Events: Tanger Arboretum

Nature Series | These Plants Are For The Birds

A graphic with the title of the program and an image of the speaker.As we emerge from winter and into spring, its time to combine two common interests for nature lovers: gardening and birding! Join the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum on Saturday, March 29 as we welcome presenter Holly List for “These Plants Are For The Birds!” Learn about how we can share our landscape with birds, pursuing plants that support our feathered friends while providing seasonal interest and joy to our homes and community. Plus, get tips on how to ID common resident birds as well as those migrating through our area.

Holly List is a long-time gardener and an avid bird watcher who gardens to attract and support birds. List loves helping others pursue similar interests and enjoys sharing research, trends, and best practices to support everyone’s love of nature. List is a Master Gardener Emerita. She is an experienced business educator and is retired from banking and consulting. List lives with her husband and cat in Willow Street, PA.

The event, “These Plants Are For The Birds” will take place on Saturday, March 29 at 10am at LancasterHistory. The event is open to the public. Tickets are $10/Adults and $5/Children (17 & Under). Friends of the Tanger Arboretum members receive complimentary admission, but should still register for the program. Tickets may be purchased online or by calling (717) 392-4633. Advance tickets recommended as walk-in tickets are not guaranteed.


Membership gets you more! Membership to the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum not only supports the care and conservation of this local natural resource, but also gets you great benefits such as complimentary admission to Nature Series programs! Learn more about membership and sign up today here.

The Friends of the Tanger Arboretum is a member of the American Horticultural Society Reciprocal Admission Program. AHS Reciprocal Admission Program members may register for tickets in advance and must show a valid membership card upon checking in. AHS Members should contact Emily Miller,, with any questions or to register for tickets in advance.

This event is hosted by the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum. The Friends of the Tanger Arboretum, a subsidiary organization of LancasterHistory, helps foster public interest in, and support for, the maintenance and development of the Tanger Arboretum as a community asset. To learn more about the Arboretum or to become a member, please visit the Arboretum’s webpage.


The 2025 Friends of the Tanger Arboretum Nature Series is sponsored by Ever Green Tree & Lawn Care! Thank you for your support!

In-Person Event Nature Series Program

March 29, 2025 LancasterHistory, 230 N. President Ave, Lancaster 10am $10/Adults | $5/Children (17 & Under) | FREE for Friends of the Tanger Arboretum Members

Nature Series | The Art & Cultivation of Bonsai

A graphic with the title of the program and an image of the speaker.On Saturday, April 26, learn all about the tiny but mighty bonsai with Millersville University’s Dr. Ryan Wagner! Whether you’re new to bonsai or are an experienced bonsai caretaker, get tips on the “dos” and “don’ts” of bonsai with special attention to aesthetics and improving general health. At this presentation, you’ll discover the history of bonsai and the different inspirational styles, while fostering an appreciation of the diversity of bonsai design. Plus, experience a live demonstration of techniques used to develop and shape bonsai.

Dr. Ryan Wagner is a Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Biology at Millersville University.  Before joining the faculty at MU, Wagner completed his post-doctoral work at Iowa State University in Ames, IA, and his Ph.D. at Washington State University in Pullman, WA, where he studied plant physiology. Having grown up in South Dakota, Wagner has long held an interest in all botanical areas, including the horticultural art of bonsai. After joining the regional Lancaster Bonsai Society in 2005, Wagner experienced rapid growth in both his horticultural and artistic development as applied to bonsai. Wagner has given numerous lectures aimed at introducing bonsai to the public and to provide newcomers and experienced bonsai artists alike with practical information aimed at developing/improving their creations.

The event, “The Art & Cultivation of Bonsai” will take place on Saturday, April 26 from 10-11:30am at LancasterHistory. The event is open to the public. Tickets are $10/Adults and $5/Children (17 & Under). Friends of the Tanger Arboretum members receive complimentary admission, but should still register for the program. Tickets may be purchased online or by calling (717) 392-4633. Advance tickets recommended as walk-in tickets are not guaranteed.


Membership gets you more! Membership to the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum not only supports the care and conservation of this local natural resource, but also gets you great benefits such as complimentary admission to Nature Series programs! Learn more about membership and sign up today here.

The Friends of the Tanger Arboretum is a member of the American Horticultural Society Reciprocal Admission Program. AHS Reciprocal Admission Program members may register for tickets in advance and must show a valid membership card upon checking in. AHS Members should contact Emily Miller,, with any questions or to register for tickets in advance.

This event is hosted by the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum. The Friends of the Tanger Arboretum, a subsidiary organization of LancasterHistory, helps foster public interest in, and support for, the maintenance and development of the Tanger Arboretum as a community asset. To learn more about the Arboretum or to become a member, please visit the Arboretum’s webpage.


The 2025 Friends of the Tanger Arboretum Nature Series is sponsored by Ever Green Tree & Lawn Care! Thank you for your support!

Demonstration In-Person Event Nature Series Program

April 26, 2025 LancasterHistory, 230 N. President Ave, Lancaster 10 - 11:30am $10/Adults | $5/Children (17 & Under) | FREE for Friends of the Tanger Arboretum Members

Nature Series | Empowering Community Climate Resilience

A graphic with the title of the program and an image of the speaker.Feeling overwhelmed by climate anxiety? Feeling isolated in your search for climate action? Building strong communities around climate resilience can help! Join the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum on Saturday, May 10 as we welcome Aidan Fife, Director of Community Engagement at RegenAll, to learn about the ways to get involved with your community that can provide hope and agency in the face of climate change. Discover actionable steps, like making home energy improvements or joining RegenAll’s Climate Action Neighborhood program, listen to stories of climate hope, and find ways to make climate action feel tangible, actionable, and possible.

Aidan Fife has a passion for ecology, regenerative agriculture, and education. After international experience with the Peace Corps and work at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington, DC, Aidan returned to Lancaster where he shifted his focus locally to find ways for Lancastrians to collaborate to build better soils, community, and climate resilience. He serves as the Director of Community Engagement at RegenAll, a Lancaster-based non-profit dedicated to organizing and working collaboratively with communities and individuals toward local climate solutions. When Aidan isn’t inside dreaming of a vibrant regenerative future, you can find him out on nearby farms planting fruit and nut trees on pasture.

The event, “Empowering Community Climate Resilience” will take place on Saturday, May 10 at 10am at LancasterHistory. The event is open to the public. Tickets are $10/Adults and $5/Children (17 & Under). Friends of the Tanger Arboretum members receive complimentary admission, but should still register for the program. Tickets may be purchased online or by calling (717) 392-4633. Advance tickets recommended as walk-in tickets are not guaranteed.


Membership gets you more! Membership to the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum not only supports the care and conservation of this local natural resource, but also gets you great benefits such as complimentary admission to Nature Series programs! Learn more about membership and sign up today here.

The Friends of the Tanger Arboretum is a member of the American Horticultural Society Reciprocal Admission Program. AHS Reciprocal Admission Program members may register for tickets in advance and must show a valid membership card upon checking in. AHS Members should contact Emily Miller,, with any questions or to register for tickets in advance.

This event is hosted by the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum. The Friends of the Tanger Arboretum, a subsidiary organization of LancasterHistory, helps foster public interest in, and support for, the maintenance and development of the Tanger Arboretum as a community asset. To learn more about the Arboretum or to become a member, please visit the Arboretum’s webpage.


The 2025 Friends of the Tanger Arboretum Nature Series is sponsored by Ever Green Tree & Lawn Care! Thank you for your support!

In-Person Event Nature Series Program

May 10, 2025 LancasterHistory, 230 N. President Ave, Lancaster 10am $10/Adults | $5/Children (17 & Under) | FREE for Friends of the Tanger Arboretum Members

Spring Seasonal Gathering Tour

A white flower with long petals. It is a star magnolia.
A Star Magnolia bloom.

Join the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum for their Spring Seasonal Gathering Tour on Saturday, May 14 at 10am. Friends of the Tanger Arboretum Board Members Jeffrey (Jeff) Hazlett and Bob Davis will lead attendees on a walking tour through the Arboretum for a glimpse at what’s new, what’s blooming, and what’s to come with the approach of warmer, sunnier months. In particular, attendees will learn about the many flowering trees on the grounds, the pollinator gardens, and the two recognized Pennsylvania Champion Trees that call the Arboretum home!

Jeff Hazlett is the current Vice President of the Board of the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum and past president of the organization. He studied horticulture at Penn State University and is currently the president of Ever Green Tree & Lawn Care in Lancaster, PA. Jeff is a nature lover and an active volunteer for the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum and LancasterHistory.

Bob Davis is a member of the Board of the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum and a former Board member of the American Conifer Society. He also serves as the Chair of the Program Committee of the Lancaster County Garden Club and has done so for 20 years. A tree and nature enthusiast, Bob maintains a personal collection of trees at his home and is the dedicated caretaker of the American Conifer Society Reference Garden in the Tanger Arboretum.

The event, “Spring Seasonal Gathering Tour,” will take place on Saturday, May 17, 2025 at 10am at LancasterHistory. Tickets are $10/Adult (18+) and $5/Child. Friends of the Tanger Arboretum members receive complimentary admission, but should still register for the program. Tickets may be purchased online or by calling (717) 392-4633. The tour will last approximately 1 hour. If you would like to attend but have questions or concerns about the accessibility of the walking route, please contact Emily Miller at (717) 392-4633, ext. 133 or for more information.

Purchase Tickets Online

Membership gets you more! Membership to the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum not only supports the care and conservation of this local natural resource, but also gets you great benefits such as complimentary admission to Nature Series programs! Learn more about membership and sign up today here.

The Friends of the Tanger Arboretum is a member of the American Horticultural Society Reciprocal Admission Program. AHS Reciprocal Admission Program members may register for tickets in advance and must show a valid membership card upon checking in. AHS Members should contact Emily Miller,, with any questions or to register for tickets in advance.

This event is hosted by the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum. The Friends of the Tanger Arboretum, a subsidiary organization of LancasterHistory, helps foster public interest in, and support for, the maintenance and development of the Tanger Arboretum as a community asset. To learn more about the Arboretum or to become a member, please visit the Arboretum’s webpage.

Family-Friendly In-Person Event Outdoor Tour

May 17, 2025 LancasterHistory, 230 N. President Ave., Lancaster 10am $10/Adults (18+) | $5/Children | FREE for Friends of the Tanger Arboretum Members

Nature Series | Creeks & Critters

A graphic with the title of the program and an image of the speaker.Summer is a fantastic time to explore life in our local creeks. On Saturday, June 7, Lancaster County Park Senior Naturalist Lisa Sanchez will bring the creek to LancasterHistory for our Nature Series program, “Creeks & Critters!” Examine various “critters” representing a sample of life from a creek and learn about the life cycle of the many insects that begin their lives in the water. Aquatic insects, such as dragonflies, mosquitoes, and mayflies, play a valuable role in our ecosystems and help tell us a lot about the quality of the water and the health of our creeks and streams.

Lisa J. Sanchez has been a naturalist at the Lancaster County Department of Parks and Recreation Environmental Center for 30 years. Teaching students of all ages to explore and value the wonders of nature is her passion. She enjoys helping people reconnect with the earth through education and observation. Lisa can often be found in her garden or kayaking on the river.

The event, “Creeks & Critters” will take place on Saturday, June 7 at 10am at LancasterHistory. The event is open to the public. Tickets are $10/Adults and $5/Children (17 & Under). Friends of the Tanger Arboretum members receive complimentary admission, but should still register for the program. Tickets may be purchased online or by calling (717) 392-4633. Advance tickets recommended as walk-in tickets are not guaranteed.


Membership gets you more! Membership to the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum not only supports the care and conservation of this local natural resource, but also gets you great benefits such as complimentary admission to Nature Series programs! Learn more about membership and sign up today here.

The Friends of the Tanger Arboretum is a member of the American Horticultural Society Reciprocal Admission Program. AHS Reciprocal Admission Program members may register for tickets in advance and must show a valid membership card upon checking in. AHS Members should contact Emily Miller,, with any questions or to register for tickets in advance.

This event is hosted by the Friends of the Tanger Arboretum. The Friends of the Tanger Arboretum, a subsidiary organization of LancasterHistory, helps foster public interest in, and support for, the maintenance and development of the Tanger Arboretum as a community asset. To learn more about the Arboretum or to become a member, please visit the Arboretum’s webpage.


The 2025 Friends of the Tanger Arboretum Nature Series is sponsored by Ever Green Tree & Lawn Care! Thank you for your support!

Family-Friendly In-Person Event Nature Series Program

June 7, 2025 LancasterHistory, 230 N. President Ave, Lancaster 10am $10/Adults | $5/Children (17 & Under) | FREE for Friends of the Tanger Arboretum Members