court records – Ann Shreiner, John Flory, Jacob Shreiner; Petition – Margaret and David Shreiner. (3 items, 9 pieces)

Folder 528 Schreiner-Shreiner. Large notebook of family records, Gehr-Rhine-Carpenter. (1 item)

Folder 528 Shreiner Family. Genealogy chart and notes; “David Baer Descendants”; “History and Genealogy of Hans Adams Shreiner”; “Shreiner Family of Manheim Township”; Tax lists; Court records; Order of sale – Henry Shreiner; Guardianship papers; Pennsylvania German Church Records, vol. 1. (9 items, 66 pieces)

Folder 529 Shreiner-Gehr-Rhine-Witeman. Genealogy notes and charts; Land records; “Names in Stone,” cemetery inscriptions, Frederick County, Maryland; Correspondence from Walter Shriner. (4 items, 129 pieces)


Folder 530 Shreiner. (15 items, 50 pieces)

Insert 1 Gehr. Land map; Inventory – John Gear; Administrative Bond – John Gear; Court papers; Account paper – John Carpenter; Will – Andrew Gehr; Inventory – Andrew Geer; Correspondence from David Shreiner; Genealogy chart.

Insert 2 Rine, George. Orphans’ Court records; Genealogy notes; “Notes on the First Three Generations of the Hans Adam Shreiner Family in America”; Correspondence from B. Evangeline Witzeman; Portion of original will – Gabriel Carpenter; Court records.


Folder 531 Shreiner, Martin and Shreiner, Michael. (12 items, 61 pieces)

Insert 1 Shreiner, Martin and Shreiner, Philip. Genealogy chart and notes; Will – Philip Shreiner; Inventory – Philip Shreiner, Sr.; Will – Martin Shreiner.

Insert 2 Shreiner, Michael. Genealogy notes; Land records; “The Life and Times of Hans Adam Shreiner, 1686-1744”; Will – Michael Shreiner; Inventory – Michael Schryner; Orphans’ Court record; Inventory – John Shreiner; “Our Keystone Families”


Folder 532 Shreiner-Shoufelberger. Will – Phillip Shoufelberger; Administrators Account – John Shreiner; Petition for inquest – Michael Shreiner; Court records. (4 items, 16 pieces)

Folder 533 Shuffelbottom. Church records; Genealogy notes; Will abstract – John Patterson; Orphans’ Court records. (4 items, 18 pieces)

Folder 534 Siegrist, Lancaster County. Notebook of genealogy; Land maps; Administrators Account – Bartholomew Segrist; Will – John Siegrist. (4 items, 36 pieces)

Folder 535 Siegrist, Solomon. Will – Solomon Siegrist; Codicil of will; Will – Era Seegrist; American Revolutionary Soldiers of Franklin County, Pennsylvania; Will – Bartholomew Segrist; Inventory – Solomon Segrist. (6 items, 28 pieces)

Folder 536 Siegwart (Sweigart). Genealogy note. (1 item, 1 piece)


Box 21 (Folders 537-573)

Folder 537 Simon, Joseph. Inventory; Answer to citation; Orphans’ Court records; Citation; Estate papers; Typed record of Joseph Simon; Land transfer to Jacob Downer; Jewish cemetery note regarding children of Joseph Simon; Appraisal. (9 items, 33 pieces)

Folder 538 Singhaas, Casper. Genealogy notes for John Wilkens; Land records – Kuntz, Nissley, Hershey. (2 items, 19 pieces)

Folder 539 Slaymaker. Lancaster City Directory, three pages; Land records; Will abstracts – Amos Slaymaker, Jane Slaymaker; Genealogy notes; Descendents of Henry Slaymaker; Obituaries; Slaymaker papers; Article regarding paintings by J. A. Danner; Invoices for work done on Stauffer and Strickler families; History of the descendents of Mathias Slaymaker; History of the Slaymaker family; Deed; Inventory – John Slaymaker; Will – John Slaymaker. (14 items, 63 pieces)

Folder 540 Smith, James Wilson. “James Wilson-Fifeshire”; “The Province of the Penns.” (2 items, 16 pieces)

Folder 541 Snyder-Schneider. “Data of the Geo. Snyder Family.” (1 item)


Folder 542 Spillman. (11 items, 115 pieces)

Insert 1 Spielman, Strasburg. Genealogy notes; Census records; Family records of Samuel Spielman; Zion Lutheran Church records; Land records.

Insert 2 Spillman-Spielman-Spiehlman. Genealogy notes; Military records; Riverview Cemetery; General index card list; Bond book list; Land records.


Folder 543 Spoo, Frank. Land records and maps; Right-of-way agreement; History of the land of Alfred Spoo; Deed – Zerby, Snavely. (4 items, 34 pieces)

Folder 544 Spotts-Spatz. Epilogue; “Pastor Riley Rides the Lykens Circuit”; Map; Genealogy notes and chart; Correspondence regarding research. (5 items, 21 pieces)

Folder 545 Sprenger, Johannes Abraham. Research notes; Genealogy of the Johannes Abraham Sprenger family, first generation in America. (2 items)

Folder 546 Stackhouse, James, Innkeeper. Marietta Cemetery; Moravian marriages; Genealogy notes; Johannes Hartman family; Hipple notes; Sale papers; Inventory – James Stackhouse; Petitions for citation and citation; Order of Sale. (9 items, 33 pieces)


Folder 547 Stahl. Correspondence regarding research. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 548 Stauffer-Nissley. Pamphlet on Nissley Reunion; Genealogy notes. (2 items, 4 pieces)

Folder 549 Stauffer-Strickler. Large notebook; Letter regarding Stauffer research; Map. (3 items, 4 pieces)

Folder 550 Steele. “The Steele Family.” (1 item, 7 pieces)

Folder 551 Steman. Deed; Land records. (2 items, 13 pieces)

Folder 552 Stewart, George. “Stewarts of Donegal.” (1 item, 4 pieces)

Folder 553 Stewart Family. Court charges – Elijah; Inventory – Rebecca Stewart; Will abstract – James Stewart; Will index; Correspondence regarding Samuel Stewart and wife, Mary McClay. (5 items, 9 pieces)

Folder 554 Stoner, Jacob. Orphans’ Court, minutes; Court record regarding estate. (2 items, 2 pieces)

Folder 555 Stramler. Genealogy notes and charts; “New World Immigrants”; “Muster Rolls”; “Pennsylvania German Pioneers”; Tennessee census; Donegal assessment; Tax lists; Application to CAR; Probate of will; Inventory – David Stramler; Attendance list, Army; Land record; “The Huguenots of Colonial South Carolina.” (13 items, 62 pieces)

Folder 556 Stuber-Stover. Church records of the Reformed and Lutheran congregations; Genealogy notes. (2 items, 28 pieces)

Folder 557 Strickler. Maps; Stricklers of Pennsylvania; Genealogy notes and charts; Strickler graveyard; Records from the Bible of John Strickler; Abstract of will – Hugh McClung; “Copy of Grandfather Strickler Family Record”; Correspondence regarding research; Will – Henry Strickler. (9 items, 98 pieces)

Folder 558 Strickler-Weitzman-Baer. Map; Account – James McCullough; Will – Ludwig Lindemuth; Genealogy notes and charts – Henry Bare, Christian Bear; Deeds – Bear; Will abstract – Bare; Will abstract – Henry Bear; Correspondence with Witzeman family; “The Witzeman Family”; Church records; Passenger arrivals at Port of Philadelphia, 1800-1819; Pennsylvania German Pioneers; Copies of photographs of tombstones; Marriages. (15 items, 63 pieces)

Folder 559 Swartzwelder. List from St. Johns Cemetery at Compass; Request for research on Swartzwelder, Stoner, and Baker; Deeds grantees; Notes on Becker (Baker); Church records; Will – Peter Backer. (6 items, 17 pieces)

Folder 560 Swope. Invoice for research. (1 item)

Folder 561 Tanzinoc. Birth records; Extract from family Bible of Robert Thomas Barton. (2 items)

Folder 562 Tate, Rev. Joseph. Probate of will; Court records regarding boundaries of Donegal Twp.; Inventory; “Donegal”; Deed – John Haldman to Jacob Graybill; Genealogy notes. (6 items, 16 pieces)

Folder 563 Taylor, Isaac. Orphans’ Court records; Genealogy notes; History of Lancaster County. (3 items, 4 pieces)

Folder 564 Thomas. Moravian burials; Will abstract – Philip Thomas of Lancaster Historical Society; Will abstract – Juliana Thomas; Genealogy notes; Wills – Philip Thomas and Juliana Thomas. (6 items, 21 pieces)

Folder 565 Thompson, Capt. William. Booklet, “William Thompson: A Shooting Star.” (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 566 Ulrich, William O. Notes on 220 East Orange; Will number – Mary J. Ulrich; Note regarding Valentine Ulrich. (3 items, 3 pieces)

Folder 567 Waggonner-Wagner. Administrators Account – Adam Waggoner; Will – Adam Waggoner; Correspondence – Johann Helm; Pennsylvania German Pioneers. (4 items, 20 pieces)

Folder 568 Walker, Joseph. Will; Genealogy note. (2 items, 4 pieces)

Folder 569 Washington, George. Excerpts from Washington’s diary; Genealogy of the family; TV Guide article; Notes on files; Bibliography of Washington; “The French at Yorktown”; List of correspondence between Col. Henry Bouquet and George Washington; “A Calendar of Correspondence of George Washington”; Writings of Washington. (9 items, 70 pieces)

Folder 570 Washington’s Writings. The Writings of George Washington; Writings from the original manuscript sources; Writings, official and private. (3 items, 17 pieces)

Folder 571 Washington’s Travel. “The Wilderness”; Map of trails. (2 items, 17 pieces)

Folder 572 George Washington’s Wills. “Wills of George Washington and His Immediate Ancestors”; Map; Wills of American ancestors; Genealogy of the families; Tax records, 1715-1800. (5 items, 45 pieces)

Folder 573 Watts. Cards on James Watts, John Watts, and Samuel Watts; Court notes; Intestate records; Will – James Watt; Probate of wills to John Barton; Inventory – Samuel Watts; Letter of Administration – Robert Redock; Administrators Account – Alexander Watt; Inventory – Alexander Watt; Administrative Bond – Alexander Watt. (10 items, 53 pieces)


Box 22 (Folders 574-602)

Folder 574 Weaver . Summons – Henry Weaver to James Old; Summons – Henry Weaver to John Carpenter; Estate Inventory – Edward Hughes; Copy of news items, The Daily New Era, 11 September 1882. (4 items, 18 pieces)

Folder 575 Weidler . Letter, John Weidler to Jacob Weidler regarding will. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 576 Wein. Tavern Petition – George Wien; Church records; Genealogy notes; Will abstract – Martin Brunkart to heirs of Magdalena Heeler; 1900 Census; Photocopies of newspaper articles; Renunciation – George Wien; Estate papers – George Wien; Inventory – John Wien; Indenture – Ann Marie Strine to Washington L. Wein; Obituary notice – Rev. J. J. Strine; Will – Ann Marie Strein; Will – Washington L. Wien; Administrative Bond – Benjamin F. West; Administrative Bond – George Ween. (15 items, 69 pieces)

Folder 577 Wein. “Gottlieb Mittelberger’s Journey to Pennsylvania.” (1 item, 33 pieces)

Folder 578 Weiser, Conrad. Proceedings of Conrad Weiser at Paxton against an Indian, 1750 (photocopied). (1 item, 6 pieces)

Folder 579 Wheeler. Large notebook put together by Mary Greiner Wheeler; Mutch family records, “A Short Family History”; Journal, Mutch-Hart; Newspaper article -Holt ancestors; Johan Conrad Dieffenbach notes, from Tulpehocken Settlement Historical Society. (6 items, 15 pieces)

Folder 580 Wheeler, Robert. Brickerville Old Zion Church records; Genealogy notes – Mutch, Gantz; Lieb Burial Ground; First generation – Johann Conrad Geib. (4 items, 26 pieces)

Folder 581 Whitehill, Samuel. 3 pictures, unidentified; Genealogy material – Whitehill and Cresswell families; “James Whitehill (1700-1766) of Lancaster County, PA and his Descendants”; “Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, PA”; Charts; Correspondence; Family Group sheets; Will abstracts; Inventory – William Criswell; “Assignment of Errors.” (10 items, 140 pieces)

Folder 582 Whitmore, John. “Over the Mountain People”; Peter Witmer, Lebanon. (1 item)

Folder 583 Willing, Thomas, Philadelphia, 1731-1821. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography; Notes and queries. (2 items, 11 pieces)

Folder 584 Wirebach. 1880 Census entry; Correspondence regarding John Strube; Obituary notice – Donald Wirebach. (3 items, 3 pieces)

Folder 585 Wissler. Guardianship paper, Elizabeth Wissler. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 586 Wister. Journal of Miss Sally Wister. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 587 Withers. Correspondence from Urwiller relative. (1 item, 2 pieces)


Folder 588 Witmer. (5 items, 44 pieces)

Insert 1 Genealogy records and charts, Habecker-Brubaker; Will book – Christian Graff.

Insert 2 Land and estate records; Estate of John Witmer; Will – David Witmer; Orphans’ Court records.


Folder 589 Witzeman. Genealogy notes and correspondence from Germany. (1 item, 13 pieces)

Folder 590 Wohlweider. Land maps; Genealogy notes; Estate papers – Mathias Hoffer, 1803; Indenture – Jeramiah Greiner to Frederich Loercher; Estate records – Christian Hoffer; Will – Mathias Hoffer, 1886. (6 items, 38 pieces)

Folder 591 Wolfe, Andreas. Family Group sheet. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 592 Wright. Note regarding Benjamin Wright and Joseph Wright. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 593 Wyeth. Obituary notice, Francis Wyeth. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 594 Yeates. Yeates Papers/Aungst. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 595 Yordy, Land. Large collection of land records, maps, etc. (130 pieces)


Folder 596 Yordy, Family Genealogy Records. (8 items, 99 pieces)

Insert 1 Large collection of material

Insert 2 Estate papers – Peter Yordy (Jorde); Genealogy notes; Will – Christian Yordy; Inventory – Christian Yordy; Will – Barbara Yordy; Inventory – Barbara Yordy; Tax records; Will – Christian Houser.


Folder 597 Zartman. Large genealogy chart, Mutch and Greenawalt families. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 598 Zercher. Indenture to Andrew Zercher. (1 item, 2 pieces)


Folder 599 Bits and Pieces. (2 items, 18 pieces)

Insert 1 Family names

Insert 2 Notes and queries; Records of Bindnagle Church; Neighbors of Captain John Simpson; Obituary notice – Herbert Levy, Rev. George Ray.


Folder 600 Information from the Fronts of Empty Folders. (36 pieces)

Folder 601 Ellmaker, Leonard. Estate papers, court proceedings; Citation; Will documents; Supreme Court appeal; Proceedings, Register’s Court, 1829, 1833; Genealogy notes. (6 items, 41 pieces)

Folder 602 Roan, Rev. John. Correspondence regarding research. (1 item, 5 pieces)


Box 23 (Folders 603-626)

Folder 603 Witmer Family. Large notebook. (1 item)

Folder 604 Witmer, Benjamin I. Genealogy note, Weitmere Indenture; Will; Inventory. (4 items, 22 pieces)

Folder 605 Witmer, David. “Inscriptions on the Tombstones in Carpenter’s Graveyard, Lancaster County, PA”; Paper from Book of Oaths; Maps; 1798 Direct Tax list. (4 items, 12 pieces)

Folder 606 Witmer-Nissley. “Letters Testamentary,” Ann Nissley; Nissley Reunion; Family charts. (3 items, 17 pieces)

Folder 607 Witmer, Genealogy Charts. Newspaper articles, photocopied; Tax lists; Document regarding Hiram Witmer. (3 items, 89 pieces)

Folder 608 Witmer, Michael. Charts; Genealogy notes; Court records – Abraham Witmer; Excerpts of the “Brenneman History.” (4 items, 50 pieces)

Folder 609 Witmer, Christian and Oade Hershey Family. Genealogy chart; Will abstract – Christian Witmer; Land draft – James Witson to Christian Whitmore. (3 items, 4 pieces)

Folder 610 Witmer, Abraham. Will; Inventory. (2 items, 9 pieces)

Folder 611 Witmer, John. Administrators Account; Inventory; Land notes. (6 items, 26 pieces)

Folder 612 Witmer, Maps and Land Records. Sarah Ferree lot in Strasburg; 1815 Direct Tax List. (44 pieces)

Folder 613 Witmer, Paradise Hornet. Articles relating to family. (1 item, 20 pieces)

Folder 614 Witmer, Tavern. Notes regarding tavern. (1 item, 6 pieces)

Folder 615 Witmer, Jacob, Manor Twp. Court records; Notes. (2 items, 19 pieces)

Folder 616 Witmer, William Albert. 3 cards; Genealogy notes. (2 items, 5 pieces)

Folder 617 Witmer, Myles Murray Research I. Record of Jacob Fisher; Map traced from Ferree chart; Will – Henry Souder; Genealogy notes; Unrecorded wills, Berks County, Pennsylvania; Warrant index; Correspondence regarding Mary Ann Schaeffer; Cards; Will – Michael Musselman; Inventory – John Fisher; Court records; Birth records – Stauffer. (12 items, 66 pieces)


Folder 618 Witmer, Myles Murray Research II. (20 items, 86 pieces)

Insert 1 Souder-Fisher. Brown University Annals of the Conestoga Valley; Letter regarding Fisher, Revere Tavern; Genealogy notes; Estate papers – John Fisher; Leacock Twp. Returns, 1777; Census records.

Insert 2 “My Ferree-Witmer File”; Maps; Printed material – Abraham Dubois.

Insert 3 Land and area notes; Printed material – Lancaster County; Warrantee list; Land records; Computer records; Kennel family note; Letter from Germany, Kennel; Power of Attorney paper; Note, “History of Property Searched by SFR”; Booklet, “Agricultural Almanac, 1926.”

Insert 4 McFarland, Robert, Jr. Tract #8; Land and court record – John Lindemuth; Land records – Heisey, McFarland.


Folder 619 Witmer-Whitmer. Signature – Leonard Whiteman; Summons – Jacob Whitmore; Court notes – Jacob; Petition – John Whitmore; Valuation chart – James Chesnel; Genealogy records; List from Kinderhook Cemetery; Census lists; Poor Children list; Land records; Census, South Middleton Twp., Cumberland County; Notes, West Hempfield; Genealogy notes – Benjamin Mooney; Land records and maps; Inventory – Eve Chesnell; Estate papers – Eve Chesnell; Records and accounts; List, Mount Joy Cemetery. (18 items, 93 pieces)

Folder 620 Witmer-John Landis. Orphans’ Court record – Emanuel Landis; Land records and maps; Translation of will – John Landis; Indenture – Adam Landis to Abraham Leaman; Deed to Emanuel Landis; Deed to John Landis. (6 items, 33 pieces)


Folder 621 Witmer-Ferree and Lefever Families. (12 items, 96 pieces)

Insert 1 Witmer family records; Reigart accounts; Genealogy notes – Ferree; Land records; Lefever notes and charts; Orphans’ Court records; Petition – Andrew Ferree; Inventory – David Fellenbaum; List of deeds; List of wills; Church records; Administrators Account – David Ferree.

Insert 2 Notebook. Ferree and Lefever families.


Folder 622 Witmer-Fellenbaum Family. (17 items, 74 pieces)

Insert 1 Records and pictures; “The David Fellenbaum Family of Lancaster County, PA”; Register of Marriages – Isaac Fellenbaum; Birth records form family Bible; Newspaper articles and pictures; Genealogy notes; Court records; List from Hershey Mennonite Church; Directory list; “The Ferree Reunion”; Letter – Polly Ferree.

Insert 2 Family lists; Obituary – Sara Fellenbaum (hand-written copy); Genealogy notes; Family Bible record; Marriage, birth, and death records; Notes – Henry L. Book.


Folder 623 Witmer-Fellenbaum-Roberts. Early research done by Sally Roberts; Genealogy notes; Strasburg Twp. lists; Mount Joy Twp. list; West Earl Twp. list; Leacock Twp.; Strasburg Borough; Salisbury Twp.; New Holland Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church; New Holland Lutheran Church; Cemetery records; Court records; 4 pictures. (12 items, 59 pieces)

Folder 624 Witmer-Fellenbaum Book. Book, “Property of Samuel Spielman” family records; Genealogy records; Notes on the Garrisons; Inventory – Peter Garrison; Will – Peter Garrison; Court record – James Garrison of Illinois. (6 items, 27 pieces)


Folder 625 Witmer-Fellenbaum, Conrad. (9 items, 81 pieces)

Insert 1 Historical notes; Intestate records, Washington County; Census notes, 1800, Cumberland County; “The Dutch Folk Settlement”; Genealogy notes; “Conrad Philabaum.”

Insert 2 Phillabaum. “Report on the Search for Fellenbaum/Variants”; Correspondence regarding research; Records from the Historical Society of Berks County.


Folder 626 Witmer-Fellenboum, Isaac. Genealogy notes; Church records; Census, 1850, South Lebanon Twp.; Genealogy notes – David Fellenbaum, Isaac Fellenbaum; Charts, “Europe to America”; Inventory – David Fellenbaum; Administrators Account – David Fellenbaum. (7 items, 35 pieces)


Box 24 (Folders 627-635, 664-681, 779-797)

Folder 627 Witmer, Rocky Springs Search. Maps; Deed – Light to Landis; Deed – Landis to Witmer; Deed – Witmer to Landis; Audits of court; Will abstract – Benjamin Landis; Book, Report of the 20th Reunion of the Landis Family; Book, Report of the 26th Reunion of the Landis Family. (8 items, 23 pieces)

Folder 628 Witmer, Strasburg Deeds. Ferrer to Witmer; Fundersmith, Valentine; Buckwalter to Sitzman; Eckert to Steacy; Isaac Hull to Benjamin Hull; Court records – Eckert vs. Baurrt; Maps; Notes on Strasburg, Pennsylvania. (8 items, 25 pieces)

Folder 629 Witmer-Kendig. Genealogy notes. (1 item, 15 pieces)

Folder 630 Witmer, Paradise Families. Immigration certificates – Daniel Ferree; “Early Settlement of the Pequea Valley”; “Early Settlers of Paradise”; “Settlement Prior to the Whites”; Genealogy – David Ferree; Chart – Ferree family. (6 items, 30 pieces)

Folder 631 Witmer-Herr, Rudolph. Pictures of Herr homes; Genealogy note. (2 items, 3 pieces)

Folder 632 Witmer, Tobias-Witmer, Abraham. Printed article, “Who was Tobias Witmer?”; Court record – Abraham Witmer. (2 items, 4 pieces)

Folder 633 Witmer-Pfautz. Genealogy notes – John Michael Pfautz; New Holland Lutheran Church notes; Probate – “Baron” John Pfoutz; The Statutes at Large of Pennsylvania, regarding John Lytle, John Web, and William Murray. (4 items, 25 pieces)

Folder 634 Witmer, Road Deeds. Deeds and petitions from court. (1 item, 9 pieces)

Folder 635 Witmer, Tavern, Petitions. Telephone company map, Lancaster; “Taverns of Early Lancaster”; Court paper – Duck, Swigert; “Historic Witmer’s Tavern”; Genealogy notes; Petition for tavern – Henry Dearinger. (6 items, 5 pieces)

Folder 664 Martin, Christian Herr Research. “From My Black Hershey Notebook”; Church note; Book references. (3 items, 38 pieces)

Folder 665 Martin, Land Searches. List of original warrants; Deeds; Will – John Herr; Will – Christian Herr; Estate papers – Elizabeth Herr; Estate papers – Daniel Harkins; Maps; Genealogy note. (8 items, 72 pieces)

Folder 666 Martin, Atlas Maps. Mount Joy Twp. and Rapho Twp.; Index map, Lancaster County. (2 items, 15 pieces)

Folder 667 Martin-Zug, Benjamin. Deeds; Maps. (2 items, 30 pieces)

Folder 668 Martin-Davis, Benjamin. Survey application; Statement – Thomas Penn and John Penn. (2 items, 8 pieces)

Folder 669 Martin-Eshleman, Peter. Survey maps; Orphans’ Court records; Order of Sale; Order of Inquest; Estate papers. (5 items, 28 pieces)

Folder 670 Martin-Ginder, Henry. Estate papers; Orphans’ Court records. (2 items, 26 pieces)

Folder 671 Martin-Greiner, Martin. Land release; Orphans’ Court records; Will – Catharine Greiner; Will – Martin Greiner. (4 items, 12 pieces)

Folder 672 Martin-Harkins, Daniel. Deeds; Wills; Orphans’ Court record; Guardian papers; “McCallister’s Mill.” (5 items, 13 pieces)

Folder 673 Martin-Herr, Christian. Administrators Account; Inventory; Genealogy notes; Will; Deeds and patent (photocopies). (5 items, 26 pieces)

Folder 674 Martin, Heirs of Christian Herr. Will – Christian Herr, 1819; Deed – “heirs of Christian Herr.” (2 items, 18 pieces)

Folder 675 Martin, Elizabeth Herr Estate. Map; Orphans’ Court records; Land records. (3 items, 13 pieces)

Folder 676 Martin-Kyser, Phillip. Land records; Will – Michael, 1793; Inquisition papers; Petition for valuation of real estate. (4 items, 28 pieces)

Folder 677 Martin-Keiser, Michael. Petition for Inquisition; Order of Sale – John Keiser; 10 cards listing wills and Orphans’ Court records; Estate papers – Michael Keiser; Copy of portion of will; Surveys. (6 items, 45 pieces)

Folder 678 Martin-Neeka, George. Will; Survey. (2 items, 7 pieces)

Folder 679 Martin-Stohler, Bastian. Patent; Will; Land records; History; Church and cemetery notes. (5 items, 44 pieces)

Folder 680 Martin-Weigant, John. Deeds. (1 item, 9 pieces)

Folder 681 Martin, Maps. Maps and overlays; Previous owners. (2 items, 32 pieces)

Folder 779 Morrow, Sarah. Genealogy note. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 780 Richart-Ritchart. Bible records; Genealogy note. (2 items, 4 pieces)

Folder 781 Research Inquiries. Lawrance; Worley, Pettit, Baker, Hendricks; Waln. (3 items, 4 pieces)

Folder 782 Elizabethtown, Boggs. Indenture – Boggs, Heller. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 783 Elizabethtown, Simon Carbaugh Tract. Will – Simon Carbaugh. (1 item, 4 pieces)

Folder 784 Elizabethtown, George Carolus. Bond; Will; Genealogy notes; Inventory – John Carolus; Deeds; Petition; Inventory – George Carolus; Court papers. (8 items, 26 pieces)

Folder 785 Elizabethtown – Christian Haldeman. Genealogy notes; Orphans’ Court records. (2 items, 5 pieces)

Folder 786 Elizabethtown, Hughes. Map; Genealogy charts; Genealogy note. (3 items, 9 pieces)

Folder 787 Elizabethtown, Kraus-Graus. St. Mary’s Catholic Church list; Genealogy note. (2 items, 2 pieces)

Folder 788 Elizabethtown, Kauffman-Sheaffer. Survey map; Genealogy note. (2 items, 4 pieces)

Folder 789 Elizabethtown, George Wealand. Map; Draft, 1816; Indenture – Ruby, Stouffer. (3 items, 9 pieces)

Folder 790 Elizabethtown, Galloway. Bond – Lowry, Galloway. (1 item, 1 piece)

Folder 791 Elizabethtown, Gantz. Maps; Note – Frederick Gantz. (2 items, 3 pieces)

Folder 792 Elizabethtown, Isaac Redsecker. Land surveys; Lititz Moravian Graveyards list. (2 items, 13 pieces)

Folder 793 Elizabethtown, George Redsecker. Deeds; Maps; Orphans’ Court records. (3 items, 17 pieces)

Folder 794 Elizabethtown, William Wallace. Petition. (1 item, 2 pieces)

Folder 795 Elizabethtown, Jacob Scheaffer. Petition for guardian; Inquisition; Estate papers. (3 items, 12 pieces)

Folder 796 Elizabethtown, Abraham Myer. Estate papers; Surveys; Deeds. (3 items, 58 pieces)

Folder 797 Elizabethtown, Original Deeds. List of deeds. Deeds: Ebersole-Brown – Kirk Few-Lot 1, 60′ x 133′, 1866, Subdivision plan (photocopy), J-24, 1861; Christian Oldweiler-Sheaffer – “#4-Hist. of 2 & 3”; Sheriff’s Deed, Book 1, 382, #1; Young-Reese, #5; Reese-Jones, #6. Map. (8 items, 18 pieces)